#since hes kinda vety important here
ceoofmetagala Β· 2 months
How's flora nowadays
3 awnsers since I haven't quite decided where in there current OC timeline I decided to make my official normal point so hermm... I'm leaning to 1 but 2 is funny. Look at these babies.(Valerie and audery( how can I tell them they need to wait to exist....
1. No Valerie or Audrey born yet so post fl time somewhere approximately
- very out of it.,(like they daydream and space our)
- has to be physically constrained for him to not open a portal because to their own dream realm (normally by galacta)
-clingy to galacta knight
-really dislikes meta knight and looks at him really aggressively while he's talking to galacta (pre metagala btw I imagine.,)
- it often falls asleep and forgets to eat since it never really stayed awake or ate in the dream realm to conserve energy
- if he is awake they spend most of his time outside in flower fields or tending to a garden galacta told meta knight they should really get him if they wanted flora preoccupied
- he's not quite out of their dream world mindset and believes that is reality still, it hasn't been that long since they found them after all
- surprisingly one aspect he does go against the dream world is galactas gender. You would think he'd insit he's a girl but no. Floras doesn't gaf. Flora doesn't quite understand gender and just views it as "oh galacta got a new set of clothes neat"
- oh wait yeah so Mentioned theyre clingy to galacta but he does act flirty to him as well. Much to gks dismay who 1.has always viewed flora as a sibling like friend 2.what the fuck
He's pretty nice about and flora gets extremely confused but kinda goes what the hell did I do sosmthing wrong? what did I do ???
This is a bit minupltive on floras part but like. Floras isn't in the best mindset right now
Galacta has since just "broken up" with flora who is like???? What. What did I do..no seriously what the hell did I do and galactas reason was "we're better off as friends sorry I didn't tell u sooner oops" and flora kinda just goes okay. But did I do anything wrong. What did I do.
Flora wants a clear answer but galacta is unwilling to so just leaves it at that saying flora didn't really do anything, it's just galacta doesn't like him like that anymore LOL.
So yeah now that flora and galacta have "broken up" flora is mkre quiet and less clingy to galacta. He's trying to take it well but that was a small crack in his dream realm mindset so he thought maybe something is different. Maybe something is off. Just a maybe.
2. Current present time where I imagine my OCS most often? (Valerie and audery are alive so quite a bit in the future)
- has realized dream realm is fake. Not taking it qell
- this happened a lil bit after Valerie was born.
-he was freaking out and and panicking and trying desperately to repair the fantasy
-hes failing duh and he starts to just lock themselves away for some period of time before returning, paranoid as ever
- they thinkz everything ismt real right now
- no one is really sure how to help flora. Various attempt to keep them company, flora particularly dislikes: galacta, techno, blacknoise and meta. He has made better friends with some during this but he isntits it doesn't matter since no one is real. (Better friend club; Veri(not same situation but has the most experience with coping with mental illness))
- just really uncomtble being around Valerie and Audrey when he finds out about their existence.
-is debating if finding out this dream realm was a lie was a good thing or not and is unwilling at the moment to recover what was lost(memories post galacta gets sealed) which is understandable. That's more stress!!!!
- πŸ‘
3. Valerie and audery are teens (yes I do use Valerie and Audrey as my measuring sticks)
- finally has accepted what reality is and doing a lot better.
- currently looking for mirri.
- yeah they're doing better now. Back to pre sealing gk flora but like a more mature one ig
- not entirely happy tho since it's dealing with everything ya know.
-new issue; he avoids sleeping. Atelast he eats regularly now!
YeahπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ rip flora in number 2 hope you gett better soonπŸ™(they do get better but no too soon)
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