#since I based Psmathae’s design off of some of Ariel’s
princess-ibri · 1 year
I would love to hear more of your headcanons for what Triton's childhood was like and maybe even how you think he may have met his future wife.
Sure! So my basic idea for Triton is he kinda has a Cinderella meets King Arthur set up. He has pretty nice childhood at first, being the heir to Atlantica, spending time with his father Poseidon and grandfather Neptune, learning the history of the kingdom and to play the undersea calliope and all that.
But things change when he turns 10. His beloved grandfather falls ill and dies mysteriously, and his father soon after remarried the strange Octopin healing woman who’d come to try and heal Neptune—the beautiful Thalassa, who also brings along her two young daughters, Ursula and Morgana.
Life becomes more difficult for Triton in the following years. He’s still the heir but his father grows distant and more infatuated with his new wife, who increasingly builds up her power behind the throne, and his two step-sisters, though they somewhat bond at first begin to more and more constantly tease and torment him.
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(Greater details on Thalassa and the girl’s backstories here )
Things continue to go downhill for Atlantic and Triton and when he’s 18 his father too dies, and Thalassa moves to finally take the throne for herself. Triton flees and over the next two years builds up a resistance to take back the kingdom, though they’re kept on the run by Thalassa’s magic/the army kept under her control with magic and fear and desire for power. At last he’s able to stage an attack on the castle, and pull out the Trident from where it’s been stuck in its pedestal, Thalassa and her daughters unable to draw it out as Poesidan never passed the right to the throne to them.
Using the power of the Trident Triton is able to finally overcome his stepmother, who in an epic battle tries transforms into a terrifying eldritch monster, and as she is too powerful to fully kill he traps her in a cave for all eternity, and then deals with Ursula, who begged for mercy and received the lighter sentence of banishment. (Morgana already having left years before)
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I think he would have met his wife Psmathae during the years he was on the run leading the rebellion. She’s a kind and playful young mer-woman of common birth with an interest in the World Above. She helps Triton to keep a sense of hope and cheer during the dark years. She’s a beloved queen, wife and mother for the years she lives.
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Unfortunately her interest in the World Above does end badly, as she is killed by human pirates when she was exploring above the waves one day, something Triton never recovers from.
This is actually a great start to doing backstories for the Disney Parents so yeah we’ll say this is the first one and put it under the #Disney Parent Backstory tag
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