#sina users
butterfirefly · 6 days
The Blue Lock Kn8 AU no one asked for
In hindsight, perhaps he should’ve arranged their meeting at a more… opportune moment.
Oh, well, Hyouma thinks with a lazy shrug, opting to study the ends of his hair instead of watching the newest member of their division struggle to rein in his reactions like he's soloing a daikaiju. Not my circus, not my monkeys.
“Welcome to the First Division!” Reo greets loudly from over the sound of the blow dryer. “The newbie, right?” “…” “You probably already know who we are, but just in case you’re a hick, I’m Mikage Reo—yes, that Mikage—vice captain. And this," he says grandly, giving Nagi's mop of white hair an affectionate ruffle, "is my treasure and Japan’s strongest kaiju combatant, Nagi Seishiro.” “You don’t have to say all that all the time though,” Hyouma says drily. “It's okay if you just call him Captain Nagi when you're in a hurry.” The blow dryer shuts off, and Nagi—no longer looking like a waterlogged Borzoi thanks to it—rises from his seat in his best imitation of the world's fastest sloth. He stands there for a second, and Hyouma catches himself wondering—stupidly, naively—if this is the day Nagi Seishiro finally acts the way a proper captain—nay, a proper human—should, but then he lets out this soft, somewhat grating mix of oof and uwek, and plops right back down the stool.
“Can’t… Too tired…” Nagi whines, holding his arms out to Reo pathetically. “Carry meee.”
Hyouma feels the recruit reaching his limit (goodness knows he's reached his faster back when he first met the two), and so in a rare bout of altruism, he takes pity on him and places a hand on his shoulder. What can he say? Sometimes he can be just as pretty on the inside as he is on the outside.
“Right. This is Barou Shouei,” he introduces with faux-formality—gun to his head, he could not muster any genuine respect when his officers are too busy acting like freaks. “He’ll be joining us from now.”
And without further ado, he turns on his heels and ushers Barou back into the hallway.
Protocol demands that they wait for their commanding officers to give their dismissal first before they leave, but Hyouma knows for a fact that Reo has already forgotten about them now that he’s too busy fussing over their captain, and he highly doubts Nagi has even taken note of their presence in the first place. As far as Hyouma’s concerned, protocol was shot dead the moment those two were appointed as their superiors.
Unsurprisingly, Barou explodes once he's deemed they're far enough away to be heard.
“What—” “Yep.” “The actual—” “I know.” “Fu—” “You’ll get used to it,” Hyouma lies with a saccharine smile.
Barou keeps his tirade going all the way to the cafeteria, and Hyouma makes a mental note to steer him away from Zantetsu for as long as possible.
After all, it wouldn’t look good for the First Division if Barou files for a transfer on his very first day.
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bpilatta · 1 year
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jkbpacks · 2 years
josh + savannah clarke
josh beauchamp + nour ardakani
josh beauchamp + sina deinert
josh beauchamp + sabina hidalgo
like or reblog if you use.
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claymitudo · 1 year
oi bb, você poderia fazer users de noart ?
@/sdnrtidal @/sinadngok @/noartglow
@/noartzs @/jcbdnert @/jcbwsina
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adhdo5 · 9 months
It does strike me as kind of odd that I post about jMisali the same way I post about tokiponists because I talk to everyone else I post about in this way and I'm not sure if this means I'm posting parasocially about jMisali or if I'm being weird to my friends. Much to consider
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lunatic-harness · 1 year
nalason ang persepsyon ng competitive community ng smash bros sa walang kwentang balanse ng melee
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nobodys-saviour · 2 months
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i'm so jealous of beta users. like. there is a whole fam photo??? in the office???? just like that?????? also caleb has his arm around mc???? mc leaning down towards josephine?????????? PAPEGAMES WHY DIDN'T YOU GIVE THIS TO ME
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accio-victuuri · 3 months
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xiao zhan - shanghai jiuze law firm update on cases
Shanghai Jiuze Law Firm has accepted the entrustment of Xiao Zhan Studio and Xiao Zhan to carry out evidence preservation and litigation protection work and investigate the case where users of relevant online platforms continued to publish information that insulted and slandered Xiao Zhan and other suspected infringements, and allegedly infringed on Xiao Zhan's legal rights and interests.
At present, sina weibo uses “椰饽饽”(UID:5190008370)、“二千的颂伊”(UID: 6459308408); douban users“豆友5516575205”(豆瓣ID:252175254)、“小比爱比饭” (豆瓣ID:213393093) are suspected of fabricating false information, publicly making insulting and defamatory remarks against Xiao Zhan, and infringing on Xiao Zhan's reputation rights. This firm has completed the evidence fixation and will file a lawsuit with the court as soon as possible, requesting the court to order the relevant network platforms to disclose the real name identity information of the involved network users in accordance with the law, and hold them accountable through litigation.
Our firm has now accepted Xiao Zhan’s entrustment to pay close attention to online public opinion, notify relevant online platforms to actively perform their supervisory obligations as network service providers, and promptly take measures such as blocking and disconnecting infringement content that infringes upon Xiao Zhan’s legitimate rights and interests. To avoid further expansion of the damage caused by infringement. We will also continue to collect evidence and hold accountable those who fail to stop the infringement or those with serious infringement, and will never tolerate it, so as to stop the relevant infringement and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Xiao Zhan.
Our firm is entrusted to remind and advise Internet users: please immediately stop publishing and disseminating remarks that are suspected of infringing on Xiao Zhan’s reputation rights.
Cyberspace is not a place outside the law, and we cannot act arbitrarily without cost or burden. We should actively respond to the relevant clarification special actions launched by the Cyberspace Administration of China to jointly create a civilized and healthy network environment.
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rainbowsky · 5 months
Chunzhen in the hot seat again
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This brand, honestly...
I personally find it mind-boggling how poorly they handle everything they do, and they learn absolutely nothing from their mistakes. I look forward to the day that DD's connection with them ends.
As you may or may not know, this brand is much-hated by most turtles. You can read all about that here.
Well, they're back at it again.
They held a promotional lottery for tickets to Weibo Night. Among the winners were several of GG's solos. MTJJ reported them to Chunzhen as DD antis and their prizes were revoked.
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Chunzhen announcing that prizes are being revoked for certain users.
But if they really are DD antis Chunzhen did the right thing, didn't they?
In theory perhaps, but in practice there doesn't seem to be a lot of evidence that these users truly were DD antis. It appears they were targeted by MTJJ because they were GG solos. It's not like Chunzhen rooted through the social media history of everyone who won, they simply cancelled some prizes because of the fandom they belong to. (I looked through the social media history of several of the fans and couldn't find any anti activity - not to say it didn't exist somewhere, but I think if they were major antis we'd be able to tell at a glance).
Chunzhen are involving themselves in fan wars. It's not a good look.
Everyone is a potential customer, and as someone who has worked in marketing and advertising I find it shocking to watch brands like this behave so badly toward some customers (particularly turtles, who were supporting the brand more than MTJJ before they burned every bridge with BXG). I have deeply ingrained values about how brands should conduct themselves - particularly in relation to the general public - and it makes my skin itch to watch this behavior.
Chunzhen also collected their personal identification (as part of the ticket fulfillment process) before cancelling their wins. People felt their privacy was violated.
Worse, they publicized the names of the 11 winners saying they were disqualified 'due to rule violations' (screen cap above), thereby publicly casting them as antis and subjecting them to cyberbullying. They were flooded with negative messages and comments, and some of them expressed extreme distress.
If some of these people were actually DD antis it might seem like karma, but like I said, that doesn't appear to be the case, and anyway these users entrusted their entries and personal info to Chunzhen and in turn they've been told first 'Congratulations, you won!' and later singled out for targeting by others. They exposed these people to cyberbullying. As a brand Chunzhen has handled this whole thing extremely poorly.
Chunzhen was getting mass reported by fans and people were threatening to sue (maybe they'd have better luck than the BXG had with that 😅).
Sina Weibo 'to the rescue'
In the end Weibo compensated the users for their losses, so the whole thing will likely blow over. The people involved were VIP subscribers, so Sina likely wanted to smooth things over. The last thing they would want is negative publicity for the event.
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Weibo Lottery account announcing tickets will be awarded to all winners.
I think if these people really were serious GG antis they might not have responded in this way. While Weibo is happy to take people's money and can sometimes run a sort of protection racket on their platform (for example, they're happy to let people buy negative hotsearches and then make the subject of those hotsearches pay to take them down), they do have rules in place and a mandate from the government to rein in bad fan behavior.
Chunzhen is the main sponsor for Weibo Night, so Weibo not backing their decision to revoke prizes does make the brand lose face a bit. It's interesting to watch how this played out.
It's possible Weibo just compensated everyone to make the problem go away as quickly as possible, but I still can't help feeling that if Chunzhen had been behaving fairly/correctly Weibo would have backed them up on it.
Chunzhen is one of GGDD's endorsement brands - shouldn't we support them?
Everyone gets to make up their own minds about these things, but I can't support a brand that engages in practices I find distasteful. Quite the contrary - I feel compelled to oppose such companies. That's why you don't see me posting endorsement content from Chunzhen on my blog anymore, except DD's photos and the occasional live event clip that might be of interest to fans.
No fan is ever under any obligation to support a brand or platform they dislike. Part of being a 'good fan' is using our own heads and sticking to our individual values rather than succumbing to mob mentality or toxic fan expectations.
Not that I judge anyone who does support them. It's just not something I'm willing/able to do.
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birdofmay · 1 year
Another thing about this:
On referring to oneself in the third person (one's first name or nickname):
Whenever you're not sure if someone is talking about an alter, someone else entirely, or about oneself: Check if they're autistic.
If they are, it's most likely "me/I" but in the third person. Very often with "the". For example my name is Sina, so I'd either say "Sina eats an apple" or "The Sina eats an apple" or "Sina eat an apple".
Yes, I know my examples for some reason are always about apples, but I think you get what I mean 😄
And..... This is Tumblr, most users on here won't have an ordinary name. If somebody writes "The Plex eat an apple", it's most likely "third person" for themself (Hi to everyone with the name Plex btw 👋🏼), and not about a secret other person.
That's what you get when you migrate to Tumblr from a platform where everyone tries to speak as grammatically correct as possible - a lot of confusion. But I think you'll get used to it soon 🤷🏻‍♀️😄
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dbiinfotech · 4 months
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Top-10 Social Media Platforms for 2024:
Facebook: Connect with everyone (3.05 billion MAUs=Monthly Active Users).
WhatsApp: Private messaging king (2.78 billion MAUs).
YouTube: Video world, from entertainment to education (2.49 billion MAUs).
Instagram: Share your life visually (2.04 billion MAUs).
WeChat: China's go-to app for messaging, social, and payments (1.32 billion MAUs).
TikTok: Short, fun videos with viral trends (1.22 billion MAUs).
Telegram: Secure messaging with a privacy focus (800 million MAUs).
Snapchat: Disappearing messages and fun filters (750 million MAUs).
Kuaishou: China's rural TikTok, trades live streams and e-commerce for trendy dances and ads.(MAUs 673 million)
Sina Weibo: China's "Twitter", Weibo lets users post, trend, and message, catering to a younger, "go viral" crowd. (599 million monthly MAUs.)
Other Socials Links:
"X" [ Formerly Twitter ] Link:https://twitter.com/MiahYonos
Pinterest Link:https://www.pinterest.com/DBIINFOTECH/
Instagram Link:https://www.instagram.com/yonosmiah/
Facebook Page Link:https://www.facebook.com/DBIInfotech
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jiannguo · 5 months
Progress of Xiao Zhan's Lawsuits!
Trending now... the users named by the lawfirm is a big named 🚽
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Shanghai Jiuze Law Firm (hereinafter referred to as the "firm") accepted the entrustment of Xiao Zhan Studio and Mr. Xiao Zhan to conduct infringement evidence preservation and litigation against relevant online platform users who allegedly infringed on Mr. Xiao Zhan's reputation and other legitimate rights and interests. Rights protection work.
Currently, in response to Sina Weibo users "Said that the wasteland is being opened up for Rose" (UID: 6786768819) and "Dalang should take medicine" (UID: 5798753177), Douyin user "Xiangjia Xiaogongzi" (Douyin account: bugui .125) and other suspected infringements have been determined in accordance with the law. For the network users whose subject information has been determined in accordance with the law, our firm will sue the court according to the authorization and request the court to order the relevant infringing subjects to bear an apology and compensate for mental damage solatium. and all rights protection costs and other infringement legal liabilities; against Sina Weibo user "春风秋雨一衣" (UID: 1017551275) and other Internet users suspected of infringing on Mr. Xiao Zhan's reputation rights, our firm has filed a lawsuit in court in accordance with the authorization and requested the court to order The relevant network platforms disclosed the real-name identity information of the network users involved in the case in accordance with the law and pursued accountability through litigation. The court has now accepted the case.
Our firm has now accepted Mr. Xiao Zhan’s entrustment to pay close attention to online public opinion, notify relevant online platforms to actively perform their supervisory obligations as network service providers, and promptly take measures such as blocking and disconnection of infringing content that infringes upon Mr. Xiao Zhan’s legitimate rights and interests. , to avoid further expansion of the damage results of infringement. We will also continue to collect evidence from those who fail to stop the infringement or those with serious infringement and hold them accountable to the end, without any tolerance, so as to stop the relevant infringement and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of Mr. Xiao Zhan.
Our firm is hereby entrusted to remind and advocate that Internet users: Cyberspace is not a place outside the law, and they cannot act arbitrarily without cost or burden. They should actively respond to the relevant Qingliang Special Action launched by the Central Cyberspace Administration and jointly create a civilized and healthy Internet. environment.
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bpilatta · 1 year
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sparatus · 1 year
I'm gonna break the rules (slightly) for the WIP title game and ask... The Distance Between Us and Hounds Bay 👀
wip title game
The Distance Between Us
distance is an upcoming part of my no-reapers au exponential differentiation! set during the two year period between the end of in the land of giants and the start of jack harper must die, it's a nihlus-centric novella following him and his mother sinatina after the events of itlog. [spoilers for itlog ahead!] sina is gravely injured during the archangel shootout in itlog and needs to be hospitalized (despite her insistence otherwise), taking nihlus out of the story temporarily while he gets her to the citadel for proper care. while she's stabilized enough by the climax for nihlus to feel safe leaving her side, she still needs help, and at the end of itlog he decides to part ways with shepard so he can take her home and care for her.
so while matteo is off having the other three novella adventures, nihlus is at home, at surdak outpost, taking care of his weakened mother. it's a very interpersonal, emotion-focused story, similar to the weight of memory; through itlog, we see that despite what he said in bm about being "over it" wrt what happened between him and his mother all those years ago, sina's betrayal both with pushing him to join the military and the lie about his father's identity is very much still a sore spot between them, and the loss of marty and the hole he left behind has barely healed at all. sina still misses marty, and as more and more of her friends fall she only misses her husband and clings to her son harder. nihlus has gotten older and been through hell a hundred times over in his career, and his time with saren and his family has helped him come to terms with his father's death, but going home again forces him to confront emotions he was happy ignoring - and now he doesn't have a reason to decide he's done and leave again. now they have to talk about it, and they have to work through it.
the title is a play on words, like i'm so very fond of - nihlus and sina live in a small, shitty apartment, and with nihlus helping her recover from her injuries there's a lot of intimacy in changing bandages and making sure she's taking her meds and washing the parts of her body she can't reach, so they're physically very close, but the proximity only makes the unresolved emotional problems more and more obvious.
Hounds Bay
hounds bay is my original urban fantasy verse!! one of. a few og verses i have actually but the only one that has a for-definite actual novel plot, lol. i haven't started writing it yet cause mass effect brainrot has gripped my brain very hard but i do have an outline i promise
the main plot premise goes: auberon "ben" corbin lives by himself in the woods, self-exiled to practice magic without the oversight of the various organizations meant to keep magic users from doing things they shouldn't. like necromancy. which is what ben is up to. he's living in the woods so he can do necromancy. this is not a good thing. he's kind to the people he resurrects, and tries to help them with any unfinished business and gives them a job helping him with various chores and tasks around his home for as long as they feel like sticking around and won't force them to stay if they don't want to, but it's still very much illegal for a reason and not great.
the not-greatness of this becomes evident when one day a rare visitor comes by, things go well and the stranger goes about their merry way the next morning, only for ben to start noticing more ghosts than usual skulking about his farm, particularly some very unsettlingly doglike ones that don't do anything besides sit and watch him. a couple days later a different stranger who introduces himself as argus cotton turn ups asking some very unsettling questions that seem to know way more than he has any reason to. there's ghosts in his shadow, and he has an unnatural gait, stalking and predatory.
then the moon comes up, and argus is revealed as a werewolf, and the ghosts following him as black dog omens. the black dogs are a sign the three of them are working for the local fae lord, and argus accuses ben of committing a string of necromantic murders that have been occurring in the nearby city, claiming the scent of necromancy and the murderer led them straight to his homestead. terrified and confused, ben flees into the woods, and argus and the dogs give chase. he's finally captured as the woods give way to a haunted bog, which is in fact the area where the dogs' original human bodies have been interred for millennia (i have. so much lore for these characters and how the world works).
ben is taken back to the city to await trial, which has to wait until nightfall. during the day, he's confined to the house of a hedgewitch named amelia, who turns out to be the lover of both the fae lord and lady of the area, halwn and lily, and mother of halwn's half-human son leo. he hangs with amelia and leo for the day, blah blah blah, this is getting longer than i thought it would, trial at moonrise with the fae court, including the werewolves (of which surprise, argus is a deposed king), the black dogs (stuttgart and glasgow, malevolent and unstable but loyal to halwn), a couple dragons (who have their own several books' worth of lore), etc etc. amelia and argus both argue in favor of ben's innocence, and we learn that the necromancy murders are destabilizing the boundary between life and death, putting pretty much the entire fabric of spacetime at risk. argus, it turns out, is mildly clairvoyant and has a strong sense for when somebody is lying, so halwn agrees to give ben a chance to prove his innocence and find the real murderer.
and that kicks off a whole chase around the city, ben is joined by the black dogs, argus, and a young adult dragon by the name of sand to help him track down the killer, amelia and leo also help out just don't tell halwn about it, there's some political maneuvering with the fae and human magic users and other magical beings, a dragon korb is attached to gets grievously injured, fun stuff, oh my god this got so long i have so much stuff about hounds bay actually--
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claudiosuenaga · 1 year
A FARSA de Oswaldo Pedrosa, o bancário aposentado que se fez passar por Dino Kraspedon-ALADINO FÉLIX
Por Cláudio Suenaga
Um simplório velhinho aposentado enganou por muitos anos toda a comunidade ufológica brasileira e mundial, a começar pelo seu staff, que lhe deu todo o aval. Eu disse enganou, mas deveria dizer continua enganando, pois mesmo depois de falecido e deste autor já ter mais do que esclarecido a questão, muitos ainda continuam insistindo, seja por ingenuidade, desinformação, osmose ou preguiça de pesquisar, que Oswaldo Pedrosa foi Dino Kraspedon. Como disse Hitler, uma mentira mil vezes repetida acaba se tornando verdade.
Conquanto a mentira já tenha se consagrado, haverei de fazer com que a verdade seja ouvida, principalmente para que seja estímulo e força impulsionadora para todos aqueles que, desajudados da fortuna, negados pelos ignorantes, perseguidos pelos invejosos, ironizados pelos medíocres, infamados pelos pseudoeruditos ou crucificados pelos estúpidos, fanáticos e incréus, tenham coragem bastante e a necessária força de vontade para prosseguir na luta pela verdade e pela justiça.
Para os que ainda duvidam, e no intuito de restabelecer a verdade histórica – cioso que sou por ela –, apresento neste vídeo algumas provas documentais incontestáveis de que Oswaldo Pedrosa, nunca foi o autor de Contato com os Discos Voadores.
Leia aqui matéria completa "A verdadeira história de Dino Kraspedon e Aladino Félix”, que publiquei na revista UFO de junho de 2007: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_-INLnacPFEKodcWUUi1hXo95ZjsBcSa/view
Saiba mais sobre a farsa de Pedrosa, Aladino Félix e o lado oculto do Regime Militar
A clamorosa farsa de Oswaldo Pedrosa, o bancário aposentado que se fez passar por Dino Kraspedon e enganou toda a comunidade ufológica: https://www.patreon.com/posts/clamorosa-farsa-82422289
Quando o jornalismo cabotino reaviva uma história que ele mesmo ajudou a esconder: https://www.patreon.com/posts/de-como-o-da-meu-82253379
A maldição de Aladino Félix: De como fui resgatar a história que nunca deveria ter sido contada e acabei com a mesma sina do amaldiçoado https://www.patreon.com/posts/maldicao-de-de-e-82182793
Os 55 anos dos atentados terroristas de falsa bandeira de Aladino Félix que levaram ao AI-5 https://www.patreon.com/posts/os-55-anos-dos-5-82333693
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✅ Adquira "Encuentros cercanos de todo tipo. El caso Villas Boas y otras abducciones íntimas", meu primeiro livro traduzido em espanhol, na Amazon:
Amazon.com (envios a todo o mundo desde os EUA): https://amzn.to/3Lh93Lb Amazon.es (envios a todo o mundo desde a Espanha): https://amzn.to/3LlMtBn Amazon.co.uk (envios dentro do Reino Unido): https://www.amazon.co.uk/-/es/Cl%C3%A1udio-Tsuyoshi-Suenaga/dp/B0BW344XF1/ Amazon.de (envios dentro da Alemanha): https://www.amazon.de/-/es/Cl%C3%A1udio-Tsuyoshi-Suenaga/dp/B0BW344XF1/ Amazon.fr (envios dentro da França): https://www.amazon.fr/-/es/Cl%C3%A1udio-Tsuyoshi-Suenaga/dp/B0BW344XF1/ Amazon.it (envios dentro da Itália): https://www.amazon.it/-/es/Cl%C3%A1udio-Tsuyoshi-Suenaga/dp/B0BW344XF1/ Amazon.co.jp (envios dentro do Japão): https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/es/Cl%C3%A1udio-Tsuyoshi-Suenaga/dp/B0BW344XF1/
Adquira aqui meu livro "As Raízes Hebraicas da Terra do Sol Nascente: O Povo Japonês Seria uma das Dez Tribos Perdidas de Israel?" https://www.lojaenigmas.com.br/pre-venda-as-raizes-hebraicas-da-terra-do-sol-nascente-o-povo-japones-seria-uma-das-dez-tribos-perdidas-de-israel
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usamazahid · 1 year
Given the amount of surveillance, do you think social activism can prevail in China?
I think in recent years, social media activism has flourished in China. It has redefined the boundaries of China's grassroots activism and collective action in all its forms.
The formula for its intrusive presence in China's online community typically goes like this: a certain person with a grudge vents it via one of the many well-known social media platforms, frequently accompanied by inflammatory comments that easily raise the eyebrows of fellow netizens; an online outrage spreads like wildfire through re-posts and forwards via social networks; the buzz turns into an uproar when conventional reporters, who are always hard-preached, get involved. The state-run propaganda machine then supports the conclusion as another evidence of how the Chinese government can make up for wrongdoings and preserve societal peace.
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The vastness of China's social media is the first thing that stands apparent. For example, QQ, the most popular instant messaging program on PC and mobile devices, now has over 800 million active user accounts. The most widely used microblogging site in China, Sina Weibo, has over 280 million active users and receives 76 million visits every day on average. Over 600 million people use Weixin, a rapidly expanding smartphone-based text and voice messaging social networking site, of whom 100 million do not reside in China. The vastness of the Chinese network makes it feasible for a variety of controversial activities to flourish and grow, which presents a significant problem for the government's censors.
The second factor is how tightly regulated the atmosphere of China's traditional media is. Given that the Chinese media have undergone decades of reform, they now operate under a market-based financing model and are more receptive to the needs and interests of their audiences. However, the Party-state has never given up its ideological hold on the media industry, and media personnel frequently get instructions on how to carry out important official duties. Understandably, the media tends to steer clear of contentious matters and state-approved themes to keep propaganda authorities away from their door. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that dull material dominates traditional media and media-run internet space.
Last but not least, the Chinese regime has generally taken a tolerant stance toward the emergence of digital activism, and in many cases, self-organizing people have been successful in negotiating government accountability, obtaining official responses to address complaints, and punishing particular offenders. It is important to emphasize that in each of these situations, the focus points have been limited in scope and related to specific difficulties. However, any attempt to undermine the central government or the legitimacy of the Party-state (i.e., pushing for regime change) has not been permitted thus far and will probably continue to be dealt with harshly in the near future.
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