#sim: wee lassie the dog
windermeresimblr · 2 years
I’ve been in a bit of a rut and not able to actually take nice photos recently due to various things, but please have some 1930s Alasdair interacting with his Scotty dog, Wee Lassie. (Wee Lassie is, of course, only thinking her thoughts and not actually saying them.) These are utterly out of canon, unedited, taken in no sequence, etc.
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Wee Lassie: We need a housekeeper. I can’t be expected to keep up with all the dust bunnies in the house. Just look at my fur!
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Wee Lassie: What if there are ghosts on this island? Papà, you’d tell me if there were ghosts on this island, right?
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(Uncaptioned; I just love how he immediately ran to play with her...and brush her...and obsess over her as a little princess dog deserves.)
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Alasdair: Now, Wee Lassie, don’t run off too far this time!
Wee Lassie: (nothing but shapes and colors in her thoughts)
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Wee Lassie: See, I came back, Papà!
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