sunhated-a · 6 months
‘Why don’t you smile more often?’ (Unprompted)
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" I do not like pointless things. "
Certainly, he knew how to feign a smile easily enough when he needed to. Under the weight of social expectation, Muzan refined the mask he wore, the character he played was a kind and unassuming man who smiled easily. Vapid and empty as the rest of mankind. The deception burnt on his face almost as much as his scars did.
Human courtesies were an array of pointless and nonsensical rules that were tedious at best and contradictory at the worst. So the less he involved himself with being palatable and pleasant, the better.
" Pleasantries are annoying. I loathe small talk. I don't like people. It's as simple as that."
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abyssalmuses · 5 months
She was staring at him for quite sometime in awestruck; her eyes bounced between his ears and his jewelry. He looked so cool. Her hands reached over to gently rub his pointy ears. (For Namor - Unprompted)
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The arrogance of surface dwellers never ceased to amaze Namor. Nor did it cease to infuriate him.
The stranger’s self-entitled hand was caught before it could reach his ears.
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“There are easier ways,” Namor said, “to lose a hand, if that is what you wanted. Less painful ways.”
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prettycdds · 6 months
"Hmph!" The redhead would grunt before she gently tugged on his sleeve, seeking for his attention. As she let go of his sleeve, her gaze shifted over to a small stone that lied on the ground. Okay, concentrate. She told herself, taking a small breath as the stone began to tremble before slowly it would rise above the ground. Then it would slowly float towards her. Sarah's hand would stretch out towards the stone, which the stone would fall on her hand. She turned her attention back to Magnifico, chuckling softly. That's it. She just wanted to show off her recent and unexpected talent to him.
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✨ " Yes..? " Many people vied for the king's attention...
From the moment he woke up until the whole kingdom slept, that much was normal, but admittedly, tugging on his clothes was more direct than most. Oh, but it didn't irritate him or anything, the redhead is just given a few blinks and an expectant look before he watches... a stone fly up all its own.
" Oh. interesting-- I see... That wasn't levitation magic was it? You're a... psychic. Is that correct? " Impressed he could guess? Well, he knows his stuff. Psychic powers aren't exactly... magic. He could feel the difference. Its somehow both a thin line and fundamentally not the same system, with how it doesn't react at all to the magic in his blood-- and its much less of a threat-- but still, he rests his hands, bottom and over, wrapped around their hand that held the stone and he would look to them with glistening ocean eyes. Warm, patient, but certain.
" Thank you, it's a wonderful gift you have... but you should be careful doing that here. To anyone else it might look like you're breaking our no magic law. " He smiles, and let's them go.
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magnifiico · 6 months
‘Hi! I like your outfit.’ (Unprompted)
@silntimes || say it for the people in back (i'm targetting sb and you should know who you are ;3c)
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“Do you, now?” And he's positively radiant even before he's finished reading the girl's scribblings, grin wide and posture puffed. A hand glides along the outer edge of his cape to better expose the patterned underside, and as if Magnifico has somehow forgotten the appearance, his attention briefly skims that deep blue. “Yes, I do rather enjoy the color scheme of the whole wardrobe.” Naturally. The entire kingdom is fashioned after it. “Perhaps one of these days we'll be due for a change, but... Not anytime soon.”
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aercnaut · 6 months
@silntimes said: Sarah would gasp ever so softly when she saw blood dripping from his arm. She did not like the sight of blood, nor did she like seeing someone being hurt. She would take off her backpack to set it on the ground; unzipping it and rummaged through it before taking off a small black plastic container. She set the container on her lap for a moment as she searched through her backpack once more to take out a plastic bottle of water and an unopened chocolate bar, handing it to him. She would proceed to open the container which hand some medical supplies inside. She took out a small bandage roll and would carefully wrap it around his injured arm.
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SOMETHING IS ODD about the girl. he knows because he's odd, himself. there's no stench of the magisterium or their influence on her, & most peculiar ( and horrifying, given what he's seen ) she has no visible daemon. at his feet, his own daemon -- a shabby, twitchy arctic hare named hester -- retreats behind his leg, golden eyes searching for any sign the poor thing hasn't been severed. maybe its just small, hester looks up at lee for reassurance, and he scritches her little head in response, maybe we just can't see it.
then she does something that puzzles the texan more: without a word from either of them, she's by his side before his campfire, & before he can stop her, there's water & candy in his hands. it gives him pause, & he almost doesn't register her cleaning the wound on his arm his hands had been shaking too much to stitch. where did she come from? where was her daemon? why was she helping a stranger in the woods?
" why ... thank you, lil' lady, " is what he settles on. he doesn't consume the drink nor the candy -- he has enough people that want him dead not to trust like that.
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demondads · 4 months
She’s just going to smile and wave. (For Lucifer pls)
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Well! It's nice to see the sinners finally being... not the absolute worst these days. So polite! He will gladly wave back.
"Good morning, my sinful friend!"
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paladinquest · 1 year
carrier pigeon received @silntimes
(fairytales / folklore / faekind prompts)
‘  i  sometimes  think  i  was  switched  out  at  birth,  like  a  lizard  in  a  bird’s  nest.  i  belong  somewhere  else.  ’
Lark tilts his head to examine the note. Not everyone can read and write here, which makes her mode of communication curious. Not nearly as curious, of course, as the contents of the note itself.
“A riddle?” It must be, yes? Or perhaps he’s putting too much stake on an innocuous sentence. It’s not like this is a life or death legend, so he smiles apologetically. “You must forgive me, I’m not terribly good at riddles.”
Maybe it’s simpler than he’s making it out to be. A sense of being misplaced. Loss of belonging. Where are you from, again?
“Is this philosophical?” His brows draw down in concern. “Or are you lost? I’m sure I could help you find someone to give you directions.” Well, unless… He glances over the note again. “Unless you’re a changeling. I’m not sure anyone here knows the way to the faerie realm.”
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sunhated-a · 7 months
Her freckled hand reached over to very gently tug on the cuff of his sleeve; handing him a ripped piece of paper. ‘Excuse me, do you have the time?’ Was written on the paper.
Truth be told, Muzan was no stranger to encounters like those. Sometime some unfortunate child would be separated from their parents and believed Muzan to be the ideal person to help. Wholly unaware of the danger this man posed to humanity. But, in that moment he represented safety. A broken clock is right twice a day, and the Demon King was capable of a kind act every now and then.
So, when he fully expected some lost child to greet him as he turned around. But this, this was different. Muzan hesitates for a moment, his eyes trained onto the note she held in her hand, before they flickered up to meet her gaze. His brow furrowed in mild confusion as he took the note and examined its contents.
And, soon enough he had pieced it together. The girl was likely unable to speak. And, in another moment he inspected his rather expensive looking wrist watch.
"Eight thirty... Is there anything else you need?"
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greenvengeance · 6 months
@silntimes // Green eyes stared at Cleo with curiosity. She had never seen such a creature before. Slowly she would blink as her index finger reached over to gently poke her cheek.
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A hand shot up, catching the other's wrist right before her finger could even brush against one of her scales. Cleo's grip wasn't super tight, luckily, and she took a second to examine the other girl and, once it was determined she wasn't a threat, the mutant released her hold.
" Please don't do that. Ah' don't like hands in ma' face. "
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ofsnarkandmagic · 1 year
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Closer comfort is needed @silntimes
Melvin didn't know how much time had passed since he'd seen her last; nicknamed her 'Bob Dylan girl' even though he knew her name. Sarah, that was it. Suddenly he was glad that they'd exchanged numbers and then parted ways, however upon receiving a random distressing text he couldn't ignore it. Couldn't ignore her, like she was someone he needed to protect. Apparently, he was right to be concerned, though, especially when the young woman broke down right in front of him.
No, he couldn't just walk away from her, and instead he placed a gentle hand on the back of her neck and guided her head to his own forehead. What he hadn't expected was to be touched back, instead Melvin figured she was going to panic. Was that a 'Thank you' by cupping his face? With a smile of his own, "You're welcome, love. I'm guessin' this helped."
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devilsanddarlings · 11 months
Hands him a daisy. [ for Klaus - Unprompted ]
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"For her?" Klaus asked as he adjusted Hope on his hip, the beaming toddler eagerly grabbing at the flower once she'd been given permission from her father. "Thank you, love."
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ssolessurvivor · 11 months
‘Do you think the moon is made out of cheese?’ - Unprompted
Logan's brows furrowed for a moment as he took in her writing on her little notebook, and pursed his lips in contemplation.
"Maybe in an alternate universe it is." He said with a smile as he sipped his coffee. "I'd say maybe swiss would be my guess. What about yours?"
He enjoyed her endless curiosity, no matter what it was about. But he also wanted to indulge her, as everyone should have the opportunity to daydream.
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xxlordalexanderxx · 1 year
@silntimes liked for a starter!
[.:♔:.] The last breath of autumn seemed to be all but a faint memory as winter was well settled within the kingdom of Xandora. Despite the intense danger that lurked within the land, it was quite beautiful with its massive pillars of blue crystal that pierced from the earth, and broken islands that defied gravity.
It was at this time that Lord Alexander was more on edge with ravenous hostility than ever, usually. He was still a ruler, and had to show some restraint. When he finally got to let loose however, he did so in the forest and woods near his home in the form of hunting. Though he was a king and usually had his meals prepared and hunted for him, he sometimes wanted to catch his own, to keep his blood running as he would often say.
Today’s hunt would be interesting, as he caught a very familiar scent he had not scented in years.
A human.
He was sure it was a human, he recognized the scent anywhere.
Part of him was excited at the thought at indulging in such a delicacy as humans were rare in his world, and the other part of him dreaded the fact. He knew how humans were: greedy, and thieving. Lord Alexander was a huge and imposing beast but he had been outsmarted enough by the likes of humans to know when to be somewhat wary.
That is why he immediately began tracking down and stalking this new visitor, where ever she was.
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brothersgrim · 1 year
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@silntimes​ asked:
‘You’re scaring me.’ [ for Undertaker - Unprompted ]
He looks down at her, impassive behind the dark shades. Stoic as always. Unreadable as a weather-worn grave. It’s not her time. He's not here for her. In all honesty, he’s not even sure who she is - or why she’s here. Whatever. He’s got a job to do, and he’s going to do it. 
If she’s as scared as she says she is, he won’t have to ask twice. 
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“Then get out of the way.”
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diffxrentwxrlds · 1 year
‘Woah, are your muscles real?’ [ for Broly ] - Unprompted
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{{ L }} Brows arched curious at the question, a very odd one at that. "Yes... are their fake muscles?"
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viciousbite · 1 year
Throws a cup at them [ for Urogi ] - Unprompted
Peacefully rested on the bark of a fallen tree, with talons clutched onto it. He sensed the human approach him, the only minus was, the fact he didn't expect them to want his attention. Something hard hit the side of his head, and made a thud noise when it collided with his skull and afterwards fell on the ground with a clatter.
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"Khyah?! Oi! Don't go throwing your trash at me, that ain't nice!" Urogi screeched as his golden eyes shifted to the woman. There was no anger on the bird's face, he appeared amused by the way his lips were curled up into a permanent grin.
"I will be nice and forgive you thought, if you come here and rub my head better!" He cackled, and hopped to turn his body to face her as he tilted his head towards her.
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