#sillyangsty thoughts
sillyangstyimp · 1 month
Gold from pokespe is plaguing my thoughts again help.
He is soooo silly he is soooo normal he is soooo straight and definitely doesn't have any self worth issues
He's the type of guy to flunk a test on purpose, and try and seem dumber than he actually is to lower people's expectations of him. He's the type of guy to pretend like he doesn't care about anyone besides himself, but would gladly sacrifice himself for the sake of his friends and the world. He's the type of guy to pretend to do it all for fame and money, when really that isn't true at all. He's the type of guy who acts really annoying and selfish, because it's easier to make yourself hated by everyone rather than liked.
He doesn't let other people get in the way of his own ambitions, but that doesn't mean he doesn't care for other people. As much as he complains and pretends he hates it, he likes helping others. Even if he pretends it's all for his own gain, there's another part of him that knows that isn't quite true.
He puts up walls. Barriers. He finds it hard to get close to people, avoiding anything serious with jokes and shrugs. He acts as annoying as possible to push people away, too afraid to open up and let the walls he's built up around him down.
Gold is not afraid to speak his mind, to voice his opinion. He is not afraid to stand out from the crowd. And yet, there are times when it seems he can't seem to express the words he really wants to say. He knows when he needs help, he isn't that stupid. It's just impossible for him to ask for help, and pull away the image of himself he's grown so used to. When you tell lies for so long, you start to believe them yourself.
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