#silly character dress up game go brrrr
just-call-mefr1es · 1 month
What color is Lewis's fuckin hair-
I'm struggling :(
smsnksmssm so uh like
it was a dark brown, but then he dyed it blond before he got chop chopped.
ive seen people draw/design him with brown hair and the front part is blond (i do thst😿) so uh maybe that ???
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(ignore everything else i didnt feel like cropping it😞)
so uh yeah idk🤷🤷 hes t-posing cause of somethin i made a while back and didnt wanna change it lmao
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greatstormcat · 6 months
Hey! I saw your post about requests. This isn’t necessarily a detailed one because I love giving fellow authors freedom, but I’m willing to throw out more ideas if more inspo is needed!
Something I’ve noticed is that I don’t see a lot of Gaz fics/hcs about him in regards to darkfics or similar stuff like slasher, paranormal, stalker, etc. I know that he’s a sweet and relatively normal boy but I’d love to see more of this and would greatly appreciate and devour any of your thoughts on this.
I read somewhere about how people always say “(character) wouldn’t do that” but that we should be asking what would make character do that? What would make them break their morals/ideals/whatever? What circumstances would need to arise to drive character to these actions? I think that challenge is super interesting and I myself have been pondering how Gaz could fit in with some of these darker themes.
I think this idea is interesting from all angles, whether it’s horror, angst, non smut, smut, anything and everything and a mix of whatever, it’s something I’d gladly chew on regardless.
When it comes to the reader if you do choose to bless us with your thoughts, it’s all up to you! I am nb and they/them, but I can read just about everything. M!reader gets a bit difficult just because I don’t have those parts but I can work around it, the only thing I really struggle with in fics is when skirts are involved, like if their outfit is described—even if that’s a bit silly to get caught on. I however will gladly take anything you choose to feed us if you do! 🫶
The unholy noise I made when I read this.... I need a moment, you've hit with the best ask possible. It’s a bit shorter than I’d like but I had to get this reply down as quickly as possible because brain going brrrr
TW; MDNI 18+, darkfic, canon typical violence, stalking, mentions of non/con, game spoilers, murder, serialkiller!gaz perhaps…
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Yes, Gaz has the image of the sensible, clean cut, good boy of the team, but that is solely because he has cultivated that image, this is his mask. In reality, dear sweet Gaz has a very dark side to him. Just think about it, he pulls the trigger when pointing the revolver at the Butcher's family even though Price didn't tell him to do it, didn't have to order him to threaten a woman and her child with a weapon but he did. He thinks about it later and asks for absolution but he still did it without hesitating. He rails against the rules that stop him from doing what he thinks is right, and happily leaps at the chance when Price sets that inconvenient rulebook on fire.
No, Gaz isn't the fluffy innocent boy people see him as, he is spitting fury and hellfire. He is driven, determined and more than capable of unspeakable acts. His temper used to get the best of him but he has learned to get it under control, but he still needs an outlet for it. You know what his favourite outlet is of course…
It’s too easy to trawl the bars, looking handsome and sharply dressed, he has people throwing themselves at him within minutes of sitting at the bar. Its fucking pathetic, he thinks, as half drunk strangers try to get his number and into his boxers. He much prefers to hunt, to chase down and take what he wants and pour all of his frustration into a handy victim without anyone breathing down his neck. He managed to take a set of NODs from the base (had a bribe the Quartermaster with one of his trophies) which he keeps in his car for the times he sees what he needs.
This is how you came to be sprinting, eyes blinded with panic and tears, breath rasping in your throat after you lunged out of the door of the car you had been bundled into. You've got no idea where the hell you are, all you know is you don't want to be back there again. All you can hear is the harsh noise of your breathing and your pounding footsteps through the trees. You can’t hear or see Gaz in the darkness.
He is already hard as rock as he watches your ghostly form through the NODs, following the path that you can’t see and waiting for you to stumble and crash to the ground, which you do very quickly, weak thing that you are. His long legs eating up the distance between you as you scramble amongst the trees roots and sharp brambles until he grasps you by the throat, knife pricking the sensitive skin beside your eye.
“Didn’t get far, did you?” He says with that deep, velvety voice of his. It’s a voice you’d have loved to listen to under any other circumstances, but not right now. It’s mere moments before you are pinned under him, squealing and begging for mercy but only getting huffed breaths and grunts in reply until he is satiated. He knows they’ll never find you, no one has yet.
Back at base, his demons fed, he falls into easy chatter with then the rest of the team.
“Good night out, son?” Price asks him as he makes his way back into the barracks.
“Yeah, I needed that to be honest sir,” Gaz grins back, rubbing the nape of his neck to cover your nail marks.
“Nothing like good clean fun. Get some rest,” the captain replies with a warm smile, none the wiser to what his Sergeant was actually doing.
“Yes, sir,” Gaz answers and heads to his bunk to sleep soundly.
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