#side note- picturing that pennywise part quite legitimately made me laugh for m i n u t e s
slashingdisneypasta ยท 11 months
love Love LOVEEEE ur work btw. on both horror house and the Toon patrol. but for horror house I have a scenario.
say y/n and jason are dating right, and freddy is always third-wheeling. how would the horror house react to this, and what do they tell y/n and jason to do to him?
Thank youuuu! Seeing this just after getting off work was so lovely ^^
And- oh boy XDD Christ alive Freddy go find your own lovelife. Let Jason be happy.
Here's how I think everyone else responds to being asked for Advice about this Pesky Issue-
Billy Loomis: "Freddy Vs Jason 2; The Date Night. Nice. Call me when it happens again."
Bubba Sawyer: *Whines and shrugs, like ... oh that sucks.* // Sorry, if you thought Bubba was gonna be helpful XD ๐Ÿ˜… One thing he learnt growing up with his brothers is to
Stay - the heck - out of shit.
Carrie White: "He does that??... I'm sorry, that's terrible- Jason!?? Put me down!! ๐Ÿ˜จ It doesn't work like that!! ๐Ÿ˜ฐ๐Ÿ˜ฐ " // For context- Jason picked her up and 'aimed' her at Freddy like some kind of telekinetic weapon ๐Ÿ˜…
Chucky: ... *starts giggling* "hehehe- oh, that's hilarious. HEY! Freddy! You really do that??? You're a fucken dick!... for not inviting me! Count me in for next time!... hahaha... *Turns back to you. Acts surprised* -Oh, you thought coming to me was a good idea?? Well we all make mistakes."
Jennifer Check: *Sighhhhhh* "I hate to say this but you brought this on yourself Y/N- I told you not to get with any of these fucken low budget losers. Now the only way to fix this is to dump Jason. Freddy's got some kinda territorial bi-erotic claim over the big guy."
Jerry Dandridge: "Sweetheart this would not be problem if you were with me. But... hm, I recommend... ghost peppers, perhaps. Or carolina reapers. If he can handle his spice, you can... *shrug* I dont know, put it somewhere else?... " *Gestures meaningfully to his eyes*
Michael Myers: In general Michael is pretty unhelpful. But... this time he did lean over and flick a salt shaker down. And I think that's pretty indicative of what he thinks Jason should do about Freddy XD Or even you. Just let him hear it XD
Pamela Voorhees: *Sharpening a cleaver, smiling* "Oh don't worry dear's, I'll handle this little problem... "
Patrick Bateman: "Why don't you just tie him up for the duration of your date?" // He immediately left and ignored everyone for hours after that, but for that moment- he was very helpful! ^^ It took him against his will, I promise. You didn't even directly ask him, he just overheard you talking to Michael and it came tumbling out-
Pennywise: "Ooooooh, yes, tie him up!! Tie him up like a hog and give him to me!! Hehehe... Hahaha... HAHAHA- " // *There's suddenly a BANG and you notice a Freddy-Shaped hole in the wall.*
Stu Macher: "... wait. Why do you need him to leave? Huh?? *Looking suggestively at them* Hmmm, you wanna get- *Sticks out tongue against his chin* nasty??"
Tiffany Valentine: "He did the same thing to Chucky and I for a while! Sweetheart, I'll just give you this one hint, because how I got rid of him really wasnt lady like and I shouldn't say it outloud. Ehem... Pli-ers. Huge ones."
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