#should probably sleep soon tho since it’s nearly 4am LMAO
inkykeiji · 2 years
Hiya Clari, I just wanted to pop here and see how you’re doing <3
Firstly I am sending you all the health and recovery I can possibly send to you because it seems like you’re having it rough right now so take all the time you need no matter how long because your well being is priority
Also personally I love the rambles and the random chats that happen on your blog, obviously I love your writing but you can make your blog what you want it to be so don’t feel pressured to produce content when you’re not feeling it and if anyone gives you shit for it then fuck them because they are just entitled dickheads, you are creating free masterpieces for people to enjoy so if you need a break from it then that is more than ok - on a personal level just rambling about life with you here is such a highlight and something I really look forward to so don’t feel like you always need to produce a certain type of content just because it’s what people are used to, I don’t know if what I’m saying is making sense but I hope it is - I should also say that just because I look forward to your responses i also don’t want you to feel rushed or pressured to respond it’s totally chill and I look forward to them whenever they arrive no matter how long it takes <3
I really do wish you a smooth healing process and I hope it’s a speedy recovery for you, sending you all the love and hugs in the world <333- 🍯
honeybun!!!! <333
waaah i know i’m a lil late answering this, i’m so sorry!!! >.<
first, thank you so, so much for all of your well wishes!!! they mean so much to me and i’m super appreciative for them, as well as all of your messages <33333 you are, quite literally, sweeter than honey i know i KNOW cheesy i know <3
ehehehehe aw honeybee!!!!! you’re so precious!!! i’m really happy to hear your thoughts and i’m even happier to hear that you enjoy all of the non-fic/non-writing related chats n stuff on my blog!!!!! <33 AH hehe me too!!! you’re like my little virtual pen pal and i always look forwards to hearing about the happenings in your life and just chatting with you in general!!! i actually talk to others irl about all of you!! like ‘oh [blank] anon told me this’ or ‘oh [blank] anon showed me this video’ etc hehe <3 our relationships here are very special to me and i don’t take a moment of any of them for granted <33
thank you very much, sweet honey <3 covid is mostly gone for me, i only have an occasional cough that likes to appear from time to time now, but i recently discovered two new, additional health concerns that i’m working hard to get to the bottom of (seriously,,, i had two doctors appointments this week and then i have at least one every week until march!) so! i am trying my best!! i hope you had an awesome new years, and i sincerely hope 2022 treats you wonderfully <3 i love u so much!!!!!
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