#sheldons bing bong big boy bazinga burger
grootficguy · 8 months
i know the big bang theory isn't made for geeks and most of the scientific information presented in the show is incorrect but the big one that really prodded my gallbladder until bile ejected itself forcefully and violently from the nostrils is the episode where they're playing world of warcraft. as a wow player of 16 years, here's everything wrong below the readmore. idc if this gets notes im autistic and needed to vomit this out of my brain.
howard (i think) is lured by a troll woman under a bridge and gets mugged for all his gold. due to the language barriers in-game, this would be inter-faction PvP which can only happen by accepting a duel. also, players cannot be looted when they die. you can't even die in a duel. this shakily implies that he traded her all his gold, then followed her to a bridge and got ganked. if that is the case, he would be an alliance player with pvp flagging on. also, alliance can't trade with or speak with horde. (unless he was playing a demon hunter, in which case the troll would also have to be a demon hunter, and trolls cannot be demon hunters.)
raj says he's talking to an orc under a bridge in thunder bluff. the bridges in thunder bluff do not have ground beneath them. if you're "under a bridge in thunder bluff", you're about 50 feet beneath thunder bluff, in mulgore.
sheldon mourns the loss of his "battle ostrich" named "glen", implying that his level 85 blood elf was a hunter, and had a pet ostrich. these don't exist in the game. pets cannot be stolen, either.
howard says he found a tavern where black market weapon trades happen. the black market is a real thing, but it's never in any taverns. also, weapons that can be traded can just be put on the auction house. meeting someone in a tavern to give them the gold for a weapon is just way more difficult for everyone involved for no reason?
raj says other players are undressing his (female) character with their eyes, and howard tells him to stop dropping her sword and bending over to pick it up. if you "drop" (i.e., trail the weapon off your character screen and into the world) your weapon, you'd be asked if you're sure you want to delete it, and then it gets deleted. /bend isn't even an emote. raj also says he'll have sex with the goblin that raided sheldon's account. this is also something you cannot do. again, goblins are a horde race, and it seems they play horde. a goblin can't kill you if you're both players in the horde.
the main four arrive at "the gates of elzebub". not a place.
leonard tells everyone not to panic as this is what the last 97 hours of gameplay have been about. it takes 10 minutes maximum to travel anywhere in the game. unless he's referring to raid prep time. if this is the case, they would be wiped instantly. 4 players isn't enough for one dungeon, let alone a raid. also, you'd need to be really sucky at farming for potions, gems, vantus runes etc., if it takes you four days to prep. i raided with a high tier mythic guild EU and i prepped for like half an hour every raid night?
howard says a horde of goblins are guarding the sword of azeroth. weapon doesn't exist. virtually all goblins in the game are neutral and only attack you if you attack them. (venture co. and horde guards upon aggroing to an alliance player being notable exceptions.)
howard tells raj to "blow up the gates". nowhere in the game requires you to blow up gates to gain access, except uldum. raj then presses CTRL + Shift + B to cast whatever his gate blowing up spell (doesn't exist) is. not saying you can't do this, but STRL + Shift + B is such an awkward and clunky keybind. you'd use Q, E, R, F, V, Z, X and sometimes S before using B.
they're pulling off a highly challenging and intense raid with four players on laptops without mice. no.
raj begins spamming a cast key at a speed MUCH quicker than the cooldown for ANY spell in this game.
leonard says "my tail is prehensile, i'll swat him off". there are only four races in the game with tails: draenei, tauren, lightforged draenei, highmountain tauren, dracthyr, and vulpera. none of them have prehensile tails. in fact, nothing in this game has a prehensile tail that i can think of. there's like one hozen in pandaria that swings from a tree.
"tonight i spice my meat with goblin blood" you don't need to eat in wow for any reason other than gaining a stat buff, or to regain health. also, goblin blood isn't a reagent for cooking.
Sheldon gets the sword of azeroth, which isn't a thing. Also, Leonard tells him to use a "sleath spell". (reading from a transcript here.) i have no idea what this is. he also describes himself as a "rogue night elf". aside from putting the class before the race which is icky, rogues can't cast spells. also, above, sheldon was a night elf, not a blood elf. he also had a pet, making him a hunter, not a rogue. if he was a night elf, he wouldn't be able to play with the others as they seem to have horde characters.
15. sheldon couldn't just take the sword. the game would ask everyone to roll need before greed. or else it would be personal loot, where there is a small chance of the sword dropping for any player. he then sells the sword on ebay, which wouldn't be possible, as the only people he could trade a soulbound item to would be the others in his party at the time, within a 2 hour window. to be fair, howard buys it immediately so like, whatever. but it's still weird that he put it on ebay.
so yeah i hate this show for being so distinctly not made for geeks, but this stabbed me right in the autism.
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