#she's basically a zarro
simthorium · 1 year
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Time certainly was flying by for generation 7. Sooner than any realized, it was time for Rumi, Noah, Leigh, and Coriana to go to college. Caleb, Leigh’s step-brother, had failed his senior year of high school and would have to repeat the year. The group was sad that he’d be missing out on their freshman year, but they were excited to start this next chapter together.
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The four new freshmen stood in awe of the Zarro College House. “Dude, this house is huge,” Leigh said. “We really get to live here? For free?” “I’m gonna throw so many parties,” Noah said, rubbing his hands together. “Like hell you are,” Coriana said sternly. “We’re here to study and work toward our diploma.” “I call the biggest room!” Rumi said, rushing into the house first.
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“How is it fair that Leigh gets to live here?” Noah asked his twin sister. “She’s not even blood related, it feels like it’s against the rules.” “What rules?” Rumi said, brushing him off. “Besides, she’s sitting right next to you, why don’t you ask her?” 
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“Yeah, just ask me,” Leigh said, annoyed. “Noah’s just cranky that his girlfriend broke up with him right before college,” Coriana said as she scooted her chair in. “He’s just taking it out on everyone else.” “Hey, can it, Cori!” Noah shouted.
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Life in the house was going well for the new students. Leigh was nervous that she would feel out of place; Noah was right, she wasn’t a blood-related Zarro and her brother who was related to everyone wasn’t even here. But everyone treated her like family--because she was.
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The cousins spent mornings learning new skills and going to class. “Alright y’all, this is getting boring,” Noah said, slamming his book shut. “We’re in college! We should be shaking shit up! Getting into trouble, going to parties, hanging out late. Right?” “Yeah, we really haven’t even explored campus or anything yet,” Rumi said. “I guess it couldn’t hurt,” Coriana said with a shrug.
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They all got dressed and headed out to the campus quad that evening. While Coriana, Noah, and Leigh checked out the buildings around campus, Rumi gravitated to the barista working the coffee cart outside. “Oh, excuse me ma’am, you can’t be back here,” said the barista. “Ma’am?” Rumi repeated with a laugh. “You don’t have to call me ma’am, trust me. It’s Rumi.”
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“Oh. Um. Hi. I’m Trent,” said Trent. “Like my nametag says.” “Trent. Cute name,” Rumi said with a smile. “Are you flirting with me right now?” he asked. “Trying to,” Rumi muttered. “Ok, I’d appreciate it if you did that from the other side of the counter so I don’t get fired.”
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“Ugh, boys are dumb,” Rumi said once she rejoined her cousins at the pool table. “Just cus you’re bad at talking to boys doesn’t mean we’re dumb,” said Noah.
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“Now, everybody get ready to get their ass kicked,” Noah said.  “That’s some big talk there,” Coriana said. “How bout we make this interesting? Me and Leigh against the twins. Whoever wins buys dinner.” “Deal!” Noah said instantly.
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“I suck at pool,” Rumi whispered to her brother. “What!? I thought you were good at this game!” Noah said.  “I’ve literally never played in my entire life!” said Rumi. “God damn it, why didn’t you tell me that before I agreed to the bet?!” “You always make decisions for me without asking!”
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After a long game full of obscene insults that only relatives could hurl at one another without causing a huge rift, Coriana and Leigh won the game. 
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“Thanks for the pizza, Noah,” Coriana said mockingly once they got home. “Yeah, free pizza is awesome,” said Leigh.  “Yeah, yeah, yeah, rub it in,” Noah muttered. “We’ll get you guys next time!” Rumi said. “How bout we do a game of chess as our next competition, huh?”
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anti-azmuth-blog · 3 years
So I was inspired from this post from @theangrycomet where they made their own Glitch so I wanted to make my own!
I basically made several versions of Glitch from Alternate worlds, not including Zarro or Prime. Zarro because AngryComet already made one and I don't have any ideas, or Prime because it's just gonna be normal Glitch.
Mad Glitch: A Glitch made specifically to be combat oriented. He's equiped with a lot of weaponry, and he's much more agressive than normal Glitch. Not Malware agressive, but still pretty agressive. Orange color scheme.
Nega Glitch: Nega Glitch, like Nega Ben, has a more somber personality. Doesnt care about anything, but hates everything as well. But he can be befriended if he likes you. That's a big IF. Neon color scheme.
No Watch Glitch: NW Glitch is essinsally Malware, so... Yeah, we already covered this version.
Gwen 10 Glitch: This Glitch is actually a Galvanic Mechamorph clone of Gwen 10. She's a lot like Gwen Prime. Smart, a short temper, but has a fun side, and it's doesn't take much to bring this side out. Like Gwen 10, she's obsessed with cats and scared of dogs. Cyan color scheme.
Bad Glitch: I've got nothing.
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ramajmedia · 5 years
Star Wars: 10 Movie Plot Holes Filled In By The Marvel Comics
The Star Wars saga has been going strong for over 40 years now, so it’s hardly surprising that several plot holes have cropped up during the time. While these gaffes are occasionally addressed on-screen – like when Attack of the Clones indirectly clarified that Yoda trained Obi-Wan before Qui-Gon took over – typically, it falls to other tie-in media to plug any storytelling gaps that arise.
So if there’s a particular continuity error that’s really bugging you about everyone’s favorite galaxy far, far away, chances are there’s a novel, TV show or comic book that’s already fixed it. Indeed, Marvel’s Star Wars comics in particular have built a well-earned reputation for crafting satisfying answers to many of the saga’s biggest unexplained questions – including those we’ve rounded-up below.
RELATED: Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: 10 Showdowns We Want To See
10 Why Does Vader Take Orders From Tarkin?
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The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi firmly position Darth Vader as the second most feared guy in the galaxy, with only Emperor Palpatine surpassing him in power and authority. So how come the Sith Lord plays second fiddle to Grand Moff Tarkin when we first meet him in A New Hope? It’s one of the biggest discontinuities in the original trilogy – but fortunately, Marvel’s Darth Vader comics have it covered.
Early issues in the series establish that the Emperor initially played Vader off against the Empire’s top brass, which meant occasionally taking orders from the likes of high-ranking officers like Tarkin. What’s more, we later witness a violent encounter between Vader and Tarkin that seemingly engenders a lasting mutual respect between the pair, and explains the collaborative relationship they subsequently adopt on-screen.
9 How Does Princess Leia Remember Her Mother?
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 Revenge of the Sith’s protracted denouement ticks off a laundry list of major Star Wars moments fans had been waiting to witness for over two decades. Arguably the most important of these is the birth of Luke and Leia Skywalker, which fittingly coincides with their father’s rebirth as Darth Vader. It’s a suitably emotional scene, and it’s made all the more emotional when the twins’ mother, Padmé Amidala, passes away shortly after.
But this also causes a problem for the saga’s official canon – after all, in Return of the Jedi, Leia tells Luke that she remembers their mother (albeit in fairly abstract fashion), which seems…unlikely. Enter: the Princess Leia mini-series, which subtly suggests that our heroine’s latent Force potential is the source of her otherwise impossible childhood memories.
8 When Did Luke Learn To Use A Lightsaber?
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The original Star Wars trilogy features several memorable scenes of Luke Skywalker learning to become a fully-fledged Jedi Knight, but his lightsaber lessons are almost totally glossed over. Seriously: Obi-Wan Kenobi only taught Luke the absolute basics – deflecting incoming blaster fire – while the days, weeks or (if you want to be really generous) months he spent training with Master Yoda didn’t include a single saber technique tutorial (on screen, at least).
That leaves continuity-conscious fans in a bit of a pickle: how do they justify the formidable swordplay Luke displays when duelling Darth Vader or tearing through Jabba the Hutt’s cronies? It’s simple – they catch up on Marvel’s main Star Wars title. Set between A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back, this ongoing series elaborates on the lightsaber combat coaching Luke underwent with the Gamemaster, as well as additional theory on the subject he gleaned from Obi-Wan’s journals.
RELATED: Star Wars: The Highest-Grossing Films (According To Box Office Mojo)
7 What Happened To All The Prequel-Era Technology?
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While the technology seen in the Star Wars prequels is (generally) less advanced than the hardware of later generations, it’s nevertheless hard to swallow that none of this gear crops up in subsequent episodes. You’re telling us that nobody has any use for mobile weapons platforms like the droidekas, or could see the appeal in zipping around in a Jedi starfighter?
Fortunately, Marvel’s Star Wars comic books have this covered across the board, and prequel-era tech appears prominently in several stories. From Darth Vader heading up a squad of battle droids to Thrawn collecting buzz droids, and right on through to Luke Skywalker squaring off against MagnaGuards, the comics continue the proud tradition of recycling the saga is famous for.
6 Why Didn’t Chewbacca Receive A Medal?
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 OK, we’ll admit it: as plot holes go, Chewbacca not being awarded a medal during the closing moments of A New Hope is hardly galaxy-shattering stuff. But dang it, the flagrant disregard the Rebel Alliance shows for Chewie’s pivotal role in the destruction of the Death Star has always bothered us – to the point that we’re worried the Rebellion might have xenophobic tendencies!
Thank goodness for the Chewbacca mini-series Marvel published back in 2015, then. Here, we see the kind-hearted Wookiee bestow a medal identical to those seen in A New Hope upon a brave young girl named Zarro. The clear implication here is that Chewbacca did indeed receive a medal for his services, presumably at a separate ceremony not depicted on the big screen.
5 How Was General Grievous A Match For Jedi Knights?
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Jedi Knights are legendary for their Force-powered prowess on the battlefield, however that doesn’t mean that non-Force sensitive opponents can’t defeat them on occasion. But even if the Republic’s sworn protectors aren’t unbeatable, it’s a bit hard to swallow that General Grievous supposedly cut down enough of them to line his cloak with their lightsabers, as shown in Revenge of the Sith.
We think we’ve found the answer to this conundrum though, in the pages of Star Wars: Age Of Republic – General Grievous. In this mini-series from Marvel, it’s revealed that the cyborg General – who is basically just a brain and a few organs inside a droid body – has inadvertently severed his connection to the Force, a horrific condition so unique it’s likely to blame for throwing his Jedi assailants off their game.
RELATED: Star Wars: Rey's 10 Best Moments (So Far)
4 Why Is The Jedi Temple Still Part Of Coruscant’s Skyline?
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Before Star Wars was sold to Disney, the saga’s creator George Lucas was notorious for tinkering with the original trilogy each time it was re-released on home media. One of the less controversial changes Lucas made was the addition of two familiar landmarks to the Coruscant skyline during Return of the Jedi’s montage sequence: the Senate and the Jedi Temple.
At first, this seemed like a rare instance of Lucas inserting elements from the prequels without causing any damage…but did he? After all, it doesn’t make a whole lot of sense that Emperor Palpatine would preserve a gigantic monument to the Jedi Order. Luckily, Marvel’s Thrawn mini-series saves the day here, clarifying that Palpatine converted the Temple into his Imperial Palace – which is exactly the kind of perverse gesture we’d expect from the Dark Lord of the Sith!
3 Why Is Vader’s Fortress On Mustafar?
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Darth Vader’s castle being located on Mustafar in Rogue One left more than a few fans scratching their heads. Sure, Sith Lords are all about maintaining their rage – and living in the same place where you were dismembered and burnt to a crisp is enough make anyone cranky – but it still seemed like an odd place for Vader to set up shop, given his options.
Why not his homeworld, Tatooine, instead? Dude has a whole bunch of terrible memories to draw on from his time spent on that desert planet, not just a lone (admittedly horrific) experience. But as it turns out, the very nature of Mustafar itself is the reason it plays host to Fortress Vader, not Tatooine. As recounted in Darth Vader: Dark Lord of the Sith, a locus for Dark Side energies resides beneath the volcanic world’s crust, which Vader can tap into via his Fortress’s tuning fork-like properties.
2 Why Did The Death Star Take So Long To Build?
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Moon-sized battle station the Death Star took a long time to build: while construction commenced during the finale of Revenge of the Sith, it’s not finished until Rogue One nearly 20 years later. At first glance, this stacks up – we’re talking about a humongous feat of engineering here. However, the second, even bigger Death Star’s much shorter assembly period – although not quite complete, it was famously fully armed and operational in four years, tops – turns this logic on its head!
Happily, the Thrawn mini-series came up with a solution to this dilemma that is both a stroke of genius and painfully obvious, and it all boils down to secrecy. Prior to A New Hope, the Empire still had to tiptoe around the Senate, which meant resources needed to be sourced covertly. Once the Senate was abolished, keeping things hush-hush was no longer a concern, so construction on Death Star II could be fast tracked.
1 When Did Vader Find Out That Luke Was Alive?
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Another instance of George Lucas altering existing Star Wars lore, new dialogue added to The Empire Strikes Back – coupled with the baby bump on Padme’s lifeless body in Revenge of the Sith – indicates that Darth Vader only recently became aware his son Luke was still alive. This is problematic, as the Sith Lord is shown to be aware of Luke’s existence already, in scenes that appear prior to the inserted exchange – so when exactly did Vader discover his kid had survived? And is this a glaring goof?
Not according to the Darth Vader comic book series, which confirms that the iconic baddie received the news about his Luke shortly after the events of A New Hope. The intel came from none other than famed bounty hunter Boba Fett and Vader kept it to himself – which means that he was only playing dumb when Palpatine later presents him with the same information in Empire (which is sorta implied, anyway).
NEXT: Star Wars: 10 Things The Comics Added To The Canon
source https://screenrant.com/star-wars-plot-holes-comics-fixed/
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nzvalley · 7 years
Rey’s Mother 2.0
For a long time before The Force Awakens came out I thought that Rey (known then as Kira) was Han & Leia’s.  I even thought she was the twin sister to Ben (known then only as Kylo), and I thought they were resurrecting Jaina & Jacen as Kira & Kylo. 
The theory took hits with the news that Kira wasn’t Kira and Kylo wasn’t Kylo, and when I saw all the Luke and Anakin parallels in the teasers/trailers I really started to waver.  Eventually, especially after reading the Original Rey Skywalker Conspiracy, I became a believer that Rey was Luke’s daughter.  That opened up the real mystery: who is her mother?
Before TFA was released I did a quick rundown of who I thought she could be, on the assumption that she would be introduced and set up years before the reveal.  This allows some fans to get to know her on her own, and for her character to be developed outside of being Rey’s mother or Luke’s love interest. Then when the revelation happens, there’s a plethora of canon material for new fans of the character to go buy.  This new list is an expanded version, with advancements in canon taken into account.
Just as a note of my own bias, basically I’m sticking to what Disney/LucasFilm has presented to us visually and not character from only the novels.  Starting with those that won’t be the mother, first I excluded aliens. Next I excluded characters based on their age or their canon fate.  Rey wasn’t born until a decade after Endor, so I excluded anyone above 35-ish at the time of Yavin.  Along the same lines, certain characters we know die before Rey was born.
Lastly, I excluded characters with blue eyes or blonde hair.  Some traits just don’t match up genetically, and two blue-eyed people resulting in a hazel-eyed daughter, or two blondes having a brunette, just don’t match up.  There’s no guarantee that Star Wars will follow real-world genetics, or that the writers won’t invoke some one-in-a-million mutation, but I’ll stick to them as guidelines.  
Characters excluded for species, age, or genetics: All aliens, Rae Sloane, Mon Mothma, Bo-Katan, Jora Astane, Ketsu Onyo, Brunson, Bixene, Evaan Verlaine, and Queen Trios.
After excluding those characters, there weren’t a ton that fit the bill.  None of them are exceptionally strong candidates, without any controversy. When I first made this list, there was a clear front runner (although not named yet) in Jyn Erso.  She fit all the requirements and she was the lead role in a huge project, but that has seemingly fallen apart.  Without her as the front runner, possibilities include controversial choices that are getting a lot of focus, minor characters who are technically possible but not satisfying, or that one of the minor characters will see a late jump in narrative focus.  
With this dearth of choices, I’m wondering if maybe there is a twist coming up.  Here are a couple of characters that are, according to the official word, impossible candidates, but could make a dramatic appearance:
Jyn Erso – Some of you may think I’m crazy, but I personally think the fandom bought into her death way too easily and that LucasFilm wanted the heat taken off the speculation.  Both the book and the movie play Jyn and Cassian’s deaths ambiguously, leaving a lot of room for their survival.  In the movie we never see their bodies or their actual deaths.  In the novel the scene ends with Jyn becoming one with the force, which is a metaphor used for death… but it’s also a metaphor used for connection to the Force.  Chirrut says “I am one with the Force” constantly throughout the film.  It’s possible that Jyn’s latent Force abilities could have come to life in the face of certain doom, like Emma Frost’s secondary mutation in Genosha.
Mara Jade – It’s the perfect time to introduce her.  If none of the new, living characters really fit then only Mara could be a revelation that requires no multi-year buildup.  Instead, it’s a multi-year cover up.  Years of downplaying the idea of her reintroduction, and then she appears in all her glory.  People that know her would love it, and for everyone else there’s a simple explanation. “She’s Luke’s wife from the old canon.”  It’s easy to understand, and there’s plenty of stuff for people to go out and buy to get a fuller picture.  With new stuff on the way, most likely.  So yeah, I’ve seen some bitterness about Mara Jade recently, but I actually think she’s in the best position for returning since the reboot.
With those out of the way…
Many of the remaining possibilities are minor characters, and most of them, especially the ones getting narrative focus, seem to be of a different race than Luke- which would upset a lot of people if Daisy Ridley’s Rey were to be put forward as mixed-race.  It remains possible genetically, but it would be a controversial choice.  Looking at the possibilities, there aren’t a lot of unambiguously white characters that have been introduced in new canon, and all of them are either minor, officially dead, or have blue eyes/blonde hair.  It was this realization that led me to consider the above twists.  It’s always possible too that Rey isn’t Luke’s daughter, but this post is all about the possibility that she is.
Anyway these characters are all technically possible, but are mostly one-offs: Wiley, Iden Versio, Sosha Soruna, Tula, Tace, Uwa Pareece, Tolvan, Ssaria, & Chanath Cha.
The ones that receive the most narrative focus and interact with the most central characters: 
Pash ‘Bash’ Davane – Co-lead of Star Wars Annual 2; only unambiguously white person in the top tier.  Red hair, green eyes (which we know Luke likes)… an intelligent, strong badass. She saved Leia and debated ethics and morality with her.  So far she has only had one appearance, but characters introduced in the Annual have returned before.
Zarro – Co-lead of the Chewbacca miniseries; she looked younger to me, but she’s described as a teenager… meaning she’s at most 7 years younger than the 19/20 year old Luke.  With Rey not being born until over a decade later that would put Zarro around her late twenties and Luke around his mid-thirties. 
Sana Starros – Supporting character in Marvel’s Star Wars; Sana has received a lot of media and fan attention since her introduction, and has become an essential part of the team within the Star Wars comic series.  Funny and badass.  She has a romantic past with Dr. Aphra, but she has also has one with Han and has had some flirtations with Luke. 
Sabine Wren – Main Cast of Star Wars Rebels; probably has received the most attention, being a TV character.  Around Luke’s age, a staunch believer in the Rebellion, wields the darksaber, but so far they have never canonically crossed paths and we have no idea how long she lives.
Chelli Aphra – Co-lead of Darth Vader and Screaming Citadel; Supporting character in Star Wars; Lead of Doctor Aphra; Easily the breakout character of the new canon. I mentioned her in my first list as my dark horse candidate, and her importance has only grown since.  Although her age is ambiguous, I wouldn’t put her beyond ten years older than Luke.  She has had numerous interactions with Darth Vader, Leia, Han, and Luke himself.  She is currently teamed up with Luke on an adventure.  She is also privy to who his mother is and she knows that Vader was obsessed with him. She has a romantic past with Sana, but she also has flirtations with Vader and Luke. So much of her development is tied up with the Skywalker family and with Luke in particular, that her being Rey’s mother would be a really great reveal at this point. 
ETA: There were originally images above the top tier, but “@senator-organa” expressed displeasure at the use of one of their images.  I removed the others just in case anyone out there was feeling the same.  Make sure to click on the Wookiepedia links and take a look at everyone I mention.
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simthorium · 11 months
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“Hey sleepy head,” David said, pointing finger guns at Zuri, who was making breakfast in the kitchen. “You just getting up?” “Shut up, you dick,” Zuri muttered as she made her pancakes. “Someone’s panties are in a twist this morning,” David said. “And not in a good way.” “How could twisted panties possibly be a good thing,” Zuri said.
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Zuri scarfed down her breakfast and quickly got ready for work, donning a very embarrassing llama mascot outfit for work. Being a mascot was one step away from downright humiliating, but it was easy money, and the two desperately needed it.
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“And then some jabroni threw his slushy at me!” Zuri shouted, sitting beside David at their favorite bar after work. “No way!” David responded. “What is this, Glee? What an asshole!” “I know, right,” Zuri muttered into her drink. “I think mascots should be able to fight people in the crowd,” David said.
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“What?” shouted Corey from down the bar. “You’re rooting for the Veronaville Vipers!?” “I think the uniforms are hotter!” Gregory said defensively. “He’s right, they’re definitely hotter,” Zuri piped up. “Hang on, watch how a pro does things,” David whispered to her.
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“Hey guys,” David said with a smirk. “C’mon, it’s just soccer! I mean, who even cares that much, right? It’s basically just kickball with a few extra steps. And that’s not even mentioning how confusing it is that everyone else calls it football, as if football’s not an entirely different thing!” “If you don’t walk away now, I’m gonna jump you,” said Corey. “I’ll help,” Gregory said. David swallowed hard. “Well, at least y’all aren’t at each other’s throats anymore,” he said with a nervous laugh.
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Zuri let David flounder by himself and went over to chat with her friend Erin. “Long time no see, mom!” Zuri exclaimed. Erin squealed and hugged her. “How you been, girl? I can’t believe you’ve got two kids now.” “Girl, I know,” Erin said with a sigh. “It’s been great though. MJ is truly the best father ever. He’s hanging with the kids tonight, giving me the night off. It’s true what they say, Zarro men are charmers.” “Yeah, yeah,” Zuri said with a laugh.
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“So, how are you?” Erin asked. “Any new boos on the horizon?” Zuri rubbed the back of her neck, unsure of what to say. “I can’t keep them off me,” she lied. “You know how it is, living downtown.” “Living the dream,” Erin said. “It was so good running into you!” “You too,” said Zuri. “Hit me up next time you’re out here.
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After the game, the two returned home to eat leftovers and hit the hay. “Do you think we’re doing it wrong?” Zuri asked, rolling her eyes when she looked up to see David earnestly licking his plate. “Doing what wrong?” he muttered between licks. “Everything,” Zuri said with a sigh. “Life. I mean, Junior has a wife and 2 kids, Rumi’s married with a baby. Even Noah has kids. I just feel like everyone’s expecting us to follow the same blueprint.” David scoffed. “So what?” he said. “There’s no one way to do life, dude. Plus, we’re doing great! We’ve got this great place, we got the band. We’re happy. You’ll go crazy comparing your life to every single other cousin in this family, dude.”
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simthorium · 1 year
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“Ok, here’s the situation,” Luna said as she was seated across from her older cousin Kauker. “I really need to do something to set me apart from the other girls in school, so I figured I’d come to you since you’re basically famous.” “Thank you,” Kauker said jokingly.
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“I had an idea to start my own makeup line,” Luna continued. “I think that would really fit my brand and also it could be fun. And I’d make a bunch of money.” “And...you need my help making makeup?” Kauker surmised. “No, idiot,” Luna said with a sigh. “I need your help with everything else. Photos, videos, maybe some music. We could collab and I’d blow up.”
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“Ahhhh, so you want to use me for my fame,” Kauker said. “That fits your brand even better, I think.” “Come on,” said Luna. “I’m sorry I’m being so uptight about this, but it would really help. I mean, even if I could do a photoshoot in this ridiculous mansion of yours, that would help catapult my page. Plus, we’re family, so you have to do stuff for me. It’s the rules.”
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Kauker walked Luna outside to one of his most lavish custom cars. “Make sure you get a good angle,” Luna said as she posed in front of the car. “Yes ma’am,” Kauker laughed as he took the picture on his phone.
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“Ok, let me see, let me see,” Luna said after a few. She rushed over to him to critique the photos, but they were all pretty stunning. “Perfect! Now we just need to take some together so I can tag you.” “Anything else?” said Kauker sarcastically. “A glass of wine, maybe? A massage? A chocolate fountain.” “Ha ha,” Luna said dryly. “Thank you, seriously. This is gonna be awesome!”
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After Luna and Kauker figured out the extent of their working relationship to get Luna’s new makeup brand up and running, they decided to go for a swim out back, with Debbie joining them. Kauker belly flopped into the pool while Luna relaxed on a floatie. 
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“You guys just get to do this every day?” Luna asked as they all relaxed in the pool. “Maybe dropping out of high school is the way to go.” “Hey, I had almost a million followers on Instagram and TikTok before I dropped out,” Kauker warned. “You can’t just drop out and expect to get here. Gotta put in the work first.”
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The sun began to set and it was time for Luna to leave. “Thanks again for all your help,” Luna said as she hugged her cousin goodbye. “I’ll follow up with you later about the details.” “Cool,” said Kauker. “I’ll have my agent call you.” “You’re sooooo funny,” Luna said with a straight face. “Bye.”
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“Your cousins are really a hot mess, you know,” Debbie said that evening as they ate dinner together. “I know,” Kauker said with a smile. “But they’re family, so we gotta deal with it. Plus, it could be a lot worse.” “Than that?” Debbie asked. “Luna’s the most vapid, empty-headed girl I’ve ever met in my life.” “Don’t get me started on my great-great-aunt who became a witch and electrocuted herself,” Kauker said. 
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“Ok, ok, I guess it could get worse. Maybe--” Debbie interrupted herself and stood up, feeling a weird sensation in her stomach. “Oh my god!” “Oh my god!” Kauker repeated. “Sorry, I know you just said that but...oh my god!”
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“I can’t believe we’re gonna have a baby!?” Debbie said as they laid in bed that night. “This is crazy! I don’t even know if we’re ready.” “We’re ready,” Kauker said as he held Debbie in his arms. “We’re gonna be the best parents ever.” “What if the kid inherits the gene to be a witch that electrocutes themselves?” Debbie asked with a laugh. “The Zarro family has been through it once, we can do it again,” Kauker said.
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simthorium · 5 years
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Gregory was very much the fifth wheel. It was the end of the semester, and they’d all passed their finals, so they were all hanging out tonight, but it seemed like Gregory was on his own. All of his cousins and his sister had partners who either lived with them or visited so often they basically lived with them. He’d never even so much as kissed someone. And it was starting to get uncomfortable.
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“I love you so much,” he heard Joel whisper to his sister, making him even more uncomfortable. “Next time, you should stay at my place,” Amar whispered to Kamaria. “Not as many people.” Gregory wanted to roll his eyes and comment about how gross and lovey dovey everyone was being, but he couldn’t, because he was the odd one out here.
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“I’m changing it, the commercials have been on for like 10 minutes,” he said, grabbing the remote. Gregory looked around; he was the only one even watching tv. “Uh, I’m changing it?” he said again. “Changing the tv to a different station. So we’re gonna miss the season finale of Rogue Justice, that we’ve been waiting for since last week. Anyone care?” The rest of the cousins were too wrapped up in their beaus to give an answer.
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“Hey, we watching the game or what?” Gregory looked up to see a stranger walking into the house. “Do you guys see him, or am I really going crazy?” he asked. “Sterling!” Joel exclaimed, finally separating from Ariel. “How the hell have you been, dude!”
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He hopped up to embrace this guy named Sterling, which gave Gregory the perfect opportunity to finally talk to his sister. “I’m gonna go upstairs,” he said. “What, why?” Ariel asked. “We’re having fun.” “No, you are having fun,” he said. “Everyone’s all touchy-feely and making out and I’m just sitting here alone in a room full of people. It sucks.” “Ok, everyone, break it up!” Ariel called out to the room. “We’re playing pool and drinking beer.” “My kind of party,” Sterling said.
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The group got up and went over to the pool table and Ariel and Joel got everyone some beer and other refreshments. Finally, after what seemed like forever sitting on the couch, this party was starting to liven up, and Gregory was thankful his sister was looking out for him.
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As luck would have it, however, as time went by, some of the Zarro cousins slowly escaped with their respective beaus.  “Hey, where are you going?” Ariel asked, seeing Kamaria grab her coat. “Oh, we’re gonna head to Amar’s place now,” she said. “Why?” “To have sex, duh,” she said. “We’re celebrating the end of finals!”
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“That sounds like a good idea,” Joel said, wrapping his arms around Ariel. “Where’s Tafari?” she asked. “Where do you think?” Gregory muttered. “Oh, come on, surely a sexy guy like you can’t be the odd man out,” Sterling said, hitting a pool ball. “I..what?” Gregory stammered. “Your bitterness is palpable dude,” he laughed. “But, I mean, I’m here now. Evens things out a bit, doesn’t it?”
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“Are you...flirting with me,” Gregory asked, feeling foolish as he did so. “You’re catching on,” Sterling said with a smile. “How am I doing so far?” “Uhhhhh....not bad,” Gregory laughed.
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“Take me to bed, Joel!” Ariel said drunkenly. “I think you’re one too many drinks past sex, Ari,” Joel laughed. “Maybe three too many drinks.” “You’re saying too many numbers,” Ariel muttered. Joel laughed again, looking up at Sterling and Gregory as he helped his girlfriend up. “Ugh, I didn’t know your brother was a homo,” he said. “I wouldn’t have invited Sterling if I knew he was going to pounce on him.”
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Gregory heard everything Joel said and felt his heart drop. He knew his sister was too drunk to understand, or even hear him, but he didn’t have the brainspace to be dealing with this right now. He grabbed Sterling’s hand and led him to his room. “Ah, the bedroom,” Sterling said. “You move fast.” “I just...I’m sorry, it’s not what you think,” Gregory stammered. “I just wanted to get out of that room. Um. Not that...I wanted you in my room. I mean, not that I don’t want you in my room. Ahh, I’ve never even kissed anyone before!”
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Sterling gently held Gregory’s hand. “First, stop rambling,” he said. “Second, before I totally roast you for not redoing the tacky wallpaper in here, tell me what you want.” “I want...I want you,” Gregory said slowly. “You got me,” said Sterling, dipping him into a kiss.
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