#she'll settle down and just be happy w/ her boats and her friends :)
spotlightstudios · 9 months
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Hihi!!! If anyone remembers the old Pho... no you don't.
Jk, but this is Pho from the Elementals realm my pal Neon is hosting rn! She's an enderman (hybrid?) with no memory of where she came from. All she knows is that she's looking for something, and she'll know when she sees it.
Her element of choice for the server is Water. This is kinda ironic, but for some reason she's not (as) reactive to contact w/ water. Like, yeah, it hurts, but she doesn't take immediate damage.... also, her pearl is always exposed. She can't teleport on her own because of the pearl's weak magic, so she just walks, y'know?
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