#she most commonly said that i never did pull-to-thaw. theres a fucking sheet that we always record numbers for and mark if its been done
I am exhausted. I'm exhausted and I can't keep going at my job. I just can't do this anymore.
The last three days at work have been hell.
First day: I show up and there's no one there. I start work an hour after the store opens and two hours after someone else should've arrived. There was no one. So I texted my boss and started all of the prep, but I wasn't going to open without someone else because fuck that. Finally one of my coworkers showed up because he overslept. To his credit he apologized. Then it was just the two of us for three hours until another coworker came in. Two people didn't show up that day. One called out sick and one just decided not to come.
Second day: The worst and the one I'm saltiest about. I show up and the store isn't open again, but at least there's a coworker there. I didn't see her at first because she was asleep. So we opened, and it was just the two of us for FIVE HOURS until someone else came in. It was the three of us for a single hour until one had to leave and there were just two of us. During peak time. I decided to shut down the drive thru because again, two of us, but a manager from fhe gas station (I work in a restaurant connected to a gas station) came over and told me it had to stay open or I could be fired. The way she said it was so fucking condescending, I nearly told her she could fire me and considered walking out. But I didn't. I had to stay an hour later because only one person, my coworker, was scheduled for that hour and I didn't want to leave him alone. It was so busy we didn't have a chance to breathe, but I still managed to finish a couple end of shift things. Not everything, but some. After that extra hour I HAD TO LEAVE and I apologized to the next manager, told him it was just the two of us and told him what I had managed, and that I needed to go. He just said "Okay." He didn't say "Can you wait while I see if there's anything I need you to do?" Or "Before you go can you finish X?" If he had I would've. But he said "Okay." And I had to fucking go. And again, I had done a surprising amount for the fact that there were two of us. To do everything. All day.
Third day: I show up and there are only two of us again. An hour passes and two more people are supposed to arrive. They don't. They didn't call out, they just didn't show up. Finally, an hour and a half after his shift was supposed to start, one of the two showed up. Three of us running everything. An hour before close one of them had to leave, so it was two of us to close. We stayed an hour and a half late. That's midnight thirty btw. We stayed until midnight thirty because people decided not to fucking show up to their goddamn job and I had to pick up their slack.
Then today, there was a manager's meeting. That includes me. In that meeting, the manager from the second day said, to the damn general manager "I know they were short staffed, but so were we, and this is unacceptable" and handed the GM a list of the shit we hadn't gotten done. Y'know, after I stayed an hour late, after running a shift with two people on one of our busiest days. And by the way, he had four people. Four people for a closing shift is a fucking luxury. He wasn't short staffed by any stretch of the imagination, but he had the fucking audacity to complain about me.
I can't keep doing this. Three days like that nearly killed me. On that second day I cried after my shift because it was so frustrating and overwhelming. It's taking such a horrible toll on me. I dread going to work because I'm afraid it's going to keep being like this. I'm afraid I'm going to show up and no one will be there, or I'll have to deal with a rush with just two people, or some asshole manager will call me out at a meeting with every manager for not being able to leave the restaurant spotless after I stayed a fucking hour late, after running a shift with two fucking people. I wish I didn't have to pay rent because I want to quit. This is ridiculous and I shouldn't have to put up with it, but here I am, putting up with it and still getting shit for it. No matter what I do, no matter the shit they give me, I provide service with a smile and I get absolutely nothing but shit in return.
This is why I hate being a fucking reliable worker. I'm expected to do everything and do it perfectly, while other people will do less than the bare minimum and it's tolerated. I'm held to a higher standard, I'm expected to do all of this and not have a single complaint, but people are welcome to complain about me. I wish I could just not care and not work hard and not show up for half of my shifts, but of course I can't. I can't keep doing this, because one day I'm going to have to run a two person shift or deal with a shitty customer or manager, and I'm just going to walk out and not come back. I don't deserve this shit but of course I'm stuck dealing with it, dealing with the crap that everyone leaves me. I work my ass off all the time, then I have one of the shittiest days ever and can't manage to leave the restaurant perfect, and I get called out in front of everyone. Fuck him. Fuck him fuck him fuck him. I've been pissed about this all day which is why I just had to get it out. I can't keep fucking doing this. I shouldn't have to.
#my last job i was treated like shit too whoch is why i left#but it was my favorite job ever and im so sad that i left it but i couldnt deal anymore#one day i came in ON MY DAY OFF so that i could learn how to clean the oven#i needed to learn so that i could do it when i COVERED MY MANAGER'S SHIFT so she could have Christmas with her family#i came in on my fucking day off to help her and that is the day that i learned all the shit she'd been talking about me#one of my coworkers pulled me aside and told me all she'd been saying. she complained to fucking everyone fhat i never did X Y or Z#THE PROBLEM WITH THAT IS THERE WAS FUCKING PROOF THAT I ALWAYS DID THOSE THINGS#she most commonly said that i never did pull-to-thaw. theres a fucking sheet that we always record numbers for and mark if its been done#anyone could look at that sheet and look in the cooler and confirm that i did it so she was just blatantly lying to all of my coworkers#(the reason she could lie was that i mostly worked alone so usually i didnt have coworkers there to watch me)#she decided to take matters into her own hands for. she changed my schedule so that i had to work with her. i was the only one on my shift#WHICH MEANS THAT SHE LEFT A WHOLE SHIFT OPEN. SO NO ONE DID ANY OF THE CLOSING TASKS. BECAUSE I WASNT THERE#our store manager fixed that real quick#what im most pissed about is that she never told me. to my face she said i was doing great. thanked me for running things on my own#but behind my back she said nasty shit about me to everyone else. have the decency to tell me about it#i cant fix anything if i think its all fine. so i left after i learned that. i applied for a new job that same day#after all i did for that bitch. she had the fucking audacity. after all i do at my current job they have the fucking audacity#i like this job. i loved my old job. the tasks were great and the work was a dream#but i can't stay when i know these people dont respect me. i dont deserve that#that fucking old manager chased two other people out btw. theyre understaffed because people fucking hate her#i bust my ass for people that dont care about me and i cant. i cant keep doing this. i shouldnt have to#this is such bullshit
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