#shauni answer
how we feeling about Resplendent Rhajat
How we feeling about WHAT
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Thank you for telling me, anon!! I'm not a big fan of the fairy-themed alts, but I think she looks pretty nice :D
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Is there a time limit on how long a person could write support conversations?
Nope! I've stopped taking reservations for support chains (it was hell to keep track of). If you want to write one, just write it and submit it whenever you want.
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sketchy-rosewitch · 1 year
Fall Together:Butchie Yost x afab!gn!reader
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Warnings: fingering, PinV, references to past drug use.
BvH Character Masterlist
A/N: Yall better go watch John from Cincinnati right now >:(
Then watch Ascension cause that’s my next oneshot coming up
The sun heats your skin as you walk along the shoreline watching your friend surf. He’d been out since the early hours of the morning but you’d only shown up an hour ago.
You enjoyed watching him, he looked so relaxed and free.
You kick the cool water and hum lightly. The waves come in just above your ankles and you turn to look, seeing Butchie paddle back up to where you were. He stands and runs his hands through his hair.
“Hey Butchie.”
“Hey, thought you’d be out with Kai and Shaunie.”
You shake your head. “Nah, not today. Thought I’d see if you wanted to do anything.”
You follow him back to his van waiting for an answer, he opens his trunk and places his board inside.
“I don’t think you’d wanna do that.” The blond scoffs and undresses.
“Nah, I definitely do. I wouldn’t have gone to the beach to find you if I didn’t want to.”
Butchie strips his wetsuit off and grabs his shirt and shorts that sit next to his surfboard. You watch as he makes a face.
“Kai and Shaun are way more fun than me.”
You shake your head. “Who cares? I wanna hang out with you! We should go roller skating!” You jump up and down. Butchie sighs, his blue eyes looking into yours. “It’ll be fun come on.”
“I ain’t exactly good.”
You roll your eyes and climb into his van, he gets in on the driver’s side and starts the car, driving towards the rink. The smile never seems to leave your face, feeling absolutely giddy. Truly you’d do any for this to be a date, but you could take what you could get and hanging out with Butchie was what you could get.
Butchie parks you the two of you exit the car and head into the building, he grabs your hand and takes the lead dragging you inside, he takes you to the skate counter, telling the worker his shoe size then raising a brow at you.
You look at him, then the clearly sick of life teen and stutter out an answer. Butchie pays, even though you insist since it was your idea but he squints at you.
“Nah, cause now John keeps giving me money. He’s like some sort of walking bank. I got it.”
You nod your head and the both of you walk to a bench to put on your skates.
“You ever roller skated before?” You ask, sliding on each of your skates before tying them.
“Nah, just skateboarding when I was younger. I’m er- only doin’ this cause you suggested it. Don’t really like tryin’ new things.” The surfer boy explains, your heart thumps loudly you swear if the loud pop music wasn’t playing Butchie Yost would’ve heard it.
“That means a lot. Now come on! I’m really good at this!”
You hold out your hand and he takes it, carefully standing up, he holds one hand out and you glide across the 80’s neon patterned carpet and onto the rink.
Plenty of people were here on this Saturday afternoon, chatting and showing off their skills (or lack there of).
Butchie’s hands are clammy but you don’t mind knowing he’s probably nervous about slipping on his ass.
You smile up at him and he does his fake pursed lip smile causing you to stick your tongue out at him.
Taking things slow you let go of Butchie’s right hand and hold onto his left, keeping him closest to the wall. His grip seems to tighten and and loosen, constantly squeezing, as you make two laps around the rink. He never grabs onto the wall though.
“I appreciate you wanting to come out with me. We never really get to hang out. Always having Shaunie, Kai, or even John with us. It’s nice. Just the two of us.” Your confession is just loud enough for the blond man to hear and he nods his head in agreement.
You notice his body slowly loosening up as he becomes more confident. Butchie never seems to let go of your hand though, the position of his grip seems to change to, fingers now intertwined, you try not to think too much about it and instead take him towards the middle of the rink.
“Hey now. Come on. It’s like you want me to fall on my ass.” Butchie complains but never tries to pull back, you smile at him.
“It’s okay, we can fall together.”
You let go of his hand and wrap your arm around his waist moving fast, his body tenses up but he tries so hard to relax. Your shoulders move to the poppy music and force him to sway a bit too. Underneath the disco and flashy colorful lights you notice he smiles and is trying to hide it.
“See you’re having fun. Look at you!”
“Oh shut up.”
The two of you skate for a few more hours before deciding to stop. He holds your hand in the parking lot but you don’t think too much about it. He’s always done this with his friends (though he’d never admit he has any).
“We should get some ice cream!” You suggest. He shrugs.
“Sounds good to me.”
The waves push in and out along the shore at the two of you lick your ice cream cones and watch the sun set.
“I know it was… a shitty time for both of us but I’m really happy I met you a couple of years back.” You admit. Through your peripheral vision you see Butchie nod.
“Me too. You’ve changed me a lot. More than my parents or son could do. Then John came around and we stopped talkin’ so much. Least, alone that is. I missed you, a lot but he also changed me even more though and even though I’m still in that dingy ass motel room I feel like I’m out of that stupid shit Linc got me into all those fuckin’ years ago.” The blond explains, you look at him.
“You changed me too. I got an apartment, a job, I can actually talk to whoever I want to! I’m not reliant on anyone either.” You look at him and laugh. “You got something.”
Taking a napkin you wipe Butchie’s chin. “There we go.”
He finishes his ice cream and looks away. “Anyways I appreciate today. I-fuck. Whatever.” Butchie’s hand tenses, it lightly taps on his knee. You finish your cone and pocket the napkins.
“What do you mean whatever? You can say anything you want to me ya know.”
You turn your whole body towards Butchie and relax, he looks at you through the side of his eye and let’s out a sigh, turning towards you he crosses his arms and tenses up.
“I- fuck… THIS IS SO HARD! Ugh I- fuck man, I love you.” The surfer runs his hand through his long hair. You smile, heart squeezing before it bursts into millions of pieces, then forming again in a magnetic tension.
“I love you too.”
Butchie let’s go, his shoulders falling from his ears and hands return to his lap. “You serious? Can’t fuckin’ joke with me right now you better be fuckin’ serious.” Butchie grumbles. You take his hand, it’s clammy, he wipes his nose with his other arm and sniffles. You move your other hand up to his face and lean in, he leans in too and your lips meet. Your heart almost stops as you deepen the kiss. His other hand covers yours that sits on his face.
You two break apart and you smile.
“I’m not gonna joke with you about something like this, I’m serious 100 percent.”
“Good, good.” He seems to like holding your hands and doesn’t let go. “Do-you-uh. Do you wanna head back to my place?”
Butchie opens the motel room door and you watch into a messy room. He scratches the back of his head and shuts the door lightly behind him.
“My bad, guess I got too excited. Forgot my place is always a mess.” Butchie says picking up a few items and shoving them in a corner. You shrug your shoulders.
“My place isn’t any better Butch.”
“That’s a lie.” You two look at each other.
“Half of one.” You jump onto his bed and kick of your shoes. “My apartment is messy, went into a slump for a bit and thought I’d ignore it and I did. Til you just reminded me of Yosty.”
You roll in his unmade bed. He shakes his head at you, a smile creeps up on his face and he takes off his shoes too and slips into more comfortable clothes. He goes into his dresser and tosses you a shirt.
“Cleanest thing I own right now. Again, my bad.”
You smile and jokingly strip in front of Butchie. He scoffs and walks over to kiss you. Your hands wrap around his neck and you play with his hair.
Butchie leans into you causing you to go off balance and fall onto his bed. A small groan leaves your chest but you don’t stop kissing him.
He kisses over your jaw and down your neck, feeling up and down your body. “You’re so cute. Fuck I don’t deserve you.” His grip hardens then softens seconds later. Butchie’s fingers rub lightly over the area in a small apology.
“Then I don’t deserve you Butchie.” Your fingers run through his hair.
Butchie shakes his head, his hands leave your body so he can undress and you sit there watching him. His hands meet your underwear and slip them off too.
Butchie kisses you roughly and opens his mouth, you open yours and play with his tongue, feeling as his hand moves down to your cunt. Two fingers slip in and curl into your g-spot making you let out a stifled moan.
Butchie’s other hand caresses your face rubbing some of the drool into your cheek. You let out soft pants as he continues fingering you quickly yet lovingly. He or is all over your face making you smile and scrunch up.
You feel your stomach tightening and let out a loud moan. Your hips begin to move with Butchie’s fingers.
“Please. Butchie I’m gonna cum. Please don’t stop.” You whine, he buries his head into your neck and bites gently on your skin, curling his fingers just right.
The knot tightens before snapping all together and you’re vision turns white. A loud squeal comes from your throat as you cum on his fingers. You feel him smile into your neck and pull his fingers out.
They meet your lips and you take them in your mouth gently sucking on them.
He then takes them out and holds your hips, lining himself up with your hole.
Slowly he slides in stretching you out. Your whole body shakes as you let out a whine of pleasure. Your hand takes Butchie’s wrist out of comfort and he smiles gently.
“You feel so good around my cock baby.”
A small slurred moan comes from your mouth as you roll your hips into him.
“Yeah you want me to keep goin’?” He asks, you nod your head and smile dumbly up at him.
Butchie pulls his hips back then thrusts forward cause a gasp to leave both of you. He starts at a slow and sensual pace, you two kiss each other, groans leave his mouth and you already feel his cock pulsating inside you.
“You’re so amazin’ baby. I can’t get enough of you. You’re so cute and fuck- god you’re so tight. Make me feel so good baby.”
His mouth keeps running and running, only being stopped by soft groans and moans coming from his chest or him kissing your neck leaving beautiful marks behind.
Your let out small squeals as he keeps fucking you wide open, you can’t speak but you want to. So badly you want to he’s so handsome and deserves everything and more, your hands move to caress his face when he decides he wants to hover over you and stare at your hazy eyes.
You smile through your moans and rub the bottom of his lip lightly.
His breath hitches as he thrusts faster into you. A knot again forms in your stomach but it’s already about to snap. You don’t have time to give warning as your eyes roll back and legs shake. A loud mewl comes from your throat as you cum, squeezing his cock. Butchie groans and pulls out cumming on your stomach.
The surfer falls on top of you and kisses your neck lightly.
“Fuck.. fuck I love you baby.” Butchie mumbles, he adjusts the two of you so you’re under his sheets. The man spoons you and kisses your face. You hum lightly and close your eyes.
“I love you so much Butchie Yost.”
“I love you too.”
Butchie doesn’t fall asleep right away, instead he traces patterns into your skin and waits for you to fall asleep. Once you do he finally relaxes fully and closes his eyes still moving his fingers around gently until he falls asleep.
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hardcore-lonewolf · 7 months
"Halfblood Question!"
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I Don't Own Images Or GIFs, Credit Goes To The Main Users Or Artists Who Made Them With Such Creativity.
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popchoc · 1 year
tagged by @ohlexa thank you!! 😊
Three ships: This is already impossible! But okay, today I'll go with Clexa, Gigi & Dani (though totally ruined), and Chuck & Sarah.
First Ever Ship: Calzona (after a bunch of straight ships - remember Eddie & Shauni, for example 🤭 - I mostly forgot about)
Last Song: Ladada (Mon Dernier Mot) by Claude
Currently Reading: "Wat De Fak" by the Dutch-Moroccan actress Maryam Hassouni. And yes, that's indeed a (free) translation of WTF. It's about everything that's wrong, including all the abuse, within the Dutch tv- and movie industry. Also "Confessions of a Forty-something F**k Up" by Alexandra Potter which I started over six months ago 🙈
Last Movie: Top Gun Maverick. Watched it on the plane to Tanzania last week and enjoyed it quite a lot!
Currently Watching: Nothing, as I'm on vacation, but I'm looking forward to The Last of Us.
Currently Consuming: my second glass of Prosecco... on a half empty stomach (as I'm living the life on Zanzibar 🌴😎)
Currently Craving: chocolat that doesn’t melt right away, insect repelent since I feel I'm under attack and some good old romance that fits the setting (this answer might be influenced by the previous one)...
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ballplayersxo · 2 years
To answer the other anon's question. These athletes are not gonna go for independent, smart, career women because those women would want to be in a relationship with them not need to be in a relationship. I mean that these women will most likely not put up with their cheating, multiple children, different baby mamas that comes with these players because they don't need them for their money and don't really care about social clout because they have that on their own whereas the girls these athletes chase need them for financial purposes or clout. So they know they can mistreat these women and they will stay because they need money to pay their rent, car note, or buy designer items or the clout that's associated with being a WAG. An independent, strong, career woman don't need those so these athletes would have to treat her right for her to stay and most don't and a perfect example of this is Shaunie O'Neal. She didn't need Shaq cause she had money and clout before, during and after their marriage, she wanted and loved him but he didn't do right by her and she left cause she had the power to leave and now he's lonely and sis is happily remarried.
you said it perfectly
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lightningbug-lane · 4 years
Do you still like FE Fates?
oh yeah, definitely. It’s one of my favorite FE games, and one I’ve sunk the most time into lol. if I ever get back into a good schedule for drawing I’d definitely do some Fates stuff! ahaha it’s not like I’m doing designs for Valla related classes already or anything...
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concubine-mamas · 5 years
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project-box · 6 years
Please don't worry and just release the demo whenever you're ready to ^^ I'm keeping an eye on this project because it seems so well-done and and made with love, and while I'm excited to play it, I'd rather you take your time. There is no need for you to feel pressured. That you are working so hard on it is incredible enough.
Wow thank you!!! I’m very grateful that so much of the game’s followers understand that things take time. I’m practically never rushed by anyone, so I know when I feel the pressure it’s really all in my head. Thank you (and everyone!) for being so patient :’)
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Bit surprised no ones asked yet, how you feeling about the new free f!kana alt?
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Honestly pretty happy about it! The art is good, I like that her outfit resembles her dad's own New Year alt, and that she was the free unit (which I was glad about since all my orbs went into getting Legendary Camilla) ^^
I wasn't expecting her to get an alt, but certainly not complaining about it!
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Ngl you don't know me and I just follow you from a long time ago but the instant I saw legendary male kamui/corrin I said "hm let's go check and see if shauni saw it yet" lol
(You don't have to reply to this publicly or anything I just thought it was funny)
Hi! It's nice to know there's someone out there who's been suffering through me and my silly posts around for a long time ^^
Honestly, 99% of the time I don't know when a fave of mine was released or got an alt because I am very rarely on Twitter and I never know when the next banner reveal drops, so I truly appreciate it when people drop me messages about it! Otherwise it'd take me until the banner drops in-game to realize it XD
So it was completely random luck that I came across the banner reveal video yesterday! For once, I was among the first to know XD
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It really is!! Love how glossy it is, and the Hoshidan Noble armor looks amazing!
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TIL Embla is not a reference to Fire EMBLem, but in reference to the first woman in Norse Mythology. (Askr, referencing the first man)
Yes! I actually learned that randomly from a comment on some fanart ^^ Just like Lif and Thrasir are named after the man and the woman who are foretold to survive Ragnarok and repopulate the world.
I really like all the references to Norse mythology FEH has and how they adapt these concepts to fit in the game.
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a bit ago i was looking over the fates characters that haven't been added to heroes yet. 1) put Kilma in cyl already. 2) i kinda want the next mythic to be Cadros, if only to reunite Anankos with his boytoy. 3) anthony is such an easy fallen hero just make him an ungodly strong f2p beast that turns into a faceless immediately.
All three of these characters would be great additions!! This many years later and we're all still thirsty for Kilma lmao + everyone agrees there's something fishy between Anankos and Cadros, and Fallen!Anankos' dialogue in Heroes only made it more suspicious XD Anthony would be so neat to have as well!
Another one I'd love to see added to Heroes is Nichol. Come on, his design is so cool, he'd be a great GHB unit!
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this is why rainbow sage needs to be the next mythic hero
Honestly? I'd pull. I might not actually use him, but I'd love to have him.
Another very minor character I hope we get one day is Layla, the songstress who only shows up in Birthright. A fan can dream!
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headcanon that Resplendent Rhajat was supposed to be her celebrating the Wind Tribe festival with her adoptive grandpa, but she got mixed up after hearing about the simultaneous fairy events and accidentally showed up in the wrong outfit
OH NO, POOR HER XD I'd feel so bad for her, she'd be so embarrassed about it (and probably would try to make it seem as if it was totally on purpose).
On another note, gosh, a Fuga and Rhajat duo alt would be SO cute. I always wanted to see Fuga and Rhajat interact, and that'd be such a good opportunity!!
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in utter shock that we not only got yukimura but as a premium unit
I know, right?? I wasn't expecting him any time soon at all (in any form), but I guess they did add Yuugiri/Reina as a ninja alt some time ago... plus Fuga... The Kamuisexuals are coming to town :)
Yukimura's art is so so good too, I was surprised XD
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