#sharan yells at cloud
shararan ยท 1 year
What's really unsettling in terms of Scaramouche and Dottore is the way Scara running off with the gnosis seems to have been part of whatever plan the Fatui has.
In the Harbinger trailer, Dottore talks about Scaramouche "conquering the divine gaze", which at least I initially assumed to be whatever power the gnosis could provide and therefore whatever plan the Fatui were intending to execute involved that.
But then Dottore throws Scara aside after he's defeated, moving along and bartering both the electro and dendro gnoses and that's that. And after the whole revelation with Dottore and Pierro's centuries long project of getting their hands on the Electro Archons discarded humanoid puppet and shaping him to their will (under the illusion of seeking to help him claim the divine role he was created for, and the promise of unleashing his sealed powers).
My memory is a bit hazy on the finer details but I remember at some point during the 3.3 quest that the term 'Divine Gaze' was mentioned again, but this time in what I interpreted to refer to Visions.
If that is the case (and unless I am severely misremembering and/or misplacing details)... then does that mean Dottore and likely Pierro knew that Scara would get his vision? Seeing that they know more than the story has revealed to us thus far about the famed 'Truth of this world', the Harbinger trailer ending with Dottore burning what looks to be Irminsul (plus Pierro's last words to Signora), as well as the overarching part of the Sumeru chapter casting further light on how time in Teyvat seems to work...
I don't really know what I think besides that I feel like Scaramouche's story has only just begun. He erased the memory of his existence from Irminsul, and perhaps that is also part of the Fatui's grand plan. I don't really feel like he is entirely free from Pierro and Dottore's grasp, and I can't help but think that he will wander (hah) back into Dottore's palm... or rather, he might never have truly left it in the first place.
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