“My original understanding was that the arc was created as part of an impulse and strategy that revolved around staying in control of the narrative, as it was clear the show would be canceled, which of course it was.”  Mary McDonnell (from her Variety guest column)
So, it’s pretty clear that Mary was handed this storyline as a fait accompli and that she had to try to understand it and work with it--not that she helped Duff come up with it as he’d like us to believe. What I still don’t understand, and maybe some of you can help me with this, is how killing Sharon off was Duffs way of staying in control of the narrative. TNT had cancelled MC and they weren’t interested in any kind of spin-off. It doesn’t sound like they really gave a damn what he did with the season or how it ended so it’s not like they had a vision for how they wanted the show to end and Duff decided he was going to take matters into his own hands so he would end the show on his own terms. He had complete control of the narrative, he didn’t need to wrest it from anyone. It doesn’t make sense. All these weeks later there is still nothing about her death makes any sense. 
The one thing that DID make sense was the word “impulse”. It seems to have been an impulsive knee jerk FU reaction from JD to TNT and to Sharon/Shandy fans, that’s really what I believe and why it will never make any sense.  
So grateful to Mary for writing this column and for understanding and acknowledging how the fans felt. 
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Since we don’t know who the hell showed up to Sharon and Andy’s wedding, here is my head canon. 
On Sharon’s side in that front pew are her parents right on the aisle, her sister in blue and her three nieces. The guy on the end is either her brother in law or her brother. On Andy’s side in the front pew that’s his sister, his brother in law and his three nieces. I mean come on these two people had FAMILIES.
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THIS is Defiance
Love the defiance in the fandom right now as we all vow to take back our characters after the assasinations that occured in season six. 
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