#seteth: you've literally been stabbed
onyxedskies · 2 years
How about this:
Do the full 50 fe3h asks, minus the ones you've already done
I dare you 💕
god damn razz
challenge accepted >:)
my best friend! they had been talking about it for a while and it seemed interesting so i asked for it for my birthday. though i’d been interested in fire emblem for a while thanks to super smash bros
yes, though i’ve wanted to play other ones for a while but don’t have any consoles to play them on
chris hackney. i know nothing else that he’s done but he did dimitri so well
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crimson flower. i’ve had the game for over two years and i still haven’t finished it yet (mostly cause i despise white clouds)
azure moon, 100%
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tragedy of duscur, definitely, but also what happened with mercedes and jeritza and what happened with ashe and lonato.
the scene after you defeat cornelia in fhirdiad in azure moon. when dimitri says “bloodstained as i am… am i fit to be king?” it rips me apart every time in the best fucking way. best scene to me, hands down, can and will recite it word for word whenever it comes on
bow knight. i love it so much, it’s such a fun class to me. and no, it’s not just cause of ashe, though he does play a role in it
maybe im just bisexual but swords. always.
i don’t know where it is and don’t have the energy to find it but there’s this piece of felix and sylvain stabbing each other in the rain that makes me scream every goddamn time
i’m working on a thing for ashes birthday on the 17th, but no peeks!
seteth, jeralt, shamir, rhea, flayn, catherine, alois, gilbert
linhardt, caspar, hubert, dorothea, ferdinand, bernadetta, petra, edelgard
ashe, dimitri, felix, sylvain, mercedes, dedue, annette, ingrid
claude, hilda, marianne, lysithea, lorenz, raphael, ignatz, leonie
explicitly, yuri, however every character i have ever written will always be written bi coded so take that as you will
literally all the blue lions
linhardt, actually! i headcanon him as ace but not sex-repulsed
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ashe is pan, and felix is unlabeled
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ashe. the narrative truly did him dirty. he could have been developed as a foil character for dimitri, even more so than felix, but no. he is still kind of a foil character for him and i will elaborate on that if asked but yeah.
the lords should have gotten supports together. there, i said it. i’m not sorry. i want to see claude play a prank on dimitri is that really too much to ask. also ashe and felix should have gotten an a support
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answered here!
i hate bernie’s preskip hair so much
lorenz 😭
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ingrid and sylvain
without paired dialogue, ashe and marianne. i love them. with paired dialogue, dedue and dimitri
dimitri. making him blush is so fun. i love him.
ashe and felix
ashe because i love him, the rest of the lions because i love them, marianne because i can’t bring myself to kill her, and lysithea cause she’s a beast
i don’t know who came up with this, but i love the headcanon that the fraldarius family proposed with a dagger with the fraldarius crest and the marrying families crest engraved in it, and that the dagger goes to their first child. i also love the theory that magic users have scars on their hands.
i don’t think i really have any tbh
either felannie or mariashe
yuriashe and ashelix
i firmly believe that the lions + yuri are all in a polycule, but on a smaller scale annette/ingrid/felix/sylvain
boring and typical but dimileth holds a very special place in my heart
petrashe. i have no reason to hate it but i do.
ingrid/dorothea. idk i just… don’t see it.
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