#seriously so proud of my bean<33333
thirteenmyspacegirl · 2 years
OKAY LAST ONE PROMISE- i don't have actually that many pictures from this weekend it was so stressful i just. forgot.
first round of sunday! aside from him not liking that gate-even tho he saw it yesterday djfwmdkro-it was a clear round and he was an angel!!!!!!!!
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yehet-me-up · 5 years
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OH MY GOD, IT’S YOU! IT’S YOU, IT’S YOU, IT’S YOU HOLY SHIT I FINALLY FOUND YOU AGAIN!!! I’VE BEEN LOOKING ALL OVER THE PLACE FOR YOUR ACCOUNT BUT I COULDN’T REMEMBER YOUR USERNAME AND I WAS SO SAD ABOUT IT CUZ I NEVER GOT THE CHANCE TO TELL YOU HOW MUCH I LOVE YOUR STORIES! I legit looked EVERYWHERE for ya like I kept trying to type quotes from your fics into Tumblr’s search engine and nothing worked it was the worst. But then I stumbled upon another blog that reccomended one of your fics so I checked your blog out only to discover the fic writer I’ve been looking all over the place for! Eeeee, I’m super right now.
Okay, so, now that I’m here once again let me just say how much I love the Exodus Mall series like, holy shit??? Reading those fics was like going into a bakery and buying fresh chocolate frosted donuts that you KNOW you shouldn’t be buying with the paycheck you just got from your job but you do it anyway cuz they’re so tasty so you sit on a good seat by the windowsill eating every single donut feeling the most self indulgent you could ever possibly feel. That is what Exodus Mall is like to me, a wonderful chocolate frosted donut. I don’t know how many times there a was a part in one of the stories where I was like “this!!! This right here is exactly what I want from romcoms!!!!” Oh man it’s just so GOOD. But what I think truly makes it splendid is how well you’ve perfected your craft. I’m also a writer so I could tell that you’ve put a lot of thought into the Exodus Mall. There’s no doubt in my mind that you could probably write paragraphs about the front doors of the mall or what the best restaurant is or where the bathrooms are like it all feels so incredibly realised. You know what this world is and the way you which the write the people inhabiting it feels like a labour of love. It’s stunning, truly stunning. You should pat yourself on the back for this because I couldn’t be more proud of what you’ve accomplished! Bravo!
If you ever decide to write another addition to the story (I know in your masterlist it says you’re planning on it but I don’t want you to feel any pressure to do so, if you end up not feeling up to it that’s okay! 💖) I would be ecstatic. I can’t get enough of this universe and adore every aspect of it. Also, now don’t take this too seriously this is just me spitballing here, would there ever be a chance of you writing some about the ex-members in the mall as well? Cuz I would die for my moon and stars, Huang Zitao, and if wrote anything for him I’d be as giddy as a dentist after Halloween. But that’s just a pipe dream of mine! No pressure whatsoever to do it!
I’ve probably rambled on too much already so I’ll stop now haha. Hope you’re having the best of days/nights!! I’m so happy you were born into this world!!! Take it easy!!!!
- Theatrical Gay Anon (the blog yeoldontknow calls me this so I’ll refer to myself by it here too)
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HELLO SWEET BEAN WELCOME BACK <3333 i’ve kept this up for several days because it warms my heart thank you SO much for this i’m ?!?!?!?!? SO TOUCHED AND EMO ;~; 
a wonderful chocolate frosted donut THIS IS THE SWEETEST COMPARISON IVE EVER HAD FOR MY WRITING BLESS YOU *weeps openly*
You know what this world is and the way you which the write the people inhabiting it feels like a labour of love AIOSJDFLKASDJFLAKD please, have my whole entire heart i’m not using it 
i am working slowly but steadily on chenneth’s and i hope that his will be up in the next .... month or so???? i would be DELIGHTED to write some Tao for you sweet bean <33333 i’ve added it to my drabblepalooza list for the next few weeks :D
again thank you so SO much for taking the time to read and to send this message i’m just a small pile of emo and happiness over here. you’ve made my month <3333 i hope YOUR day is just as bright and wonderful and magical as you are <33333
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