Stop saying Usagi can still be Queen of Earth when you don't have her marrying or loving Mamoru!
Seriously people!
The way I see it, the reason the Great Freeze or whatever other disaster(s) that resulted in Crystal Tokyo, because something else might cause it in different timelines, comes about is because when Usa and Mamo marry with love binding them, not obligation or fate telling them so, it causes a knock-on effect. The two willingly coming together for so powerful a reason causes some form of upset in the universe/cosmos, kind of like how hurricanes are formed, and when all is said and done it causes them to become King and Queen once everything has been 'fixed'; because it's their love for one another and what they know each-other cares for combined that helps them 'fix' whatever had been broken. But! What I'm talking about is when people don't want to pair her with Mamoru and she still becomes Queen of Earth, either because 'that's her fate' or because she still marries Mamoru but loves someone else. I am of the opinion that if Usa and/or Mamo don't love one another when they get married, or simply not get married at all because they want to be with someone else, (because I have no doubts whatsoever that Setsuna would let either be unhappy if they didn't have to, especially when she can just as easily tell them that it's their true and pure love for one another that brings it about, if not in so many words) then whatever caused CT is just not going to happen. Like, at all. And regarding those few who make her Queen of Earth despite not marrying Mamoru at all, well I find that annoying. Why? Because she's the Lunarian Princess becoming Queen of Earth without having married the Terran Prince, who actually has proper claim to the Planetary Throne as said by Helios to become King. Like, unless the guy's dead and he's given instructions to Helios that he is bequeathing his Throne to Usagi/Serenity and/or her Line until his reincarnation's rebirth, to which can be a kinda Sword in the Stone scenario by using the Golden Crystal, there's no way she'd take over as Queen without being called a Usurper or Pretender to the Throne, especially when she doesn't have to. The only other example I'd accept, which one would think implausible since there is Helios unless he has Rules to follow not unlike Pluto with the Gate of Time, is when they don't even know about Mamo being the reincarnated Prince because that specific reveal hadn't happened for whatever reason, like what happens in "Even Miracles take a little time" by Queen Risa over on FFN. "But what about ChibiUsa!" I hear you cry. What about her? I'm not saying she's not important, as much as I've always hated her in general, some of the things they'd been through only happened because of her presence, but I'm also not saying she'll be killed off or become non-existent. She started to disappear in the 90's anime when the possibility that Mamoru, her Papa's past self, would be forever under Nehelania's spell and Usagi, her Mama's past self, killed off was a thing, right? But! Hear me out. What if she was disappearing not because she wasn't going to be born but because she was now in a past she couldn't be in as an impossibility? It hurt her so much, not because she was becoming unborn but because Time itself was trying to forcefully put her where she's a possibility and she was fighting to stay right where she was, a past that wouldn't result in her conception or birth. And she returned because she'd been fighting to stay when she 'disappeared' that Time had no choice but to put her back when she became a possibility again.
Again, if Usa and Mamo don't marry out of love, but out of obligation or 'for ChibiUsa', then whatever disaster that resulted in CT's formation isn't going to happen. As such, she cannot, should not, be called Queen of Earth.
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elizasshamilton · 10 years
ღ serendymion
Their first kiss was soft as the touch of morning dew upon a flower, fleeting as a sudden breeze, but it was unforgettable. Serenity thought of it in her every quiet moment - and sometimes when she shouldn’t have, like in the middle of a session of court or during her lessons. But how could she think on anything else, when she knew the sweetness of Endymion’s lips? It was impossible.
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Sailor Moon Season Mashup: A story idea
I just had an idea I've got to share and hopefully inspire someone to write. An aged-up season mashup where the first season and the latter half of the second come together.
Basically, when the Nijizuishou Arc is happening Usa and the others are in their early to mid twenties. Usa and Mamo are pining for each other but don't want to act on their feelings because they don't want to endanger each other in the event their identities are found out so they make the best of their situation by getting together with their partner-in-youma-fighting/not-quite-ally-or-enemy because at least if they're discovered as being together they know they can protect themselves.
And then, the Reveal.
It's during the time of Mamo's conversion, Usa doesn't know if he's dead or alive and depressed that the man she's been pining for and wanting to be with is also the man she's unknowingly been with because she didn't know she could be with him, that a strange little girl with hair in a familiar style lands in Usa's lap while at the park for some fresh air. And to get away from her well meaning friends' smothering. Said little girl is stunned that she's landed in the lap of someone who looks so much like her Mama that she just starts crying and apologizing. It's all her fault after all. Usa gets her calmed down before taking her home, she's been SM for a while now and whatever instincts she's honed however long are telling her to not let the girl go off alone. That she's important and she needs protection and, depression over her lost love or not, she's gonna give it to her, damn it!
I think you see where I'm going with this. Instead of the 'breakup' that happened in the second half of the 90s R season it's that Mamo is Dendy when Chibi makes her appearance. Diamond wants Serenity, as always, and, what joy of joys, they've come to a past in which the King has married a different Queen (obviously he hasn't but the minds of the obsessed work in mysterious ways in order to fit reality into their narrative). And lo and behold, because Diamond knew the King was only in it for the power she could wield, the Senshi are fighting against the King, not with him because he wants the Ginzuishou for his 'new' Queen; Diamond's ecstatic. Because it means Serenity's his for the taking. No marital vows of fidelity. No spawn that man planted in her beautiful body to trap her into marrying him in the first place. She probably hasn't even been tasted yet, never known the pleasures of a woman fully grown. But he wouldn't mind being the one to teach her. No, no, he'd do so gleefully.
Thing is, despite the many precautions that SM and TK took whenever they were intimate, Time will always try to find a way to keep the future it wants to happen preserved, even if it doesn't happen the way it should. Usa is, unknowingly for now, pregnant when Mamo's kidnapped. The Key is acting as a shield, not that Chibi knows that yet, against the Law that says "Past and Future must not be in the same space for long." It's keeping Chibi's presence from affecting her Past self while being in said Past.
But now, the Senshi are being run ragged because they're being attacked on two fronts because a surprise second enemy faction came out of the woodwork, they're not gonna ally with people trying to hurt/kill a child, while they were still fighting against their first while also trying to make money at their jobs and keep a surprise child fed, clothed and safe from said second enemy faction. Usa's not gonna let her family be targeted, even if she has to claim of secretly being a teen mother who recently, finally, got her baby back; being an adult in this AU Usa can't help but act like the Mama she's claiming to be to Chibi. It's feels scarily easy, she tells the others, there just seems to be a connection she can't ignore, and she doesn't want to. Then there's how certain Shittenou are being weirdly protective of certain Senshi (you figure out how to justify not killing them off) when the Ayakashi Sisters try to nab them time and again, and said certain Senshi gets frantic returning the favor (you choose whether the sisters are saved like in the 90s anime or not) when the Ayakashi sisters try to kill them for interfering which they don't understand why! They're the enemy! ...Aren't they? Not to mention the hullabaloo caused by the miracle worker Dr. Chiba going missing so suddenly even though there are multiple people calling in saying they've seen him here and there but it's just Endou. And poor Chibi, unknowing she's Found Out and Realized, can't seem to stand letting Usa out of her sight if she can help it. (She really is Mama! She's alright and not sleeping, maybe dying, in a Crystal Tomb because she was a bad girl.) Clings to SM whenever she saves her and only tends to let go when she mentions getting her to her Mama. Crying silently whenever she gets a glimpse of TK when she's near the battlefield and trembling like she's holding herself back from... something whenever she sees Endou on the street. (She wants her Papa to hold and comfort her, he claimed time and again that there's nothing in the world to keep him from loving her Mama and she wants to know why?! Why did he lie?!)
You can choose whether or not the BMC and the DK ally with one another and actually try to help keep Usa and Mamo apart or try to make them properly fight against each other, but ultimately (obviously) fail, or go the route of Ail and An in trying to kill the one in order to have the other, making excuses to keep the other sweet when they fail, and damn the feelings of the one who's obsession is killed because they have what they want. And/or Metallia and Wiseman team up in the background while the two fools who act as their respective puppet leader get destroyed alongside the Senshi they're fighting against while their own plans come to some form of fruition.
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