#self reblogging with tags because I goofed and forgot to add them the first time around
elshells · 1 year
Get To Know My OC(s)
Tagged by the wonderful @writernopal for this one! Check out her post about her character Fay here, it's a fun and engaging read!
Anyway, I'm super excited to do this! I've decided to use this as an opportunity to introduce y'all to Sophia and Janus from Agent Ace, and show off their dynamic (which I have so much fun writing) by putting them through these questions in the style of an interview/group interrogation. That could be neat, right?
Tagging @thewardenofwinter, @obviousknife, @kittensartswriting, @crowandmoonwriting, @jasmineinthenight, and open tag to anyone else who wishes to participate! Of course, if you've already played this game you're not obligated to do so again, but if you'd like an excuse to introduce your little dudes, I'd love to read about them! <3
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You call Janus in first. He enters with a confident stride, taking the seat directly in front of you and acknowledging you with a dip of his head. His black hair is short and clean-cut, though faint stubble lines his upper lip and jawline. There's nothing remarkable about his wardrobe—dark and well-worn, with an earring in his left ear—but beneath his form-fitting shirt and charcoal-gray hoodie, you can tell he is powerfully muscular. You'd been warned to tread lightly with this man, knowing that he was a vigilante. Seeing him now, you don't doubt that for a second.
He catches your eye and gives you a smirk, revealing dimples in his cheeks. But although the gesture is meant to be laid-back, his smile doesn't reach his eyes. He fidgets with a hole in his jeans, and there's a hard glint in his dark eyes. He's on edge—you suspect he doesn't trust you.
A moment later, Sophia steps inside and closes the door behind her. Her brown hair is pulled back into a ponytail, and loose, messy strands frame her face. There's a sharp, somewhat angular shape to her eyes, nose, and jaw, contrasting starkly with her soft olive skin. A thick, gray tactical vest sits over a tight black shirt, and her blue cargo pants are padded at the knees and tucked into the top of her combat boots. You recognize her uniform immediately—you knew she was a Harmont Watch agent, but you weren't necessarily expecting her to show up in gear.
Her gloved hand reaches for her waistband, where you notice an empty gun holster. She pauses and recollects herself before she sits down, though you don't miss the cynical look she casts towards Janus through narrowed eyes. Eventually, she looks to you, indifferent but attentive, and you take this as your cue to begin.
1. Are you named after anyone?
Janus: I chose my name after the Roman god of beginnings, endings, transitions, etcetera, etcetera. What about you, Colbo?
Immediately, his voice catches you off-guard. It's deep, but smooth and velvety, and he could almost be described as soft-spoken. It's a pleasant sound to your ears, for sure.
Sophia: Nope.
Janus: Sure, fair enough. But what about your alias? Please, enlighten us.
Sophia: *sighs deeply* Have you ever played a game of cards?
Janus: Of course they have. The ace has the highest rank, right? What does that say about you?
Sophia: It says we're belaboring the point.
You'd been informed of Sophia's past life as a Guardian, although you don't have many details. You're curious to know more, but her tone is rough and uncompromising. Whether it's Janus that's causing her annoyance, or you, you're unsure. But, for her sake, you move on.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Sophia: During my last mission as a Guardian, the Watch agent I was shadowing got caught in an ambush. I tried to intervene, but I ended up getting hurt. I woke up a couple days later in the medical ward to the news that he didn't survive. That...
She trails off. Her voice is surprisingly matter-of-fact, like such a traumatic memory couldn't possibly shake her. Ironically, it's the split-second smile she flashes you that tells you that that couldn't be further from the truth.
Janus: I don't remember. Next question
His voice is suddenly sharp. You get the sense that he's holding back, and there's a challenging look in his eye. Once again, you figure it's best not to push it.
3. Do you have kids?
Sophia: No, and I'm pretty sure I speak for both of us on that matter. Ahren and I are both on the ace spectrum, but even if we weren't, I don't have time to commit to being a parent, biological or otherwise. And, just to be frank, I would pity Janus' partner and child.
Janus: Uncalled for, I would be an outstanding father. That being said, I don't want kids.
Sophia's jab may have been calculated (though Janus took it with a sense of humor), but you're relieved to see that both of them seem to have relaxed. The tension isn't completely gone, but at least, with this question, you don't feel like you're pushing boundaries.
4. Do you use sarcasm?
Sophia: Sure, if the situation calls for it.
Janus: *scoffs* Who do you think I am?
5. What's the first thing you notice about people?
Sophia: Usually their expressions. I tend to remember faces first, and the rest comes later. Also, most people don't think to control their reactions, and in my line of work, it's important to make note of that.
Janus: Body language. Tells you a lot about a person.
He gives you a wink and leans back in his chair. What he's supposedly picked up on you, you have no idea.
6. What's your eye color?
Sophia: Hazel.
Janus: Black.
7. Scary Stories or Happy Endings?
Sophia: Scary stories for sure, especially as a kid.
She smiles again—but this time, it's genuine.
Janus: Agreed. Though I'll admit to being a huge sucker for happy endings. It's nice when things actually work out.
8. Any special talents?
Sophia: Marksmanship. I'm an excellent shot.
Janus: There are several, but that's for you to find out.
It's not really an answer, but with the pointed (and admittedly insufferable) look that accompanies it, you're guessing it's the only one he's willing to share. Sophia gives a huff.
Sophia: I can think of a few off the top of my head.
Janus: Hush. That wasn't for you.
9. Where were you born?
Sophia: Harmont. I grew up in a tiny suburb in Skyline, but moved downtown when I joined the Watch.
Janus: I assume I was also born somewhere in the city, but I actually grew up as a lab rat.
Sophia: Wait, really?
Janus: No... of course not.
10. What are your hobbies?
Sophia: Depends on what you define as a hobby. I could talk about target practice again, except that's purely occupational. I do enjoy hiking and swimming, and just being active in general whenever I have some time to myself.
Janus: I have a sword. Leave that up to your imagination.
11. Do you have any pets?
Sophia: No. Ahren and I have talked about adopting in the past, but I wouldn't be able to help take care of it.
Janus: I've pet stray dogs in alleys and on sidewalks. Does that count?
12. What sports do you play/have played?
Sophia: The Guard offers several martial arts classes for different circumstances. I took karate and Taekwondo as a part of my training, and I was also a swimmer in high school.
Janus: I'm more of a jiu-jitsu guy myself, but I learned Muay Thai at the same time, and I've dabbled in both karate and Taekwondo.
Sophia: Doesn't seem wise to spread your focus like that.
Janus: Hey, blame my handler, not me. A vigilante lifestyle is intense. But, speaking of which, I've been doing yoga lately, and it's truly life-changing. Really helps release tension in the muscles and the mind. You should give it a try, Colbo.
Sophia: Sure, right after I sweep the floor with your ass in a karate match.
Janus: Ha! Challenge accepted.
13. How tall are you?
Sophia: 5'6.
Janus: 5'10.
14. Favorite subject in school?
Janus: Let me guess for you, Colbo. Sports?
Sophia: That's an extracurricular, not a subject.
Janus: Isn't it, though?
Sophia: *through gritted teeth* Anyway. I enjoyed school, for the most part. I liked math and history the best, but I also had a great Spanish teacher.
Janus: Illuminating. I was homeschooled. Sort of. But I don't feel like I missed out on much by not attending a real school. I'm probably a better person because of it.
Sophia: Oh, yeah. You're just the picture of an upstanding citizen.
Janus: You know it.
15. Dream job?
Sophia: I've wanted to be a Guardian ever since I was little, and I did make it there eventually. Now, I'm an agent of the Watch, and honestly? I'm happy with where I am. It's not much easier, but it's fulfilling in its own way.
Janus: I'm living it, baby. Wouldn't change a thing.
You're no mind reader, but these both sound like truthful statements—at least, to some extent. As you dismiss Sophia and Janus, you wonder exactly how much they didn't tell you, and why.
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This was so, so much fun to write (witty banter always is), but also a lot harder than I expected! Sophia and Janus are both very guarded people, especially around each other, so I knew it wouldn't be easy to get them to open up. But I would absolutely love to do this again, with another character or two! :D
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