#sejanus and tigris would be besties
overfeeler · 6 months
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Tigris Snow
I can’t find words that would describe how much I loved her character and how Hunter Schafer is a perfect casting for this role.
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targaryenluvs · 6 months
hiiii okay so I had an idea for like Coryo x little sister where she’s about 12 years old and she looks just like her mom and Coryo, Tigris, and Grandma’am just love her so much BUT she somehow ends up in the hunger games s a tribute and she becomes like besties with Wovey, Reaper, and Lucy- plus she’s giving Coryo a heart attack every five minutes especially during the bombing- finally during his peacekeeper era when he finds out they were evicted she was taken from their custody and so when he comes back with the plinth fortune and all that she just runs up and is all cuddly with him and he’s like “u know what fuck custody paperwork” and just snatches her back home- thank u sooo much💗
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pairings: coriolanus snow x younger!sister!reader, lucy gray x younger!sister!reader
summary: somehow you’d ended up in the games, snow and lucy would do anything to keep you safe.
warnings: murderrr, possessive/selfish thoughts, child endangerment, cheating, rude ass corio, fluff in the end nd a little happy fam, deter from og storyline, protective lucy and snow, family dynamics, theyd do anything to make sure you’re okay
a/n: i did change the story line a little!!
the drones were whirring about you.
people were being knocked down as lucy grabbed you and ran to safety. “keep with me baby girl!” she shouted as you ran, your legs ached but you knew what would happen if you stopped.
coriolanus couldn’t breathe until you were safe. which is why he exhaled a long and heavy breath when you and lucy settled into the vent again. everyone around him was quiet for once, they laughed at all the tributes except you. they all loved you, every time coriolanus brought you around their horrible personalities and stuck up selves melted away with your adoring smile and sweet voice.
reprieve, or so you thought, came in the form of the large tube in front of you. but based off of lucy’s face you knew something was up, and as wovey walked towards it you couldn’t help but shout and cry for her.
“down goes wovey!” thank god. coriolanus thought. that idiotic girl was impulsive and silly, she shouldn’t have lasted as long as she did. she almost killed you with her stupidity, brung you along to her execution as you cried for her to stop.
you’d survived. somehow.
in the history of the games there had only been two victors. so far.
but at what cost? your brother had been sentenced away to district 12 and the only other person who shared any understanding for what you went through was no where to be found. in the wind, gone.
so you did what you thought best.
you ran.
all the way to twelve and the comfort of your dear older brother.
he was going insane. he’d lost you and lucy. sejanus was god knows where and probably planning something illegal. he was stressed the fuck out and all he wanted was a hug from you. for you to put secret braids in his hair when you thought he was sleeping, for you to kiss his cheek every morning before rambling on about school.
the place was alive as she sang. everyone danced but coriolanus stared. he’d found one half of the puzzle. lucy looked amazing and he found himself relaxing at the sound of her voice.
you’d peeked through the window. the noise had drawn you to it. it was your first day alone, ever, and in the worst district. you were scared beyond measure but soon to be saved as you caught a glimpse of lucy twirling on stage, her eye-line drawing you to corio.
the hug from behind caught him off guard but had his mind spinning as he recognised the small hands gripping oh so tightly at his waist. the bracelet he’d made so long ago and the smell of roses, which for once wasn’t himself, and hadn’t been for a while.
“y/n.” he breathed out as you laced your arms around his neck, “i came from the capitol. i hate it corio. they took me away from our family and put me with some random family. i don’t like it, i miss you. please, don’t take me back.” you cried as he lifted you up, resting on his hip as he made his way outside, lucy following in tow as she wiped away tears after seeing your sweet face.
the lake was quiet and tame, slow waves lapping at the jetty and land as you lay curled up in corio’s lap, lulled to sleep by lucy’s melodies. and whilst the trio of you all had no idea what the future held it all didn’t matter in this moment. you felt happy, and you hadn’t felt it in so long. corio and lucy were your family, and you loved them.
corio had done horrible things in his life, the second you were drawn into the games nothing else mattered besides keeping you safe. those horrible things were known to few, one of them being the songbird to your left.
and no would ever tell you these things.
all that mattered?
you were safe and sound with them, they’d made sure of it.
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risingoftime · 6 months
Bestie, can we please have a little snippet of odds? ❤️😃
heyy bestie! here's a little something something. Coriolanus and you might end up closer than intended at the end of this chapter, but you didn't hear it from me!
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With a comforting pat on your thigh, Tigris rose from the bed. "I'll give you some space to freshen up. Meet me downstairs whenever you're ready." Her words stayed with you as the bedroom door closed with a faint thud, plunging you back into reality.
Today is your birthday, the day of your wedding shower— another reminder of your upcoming betrothal to Coriolanus. The date was impending faster than you had hoped, and there was no sign of it stopping. Young marriages weren't uncommon in Panem post-war, but you had naively hoped for more time before earning the title of someone's wife. More time, much like you had wished for Sejanus. His life was taken from him at eighteen, the same age you were now. That's when it struck you: Sejanus won't see you off to get married, nor would he be there to watch over your kids and be the fun uncle you know he would be. 
You silently wept in bed, overcome by grief. This day was meant to be filled with happiness; it was anything else but that. You felt shame, aggressively wiping away the tears that poured from your eyes like a waterfall. You knew wallowing in bed would solve nothing. Yet, facing the world with red, swollen eyes filled you with dread. It would be an unspoken confession of your struggles, a silent admission of your turmoil. And you couldn’t have that. Ma would need you to keep it together. She’s already lost one of her children. 
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eerna · 7 months
So was it any good? tbosas I mean
Well,,,,,,,,, kind of? I had fun, but also went in knowing they won't pay attention to what I loved about the book so my expectations were properly low. TBOSAS is my fav THG book so a different adaptation exists in my head
Non-spoilery: The movie is divided in parts like the book, but there is no rhyme or reason why, no dramatic breaks or changes like in the books. The Reaping isn't on July 4th because of course. Tom Blyth as Coriolanus was a surprise because I expected nothing from him other than looking sort of like old Snow. The movie naturally removed any and all nuance from his character and kept spelling out everything, but there were a few scenes where they let him yknow, act out how his character is supposed to feel, and it was really good! Rachel Zegler as Lucy Gray was more of a mixed bag - sometimes she was fantastic in selling the over-the-top dramatic flare, but other times (especially towards the beginning) it was just weird. I firmly believe this is because the movie didn't fully commit to Lucy Gray as a charming crowd director who keeps her heart hidden and instead made her a more honestly vulnerable girl. She dazzled in musical numbers, though, that girl is a performer through and through! Viola Davis was bad I am so sorry but I felt like I was watching a Disney Channel performance and it's entirely the movie's fault and not hers. Peter Dinklage was super good as Dean Highbottom, he makes him all sad and lost without being over-the-top. The rest of the cast was also good. I loved the sets and the costumes, very in-line with what I'd imagined. The night/dark scenes were so dark that subtitles felt like they were burning into my eyes, it was the absolute worst quality dark scenes I've ever seen in a big movie.
They removed Coriolanus' obsessive love for Lucy Gray and turned it sooo muted :(((( He didn't even want to kiss her before the Games! He didn't try to control her or feel jealousy or ANYTHING that could imply he might turn on her one day!! His emotional changes and impatience and politeness and selfish kindness are also all gone now. Sejanus and he aren't nearly as close as in the book, but there was this funny moment where the two of them had a more intense forehead touch moment than any Coriolanus shared with Lucy Gray and it made me chuckle. Tigris and Coriolanus were very very well done, I loved how she was always his first bestie!!! But I am sort of annoyed they turned it from "Tigris puts Coriolanus down for the way he treats others" to "Tigris is scared Coriolanus will become his dad". Lucy Gray's Reaping was absolutely horrible, she threw a singing fit instead of being a confident performer, so it makes no sense that she just flips a switch into untouchable after. Loved the snake charmer climax where everyone stands up for Lucy Gray and proves that Capitol needs a victor! It worked better for the movie than the book version, and the way the music exists as a meta instrumental scene where the score eventually catches up to her singing - THAT is how ALL her songs should have been treated!!! The way music worked was one of my biggest issues, sometimes they were totally off tonally from what their role was in the books (The Ballad of Lucy Gray Baird this is about YOU Maiah Wynne's version makes me sob to this day while the movie version is only saved by Rachel's passion) and only the snake song was properly utilized as a plot point. They were such good opportunities for exposition that is more subtle than just putting whatever is Coriolanus feeling in clunky dialogue. And the clunky dialogue WAS constantly used to make up for the amount of internal monologues, even if it made zero sense -at the end they literally had Lucy Gray say "Haha if you destroyed the guns and killed me you could go to District 2 no sweat hahahaha anyway I'll go get some potatoes bye" like what. In what world would she literally tell him that. She is supposed to be a smart survivor. They also put "it's things we love most" quote as the final line in the movie, and I can't describe what a stupid choice that was, because if it wasn't there the movie would go "Highbottom tells Coriolanus he won't be able to forget Lucy Gray-> Coriolanus' proud exit where he believes to be the victor as snow falls down -> Can't Catch Me Now end credits including the snow motif", which would have been SO much stronger since that song delivers the "Lucy Gray eventually caught up to Coriolanus" message and we don't get it spelled out like we're 5 years old. It's not the only part of the movie where references to the OG stick out like a sore thumb, and I am once again asking Why. Why don't you think your audience is smart enough to understand.
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catindabag · 1 year
TBOSAS on Crack short take (11)
*How Strabo Plinth’s conversation with Coryo Snow went*
Strabo: Tell me, Coriolanus, are you more like your father or your mother?
Coryo: Um. . . Weird question, but ok. I’m more like my mother, I guess?
Strabo: And why is that?
Coryo: *starts sweating profusely* We- um- we both love music and arts!
Strabo: Is that all?
Coryo: I- I also love to sing because of my gorgeous father! He used to sing to me these old but sweet lullabies when I was a child-
Strabo: My darling Crassus also used to sing to me all the time!😍
Coryo: What?
Strabo: Nothing. Please continue.
Coryo: Um- Singing and looking pretty are my best talents!😀
Strabo: Oh, that’s a relief to hear. That’s totally great! Brilliant even! Welcome to the family, my future son-in-law!🥰
Coryo: Your what?!😟
Strabo: My gorgeous future son-in-law! You see, Sejanus told me all about you!
Coryo: About me?!
Strabo: How your eyes ✨sparkles✨ like fresh fallen snowflakes. How incredibly smart you are! Top of the class! Best in your year! And all that lovey-dovey stuff couples tend to say nowadays!
Coryo: Sir?! Sir, I think you’ve misunderstood! Your son meant to say that we’re just a couple of besties who kiss and go on dates occasionally-
Strabo: And when you saved him from death, he told me that he’s now a new man with a new dream!
Coryo: A new dream? What dream?!
Strabo: Haven’t you heard the news, my boy?
Coryo: Heard what exactly?
Strabo: Sejanus told me that you told him to become ✨THE FUTURE PRESIDENT OF PANEM✨!🥹
Coryo: President of what?!
Strabo: And you also agreed to marry him!
Coryo: Marry?! I’m too young to marry-
Strabo: And since you’re a Capitol Noble with a respectable name like Snow, it will be easy for Sejanus to enter into politics!😈
Coryo: This must be a fever dream.
Strabo: Not only that, my boy! But it will be easier for my son to become President of Panem once you marry into my family!
Coryo: Into your family? What about my family?!
Strabo: Don’t you worry about that! I called your grandmother and she happily and willingly gave her blessing!☺️
Coryo: Her blessing?!
Strabo: Don’t be too harsh on her, my boy! Your grandmother basically sold you to us Plinths!😈
Coryo: She- she sold me?!😱
Strabo: To Sejanus.
Coryo: Does my cousin even know?!
Strabo: Your cousin is already making your wedding dress.
Coryo: Mr. Plinth, how much money did you pay the Grandma’am?!
Strabo: Surprisingly, she only asked that when you become the ✨First Lady of Panem✨, all the food prices, especially chocolate and honey should be covered by the government!
Coryo: That’s it?!
Strabo: Not quite. She also demanded that all of Panem should mandatorily celebrate The Festival of Roses annually.
Coryo: That’s understandable.
Strabo: And lastly, she told me to ban drunk Dean Highbottom from calling her at midnight to cry about my dearest Crassus Snow.
Coryo: Your dearest Crassus Snow?!
Strabo: My lovely Snow Angel~.😍
Coryo: But Highbottom-
Strabo: Don’t worry about that pesky Highbottom, my boy! I was also banned from doing what he’s currently doing!
Coryo: But what about my cousin?!
Strabo: Tigris just asked me to fund her lifestyle.
Coryo: So she just wanted money?
Strabo: Yeah.
Coryo: But Mr. Plinth! Sir, how about your wife?! How about you?! Don’t you want grandkids?!
Strabo: My dearest Coryo, are you questioning the power of modern science of this era where genetic mutts and advance medicine are basically at our disposal?
Coryo: No. I just thought that you would never approve-
Strabo: Sejanus said that you guys are going to marry and have kids after graduation.
Coryo: What?!😱
Strabo: After that, my son will be busy in politics, while you look after the children!
Coryo: Children?!
Strabo: My gorgeous grandkids!🥰
Coryo: How many grandkids do you even want?!
Strabo: Good question! My wife and I want to spoil at least 24 and more grandchildren! And with your Snow genes, they’ll be drop dead gorgeous like your lovely father!😉
Coryo: 24 kids?! I have to “carry” 24 kids?!😱
Strabo: YES!😈 And hopefully more!
Coryo: More?!
Strabo: You can even start calling me father if you want.
Coryo: Father?!
Strabo: Yes, that’s me!
Coryo: I think- I think I want- I want- *is malfunctioning*🫠
Strabo: And last question before we end.
Coryo: Mr. Plinth, I think I’m going to fain-
Strabo: For our new family name, which one is better, ✨Plinth-Snow✨ or ✨Snow-Plinth✨?
Coryo: *faints from the shock*
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runningfrom2am · 5 months
coryo: money is not an object, i just want you to have the wedding of your dreams.
r, realising the who is paying for everything: the wedding won’t be perfect if i don’t have at least seven dresses.
-and i love her for it.
SEJANUS AND LUCY GRAY MENTION!! had they not returned to capitol, sejanus and lucy gray would have been the best man and the maid of honour. this is going to haunt me.
at first i was shocked that tigris wasn’t the maid of honour but then i read the reasoning behind it and everything, once again, made absolutely perfect sense. someone who is almost everything but not quite, fitting the image but still less than her. also her thinking tigris is prettier than her while coryo doesn’t even consider tigris pretty.
“we agreed on the wedding and this is the reception.” he thought he did something there didn’t he? the audacity. he was late too.
living for the fact that %90 of the impulsive decisions the bride makes are what the groom wished he could at one point in his life.
imagine getting livia cardew thrown out of a social event for causing a scene. with the award season starting recently, let’s give r an oscar for the best actress.
no bc first of all AS SHE SHOULD i love that energy for them i just know she had the time of her LIFE planning this wedding.
also AHH yes sejanus and lucy gray and HERES THE THING: r is all like “hmm idk maybe it would have been them guess we’ll never know 🤷‍♀️” but i can 100% tell you right now it would have been them, no questions even asked. up until the very bitter end she truly did love lucy gray, and she loved sejanus even after that. i think he was so much harder for her to get over and i would LOVE to expand on that one day in another oneshot maybe but i digress…
i truly believe that at this point r really does love tigris, but the love she gives out is fragile so as we have discussed it wouldn’t last forever and it would end abruptly. BUT i think that honestly the only reason she didn’t ask her to be MOH was because she believes she’s prettier than her. clemensia was not doing well, she was still recovering from the snake bite and clearly a mess physically AND emotionally (if her drinking habits are any indicator) so r thought she was perfect for the job because she under no circumstances could steal any positive attention from her. with tigris, i do think that in some subconscious capacity r feels threatened by her. she’s the only one who knows coryo as well as she does, possibly more, and that scares her after what happened with lucy gray. i believe she firmly does honestly think that tigris is prettier and that’s why she picked clem, but there is more behind that decision than even she understands. i think that she was embarrassed that her family would not be playing any kind of role in their wedding, so what would people think if his cousin did? they needed to be equally independent from their families, otherwise people would ask questions she did not want to answer.
edit from an hour later: i’d also like to note that when tigris talks to katniss, she claims that she was let go from her job as a stylist in the games (r’s games) bc snow “didn’t think i was pretty enough anymore”, so which snow did she mean?? just food for thought idk
okay and then on the topic of her father,, coryo ate him UP. enough said, honestly hahahaha
moving on to your next point, that’s totally a big part of why coryo loves her so much. that’s evident from the very beginning of the series too, though back then he views it a little differently. while other people look at her and see recklessness, anger issues, and general unpleasantness, he only sees that she’s a lot more honest and brave than anyone else is. he’s said it a billion times- she’s braver and stronger than anyone he’s ever met; including himself, and he admires that she can take what she wants without feeling guilty or embarrassed about her actions.
and FINALLY,, so true bestie she does deserve an award. even if the acting itself fooled no one, who are they to say that it wasn’t genuine?? rumours would not stick on her- livia would be at fault regardless. also shoutout coryo for understanding the vibes immediately and going along with it. he’s so real for that.
ONE MORE THING on the topic of livia,, this was so fun to use her to show how much r has changed through the whole ordeal. this takes place a little over two years (ish) after the finer things in life, and the way she treats livia is so so different, but livia has stayed pretty much the same, if not hardened up a little. r went from livia kicking her out of a party for bringing drugs only to hug her in response, to kicking livia out of her wedding for wearing a dress that had a little too much white on it and her first urge was to get violent over it. idk, i feel like i could talk ab this more but it’s just a little thought i wanted to share.
thank you as always bestie!!
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runningfrom2am · 5 months
when do you think the fallout between tigris and the presidential couple happened or did it happen at all?
would the reader’s presence have any effect on the matter?
also this is long so buckle up-
i feel like being realistic, she saw them for what they were and who they became and tried to slowly distance herself. i think more so than coryo, r took it very personally and was like “why don’t you care, she’s one of our best friends and she’s your family she’s supposed to be here for us” and he’s kinda like “whatever she’s either with us or against us and she’s made her decision” so he just cuts her off. BUT i feel like r would try and hold onto that relationship for as long as she possibly could. so in this case, i’m not sure there was a fallout necessarily until either r gave up OR she snapped and was like “why are you pulling away? we’ve given you everything!” and tigris is basically like “nah i’m out you’re both crazy and it’s embarrassing“
ALTERNATIVELY if there was some nuclear dispute that ended it it would be over something so minor, but r makes it a big deal for no reason because of what happened with lucy gray and sejanus. i feel like trust issues would be running rampant in that house (but not between the presidential couple- never between them bc they’re “perfect” and also almost share the same mind). so tigris could just for example, not like a colour theme r chose for the right wing of the house and is like “i mean, that shade of red is not my favourite but i think if it’s done well it could be lovely!” and r just loses her MIND over it and is convinced she’s conspiring against them somehow. bc as we know, it’s her way or the highway. and i think at that point, coryo would just go along with it bc he doesn’t “need” tigris anymore, she didn’t need to care for him in the same way anymore now that they had all this money and success. besides, what other relationships could he really need if he had his wife who is perfectly agreeable to him and his every desire or whim?
i think this would happen well after they had their children, and it’s also possible (i’m realizing this just now but it’s totally a stream of thoughts so i won’t delete the last section lol) and very likely that it had something to do with their kids. like, maybe she disagreed with how they were being raised. i feel like although they would be loving parents and a billion times better than r’s, they would spoil them rotten and push their kids academically because that is all they had ever known, and tigris would be like “they’re just kids. let them be kids.” and they would not like that at ALL, bc what on earth would she know about being a parent? (the answer is a lot, considering she practically raised coryo when she was just a kid herself, but they don’t see it like that.
i think that would open the door too for her to be so bitter that when mockingjay pt2 comes around and she smiles at the statement katniss makes, that she’s there to kill them, it’s because they stripped her of any relationships she had with her nephews/nieces (and i like to imagine she was extremely close to them) and she couldn’t forgive r and coryo for raising them the way they did.
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