#sdfjklasdjf thats like stock knowledge from my past biochem lessons
because, i think it's stupid that lena wouldn't have a back-up plan after alex took the device from her...
“Hey, Alex,” Lena calls, jogging to where Alex was putting her jacket on. Everyone was already gearing up to go home and she’s been thinking about this for the past hour. 
So, Lena shoots her shot.
“Yeah?” Alex turns to her, motor helmet in hand and already clad in her leather jacket.
“I was wondering if I can bring home the tracker? I know it’s a long shot but I was thinking maybe if I get another look at it, I can reverse engineer some of its properties and try to come up with a another way to get Kara back, I know Nia’s already doing the time-travel the but it can’t hurt to-”
Alex mercifully puts a stop to her rambling and puts a hand on her arm to stop her nervous fidgeting.
“I left it on top of the workstation.” She smiles in reassurance. “Of course you can take another look at it. Anything to help Kara.”
Lena lets out a relieved sigh. After everything that’s happened today she’s still a bit wary of stepping on anybody’s toes. That showdown with Alex was really something not to mention that talk after.
“Okay, okay. Thank you.”
“Alright. Good night.”
She sprints to the lab--which looks like more of an awkward gallop in her high heels--and snatches the tube-like device from the table.
She doesn’t even realize she’s hitching an elevator ride with Nia and Brainy—too caught up with planning out what to do with the device—till Nia speaks up, “Hey, that wasn’t bad for a first day.”
Lena looks up from the device in her hands, meeting Nia’s eyes.
“What’d I tell you, Nia Nal? Lena has always been extraordinary,” Brainy states, pressing for the ground floor.
“T-thank you,” she says, voice shaky and shy, but who can blame her? She isn’t used to this kind of appreciation. She still can’t believe they’ve accepted her like this, even though she very nearly ruined the whole mission by choosing Kara above everything else. 
It was a good thing Alex was there to call the shots.
Nia gives her a small smile before slowly closing her eyes and resting her head against Brainy’s shoulder.
They say their goodbye’s at the door and then Lena’s speeding her way to her apartment.
The device worked with Kara’s DNA before it got recalibrated, if, and that’s a big if, Lena thinks.
If she can extract Kara’s DNA, replace the core of the device, and input it in, then she can recreate the same tech she did earlier.
She already knows she’s not going to get any sleep tonight.
She pulls up in front of her building and heads straight for her penthouse.
Kara hasn’t been here for a year, what with their falling out and everything that’s happened with Lex. They didn’t even have a chance for one last movie night before Kara disappeared.
Her eyes start to sting with unshed tears at the thought, but knowing the work she has to do tonight, she quickly pushes it down.
Despite Kara not having visited her home recently, Lena knows there are many traces of her in this place. Namely, the lavender hairbrush living in her second bathroom drawer, the one she didn’t have the heart to throw away even during their fight.
She quickly makes for her bathroom, throws open the drawers, grabs the brush and puts it in a clean zip-lock, one she pulled from the kitchen.
She didn’t even bother changing clothes.
She was too busy outlining tonight’s lab work in her head to bother with something as trivial as changing clothes.
There are more important things to do, like busting inside the LuthorCorp tower, and down to what used to be her private lab. Lex hasn’t changed security. This, she knows. Therefore, she also knows that Mr. Johnson still works the night shifts and if she plays her cards right, she can sway him to open the door for her and keep it discreet.
Of course, you must be wondering why doesn’t she just use her private lab at home, instead? The reason being, her private lab is strictly an engineering and physics lab. What she needs right now, is enzymatic reagents and buffers; a gel electrophoresis machine and a PCR machine.
All of which can be found in LuthorCorp’s cutting-edge Biochemistry laboratory.
Turns out, she was right.
Mr. Johnson still does the nightshift and he was only a tad bit surprised to see her there. Already used to Lena staying holed up all night long, in her lab in the past.
He tells her he’s on her side despite the bad news about the Luthor Children’s Hospital, tells her that most of them here dearly misses Miss Luthor and hopes that Lex as CEO is only a temporary thing. He also tells her thank you again for the thousandth time for Lena saving his daughter’s life. Lena smiles warmly and asks if he can keep this visit under wraps if he doesn’t mind, to which he immediately agrees. Lena fights the urge to let out another sigh of relief.
See, Lex? It pays to treat people kindly.
It’s 11 pm when Lena reaches the labs. It was already dark, save for the lights of the big freezers. She knows there’ll be footage of her little excursion here but that’s an easy enough problem to solve when you have a Twelfth-Level intellect as back-up.
When she said she isn’t going to sleep tonight, she really genuinely means she isn’t going to sleep tonight.
See, it’s already 11 and she needs at least an hour to sterilize all equipment, another hour to sift through the clump of hair in the brush and look for an intact hair shaft. Then, she estimates 2 hours for extracting the DNA from the hair shaft using enzymes and she knows all too well how long a time it takes for a pipette to find the right fit during electrophoresis, not to mention the PCR machine can take 2-4 hours.
And even then, Lena still has to test the device, link it to her transmatter portal in order to open a portal once she gets Kara’s coordinates and after all that she isn’t really sure if this is going to be effective.
She has half a mind to call Brainy here and run her through all the probabilities.
But she knows this is something she needs to do alone.
It’s been so long since she’s had to do anything with physiology that she has to spend at least 30 minutes reading up the lab manual.
Extracting cattle DNA like she did back in college was an easy enough task with someone with the brains as hers, but a Kryptonian’s?
Lena had to do some extra calculations on what temperature to set and how much solution to use to get through Kara’s hair of steel.
In the end, she figured it out and soon enough the hum of the PCR machine becomes her only companion. It took a while to denature Kara’s DNA, she had to double the amount of Taq polymerase before actually getting it to the PCR machine.
It’s 4 am now, and she only has two hours before the LuthorCorp employees show up; two hours before her brother pulls up.
Thank God, for state of the art PCR machines that get things done in under an hour.
She’s been actively avoiding thinking of Kara throughout all of this.
But now, she’s home and in her private lab with Kara’s DNA strands in vials inside the LuthorCorp sterile container.
If she pulls this off, if this works, Kara would be home.
She won’t have to talk to holograms anymore, she won’t have to dream about bloody capes, she won’t have to feel incomplete anymore. Kara would be home. She can bring Kara home.
With a newfound determination, she sets on recalibrating the device. She takes out a vial of Kara’s DNA; gloved hands carefully inserting it unto the core of the device.
Now, onto the second part; linking her transmatter portal to open up at the exact coordinates the tracker points.
The whole process took her at least two hours. By the time she trudges to her bedroom to test the device, the sun was already peeking up from the horizon.
She opts to do it in her bedroom, granted that her physics lab was nothing more but the size of two small rooms mashed together. Her bedroom was more spacious and in the event that Kara needs to lie down, her bed would only be three steps away.
The device feels heavy in Lena’s hand, it actually feels alive. Lena supposes, it is. 
It does have Kara’s DNA in it after all.
She feels like this is one of those moments where it will be ingrained in your brain for forever. That small in-between in the middle of the Before and After. The realization of how important this moment is clears up her mind.
So, with sweaty hands she raises the device, clicks something on her wristwatch, watches as the tube fills with a blue hue getting brighter and brighter, till a streak of blue-white light beams out from the device and from a single point starts to form the beginnings of a portal.
Lena’s seen one too many portal openings for a lifetime to know in the next instant that this is it, it works.
She fucking did it.
A gust of ice cold air is the first thing that hits Lena once the portal fully opens.
The next was the sight of Supergirl. Kara. She was slumped against a boulder; cape tattered, hair dirty and face begrimed. She looked tired, exhausted, and in those first few seconds, Kara had her eyes closed.
Before it hits Lena all at once, Kara’s right there! She’s right there! She found Kara! Kara is right there, just three steps away—
“KARA!” She shouts, runs to the portal and into the Phantom Zone.
Kara jerks at the call of her name, squints her eyes at the bright blue portal before she realizes a figure is barreling straight for her, screaming her name.
A figure she knows all too well, a voice she knows all too well.
Before she knows it Lena’s crashing unto her place on the ground, two arms wrapping at Kara’s neck, sobbing, “It worked! Oh, God, it worked, I found you! I found you, I found you-”
All Kara could do was mutter a Lena in response, still suspended in disbelief.
Lena pulls back to touch her face and Kara finally takes a good look at her. Lena knows her hair was a far cry from her prim ponytails, she’s been tugging at it since midnight, her face was blotchy with tears and her eyes must’ve screamed exhaustion. But she couldn’t care less about her appearance, because Kara was here, she found Kara.
Kara was here and she’s crying too, also bringing a hand to Lena’s face and wiping at her tears.
They were crying and smiling and sobbing in each other’s arms.
“You found me.”
Lena leans in to Kara’s touch, both hands cradling Kara’s hand on her cheek, smiles in between sniffles and nods.
“I did, Kara I did. I found you. I'll always find you.”
“Take me home, Lena.”
Alex picks up on the third ring.
“Lena?” she answers, voice still groggy with sleep.
“I found her, Alex, I found her, she’s home.”
“What? Who? Lena what-”
“Kara. Kara’s home, Alex.”
The next thing Lena hears were sobs. She passes the phone to Kara, who was still in her filthy supersuit, sitting on the edge of Lena’s queen bed probably making it dirty beyond saving but Lena cannot find in her to care.
“Hi, Alex.”
She exits the room to give the Danvers sisters some privacy and also to prepare Kara a shower, grabs a couple of Kara’s clothes from when they still had sleepovers and left it in the bathroom counter.
By the time she comes back again, Kara’s put the phone down, still sitting on the bed and fiddling with her thumbs. Kara looked small like this and there’s nothing more Lena wants to do than to embrace her.
So, she does.
“Hi,” Kara says, as she holds Lena close, Lena straddling her lap, foreheads pressed together.
“Hi back,” she whispers, smile in her voice, Kara’s blue eyes were filled with exhaustion but still beaming bright just for her. “Would you like to take a shower? I’ve prepared the bath for you.”
Kara nods, refusing to pull away, “Okay, okay, great,” she mutters even though the both of them make no move to pull away from each other, choosing to remain in this quiet existence of overwhelming love for each other’s presence, instead.
There’s still so much to say and so much to do, but all of that can wait, everything can wait, there’s no rush.
Her hero is finally home after all.
When she opens the door, Alex crashes into her with an embrace so tight, Lena had trouble breathing. Kelly closes the door for them, they drove here still in pajamas Lena notices, as Kelly gives her a smile from over Alex’s shoulder.
“Where is she?” Alex gasps out, tears springing from her eyes at the sight of Kara’s supersuit on the floor, right next to her grimy red boots. Concrete proof that her sister really is home, that Lena really did the impossible.
“In the shower,” Lena murmurs, giving Kelly a cup of tea as Alex paces in anticipation, Lena was half-afraid she’d wear a hole in her hardwood floors.
“H-how?” Alex asks, too emotional to let out a full sentence.
“Well,” Lena begins, and takes them through the entire process of what she had done the night before, how she didn’t sleep, how she kind of needs Brainy to scrub clean the LuthorCorp surveillance system, how she replicated Kara’s DNA as substitute for the life force in that crystal, how the portal had opened in her bedroom.
Alex took all of this in with quiet tears streaming down her face and Kelly’s hand tight in hers.
“Thank you, Lena. Thank you.”
The sight of the Danvers sisters reuniting was something that would make even a grown man weep.
Alex collides into Kara, before she even gets the chance to say her name.
“Rao, Alex, I missed you.”
Alex couldn’t respond to hearing her sister’s voice again for the first time, so she just sobs into the embrace.
Lena has to wipe away a stray tear or two before turning around, feeling like this moment was something too precious to intrude on.
This moment belonged to Kara and Alex, not her.
Kelly did the same and asked Lena if it would be okay to use her kitchen, she wanted to fix Kara her first breakfast.
“Are you sure you’d rather stay the night here?” Lena murmurs unto the crown of Kara’s head.
They were both laid in Lena’s bed, she doesn’t why she asked, when the both of them are already in pajamas and are two seconds away from slumber still Lena can’t help but ask.
Surely, Kara would want to spend her first night back in her own bed rather than here, right?
“M’sure, I’m right where I want to be,” Kara says around a yawn, pressing close to Lena, and nuzzling into her neck. She was clearly wearied, which was totally understandable, hell the both of them were. Lena’s been up for 24 hours. She’s amazed her body hasn’t knocked her out yet.
After that emotional morning, Alex insisted Kara be checked in The Tower. And so they did, everything was fine with her vitals, though they all still insisted she stay a couple of hours under the sunlamps. All of them knows, there was no sunlight in the Phantom Zone.
Nia, Brainy and M’gann all had teary reunions with Kara. Although, Nia’s was the most amusing one, “I’m sorry, in advance,” she said between sniffles, “But I just couldn’t think of anything and- and- Andrea was grilling me so I just said you were with Cat,” she sobbed.
“It’s okay, Nia,” Kara laughs, “We’ll work on it together,” she promises.
Seeing Kara back with everyone, seeing her in her pastel clothes, seeing her without her glasses; laughing and soft and safe has Lena crying quietly again at the memory.
“Hey? Why are you crying? This is a happy day, remember? I’m home. You brought me home. No more crying, okay?” Kara tells her from her place in the bed.
“I know.” Lena quickly wipes a tear, “I’m sorry, I’m just happy. So, so happy.”
She is. She really, really is. Especially right now, finally laying in bed with Kara after a long two weeks of lonely nights.
Kara requested to be held tonight, asking Lena shyly, “C-can you hold me? For tonight? Please?”
Lena was powerless and now here they were.
“For the record,” Lena says, “I’m right where I want to be, too.”
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