#scroll all the way down and thank god for consolegameswiki. but even they didnt explicitly mention it.
zwei-rhunen · 8 months
why is it so difficult to find out how to make sephirot's weapons glow lmao
i stumble upon their true name while googling around OUT OF SHEER LUCK LMAO
they're not "sephirotic", they're "of the fiend". that's so un-intuitive.
why isn't this mentioned anywhere in-game.
the ITEM DESCRIPTION for sephirotic would be a great place!
this was so annoying to figure out smh
and it turns out, you dont even need?? the extreme weapon drops???
h u h????????
i mean, that's cool that's so accessible and all, i'm happy for that, but also - that don't make no sense to me... that fight was pretty challenging.... what do u mean, you can't also get the glowy version from that???? lmao?????? or, idk, make the extreme drop have a different colored glow. something.
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