#screwyouflightlietenant asks
ghostxofxartemis · 3 years
You know I'm here for some Shenoats! 🍭, ⭐️, 💋
And I'm so thrilled that you are! It makes me so happy!
From this OTP Ask.
🍭  -What are their nicknames for each other?
William calls Reagan: Love, Darlin', Rea. Sometimes it's even Darlin' Rea altogether.
Reagan calls William, just 'Will' most of the time lol. Sometimes 'Boo'
William calls Kaidan by his first name, sometimes he'll just say "mate" when he's checking up on him. He's not big on giving pet names to his male partners, never has.
Rea will call Kaidan by his first name, but I think she might call him 'Bunny' on occasions when she's being all cuddly.
⭐️ - Who is a morning person?
Reagan and William are the morning people. They've always in a way kind of had "sleeping shifts" while they were in the reds. They had really shitty roommates and a daughter to look out for so one would have one eye open while sleeping (Tended to be more Will since Reagan would be passed out from being high on drugs a lot - they had a really shitty time growing up- he'd have his high usually at work, on occasions at home.) Either way, they're both morning people.
Kaidan is the one that likes to sleep in and comes downstairs with bed hair and wearing a pair of sweats with the happy trail going down to the treasure and wondering what's for breakfast, which makes Rea and Will chuckle.
💋 - Who is more rough with the kissing stuff?
Rea and Will tend to lean more on the rougher side, while Kaidan is more on the tender side. And I really like that about their dynamic, Rea and Will have always been rougher when it came to being intimate, it works for them. Also, a lot of rough quickies when you're in a hurry cause your in a public are (*snerk*). For them, they never if it be their last.
Kaidan is much more like, "hey we have all the time in the world now" so it's slow and soft, like him.
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ghostxofxartemis · 3 years
for the wip game and because I wanna know more about Reagan in general 😊: -Sub Astra
Thanks for asking hon!
Wow. Wow.
There's a lot to unpack with Reagan and her past with Coats. In fact, I could go on for hours about her! Thus, I'm going to save some time and let you know I am working on a background fic with her.
It will focus on her times in the Reds, and how her relationship with Coats goes all the way back before ME1, even before ICT (I have Coats as an N7 in her universe). Their background was supposed to be an Enemy to Lover troupe. However, recently, like last weekend, I watched a movie and a Netflix original series that spawned plot bunnies that left so many markings behind (okay, this analogy is kind of gross, but seriously, my head was spinning with so many ideas! I'm going to start working on her story next month after kinktober/flufftober). Their history is entirely different from what it was originally supposed to be. But wow, the new one, gives me soooo much feels and I hope it does the same to those who will read her future!Fic. They have a special place in my heart.
She's a Shepard dealing with a lot of past trauma; past addictions, domestic abuse, family violence, (child/teen) pregnancies, and she suffers from severe PTSD. I mean like there's a lot of things that can trigger anxiety for her, which makes it very interesting as to a) why the Alliance would keep her on and b) she'd be chosen for Spectre candidacy.
But she's also wild, spontaneous. Sub Astra is written to be one of those spur-of-the-moment spontaneous ideas she gets while she and Coats are on a mini-vacation. Now, I was really close to finishing it, but I'm going to have to go back and possibly do some modifications to it to reflect their history a little better.
But without further ado... here's a little snippet of Sub Astra...
While sitting up top of the skycar, one leg on top of the other swinging between her at its own volition, Reagan untwisted the cap of her canteen and took a sip of water. It was an unusually hot day, thank God she thought of wearing shorts today with her favorite black crop top with a skull design on it.
A spew of curses from under the skycar has Reagan giggling as William Coats tries to fix propulsions.
“Instead of laughing at me, you could help out. Yeah?”
Snorting, she leans back onto the roof of the skycar and activates her omni-tool to check how far from the natural pool the gentleman in the convenience store had kindly suggested to her for them to go see.
“You’re doing great.” She says absentmindedly as she only slightly listens to him.
A forty minutes hike up the mountain. That’s not far at all. She thinks to herself.
Jumping off the skycar, she carefully avoids him. She bends down grabbing at the fabric of his pants at the ankles and pulls him from under the sky car. Gently, she lowers herself to straddle him. William’s brows curve questionably at her.
“How about we ditch the skycar for now and go for a hike up the mountain?”
Grabbing hold of her waist he lifts himself up into a sitting position and moves backward to lean against the skycar.
“We can’t just leave the skycar here,” he jabs a thumb behind him and at the skycar.
“It’ll be fine.” She kisses the bridge of his nose and stands up making her way to the skycar and opening the side door. She leans in, picks up the backpack, and fills it with the towels, the wine bottle she picked up at the convenience store earlier along with the reusable plastic wine cups, snacks, and a few water bottles.
“Rea…” Will begins the protest as he stands up and leans against the vehicle.
“It’s fine. Will be back before dark and I’ll give you a hand afterward.” She closes the door of the vehicle and shoves the backpack to his chest. He grabs it just on time before she lets go and falls to the ground. She grabs the canteen from the top of the skycar and twists the strap around her right wrist.
She leads the way, heading towards the mountain and he follows close behind. It’s a steep hike, but it’s not anything two fresh N7 graduates can’t handle, in fact, the hike is quite a joke to them. The only thing Untwisting the strap of the canteen from her wrist, she opens the cap to take a drink and hands it over to Will after swallowing her drink.
“Do you know where we’re going?” Will asks after taking a sip of water from the canteen and handing it back to her.
She recaps it and twists the strap around her right wrists once more.
“Don’t you trust me?” She punches his shoulder playfully.
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ghostxofxartemis · 3 years
I already love them from what I've read so far and can't wait to see more <3
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I wasn’t sure what kind of feedback/response I’d get with this pairing who eventually becomes and OT3 with Kaidan! It honestly makes me sooo happy to see others wanting to read more about them! It fuels me with joy, all the more reason I really want to buckle down and work on their story! So buckle up! More is coming, this month is full of them for kinktober! (They are a very kinky couple, what can I say). Hopefully the one-shots under The Sole Survivor series will keep you hungry for more, but also keep you occupied until I can work on their longfic. I really don’t know how long it will be, to be honest. I could expect a good ten chapters, easily. We’ll see. 
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