#sb: yeah and I heard the heir likes to rip the throats out of people who've wronged him for fun
arcxnumvitae · 7 months
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Born as the heir of the royal family of a reviled nation, Kaisei felt that he was doomed to fail from the start. His family had a notorious reputation beyond the border of their land of dealing with demons, dark magic, and the like, and the royal family's reputation in turn influenced the way other lands viewed their people. They must all be as duplicitous and bloodthirsty as their rulers.
Kaisei in particular, a child born with horns and said to be "touched by evil", was rumored to be heralded as an exceptional heir, one all the more closer to the demons that his family consorted with. Many speculate that the heir of such a vicious kingdom is as dangerous and deadly as the rest of his people.
Kaisei is certain that he was doomed to fail as the future ruler of his land from the moment he was born.
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