wildroseofarran · 4 years
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    Mailed from a secondary source, with a note from Sash Traxler to Tane Lukela. You better be learning more signs bitch. See you soon. - Sash
Tane chuckled as he read the note and grinned at his new wallet. It was giving him all kinds of nostalgia. He used to love that game.
The next time Tane saw him, Sash would be presented with the most Hawaiian of gifts.
“Q has one, and now you do, too.”
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wildroseofarran · 5 years
Rotheus Wedding || Rotheus, Letcher, Jaidan, Quintane, Bretanor, Sean, Sash, Salt, Tristan, & Billy Gale
Ronan: "Here's the list." The paper was thrown at Matheus' chest.
Guest list:
Sean + 1 (Sash)
Aidan + 1 (June)
Con +2 (Brett + Boo)
Tristan +1
Lukey + Fletchy
Ma! +1
Salt +1
Q +1
Lawrence +1 (Gina)
Mason + 1
"Look good?" He returns the lollipop he had been enjoying to his mouth.
Matheus: Matheus caught the floating paper (at least it wasn't wadded) and glanced over the list. All of Ronan's friends as he expected.
"What's a 'Boo'?" he asked with wrinkled brow.
Ronan: "Boo. That's Conor's friend." Duh.
Matheus: "His - or her - name is actually Boo?"
Ronan: "I think it's a nickname." He shrugged.
Matheus: Moving on. He tapped the paper. "Is this Brett Parker, the sheriff?"
Ronan: "Yeah, the one we tried t'take from Guildias. Who isn't on the list, you might notice." He sucks more on the lollipop.
Matheus: That would go without a single debate. "I would rather not have a ghoul, especially one belonging to Guildias, in attendance to something as sacred."
Ronan: Ronan tilted his head and scratched his temple. "But..." He began, bringing out the lollipop to twirl between fingers, "Conor really wanted him with him."
Matheus: "He has...whatever friend that is also on the list. As you notice, Rosmond will not be with us, either. It's in poor taste."
Ronan: "Oh... okay." He didn't really get it, but he didn't want Matheus to be uncomfortable. "You're the one that's gonna tell him."
Matheus: "I don't have his phone number."
Ronan: He scoffed. "You're gonna tell him in person. The way Archers deal with shit."
Matheus: His fiancé sighed. "Must we have any humans in company?"
Ronan: "... You don't like Tristan?" He sounded heartbroken. "Sash I get, he's a fuckin' prick, but his brother’s comin' an' his brother ain't a human so what you gonna do about that?"
Matheus: "Has it escaped your attention how he behaves around creatures? You excluded, of course." First, Tristan.
Ronan: "... Who? What d'you mean?"
Matheus: "Your friend, Tristan. The night with your mission to find Salt." He couldn't recall why Tristan had been involved to begin with.
Ronan: Because he has a boat, Matheus!
"He was fine on my birthday, remember? He was around all my brothers an' he knows what they are. He even became besties with Sean. He EVEN spoke t'Conor, like, c'mon!"
Matheus: Ronan was pulled closer by his hip. His vampire sighed. He could not cease his thoughts from overworking. However, he could smile to his beloved.
"We're the first couple I've ever heard of marrying like this. It's dangerous, and I've rarely seen you this happy."
Ronan: With a little giggle, arms wrap around Matheus' neck.
"Danger's my middle name." ... Maybe they should've considered that for a surname. "I'm happy 'cause I have you." He taps the wet, sticky lollipop against his husband-to-be's cheek.
Matheus: "You better have a mind to lick that off of my skin." A threat?
Ronan: He grinned, "An' if I don't?"
Matheus: "You know I will disintegrate with sadness."
Ronan: "Ooooohh! Baby!" he drags his tongue theatrically over Matheus' cheek.
Matheus: Laughter swiftly followed. "Are you getting cold feet at all? A tingle? Consternation?"
Ronan: He scoffed. "I'm worried suttin'… or someone... might fuck up the weddin', but I wanna be married t'you."
Matheus: "We don't need anyone to be married. If you believe someone will cause problems, then don't invite them."
Ronan: "Pfft. Drama is part of the fun."
Matheus: "Why are you marrying me, my love?" he chuckled.
Ronan: "For the drama!" He teased, biting Matheus' nose.
Matheus: "Mine or yours?" His silent ow followed.
Ronan: "Mine, you never have drama unless you're riskin' your life."
Matheus: "I should feel flattered, but really it only proves how much of a hermit I am."
Ronan: He smiles, "That's what I love about you, though. Whenever I wanna be in a bubble you're there t'save me."
Matheus: "I'm your hideaway?"
Ronan: "You're my armour..."
Matheus: Matheus blinked, surprised.
Ronan: "... What, baby?"
Matheus: "Am I really?"
Ronan: "How can you say that? How can you not be sure?" He got comfortable in Matheus' lap.
Matheus: "I'm proud to be your armor. I'm proud of your strength and to be your husband."
Ronan: "Awww, shucks, mistah! You gon' make a poor orphan boy blush!"
Matheus: Have a lovely little love tap to the cheek.
"Back to the wedding. Are you comfortable with the location?"
Ronan: "It's a step down from Dracula's mansion, but yeah, baby. D'you? Luke an' Fletcher wanna do theirs outdoors but, like, it's October."
Matheus: "Wherever you want, if it makes you happy. I expected you to say Ireland."
Ronan: Oh, hm. "I mean, I left Ireland when I was four an' never went back - apart from when we went. You're kinda overestimatin' my attachment t'that place."
Matheus: "Do you want to know what I thought you wanted?"
Ronan: "Mmmhm."
Matheus: "For your mother to be present somehow."
Ronan: "If she was a ghost I'd be able t'see her. She ain't around, an' I don't really remember her."
Matheus: "Do any of you have anything of hers?"
Ronan: "I doubt it." He was unknowingly incorrect about that. "Sean's got a tattoo of her name?"
Matheus: "Hmm. If there was anything, I would...have liked to have made a shrine for her nearby."
Ronan: "... Why, baby? We don't have one for your parents."
Matheus: "I got to see mine longer than you with yours," he said gently.
Ronan: "... I have my brothers, though. I have more of my fam'ly than you." He kissed Matheus' hand, "But you have me."
Matheus: "I don't need anyone else."
Ronan: "Hmm, you tryna get in my pants, baby?"
Matheus: "Am I not already there?" His hand clasped between his legs for good measure.
Ronan: Gasp!!
Matheus: "Hmm?" Innocent.
Ronan: "You fiend!"
Matheus: "How dare I?"
Ronan: "Not until marriage! Gotta make an honest woman outta me."
Matheus: "Honest? Is that not being honest by pretending to be honest?" he grinned.
Ronan: "You gotta wait, baby!" He grinned, because, ha ha ha.
Matheus: "Why must you torment me so?"
Ronan: "'cause that's what wives do."
Matheus: "You don't torment me. You bless me."
Ronan: "Baby, you're so damn cheesy!" And have a thousand kisses!
Matheus: "Is it when it's true honesty?" he chuckled. "Thank you."
Ronan: "For what?" Nuzzle!
Matheus: "For your affection."
Ronan: "'cause you're my snuggly lil' baby!" More kisses!
Matheus: Ronan was fastened in place with quietly possessive arms. "Do humans actually talk like that?"
Ronan: "The fuck do I know?" He laughs and bites Matheus' chin.
Matheus: "Ow. You're younger than me. You have to teach me."
Ronan: "I'm still an old man!"
Matheus: "You're so young! You're brimming with life. You must teach this old man."
Ronan: "Uh... my cum is magic. Wanna be younger? Make me cum."
Matheus: "Is that a fact?" he played along without any hesitation. "That is some magic."
Ronan: "The power of love."
Matheus: "Shall I undress for you?"
Ronan: "Duh."
Matheus: "Undress simultaneously."
Ronan: "What happens if I don't?"
Matheus: "You would prefer a show of sorts?"
Ronan: "Or a punishment?"
Matheus: "For not undressing?"
Ronan: "... Y'know what I mean..." He winked. THAT kind of punishment...
Matheus: "Mm. You're in a mood," he chuckled. "Stand up."
Ronan: "When am I ever not in a mood?" It should just always be assumed that Ronan is in a mood, and if he isn't he can be put into one.
Oh- Yay! With sudden excitement, Ronan stood, grinning.
Matheus: "Arms up," would be his first command. He got to his feet as well to shed his sport coat. The ritual of folding and sitting aside began.
Ronan: That smile would not fade at the gorgeous sight of his husband moving. Slowly, arms rose, hands in loose fists, eyes full of anticipation.
Matheus: "Our final act of intimacy before we are married." Ronan's shirt was pulled above his head, left in place at his arms. Sweetly he was kissed from temple to temple.
Ronan: His expression shifted from a bright beam to a gentle look of admiration. He felt all warm inside.
"Tá mo chroí istigh ionat..."
Matheus: "Forever?" He had to ask, because he loved the answer each time.
Ronan: "Always, baby. Or until your dick falls off."
Matheus: "Really?" he coughed. "I'll keep that in mind," he nodded.
The shirt was held loosely between his wrists, locking them in place. "How long can I keep you like this?" he asked, cupping between his legs.
Ronan: He exhaled, easily growing harder in Matheus' hand.
"A week?"
Matheus: "A week? Just like this? You would rebel." But he certainly wouldn't grow tired of pulling the reaper into deeper and deeper kisses, slowly sinking to his knees.
Ronan: "Nu-uh--" he gasped against his vampire's mouth. Elbows bent reactively, he was desperate to reach out for the other, but he was quick to catch himself and straighten his arms again.
Matheus: "I can't leave you like that. I know just the thing. Stay." He was not as fast as Ronan's unnatural speed, but still his disappearance left an echo of his image, returning after only a breath.
"How about this?" One of his white scarves.
Ronan: Stay? Stay?! If Matheus thought for a single goddamn second that Ronan would be staying extremely still because of a single word he - he's completely right. Matheus could've taken forty minutes and Ronan would have waited.
He shook his head, "We'll get blood all over that."
Matheus: Matheus looked up with eyes which asked, "Promise?"
Ronan: Duh! Look at him!
"Baby, my dick-" he was going to start crying.
Matheus: Oh goodness. Matheus leaned in to kiss that pout. "Put your arms around me."
Ronan: Smiling, he lowers his arms as instructed.
Matheus: Matheus swayed their bodies as though dancing. "Legs, too."
Ronan: Yay! Ronan jumped up onto his lover, wrapping around him like a monkey to a branch.
Matheus: Matheus gathered his husband - fiancé? - into his arms, turning back to the couch, he took a seat and began to tie his hands behind his back with the white silk scarf.
"Too tight?"
Ronan: Too tight?! "Tighter." He got comfortable on his lover's lap, "I love you, baby."
Matheus: "Do you really?" Tighter, then, but not enough to turn hands blue.
Ronan: The reaper squirmed, testing. "Yeah... baby, more."
Matheus: No. He held Ronan firmly by his jaw. He simply held him in place, studying his expression.
Ronan: His eyes would give away how lustful he felt - paired with the way he bit his lip. He was yearning for more. He needed release. He was growing impatient... and he loved it. The fact that he was being denied what he so desperately wanted was driving him crazy in the most wonderful way.
Matheus: Matheus took great care not to smile and ruin his act. Playing such a dominant role was still new territory. He understood how much this excited him. He wanted to please Ronan without losing himself in the process. He believed they found a balance.
Slowly his hand traveled down Ronan's body, brushed over his thigh, his knee...finally between his legs.
"What do we have here..."
Ronan: Such a touch encouraged a trembling breath.
"I'm so hard for you, baby..."
Matheus: "Yes, I feel that. Very firm..." He held to Ronan's thighs and pressed up. "Do you feel that?" His vitae repurposed just for his companion.
Ronan: The reaper whined. A shiver went down his spine. This is... perfect.
"Yeah, baby. I feel it. Is it for me?"
Matheus: "No. You only get to watch."
Ronan: "Uh- I what now?!"
Matheus: "Your hands are occupied."
Ronan: "Other parts of me ain't."
Matheus: "This mouth? Does it want cock, or blood?"
Ronan: "Booooooth?" Can't it have both?
Matheus: "Wouldn't that disgust you?" Twice now the anatomy of his undead form had been discussed. Twice with separate outcomes. He had to be reminded of Ronan's current attitude towards his orgasm.
Ronan: Matheus was given a deadpan look. Seriously? Have you just met me?
Matheus: His shoulders slowly sank. Considering his first reaction...
"You know me, love."
Ronan: "I love you. Cum in my mouth."
Matheus: A flutter spiraled in his stomach. "As you wish." After a healthy amount of kissing, he would give Ronan whatever he desired, whatever he could manage with his hands indisposed. Today Matheus would do his utmost to ignore his overtaxed thoughts. Ronan wanted his orgasm, then they would share in it on the floor of their living room.
Ronan: Matheus would be reminding Ronan of exactly why he was marrying him. He would be reminding Ronan of exactly how he fell in love. It was perfect bliss, but perfect bliss was fleeting. They had a job to do.
With his head on Matheus' chest he drew patterns on his skin.
"Y'know you still have t'tell Conor? I ain't doin' that for you jus' 'cause you made me cum."
Matheus: Matheus held his unbound companion in his arms, eyes closed and nearly drifting.
"If you insist. I'd rather you with me."
Ronan: "Yeah, baby." he craned his neck to kiss his lover's jaw. "I love you."
Matheus: "Forever and always," he whispered. The old detective needed a moment.
Ronan: Yay! Closer to Matheus he snuggled, enjoying being sticky and wet with mess for the time being.
Matheus: Being sullied would not last long. Ten minutes of rest and the vampire was up, carrying Ronan upstairs to the bathroom for a warm bath.
"Shall we invite him over?"
Ronan: "Uhh... you want us t'make him come alllll the way over here t'tell him bad news an' make him go aaaaall the way home? We should go t'him."
Matheus: "Fine, fine. After our bath. Yes? Your hair needs tending to. I think I made a knot."
Ronan: "I like my knots!"
Matheus: "Do you want them in our wedding photos?"
Ronan: "I was gonna shave my head."
Matheus: "Why's that?"
Ronan: "I dunno?" he laughed.
Matheus: "Shall I shave mine and stop dying it?"
Ronan: "You could not dye it? Don't shave, though."
Matheus: "If you want my natural color." Vitae would need to be utilized, which he was fine with.
Ronan: Ronan nodded, "Yeah. I like that."
Matheus: "Well, then I'll be cutting my hair before we leave."
Ronan: "Why are you cuttin' it?!"
Matheus: "To grow my own back. I don't know how to use the dye removal."
Ronan: He grinned. "'kay, baby. Might be kinda sexy seein' you with short hair."
Matheus: "I've never had short hair."
Ronan: He reaches up to push it back from Matheus' forehead. "You look good, baby. You an' your stupid face."
Matheus: "My stupid face?"
Ronan: "Yeah. This stupid beautiful face."
Matheus: "I have no means of retaliation," he chuckled.
Ronan: Said stupid beautiful face was given a big sloppy kiss!
Matheus: A quick groan followed. What in the world? "Get in the tub." Have a proper kiss, first.
Ronan: He giggled and jumped in.
Matheus: Matheus settled in behind, ready to wash that hair and untangle what knots he could find. Conor would have to wait. Their baths were sacred.
Ronan: Ronan happily curled up against his vampire, leaning back against him. Nails scrape lightly over Matheus' knees, touching him carefully.
Matheus: "Are you prepared for a lifetime of these?"
Ronan: Ah. The very thought made him smile. "No, I ain't."
Matheus: "No?"
Ronan: "Nu uh."
Matheus: "Shall we not, then?"
Ronan: Ronan shook his head, "We should. I jus' ain't prepared."
Matheus: "What can I do?"
Ronan: "Love meeeeee?"
Matheus: "Diligently so," he smiled.
Ronan: "Eh?"
Ronan: Not such big words, Matheus!
Matheus: "I love you most ardently." He knew what he was doing. "With every fiber of my eternal soul."
Ronan: Ronan took a deep breath and let out a very exaggerated groan.
Matheus: "My love." Time to kiss into the detangled curls. "I'll get your towel."
Ronan: "Just one more minute." He hugged Matheus' waist.
Matheus: "Alright," he sighed, content, sliding him deeper into his lap.
Ronan: Yay! Nuzzle, nuzzle, for what was definitely more than a single minute.
Matheus: He would be allowed five minutes before Matheus reached behind him to drain the tub. "The world will not wait. We will go see your brother, and then we'll stop by the wedding location. I think we need one more look."
Ronan: He whiiiiiiined. "Fine." A few more kisses, though?!
Matheus: Yes of course. Three extra kisses. He forced himself away long enough to gather their fluffy citrine towels, wrapping one around Ronan's shoulders.
"Yellow is handsome on you."
Ronan: "I think it's me that makes yellow handsome." He grinned.
Matheus: "Quite right. Yellow, black, blue...red."
Ronan: Ronan laughed, "You cute cunt."
Matheus: "My cheeky prince. No. Those days are behind us. My king."
Ronan: "Kiiiiiiing huh?!"
Matheus: "Mhm. My king."
Ronan: "Am I gonna wear a crown on our weddin' day?"
Matheus: "If you insist I will not take your crown."
Ronan: "You gotta wear one too, though."
Matheus: "My royalty days are over."
Ronan: "They've only jus' begun."
Matheus: His vampire blinked.
Ronan: "... What?"
Matheus: "Very romantic, my love."
Ronan: "Oh yeah? Romantic enough forrrr a blowjob?"
Matheus: "We're supposed to see your brother. Anticipate your desires for tonight."
Ronan: "Ugh. 'kay. Lemme jus' message him t'make sure he's home. Where's my phone?"
Matheus: "Probably still in your trousers."
Ronan: "Ugh." He went off to find it, returning with his eyes on the screen. "Uhhh, yeah, okay. You know where this is?" He showed Matheus the address. "I've never seen where Conor lives now."
Matheus: A glanced to the address. Several blinks later, he pulled the phone closer via Ronan's hand and read it again.
"That's the sheriff's neighborhood."
Ronan: "Oh, okay. You gonna drive, then?"
Matheus: "Are they an item?"
Ronan: Ronan scoffed! "Pffffff, yeah right. An' I'm a leprech-" he stopped himself, afraid of finishing that sentence... in case...
Matheus: His nose was kissed. "As we are an example, anything is possible. Though that is quite the unwholesome coupling."
Ronan: "I'm gonna kill you, that's fuckin' rank. Conor has no interest in anyone or anythin', he prob'ly jus' wanted outta the hotel an' found somewhere cheap where the owner ain't home a lot. Guess as a sheriff he's prob'ly out all the time. There you go. Mystery solved."
Matheus: "Another to use the ghoul, you think?"
Ronan: "Prob'ly, like, maybe that's part of why he wanted you t'take control of him? Maybe Conor has some weird Power Plan." Ronan shrugged.
Matheus: "And it so happens he wants him at our wedding?" He squeezed the towel into Ronan's hair once. "We shall see."
Ronan: ... Yeah, he can't explain that.
"Guess so." He tilted his head back to bite Matheus' wrist.
Matheus: "So violent today. What sin have I committed?"
Ronan: "You didn't send me a dick pic!"
Matheus: "Excuse me?"
Ronan: "You don't even remember. I wanted t'wake up t'a pi- it doesn't matter. Let's go. You drivin'?"
Matheus: "You're not leaving naked." Ronan was scooped with one arm to the bedroom. Once dressed, (after many kisses to Ronan's stomach,) Matheus debated on which door...
"Backseat, or head in my lap?"
Ronan: "Duh, that-" Ronan laughed as he was lifted. Such a silly husband-to-be.
"Where d'you want me?"
Matheus: "I'd rather you be comfortable," he said whilst descending the stairs.
Ronan: Well that's incredibly unhelpful. "Your lap."
Matheus: Lap then, with the windows down just as he preferred for slow rides. The gentle breeze reminded him of many carriage rides in his youth.
The town was all but memorized. He needn't ask for the address twice. He pulled up to the sheriff's home and sighed. He would much rather Ronan explain to his brother, but he would not ask.
"What did he say in his text?"
Ronan: A deal is a deal. Matheus was the one with the problem, and if he wants to be an Archer he has to learn how to talk to his new brothers.
"Nuttin', I didn't really say anythin' that he could reply to, jus' said he was home alone an' the address. So that's good, I guess?"
Matheus: "Yes, that's fine. Close your eyes, I'm getting out." And he would help Ronan out of the passenger's side as well.
Ronan: Ronan did as he was told and shielded his head.
Matheus: Ronan was helped from the car, which was of course locked afterwards. One could never be too cautious.
"You said he's alone?"
He knocked on the - no, he rang the bell and took a half-step back.
Ronan/Conor: "Yeah, he's alone." Which is a bonus, at least.
It took a few moments for Conor to open the door. No greeting was necessary, he simply stepped aside.
Matheus: Matheus would follow behind Ronan. He assumed the lack of reaction to be customary.
Ronan/Conor: "Hey brother," Ronan stepped in and looked around, "how you doin'?"
'Fine.' Conor signed, the translation ready in Ronan's mind for Matheus. 'Would you like anything to drink or eat?'
Matheus: "None for me, thank you." Conor could assume lessons in sign language, but the reality was much more interesting, in Matheus' opinion.
Ronan/Conor: "Yeah, I'm good. Actual- actually I'll have a beer."
He nodded and gestured to the couch. Take a seat.
As he went off to the fridge Ronan's eyes scanned his brother's new home.
Matheus: Matheus stiffly leaned back in his seat. 'Not what I expected of Conor's home. What do you think?'
Ronan: 'Something feels weird.' It felt... uncomfortably unfamiliar.
Matheus: Both aura and thoughts from his husband-to-be were analyzed. 'It's too soft.'
Ronan/Conor: Ronan nodded. 'Yeah, totally.'
Conor returned, placing a beer down on the table for Ronan. He took a seat opposite them both.
"Thanks. Matheus has suttin' t'say." He sipped his beer the way some would eat popcorn - he was ready to watch shit go down.
Matheus: "More of a question and request, if I may." He wasn't completely out of touch with socialization. He knew when to make eye contact and what was too much. As uncomfortable as he was, he would endure.
"I'm...not sure of why you're here in association with a ghoul belonging to Aloysius Guildias. I've been curious of this since Ronan's negotiations..."
Ronan/Conor: The hybrid tilted his head.
'I don't hear a question.' Ronan did his best to not laugh.
Matheus: His smile was brief and dull. His tone offered no humor. "I want to know why we're in a ghoul's house."
Ronan/Conor: Conor's expression matched. 'Because you wanted to see me, you wanted to know where I am, and I am here. I didn't forcibly bring you here.'
"Woah, woah, woah, what's -" he clumsily did the sign for 'force'. Conor spelt it out. "Oh."
Matheus: "No, but you're doing your best not to explain your relationship with this ghoul."
Conor: 'You haven't asked me a single question about my relationship with P- Brett.'
Matheus: "I didn't think I needed to elaborate on the obvious."
Conor: 'If you want me to answer your question, you have to ask it, Matheus. I'm not interested in playing games with you. Whether you're going to be part of my family or not.' Ugh. 'Regardless, why would you make your way here just to question me about Brett? Do you want to own him? Have you come to see if we can convince him to become your ghoul?'
Matheus: All he saw only confirmed his belief. They came here with the ghoul as the subject. The association with the ghoul had been stated and avoided. The hybrid was no idiot. He was sidestepping. Why are we in a ghoul's home? Because we walked in? No. You're not a child. You know what I'm asking.
Ronan could read his mind clear as day. It would conceal nothing.
"I'm not interested in this game of yours, either. I won't waste your time or mine any more than we have. I don't want him at our wedding, Mr. Archer."
Ronan/Conor: Matheus was nudged. 'He's still my brother.' Be nice.
That statement made Conor blink. He took a breath and shifted in his seat. 'Why did you decide that?'
Matheus: "I must be mindful of the consequences. He doesn't belong to me. Unless I'm serving him to our guests, the why of his presence is too delicate to answer to my Kindred."
Conor: Hm. 'You didn't strike me as someone who was elitist, Matheus.'
Ronan: Again, 'elitist' had to be spelt out.
Matheus: "Only mindful of my safety and therefore Ronan's. The ghoul's master wasn't invited for a reason."
Ronan/Conor: Hm. 'I want him with me.'
Ronan groaned. "What about Boo?"
'... Bo.'
Matheus: "He risked favor with Guildias to get that human back. Here we are in his home..."
'Isn't this interesting.'
"How long have the three of you been partners?"
Conor: Conor rolled his eyes. 'Explain to me how you got to that train of thought.'
Matheus: "Old habits."
Conor: 'I'm curious. Walk me through it.'
Matheus: The Malkavian sunk deeper into his seat. "Your aura at the mention of him, for one. Mr. Parker's aura is always crystal clear, and a particular shade of blue last I had to see him at Guildias' as per your request. My background as an inspector means nothing. It doesn't take much skill to put two and two together. You're here. You're protective."
Fingers lightly traced the arm of the couch. "Everything has a memory. Even this."
Ronan/Conor: Ronan snatched Matheus' wrist and pulled it away from the material.
"Is... is that... is that true, Con?" This is... the closest he's ever gotten to knowing something real about Conor's life. This is the closest he has ever gotten to seeing something... anything, that meant something to his brother. It was almost too close for comfort.
There was no point lying, and there no point in trying to evade. 'Yes, it's true.'
"Two people? Bo an' Brett, or whatever?"
"At the same time?"
"An' they both know?"
Matheus: Now it was Matheus' turn to be quiet. This reached a personal level with Ronan, and he knew better than to interject.
Ronan/Conor: Ronan swallowed. "What... When... How did... Con..."
'I will still be there, Ro. No matter what I'll be there, in the front row. I... know... that this is...' he exhaled and ran fingers through his hair.
"N-no, it, I mean... Jus' figured - I thought you didn't like all that stuff."
'I don't, we... it isn't about that.' This was getting awkward. Conor scratched his neck.
"Are you in love? With, like, both of 'em?"
Conor is still for a while, he looks between Matheus and Ronan. 'Yes, Ro.' His heart pounded, he unconsciously fidgeted in his seat.
Matheus: "...No love is without risk," he said gently. "Ronan has proven to me what courage means again and again." He took a breath, despite knowing its uselessness. "I...suppose if Guildias wanted to...create conflict, he wouldn't need Mr. Parker as an excuse." He was being too lenient and he would pay the price. So be it.
Ronan: "Wh- are you sure, baby? Won't you get in a lot of trouble?"
Matheus: "My standing in society is in shambles as it is. Having an unchaperoned ghoul at a wedding surrounded by...not Kindred isn't going to be the nail in the coffin."
Ronan/Conor: Oh. Ronan scratched his head. This was a lot to process.
'Thank you for being understanding. I'm glad you're the person Ronan has chosen to dedicate himself to. Next time, though, just spit it out.' He smiled somewhat cheekily.
Matheus: "I would prefer the same from you...Conor. We're going to see more rather than less of each other."
Ronan/Conor: He smiled at how his name was pronounced. 'I'm not in a position to be asking you of any favours but I do have to ask. Please don't tell anyone.'
"Even Sean?"
'I'll tell him when I'm ready.'
"C'mon, Con, you know he'll be fine with it."
'Let me do it.'
Matheus: A true smile. How interesting. He could see the Archer signature in that smile. "We've hassled your brother enough for one day, Ronan. This is important to him."
Ronan/Conor: Ronan sighed. "Fine."
'Thank you.'
"They better have some good suits. Nuttin' cheap an' ugly. Gonna fuck up the pictures."
The hybrid laughed silently. 'Of course, Your Majesty.' ... Wow. A weight he hadn't been aware of had suddenly been lifted. Is this how Sean had felt? Relieved and terrified all at the same time?
Matheus: "We have a few more errands to run before returning home. We should probably leave before the - the sheriff returns." Perhaps, at least around Conor, he should make a habit of calling him something other than the ghoul.
Ronan/Conor: "Yeah... yeah, okay."
Conor stood to open the door for them and Ronan did as well. For a moment he lingered... before making his way over to his older brother. Arms wrap tightly around his waist, and into his chest he nuzzles.
"I'm really happy for you, Con. Don't let 'em hurt you, okay?"
Conor was taken back. It took him a moment to react, and when he did hands found curly hair. The top of his head was kissed.
Matheus: Matheus waited on the other side of the door, giving them some semblance of privacy. At the door, his smile finally carried a measure of honesty.
"Until next time," he said and signed.
Ronan/Conor: Conor nodded and gave him a little salute. He sank to the floor once the door was shut. He'll be needing to text his 'partners' about this immediately.
Ronan, on the other hand, was very much lost in thought.
Matheus: Matheus helped Ronan into the car as usual. He drove them to the other side of town and pulled into a quiet parking lot.
"Walk me through your thoughts."
Ronan: "... You knew. You brought up them bein' together earlier 'cause you already knew, didn't you?"
Matheus: "I've speculated since our negotiations, Ronan, you know that."
Ronan: "Brett. Not all three of 'em."
Matheus: "I've shown you what I've seen. The conclusion was there as it was for me."
Ronan: "The conclusion of Conor bein' with... anyone, let alone two-" he fell silent. What could he say? What did he have to say?...
Matheus: "I'm sorry. I didn't have a childhood with him to make any assumptions. He was a blank slate for me to piece together only what I saw..."
Ronan: "It- why're you sorry? I jus'..." He took a deep breath and rubbed his face, ensuring to keep his eyes tightly shut.
Matheus: "I feel like this took something from you. I'm not sure what. It's why I asked for you to walk me through your thoughts before we do anything else."
Ronan: "I jus' don't know Conor. I don't know him. This is the most information about his life I've ever gotten."
Matheus: "I think...you can only grow closer from here."
Ronan: Ronan scoffed, a sad little noise devoid of hope.
Ronan: "He wants me t'keep it a secret, though."
Matheus: "So he can tell his story to the rest of your brothers. Don't you want him to?"
Ronan: "That's the thing, he won't tell 'em."
Matheus: "You don't know that."
Ronan: "You really think he'll tell 'em? He only told us 'cause you already knew."
Matheus: "It's his story, and he's your brother. I think you should give him the benefit of the doubt. If you tell his story against his will, you might not have as many chances to get as close as you did today."
Ronan: Ronan sighed, because he knew Matheus was right. He had been given something rare, so he had to be careful with it.
"What did you see? On the couch?"
Matheus: "Do you want me to tell you, or be shown?" No matter what he believed Ronan should do, he would not keep his own knowledge a secret from his husband.
Ronan: "... Tell me?" He wasn't sure he wanted to witness whatever it was.
Matheus: "Your brother...kissing the ghoul. With, um, much enthusiasm. The human, Bo?, joining them. They hold one another, embraced in silence."
Ronan: He couldn't help but cringe. "Ugh... okay..."
Matheus: "It was, dare I say, loving. I'll go so far as to say innocent in nature."
Ronan: Shudder!
"With a human? He's so dumb..."
Matheus: "Because the human will die?"
Ronan: "Yeah? An' what could they possibly have in common? They're from different times, they're... different."
Matheus: "As are we."
Ronan: "We weren't born that far apart."
Matheus: "But we are indeed different." He offered his hand.
Ronan: Ronan dared to peek out from behind his arm enough to look at his vampire. He tangled their fingers together.
"I guess... It's jus'... weird."
Matheus: "Are you having to... You're having to worry for him on a subject you never thought would need broaching. Is that a portion of your consternation?"
Ronan: "Oh, baby, you jus' said a whole lotta words my brain can't process..."
Matheus: He would make a second attempt. "This is new territory you never thought you'd enter with him."
Ronan: "... Yeah, I guess so."
Matheus: "You'll be with him."
Ronan: "An' the whole ghoul thing... of all the fuckin' people in Edenton."
Matheus: "In your opinion, which is worse?"
Ronan: "Human."
Matheus: "You've met him before. Is he the dangerous type? Relative, I suppose."
Ronan: "Not dangerous. He's whatever. It's not him that's the threat it's us. How can he be okay bringin' a human into this world?"
Matheus: "Perhaps he's already in our world."
Ronan: "An' he knows what we are."
Matheus: "We don't know the details of their relationship. We don't know the intimacies with any of your brothers and their lovers."
Ronan: "June knows what we are, but Aidan told us."
Matheus: "I'm not sure what you're wanting. Your brother has a right to his pace. From what I understand, this is a very new path for him."
Ronan: "... I don't know either. I'm jus'..." Shocked. Confused. Whatever.
Matheus: The blind reaper was taken by his jaw and brought into a kiss.
Ronan: Oh. Oh. Ronan sighed against that beautiful, gorgeous, perfect familiar mouth.
"Are we parked?" He barely interrupted the kiss to whisper, wrapping arms around his vampire's neck.
Matheus: He would feel his vampire laugh. "We are indeed." Another kiss followed. "Why don't you lay back for me?"
Ronan: "... Lay back?" Nervous hands squeeze Matheus' shoulders.
Matheus: "Yes. Trust me."
Ronan: As if he had to be told to do such a thing. Carefully, he eased backwards.
Matheus: Once back, Matheus moved forward. Warm lips caressed the reaper's throat. The tiniest of fangs scraped over supple flesh.
Ronan: Lips part as Ronan exhales. Legs and arms wrap around his love.
Matheus: They should have thought of this sooner. In this position, Ronan would have a near impossible chance of catching his reflection.
"I love you with all of my heart, Ronan."
Ronan: "I love you too, baby. So much. So, so much." Into the other's neck he nuzzled. He wasn't risking looking, not just yet.
Matheus: Ronan's shirt collar was pushed to the side, leaving room to kiss and eventually bite as he saw fit. The sun was beginning to set. More cars filled the parking lot. Matheus looked up with swollen lips and frowned. He didn't want to see the colors of strangers. He didn't care about their well-being. Only the man underneath him.
"We should go."
Ronan: It didn't take much for that to make Ronan hard. Soon he was pressing his erection to his husband's thigh and whining.
"Go? Why?" He was unaware of anyone else around them, in his mind it was only them.
Matheus: "We have company." He didn't want Ronan upset by potentially being seen or heard by an unwelcome stranger. His stomach was kissed, shirt pulled back into place.
Ronan: He pouted and dared to open his eyes. His gaze lingers on Matheus' face, slowly, along his features an index traced.
"You're so beautiful."
Matheus: "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Behold your husband," he smiled.
Ronan: "Behold!" Arms extend as if displaying something magical. He giggled.
Matheus: His laughter wasn't the same as it had been years before. Neither laugh was the same. It was free, braver than ever. Those smiling lips were taken one last time.
"Close your eyes. We're going to see our venue."
Ronan: "Yes, Sir, Matheus, Sir!" He squeezed his eyes shut tightly.
Matheus: His belt was snapped in for him and left reclined. Should he dare open his eyes he would first see ceiling. They should have been doing this all along, Matheus thought.
The drive to their venue was silent, though nothing still. His right hand remained with Ronan for the majority of the ride until the next quiet parking lot.
"We're here."
Ronan: "Yeah? How does it look?"
Matheus: "If you're asking if the coast is clear, it is."
Ronan: "... No, I'm askin' how it looks."
Matheus: "It looks romantic. Shall we take a closer look?"
Ronan: "Romantic like 'Let's fuck in the toilets' or romantic like 'Let's...' uhh... 'fuck in the toilets with our shoes still on'?"
Matheus: "Whichever you believe is more formal. Did you not inspect this place before choosing?"
Ronan: "WELL I saw pictures, which could've been fake."
Matheus: The driver's side door was opened. Closed. He would hear Matheus making his way around the car and opening his door.
"Welcome to our venue."
Ronan: Matheus would know that Ronan knew exactly what he was doing when he reached out and 'accidentally' felt over his crotch and torso with closed eyes. But still, he'd pretend it wasn't on purpose with a little smile and a "Oops!" as soon as he was on his feet.
Matheus: Ronan would feel a fistful of his shirt squeezed and pulled to Matheus' chest. "Oops? Own your mischievousness."
Ronan: Eyes widen momentarily. "Oo la la Monsieur. Trés sexy!" He winked and kissed Matheus' nose before attempting to slip away from his hold.
Matheus: His vampire simply smiled and released him. If ever he could trust anyone with his body, his mind...
"Am I denying you the church wedding of your dreams?"
Ronan: "Who the fuck wants a church weddin'?"
Matheus: "Is that completely out of fashion with humans?"
Ronan: "I dunno, who cares?"
Matheus: "What I mean is, is this what you truly want?"
Ronan: Ronan slowed and stopped in his tracks to look at Matheus.
"You gettin' cold feet on me, baby?"
Matheus: "On the contrary. I want everything to be perfect for you."
Ronan: "Will you be there?"
Matheus: "...Yes?"
Ronan: "Will my brothers?" Again, the answer should be yes.
Ronan: "Baby, marriage ain't that modern of a concept, you should know that, you're the smart one."
Matheus: "I mean papers."
Ronan: "Paper ain't that modern either," he grinned cheekily.
Matheus: "You're so argumentative."
Ronan: "Only because I love you?"
Matheus: "Answer my question, please. Do you want the wedding at this lodge?"
Ronan: "Bab- do you?"
Matheus: Was something wrong? Why was he being so avoidant...
"What I want doesn't matter."
Ronan: He wasn't being avoidant, he simply wanted Matheus to have an opinion, too.
"How can you say that?"
Matheus: "This is your day."
Ronan: "... I really wish you would stop sayin' shit like that, Matheus."
Matheus: "What is wrong?"
Ronan: "It ain't my day. It ain't my weddin'. It ain't my venue. It ain't my party. It ain't mine. It's ours. It feels like I'm forcin' you into this sometimes. You have no opinions on anythin', you don't care about any of it. I get you've been married before an' I get that 'cause of what you are you think it's pointless but it ain't to me. Like something. Don't like something. Want something. Care about this."
Matheus: "My priorities are not the same as yours. This is for you. What I want I have and I couldn't be happier. I have you. Do you understand how significant this is to me? In all my years as this," his hand to his chest, "I've rarely had anything I've wanted. Nothing as great as this freedom and someone loving me without treating me objectively."
Ronan: "Then... then forget it. I don't wanna do it."
Matheus: "Of course you do. I want to do this for you. If I cared of nothing at all I wouldn't have had word with your brother over a ghoul."
Ronan: "This isn't meant t'be for me. This isn't meant t'be some favour you're doin' me, baby. I don't want it... like this. I don't want this."
Matheus: Matheus offered his hands.
"You want me to be more selfish?"
Ronan: "Yes!"
Ronan: Those hands would never be ignored.
Matheus: "Then forgo this place. Let us wed by the cottage."
Ronan: "Okay Shakespeare. Where exactly? Outside? It might rain."
Matheus: "We'll monitor the forecast. We'll create a tarp or tent. We'll have a bonfire and champagne."
Ronan: "You're not... worried about the mess?"
Matheus: "Don't let me think about it."
Ronan: At that, Ronan managed to laugh.
"Fuck this place. We'll do it there." He squeezed Matheus' hands and used the grip to pull him closer, guiding arms around his own waist. Palms settled on the vampire's biceps. "Thank you, baby."
Matheus: He was compliant. In those arms was where he wanted to be. "What did I do?"
Ronan: "You gave a shit about our weddin' for the first time."
Matheus: "You want me to be selfish. Here it is."
Ronan: "Be more... more selfish." He whispered, as if a sweet nothing. "You get to be selfish now, baby. Be selfish with me."
Matheus: "You know I don't want to impose. It's not my nature."
Ronan: "Let it be? Jus' a little?" He rose, offering lips in a gentle kiss, "For me?"
Matheus: His fingers wrapped around Ronan's throat, taking those lips for his own. Selfish like this? By all means.
Ronan: Ronan wasn't sure how much this qualified as being 'in public', and he really didn't fucking care. The touch made him purr and the kiss made him weak at the knees.
Matheus: "To whom do you belong, Ronan?"
Ronan: Oooooh boy. He's hard.
"I belong t'you, Matheus," he whispered, gaze a combination of desperate need, and eternal love and devotion. He licked his yearning lips. "I'm all yours."
Matheus: That's what he expected to hear. It was, perhaps, what Ronan expected as well. Tonight he would offer more. His hand reached between his legs and squeezed.
"This cock belongs to whom?"
Ronan: Expected or not, what worked, worked. He couldn't argue with his heart and the very cock in question.
"Every inch is yours," the reaper purred. He was a beautiful thing shaped for fighting, made weak by his lover's touch, sent mewling for more by his lover's words.
Matheus: He was squeezed and squeezed again. His lips caressed from throat to jaw, and then all was lost. The vampire had turned away, heading back to their car.
Ronan: Eyes closed, he followed those lips the way a starving animal followed the scent of food. His bod- what?
Ronan was left with his lips parted, staring ahead of him and then at Matheus.
It would take a second for the vampire to feel the weight of his husband jumping up onto his back. Arms around neck, legs around waist.
Matheus: "Oh!" Noises like an old man. He was gripped by his legs for balance. "Pardon me. Who are you?"
Ronan: "No one, don't mind me." While I kiss your neck and nuzzle your back.
Matheus: "Oh. Well, I'll have you know, my husband would not approve." He did so enjoy their games.
Ronan: "He ain't around... I don't see anyone but you..." His mouth searched for a lobe to chew on.
Matheus: "Well, a thousand apologies, but I hold only one man to my heart."
Ronan: "What about t'your cock?" He whispered to his ear.
Matheus: "That is especially his," he returned. The car was slowly approached, waiting for Ronan to climb down.
Ronan: Uhhh... he wasn't ready. Yet.
"How much d'you love this husband of yours?"
Matheus: "Beyond articulation," he smiled. "Do you think he loves me?"
Ronan: "I don't care if he does, I want you for myself. Even if he loves you more than he thought he could ever love anyone."
Matheus: "Anyone? Ever? Such a bold statement! Surely he'd loved others."
Ronan: "None like you. None t'the point where it actually made him happy." He kissed Matheus' shoulder, "That's why I want you. You're clearly some kinda magical elf."
Matheus: "I'm a ... magical elf?" No. The spell was broken. His Malkavian was laughing hoarsely.
Ronan: Awww, yay! Ronan started to laugh too, giggling as he hopped down from Matheus' back. Clothing was used to tug him in. Kisses, please.
Matheus: Matheus lowered enough to kiss, holding Ronan by his waist to lead him towards the car. "Close your eyes for me. I'll take you home."
Ronan: With a smile on his face, the reaper did as instructed.
Matheus: Tomorrow they would have to make phone calls. Several, in fact. To cancel the original location would be the least headache inducing. Would Ronan want a caterer? A bartender? Could he not hire Quintin Traxler? If not him, someone he knew? A ghoul was going to be at his wedding. He wondered what Gertrude had planned for him.
Matheus would be found with his laptop, sitting at the bay window with eyes adrift.
Ronan: He's mostly letting Sean deal with all the boring parts (like napkins, who cares about napkins?!) so he could deal with all of that, too.
Ronan had some work to do so he was sat finishing that off when they returned home, after giving Sean his instructions of course.
Matheus: "What tasks have you given to Sean?"
Ronan: "Uhhh..." One second.... aand... "All of 'em?"
Matheus: "Who did you decide to bartend?"
Ronan: "Sean's got it, someone's gonna do it for free. Perks of workin' in entertainment, huh?"
Matheus: "Nothing is for free. What are we in the dark of?"
Ronan: "Someone owes him a favour? Where's the leftover pizza?" He stood, shutting his textbook as he did.
Matheus: "Where it always is." He watched Ronan, but his mind was elsewhere. "How are your studies?"
Ronan: "Fine, I thought bein' back at school would be weird but it's pretty chill. Got invites to a few Halloween parties. Bunch of people on my dick." He starts to eat it cold out of the fridge.
Matheus: "Do they feel like children to you? Old man."
Ronan: "I look like I fit in, but I'm gettin' married. An' there's some older people there, too."
Matheus: "I did enjoy the medical exhibitions from my century. Education felt prestigious."
His worn glasses were pushed up to his forehead.
"Are you embarrassed to say you're married?"
Ronan: Ronan's laughter was genuine. Even if his mouth with full of food.
Matheus: "Your classmates will judge you. I had to ask," he chuckled, letting his glasses fall back to his nose.
Ronan: He swallows and licks his lips, moving to look at his vampire.
"Judge me? All the chicks think it's real romantic an' no guys even talk t'me unless they're into me so they're jealous. Maybe you should come t'campus one day? We can fuck on my professor's car." He grinned.
Matheus: "I've wanted to see your campus. I want to see your experiences. Have I told you lately...how proud I am of you?"
Ronan: "... No... you haven't." He kneels down beside the window seat.
Matheus: The laptop was set aside, closed. "Are you proud of yourself?"
Ronan: He smiled, "I dunno... I ain't really done anythin' t'be proud of."
Matheus: "You jest."
Ronan: "I ain't, not really. Jus' signed up t'a class an' stopped doin' suttin' illegal."
Matheus: "Something you've done for decades. It's more than a physical action. It's your mind."
Ronan: "My mind?" His laugh was dry and humourless, "What's t'be proud of there?"
Matheus: "I am proud of its resilience. I'm proud of the effort you put forth."
Ronan: "I'm proud of you, too, baby."
Matheus: "And what have I done?"
Ronan: "You stormed a fuckin' castle by yourself tryna get freedom? A dick move, a dumb move... but a brave one."
Matheus: "I was frustrated," he smiled.
Ronan: "I think jus' bein' with me makes you a hero."
Matheus: "I'm no hero, but thank you."
Ronan: "You're my hero. I ain't shit. I wasn't shit before you."
Matheus: "I believe you can achieve anything you set your mind to."
Ronan: "Only 'cause I have you by my side helping."
Matheus: "You give me too much praise. I'd rather your lips to mine...and then tell me what Sean has done."
Ronan: Ronan takes the place of where the laptop once was, getting comfortable on his lap.
"Who cares what Sean has done? We're gettin' married."
Matheus: "You don't care? No. You're not allowed not to care. I don't want you indifferent."
Ronan: "Then you don't get t'be either."
Matheus: "We're having the wedding here. I was selfish. What do you want?"
Ronan: "I want you. An' pizza. No cake. Pizza."
Matheus: "You want pizza on our wedding day?"
Ronan: "Yeah." He grinned. "An' I want the favours t'be the book you read t'me when we first met."
Matheus: "Rules of Civility," he said with fondness. "If that's what you want. The author will be pleased with the surge in sales," he smiled.
Ronan: "Is there any part that you wanna, like, I dunno. An important bit or suttin'?"
Matheus: "Nothing in white or black?"
Ronan: "... Huh? I mean the book, a bit from it t'highlight in what we give out or suttin'."
Matheus: Matheus pressed his forehead to Ronan's. "Forgive me," he smiled. "I will leaf through it later and find something of worth."
Ronan: "Okay, baby." He rubs their noses together.
Matheus: "What else do you want?"
Ronan: "Really good sex."
Matheus: "As soon as the last guest says goodnight."
Ronan: "Can we kick everyone out right after we say 'I do'?"
Matheus: "If you want. I will not object whatsoever."
Ronan: Ronan laughed, "Such a hermit crab."
Ronan: Pinch, pinch.
Matheus: "I'm your hermit."
Ronan: "Gonna get me a crab t'add t'my collection of pets?"
Matheus: "Or confuse your friends with an incorrect horoscope ring."
Ronan: "A what? Men don't know their horoscope, baby."
Matheus: "If I find one man at your college wearing one, you will owe me a kiss."
Ronan: "How 'bout we raise it to a blowjob an' jus' pay someone t'wear one," he grinned.
Matheus: "No, a point must be made," he laughed.
Ronan: "Fiiiine." He offers small kisses, "Real men don't know shit about star signs though."
Matheus: "Real men," he chuckled. "The things I've learned over the years linger. A killer will make an omen with any excuse."
Ronan: "A killer will what now?"
Matheus: "Nothing."
Ronan: He laughed, "'kaaaay."
Matheus: "Kay?" He leaned in nose-to-nose.
Ronan: "Kay!" He stole a kiss.
Matheus: His vampire laughed quietly. "Husband."
Ronan: "Vampire."
Matheus: "Is that all I am?"
Ronan: "Hmmm... y'know the guy who made me a reaper used t'call vampires 'blood suckers'." He smirked.
Matheus: "A rather base epithet. You can think of something better."
Ronan: "A base what?" He laughed, "I dunno. I guess I brought that up 'cause... he hates vampires an'... he owns me. I dunno... if he ever found out... I'm prob'ly worryin' for nothin'. I haven't seen him in years."
Matheus: Nickname, love. A fresh tangle was gently removed while he spoke. "Tell me more about him."
Ronan: "He's a tall, ugly fucker. Mean fucker. Dick sucker. He... I can't remember if I've told you before, I think I have... that he's like one of the... two things, or whatever, that can kill me?"
Matheus: "Hmm." He'd heard, but most mentions of this man were brief. Not this time. "Why is your relationship with him so unsteady?"
Ronan: "... I guess jus' 'cause he owns me. I'm like his equivalent of a ghoul." Big word from someone going to big boy school, "I... also... kinda threatened his boyfriend?"
Matheus: Matheus slowly exhaled, releasing his untangled ringlet. "Would you forgive someone threatening me?"
Ronan: He scoffed, leaning into that hand.
"No. Never. But he ain't like - I mean..." Ronan sighed, "I dunno, baby."
Matheus: "Well, if we have to see him again, we'll both be on our best behavior. It's imperative."
Ronan: ... "You're gonna... what? You're gonna suck up to him?"
Matheus: "Would this man kill you on a whim?"
Ronan: "Baby I don't know."
Matheus: "Then one must do what is necessary."
Ronan: "I really can't imagine you being a doormat like that."
Matheus: "Me? You cannot imagine me being compliant and passive?"
Ronan: "Not to a dick. Not to someone who's a threat to us. Not to someone I'm scared of."
Matheus: "I've had to face many unsavory Cainites in my years. This would not be above politics I've had to endure. Sometimes violence is necessary, but as last resort. Greeting this man with hostility would only cause undue hardship and threaten your life."
Ronan: Ronan was silent for a moment, considering. "D'you think Luke could take him now?"
Matheus: "An angel versus death? I don't know. Perhaps he does."
Ronan: "... That's a fight I wanna see."
Matheus: "One day we might. Not before our wedding, I pray."
Ronan: "What about a vampire an' a angel?" He giggled.
Matheus: "Perhaps a Brujah, or Tremere. Tremere are scholars. Surely they would know a method in which to capture something like him."
Ronan: "Awww, baby. I have no idea what you're talkin' about."
Matheus: Off came his monocle, rubbing his one good eye with exasperation. "My love, my prince. The wind beneath my wings."
Ronan: "You gonna start singin' or suttin'?"
Matheus: "My voice is atrocious."
Ronan: "I think it's pretty sexy..." he purred.
Matheus: "You're biased, love."
Ronan: "Was I biased the first day I met you?"
Matheus: "You are my soulmate."
Ronan: Ahhhhhhhh Ronan's smiling and blushing!
Matheus: Is that all it took? "Kiss me," he chuckled.
Ronan: No! He was busy hiding his face now! He curled up against Matheus' chest and tucked himself under his vampire's chin.
Matheus: This was fine. His arms blanketed him in, leaning back with content sigh. "Just a few more days."
Ronan: "An' then you can make an honest woman outta me!"
Matheus: "No more...nights with other men? Not ever?"
Ronan: Ronan's playful aura faded as he eased back to look at Matheus' face.
Matheus: "I know we've had this conversation before. I just want to make sure this is everything you want it to be."
Ronan: "Really? 'cause it feels more like you won't let shit go that we've already talked about. When did I become the mature one?"
Matheus: "It's my-" he tapped his temple. "I want everything to be perfect. I don't want you to regret anything. Including me."
Ronan: "How's that the same thing as holdin' a grudge against me?"
Matheus: "I don't hold a grudge."
Ronan: "You bringin' that up sounds like you don't trust me, like you expect me t'repeat the shit I've done, like... you're makin' me confirm suttin'. It feels like you've been thinkin' about the past an' that it's been botherin' you. You wouldn't have brought it up if you didn't think about it anymore, so clearly you fuckin' do."
Matheus: "Ronan," he sighed. "Ronan, I don't want you to say or do anything just to please me. My thoughts have only been of our future, and if I am...enough to give you everything. My doubt is only in my capabilities. I'm not an adventurer. I'm not..." He took a moment. "The worry is my own... self-esteem."
Ronan: "That's not what you asked me, though. Is it?" The reaper went to stand, "Jus' forget it."
Matheus: "If I am enough." He didn't need to read his aura to see his frustration. "I have a mental illness, Ronan. I will always have thoughts, many of which I do not want. Most of which never hush."
Ronan: "EVERYONE has a mental illness, Matheus!"
Matheus: "Do you hate me for mine?"
Ronan: "No, when have I ever - how can you fuckin' ask me that?! Why're you bein' such a dick?" A pillow was thrown, definitely not hard enough to hurt.
Matheus: It wasn't caught as it might have in the past during playful debates. He allowed it to collide with his chest and fall. The middle finger of his right hand began to tick. His mind was in a horrific chant of the word stop. He shut his thoughts away to prevent Ronan from hearing it.
Ronan: He paused, heart pounding, breathing coming deep and quick.
"What're you doin'?"
Matheus: "Nothing." Just sitting here.
Ronan: "... Matheus?"
Matheus: "Yes?"
Ronan: "What're you doin'?"
Matheus: "I'm...sitting here. I'm...just...waiting for...my head to correct."
Ronan: ... Okay.... Ronan took a full breath, long, calming. His gaze shifted around the room and his hand rose to his own hair and fell as soon as it met frizzy curls.
Arguing was one thing, taking it far enough that it put someone at mental risk was another. He moved closer slowly, a timid, hesitant hand rose to touch Matheus' cheek if he was allowed.
"It's okay baby, you're okay. We're okay."
Matheus: Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. Music. He tried to think of music to substitute. No. Stop. Stop.
The hand was warm, wasn't it? Those perfect yet impatient fingers. No, they were patient in this moment. He leaned his weight into his palm.
Stop...Stop......Stop.........It's fine.
"I'm embarrassed. Forgive me."
Ronan: "For what, baby?" he laughed in a way that was meant to be comforting, to show him how very not a big deal it had been. He was not laughing at the situation, nor at Matheus, it was his attempt at saying - you're embarrassed? Around me? Oh, you silly, beautiful thing.
"C'mere." The patience would continue as he gently and carefully brought Matheus into a hug, holding him against his chest. Unknowingly, he'd be providing Matheus with the music of his dead, beating heart.
Matheus: A question had seeped through the dwindling chant. How could Ronan switch emotions so effortlessly? Surely not because of his fiancé's obsessive mind. How Ronan had known something was wrong with their connection had been severed...he didn't understand. Was it a mannerism he had overlooked? Was it the sever itself?
He couldn't allow his thoughts to fall into another obsessive trap. He closed his eyes and listened to his breathing, to his heartbeat, to Ronan himself.
"I'm fine. I promise. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything."
Ronan: It was the finger. The physical twitching. It had been his face, his expression. It had been the shutting off. It had been the not catching the pillow. He didn't need a vampiric magical connection to understand his vampire, his husband, his lover. His best friend.
"Shh, baby. You should always say everythin' you wanna say to me." He hugged slightly tighter.
Matheus: "I've never questioned any relationship the way I question ours. I've never concerned myself enough to put forth such effort. I don't want you bereft of anything. Will you promise me that you will always tell me when you need something?"
Ronan: "I promise if you promise that too?"
Matheus: "I swear."
Ronan: Ronan presented his pinky finger.
Matheus: He sealed their promise, kissed his reaper's cheek.
Ronan: Good. He giggled and snuggled back into his partner's chest. He'll spend the rest of the day telling Matheus about all the things Sean had helped with, asking his opinion, and finalising last-minute things.
Matheus: Matheus checked his pocket watch for a third time. It was worn, as expected for a fifty year-old watch. Though not his oldest, it was the best polished for such an important day, and his only made of gold.
He looked at himself in the mirror once more, glanced back to the locked door. No, not gold. Not with his soft brown suit. The brass and wood antique would be more appropriate.
"The wedding will be over before I'm presentable," he sighed.
Ronan/Conor/Sean/Aidan: "Ro, your tie's messy!"
"That isn't the correct type of knot for a weddin'."
"What d'you mean? It's fine!"
"Who fuckin' cares about a knot?"
"It's important! What kinda knot is Matheus usin'?"
Conor shooed both Sean and Aidan away. Let him handle this.
"Ro your hair got all messy!"
"I told you not to- wait, where's the photographer?"
"My camera's over there, jus' use that."
"You ain't payin' me t'do it, why should I?"
Ronan rolled his eyes. It's going to be a long day.
Bo: Bo stood rather stiffly near the small rows of chairs by the arbor. He was too busy staring at the decorations to notice the absence of guests, the chill raising the hairs on his arms, or the orange colored leaves collecting at his feet. He adjusted his striped tie and straightened his vest, wondering for the fifth time that day why he was there. Conor Archer was his reason, but Conor Archer was playing brother.
He looked up. So where was Brett Parker?
Brett: Brett Parker was lingering by his car, fidgeting with his watch and trying desperately to come up with a reason to get back in said car and drive far, far away from this wedding and the people participating in it. He shouldn't be here. He wasn't wanted here. The only two people that had any interest in him could surely be talked out of being here. They could go to the beach or back to Oslo or to the moon maybe. Anywhere but here.
{Text to Bo} Baby I can't do this
Bo: Bo felt for his phone in his blazer and frowned. A quick glance for Conor - still absent - and he headed back to the car.
"Brett," he called as soon as he came into view. A single come hither finger. "He doesn't ask much of us. Just stay by me," said his human, softly encouraging in Norwegian.
Brett: His body untensed ever so slightly when Bo came into view and immediately moved closer when summoned. "There's no way his brother and Matheus are okay with me being here," he responded, also in Norwegian. "They hate me."
Bo: "I don't care if they do, and neither should you. We're here for Conor."
Brett's tie was adjusted. Easy to notice where the sheriff had been fidgeting. "Come on." He offered his arm.
Brett: If only Conor was the only other person present, he thought, watching Bo fix his new tie. At least he wouldn't embarrass Bo or their demon with his distinctly unsophisticated style of dress. Letting the two of them dress him for today was the only smart thing he'd done.
Sighing, he took Bo's arm. "It's not too late for us to go to the moon."
Bo: "Don't be so dramatic. You're not going to lose your head." Metaphorically or literally. "Let's enjoy the champagne and Conor in his suit."
Brett: Brett nodded and took a calming breath. "Okay. We can do that."
Bo: "We don't have to say a single word in English if you don't want."
Luke: Meanwhile, Luke was speaking the Queen's English to Fletcher, helping him take a seat while instinctively looking around for things he could do to help.
"There's Sash and Quintin, do you want to come with me to say hello?"
Brett: "I might take you up on that." Anything that could even remotely be considered a form of self-defense would be thoroughly exploited.
And if that failed, at least he wasn't the only human (sort of) in attendance.
Bo/Fletcher/Sash: Fletcher couldn't seem to let go of his green tweed suit. If not his tie, his blazer, if not his blazer, adjusting his belt. He didn't like suits. He had nothing against Luke or anyone else wearing one, but he would not do any suit any justice. Frankly, he was surprised to have been invited in the first place.
"I look like shit," he hissed. "I gue - I dunno em." Though he admired the taller, older one's suit from afar. Turtleneck and blazer? Less shit to wear. He wished he'd thought of that. The younger one looked as stiff as he felt, and the least dressed of all. Sash had left his blazer in his brother's jeep. Too hot, he insisted. Jeans, tan brogues, a suit vest - his tie was only due to Q's nagging. Not five minutes from parking and already it was being loosened.
"How long do you give them?" Bo whispered, taking a seat to the left of the arbor, away from everyone else.
Luke: "That's okay, I'll be right back." he kissed Fletcher's cheek, "Relax, beautiful. You look perfect. Just sit down." And another kiss to Fletcher's hand before he slinked away to smile at Q and Sash.
"Hello, welcome." Sash would find Luke's presence automatically calming. There would be no trick here, no purposeful action to sway emotions, it was simply how humans reacted. Knowing this was why Luke felt the need to greet them. "Have you been here long?"
Brett: "How long do I give what?" Brett asked, switching back to Norwegian. Far safer than whispering. "Their marriage?"
Bo/Sash/Q: Sash took a deep breath and smiled. No facial hair; Luke's words would be an easy read. He could swear he saw an accent from those lips, too.
"Nice to meet you. Do I know you?"
Q elbowed in. "His name is Luke." His name was fingerspelled. "This is my brother, Sash. We just got here." While Sash's shoulders began to sag, Q's suddenly tightened. He didn't understand why.
Bo was going to continue his whisper in Norwegian, which he had yet to deviate from.
"Mhm. A vampire and a reaper. I wonder if it's common."
Luke: 'It's nice to meet you, Sash,' Luke signed in perfect ASL, 'I've heard so much about you from Sean, he doesn't stop talking about you.' The angel laughed. 'Do you know anyone else here?'
Brett: "Don't know how common it is, but my bet is probably few hundred years. They're both immortal."
Bo/Sash: Sash's smile grew. 'I've never met so many people in a small town that just know ASL.' He had questions, but managed to hold his tongue. Anyone else? A terrifying fucking vampire and his lover he can't seem to get away from.
His eyes fell and he shook his head. 'No.'
"So, vampires can love. Who would've thought," Bo sighed. His attention was taken by the sign language on the other side of the arbor. "I'm still trying to understand why a vampire gave me a new tongue, and here we sit at another's wedding. Should I be surprised anymore?"
Luke: Ah, lovely. He only knew ASL as his angel form allowed, but he couldn't exactly explain that... 'I hope that means you feel comfortable here. If you find yourself needing me I'm sat over there.' he motioned to where Fletcher was sat.
"Quintin, is your partner coming? I heard about him from Sean, too."
Brett: A smile teased at Brett's lips. "Well, we live in Edenton so probably not. There's good surprises too, though. At least for us."
Bo/Sash/Q: Ah, ha. "It's Q, and uh, yes. Not sure when. I should text him." So he would do that right now, abandoning his brother with the angel.
"I'll be fine. I read lips. Anyone got a bushy beard I need to worry about?"
Bo smiled only because Brett had. "There is a prince in Oslo. Did I not tell you? I bet you can guess the name."
Luke: "My apologies, Ronan calls you Quintin." he smiled. "Ronan's friend Salt has the biggest beard, I believe. Have you met Aidan? He has a little beard, which is mainly stubble, I'm not sure how that impacts your lip-reading."
Brett: That smile faltered. "Would it happen to be your uncle Johan?" he asked quietly.
Bo/Sash: "Thick ones around the lips make em hard to read," he explained, watching his brother with his nose in his phone. Tane would be a comfort to have. He was the largest man he knew in Edenton. Maybe a bouncer could save him if not Sean.
Bo inclined his head and let it fall. Very good, Brett.
Luke: "What about accents?" Luke leaned against a chair, clearly extremely interested in Sash.
Brett/Tane: Brett sighed and closed his eyes. "Great. So much for pleasant surprises." Where was Conor? They needed something beautiful and good to look at and think about.
Tane was just finishing getting ready when his phone went off.
{Text} Hey gorgeous, sorry I'm running late
{Text} On my way out the door now!
Bo/Sash/Q: "Accents? Have you met Sean?" He waved away his tease. "If I don't get it, I ask." This guy sure was polite. He felt like one of those bible thumpers he met that one summer his mother insisted they give church a try. Not bad, just...different.
"Is it really a surprise, given everything you know about me and what I did?" said Bo.
{Text} Don't die. I'll meet you in the parking lot
Luke: Luke laughed. Fair point. "And your voice... forgive me if I'm asking too many questions, feel free to tell me to go away, but... does that hurt, at all?"
Brett/Tane: "It's not a surprise, but the fact that it isn't has nothing to do with you." He took advantage of the fact that everyone seemed to be ignoring them and pulled his lovely Botan into a brief kiss.
{Text} I'll drive fast but safely, promise
Luckily the roads were pretty much empty, allowing him to keep his promise and arrive in record time.
Bo/Sash/Q: Sash suddenly looked confused. "Hurt? Why?" That was new.
Bo said nothing else, turning his attention to where Brett wanted him. Brief was all he could give. His patience was on a thread. He wanted Conor beside them.
Q would be waiting beside his newly washed Geo Tracker, ass leaned against the driver door while playing Tetris.
Luke: "Hm... I'm imagining you speak through vibrations, am I correct? Does this not sometimes cause your throat to feel sore? Of course, I'm speaking as someone with no knowledge on the topic, forgive my ignorance."
Sash: Sash shook his head and smiled. 'Put shit in your ears. Blast music full volume, then try to talk without being able to hear yourself.'
Brett/Tane: A thought Brett shared wholeheartedly. He had no idea how they were going to get through this without being able to touch and kiss their demon as much as they wanted; they were spoiled to him.
Tane spotted Q immediately. Now that was a lovely view. “Hey, gorgeous,” he called, grinning as he made his way over. “You look fantastic.”
Luke/Ronan/Aidan: "I will give it a try and report back to you." He chuckled.
"Okay, guys, I think my tie's fine now! I'm ready jus'... go out an' take care of guests or whatever. Not you, Aidan. You've gotta stay with me."
Aidan... was still taken aback by the fact that Ronan had asked him to give him away. It was... strange and unprecedented but... nice. He was absolutely touched by the request, and so he helped Sean and Conor depart despite their objections. He wanted time to talk to his brother.
Bo/Q: Q didn't think too much of his outfit. Turtlenecks and blazers had been a Chicago fashion he couldn't shake. One oftentimes worn by his father. He simply smiled at Tane's flattery. "You look good enough to eat."
Bo traced his fingertips over the back of Brett's hand, looking back towards the small cottage. Oh. He drummed his fingers on that hand now. "He's out."
Brett/Tane: Tane gave Q a wicked little grin. "If you ask nicely I might let you," he said, offering his arm to escort Q back to the seating area. Suit or no suit, he was still a gentleman.
Brett tried to draw comfort and calm from Bo's touch, tried to breathe deeply to make himself relax. It was Bo had said; they were here for Conor.
And as such, it came as a massive relief to have him finally come into view.
Brett smiled. "He looks handsome in his suit."
Sean/Conor: Sean and Conor's gaze went in opposite directions, searching for their respective companions.
Conor saw his pair first, raising a hand to greet and show them that they've been spotted too. He gave his brother's arm a pat before leaving him to his own devices. Once his Petal and Flower were met he kissed both of their cheeks.
'You look really good. Thank you for coming.'
Bo/Sash/Q: Bo's smile broadened. There was their man.
'Doesn't he clean up well?' He would have taken the compliment for himself, but his cheek was still pink from when Brett had rubbed his beard against him.
Q looked at the arm and scoffed. "Can we forgo all of the formalities and just let me ride your shoulders back?" Fine, fine. He would walk beside him.
Sash had taken a seat in the nearest chair, playing a game on his phone, oblivious to the man walking up behind him.
Brett/Tane: Never had a kiss been so welcome. "If I do it's only because the two of you dressed me." Another sneaky look to make sure no one was watching. Coast clear, he gave Conor a proper kiss.
Tane chuckled. "I think our hosts would frown upon that. We've gotta behave."
Sean/Conor: Oh! Conor couldn't help but smile into such a bold kiss. Fingers hook around Brett's clothing, tugging him closer. Fair is fair. A quick glance around and he brought Bo in for the same treatment, still holding tightly onto his Petal.
Sean smiled, taking in Sash's outfit. He slid over to a table, pulling out a flower from the display. In a moment he swiftly got on one knee at Sash's feet, offering the flower with a smile.
Bo/Sash/Q: He wished to photograph their kiss. One day he must. If he ever lost his memory again, moments like these would have to be preserved for him.
Bo leaned into his kiss and sighed. Gone less than an hour, but still the hybrid was missed.
"Everything alright?" Enjoy his native tongue, Conor.
Sean's gaze was followed, and then studied as he walked away for - oh. You beautiful idiot. Sash's smile was all but blinding. He had to say what he was thinking. 'Idiot. Get up and come here.'
Q scoffed at the romantic displays across the lawn.
"Is no one single anymore?"
Brett/Tane: All Bo had to do was ask and Brett was rather inclined to let him. He was more than happy to be photographed as long as it meant he got to be in their demon's arms.
"Well we are at a wedding," Tane chuckled. "And can we really talk? That'd be us if Luke were here."
Sean/Conor: That smile never failed to make Sean feel faint. The flower was placed on Sash's lap as he rose. Hands went straight to the human's jaw, guiding him into a kiss from where he hovered above.
'My brother should be out soon. Matheus will come first.' Conor gestured so that he could sit between them.
Bo/Sash/Q: "Have I seen Matheus before?" He knew of him, of course, but face-to-face? For all he knew, the man was one of his tormentors.
With a nod, Bo moved over a seat for Conor to sandwich in.
'His long is a wedding?' asked Sash, leaning back up to steal another quick kiss before Sean could answer.
"Luke in a suit... that wouldn't last five minutes," he grinned.
Brett/Tane: Brett felt himself tense again. He didn't want to see Matheus. Or Ronan for that matter. He could only hope they were too focused on each other and their wedding day to notice his presence.
Tane just grinned. "He wears one every day. You should ask him to come by sometime right after he leaves work."
Sean/Conor: 'Hopefully not too long... You look so good in that I think I might pass out.' more kisses, Sash. More. More.
Conor thought for a moment before shaking his head. 'I don't think so, unless you've crossed paths in a book store or something like that. Guildias wasn't invited in case you were wondering.' directed at Brett.
Bo/Sash/Q: Sean soon had his mouth covered by his giggling human. "Shut up. Shh." No more. They're in public around dangerous people!
"He lives and works in Raleigh. I doubt we're going to have the pleasure unless we stay at his place."
Well, that was one less worry, thought Bo.
Brett/Tane: "I figured as much," said Brett, nodding. He couldn't see Ronan or Matheus inviting him to their wedding after the little incident with the negotiations.
Tane seemed to consider the matter very seriously. "I think maybe a trip to Raleigh is in order. A surprise one in fact."
Sean/Conor: Sean laughed too, giddy with happiness as he held him human close, kissing him lovingly. Public? Around... people? No, no. They're the only ones here. The world is theirs.
'If you are both introduced officially to my family you will have to spend time with him.'
Bo/Sash/Q: "Fuck yes. Could do it tonight, even. I know he's got the next two days off."
If only Sash could carry as much elation as his counterpart. Still, he laughed and nuzzled, doing his vest to ignore those around them, those approaching from behind the house, and those within.
'I've already met Ronan and Aidan,' Bo pointed out. 'The one left is occupied.'
Brett/Tane: “Then it’s settled. Tonight after the wedding we’re taking a little road trip to Raleigh and see if we can catch our blondie in his work suit.
Surely there was some way they could be introduced to Conor’s family without having to deal with Matheus? He hoped?
“I’ve only met Ronan.”
Sean/Conor: Conor looked around and - eugh, Sean needs to stop. He cringed.
'Do you want to meet Sean?' he glanced between them both. He was... hoping that they did.
Bo/Q: What was that face for? Bo smiled. We were just kissing your face, Flame.
"It's the kind of day for formal introduction." He supposed he would have to switch to English, then.
"Maybe on the way we can get you your own car," Q smirked.
Brett/Tane: "I do have my own car!" Tane pointed at his Range Rover. At some point it simply got too expensive to keep renting a car and since he was going to be here for a while, he bit the bullet and bought a used 2010 Range Rover Sport. "Suits me just fine."
It was the kind of day for formal introduction. And since Sean wasn't Ronan or Matheus, surely it was safe to interact with him.
"I agree. We should meet him," said Brett.
Sean/Conor: Conor nodded, smiling. Of course he couldn't call him over so he brought his phone out and texted him.
With a huff Sean pulled away from Sash's addictive lips. He read the message, saying he wants him to meet the people he's with and where he is.
Looking around he spotted the waving hand.
"Conor wants me t'meet some people. I'll be right back, okay?" One last, lingering kiss before he excused himself - actually maybe one more kiss. Okay, NOW he's gone!
Sean went over, grinning.
"Hey, brother!"
Conor stood, 'This is Flower,' he signed without thinking, just as he had done to Aidan, 'and this is Petal.'
Sean looked very confused.
Bo/Sash/Q: Bo watched as Conor's brother was pulled back into a third and final kiss by what he assumed was a deaf human. As the reaper made his way over he stood straightening his suit, offering his hand afterward.
My sweet flame...
"My formal name is Bo. Bo Nowicki. Hello."
Q glanced back to what couldn't be seen. "You mean that's not another rental? Look at you!" he laughed.
Brett/Tane: “Nope!” Tane said proudly. “Got sick of rentals. That guy who works at the marina was selling his Range Rover to buy himself a boat so I took it off his hands.” He snuck a kiss. “We can take it up to Raleigh.”
Brett’s cheeks went bright red at Conor’s introduction. He cleared his throat. “Brett,” he managed. “Parker.”
Sean/Conor: ... Oh. Oops.
Sean chuckled, shaking their hands with a warm smile.
"Nice t'meet you both." Ronan wouldn't let Sean invite one more person, but here Conor is with two... two people Conor had wanted him to meet... two people that he seemed to be idly brushing his index fingers against. Hm. "How d'you guys all know each other?"
Bo/Q: I see where you're looking.
Bo gestured to the sheriff. "In the rain outside of a coffee shop." To Conor. "On a bus, and we lost each other." Vague enough.
"Raleigh, Kitty Hawk, anywhere you want, partner," Q grinned.
Brett/Tane: Tane grinned. "We should try to take a trip at least once a month."
Had he ever felt this self-conscious? He doubted it.
But Conor's touch, no matter how small, was far too much comfort for him to move away from it.
He cleared his throat again. "And I met Conor through Botan." Yes, vague. Vague was good.
Sean/Conor: "A... bus? In Edenton?"
Conor shook his head. 'We met before, I recognised him and spoke to him.' Why be vague? 'Brett is the sheriff.' His eyes smiled as he looked at Brett and his brother found it impossible not to notice.
"Oh... yeah?" he asked, pulling his gaze away from Conor. "In this town? Must be boring."
Bo: Bo kept to himself, observing Sean from shoes to hair. Nothing to do but see Brett's reaction.
Brett: What could he do with a look like that except melt internally?
"Oh, well." He gave a nervous chuckle. "It has its moments. "
Sean/Conor: "Huh... an' what d'you do, Bo-... Botan? 'scuse me if I'm not pronouncin' that right." With Sean's eyes on Bo, Conor briefly brushed his finger over the back of Brett's hand.
Bo: "Bo," he corrected. Botan was sacred. He didn't know why, it just was. "I'm...an investor." Eyes engaging, but his hand was exploring the cuff of Conor's blazer.
Brett: It seemed they were both trying to draw comfort from their demon any way they could.
Brett was just going to keep quiet unless he was spoken to.
Sean: Movement caused Sean's gaze to fall from Bo's face. Their hands...
He didn't fully understand what he was witnessing, he didn't entirely get why Conor had wanted him to meet these guys. But... he could only be happy. It was so unbelievably beautiful to see his brother be close to others.
"An investor? That's pretty awesome. Are you the people Conor lives with now? ... Or spends a lot of time with, or something?"
Bo: "Yes, we are." A glance was given to the boy hunched over with his phone. Back to the reaper. "And is he yours?"
Sean: Damn, Sean liked the sound of that.
"Yeah." He clarified, grinning, "He's mine." But that's not what's important here. "D'you guys know Ro an' Matheus or are you jus' here for Con?"
Bo: "I'm here for Conor and Brett," he said simply.
Brett: Oh yes, he knew them. Brett nodded, smiled pleasantly. "Same here."
Sean/Conor: Ah, he nodded. "Thanks for comin', anyway. I hope you have a good time. Con." He pulled Conor into a hug and kissed both of his cheeks before speaking in Irish, "If you ever have something you want to tell me, I'm right here. I'm never too busy for you. I love you." He pulled back ans returned to English to address Conor's companions, "See you around." He waved at them and went to return to... what was his.
Bo: Bo's smile grew to the beautiful Irish and the words flowing. He waited for his departure, back to the man easily startled by his sudden touch.
"Never too busy," said in Norwegian. "And he loves you. I like him."
Brett: Sean seemed like a perfectly nice, perfectly polite person, and while Brett appreciated both of those things, it was the way he interacted with Conor that truly made him feel a bit more at ease. Biased as it was, he had a soft spot for anyone who treated the people he loved kindly.
And apparently, so did Bo.
"I like him, too."
Conor: Was... that... a blush on Conor's face? He was smiling and looking down at his feet. Oh dear. The hybrid rubbed the back of his neck.
Bo: His hand was taken, and he was led the two feet back to their chairs. This was a lot of public affection, but they were alone. Their own private bubble. This didn't count.
"Has he always been so polite?"
Conor: In turn, Conor took Brett's hand to bring him with them.
He shrugged and nodded. 'Yes. His love has never been anything but unconditional. When my father found out that he was gay he tried to throw him out, and the next day Sean nursed his hangover. Maybe it isn't politeness, but gentility and kindness. No problem is too big or too small to share with him. I'm happy that you both like him. He was the one who taught me sign language when I lost my voice. We learnt it together.'
Brett/Tane: As they slipped into their bubble again, Brett found himself appreciating Sean more and more. Not everyone was lucky enough to have a brother like that, so willing to pour his love and his time and his patience on you any and every time you needed it.
"I'm so glad he's your brother," said Brett, smiling softly. "He sounds like a wonderful person, and I'm glad you had a person like that in your life growing up and that you still do."
Bo: "I should be thanking him for his generosity." That was the most Conor had ever shared in one instance. The brother was revered. This was someone Conor gave a shit about, which meant he had to give a shit. He couldn't muster the strength to concern himself with everyone, but if there had to be anyone then by all means, Sean Archer.
Then he locked eyes with Brett.
"You've learned two languages since meeting me. Look at you now, how considerate, how...you're you. You two are similar. It strikes me."
Conor: Conor smiled. A genuine, content smile. He glanced over to see his brother nuzzling into his boyfriend and kissing his cheek a thousand times. He wondered if Sash was aware of how lucky he is, and through this he came to the realisation that he is also very lucky. He, also, has unconditional love at his fingertips.
Wait- WHAT?
He cringed, 'Please don't say Petal is similar to Sean, that makes me feel...' he shuddered.
Brett: The comparison moved him. It hadn't occurred to Brett that most other people wouldn't have learned two languages to better connect with their significant others or that his level of consideration was outside the norm. He couldn't remember ever really stopping to think about it; it was simply what he'd felt compelled to do. He would learn a thousand languages for Bo and Conor.
However, the touched look on his face dissolved into mirth at Conor's reaction.
He laughed.
Bo: "Unnskyld," Bo chuckled. "Jeg skal ikke gjøre det igjen." I won't do it again. Still, Brett's realization was a truth he admired. For a man as humble as the sheriff, he was so much more than he let on.
Conor/Aidan/Ronan: Conor shook his head, smiling.
Meanwhile, Aidan was kneeling on the floor in front of his brother, drying his tears. He had said only kind words, but they had resulted in Ronan crying from happiness. It's a good thing he hadn't been wearing makeup, it would definitely be ruined.
"How... how's Matheus? He's gettin' ready alone. Can you go check on him?"
"Yeah, Ro. I've got my phone so jus' call me if you need me, okay?" he kissed his brother's head as he got to his feet and left, heading for the room his... brother-in-law was getting ready in. He'll knock and announce who it is.
Matheus: The door was in the middle of being opened when Aidan knocked. He felt Ronan's tears and wedding be damned, he wanted to check on him.
"Oh. You slipped right by me." And what did he mean by that? "Hello, Aidan."
Aidan: Aidan blinked. Eh?
"Hello. Would I be correct in assuming you heard Ronan?"
Matheus: "Is he alright?"
Aidan: "Jus' got overwhelmed I think. Asked me t'check on you. Need a hand with anything?"
Matheus: "Oh." Overwhelmed?
'Ronan, he says you're overwhelmed. Do we need to delay? Do you want to see me?'
"I'm ready. It's about Ronan now."
Aidan/Ronan: "Why's it about Ro?"
'Not that kind of overwhelmed!' were the thoughts Matheus was offered, 'If I see you I have no doubt we'll fuck. Just so you know.'
Matheus: 'Well we can't have that. Not for at least another hour.'
Oh, right. Aidan. "Because you said he's overwhelmed."
Aidan: Seems like you're a bit distracted, buddy.
"An' you're not?"
Matheus: "He's already my husband. This is to declare to everyone else, human or otherwise."
Aidan: "You ain't nervous? Even a little? You're about t'go up on stage in fronna everyone an' you're fine?"
Matheus: "What had concerned me has been dealt with. While I don't like crowds, I'm not so anxious as to," frenzy, "devastate the evening."
Aidan: "Did you write your own vows?"
Matheus: "Yes."
Aidan: Aidan nodded. "Can I come in?" They were still in the doorway...
Matheus: He glanced back, widened the door. "I just need to put away the mirror."
Aidan: He entered, nodding. The door was softly shut behind him.
"Matheus... I know you likely got used t'not havin' family, an' I know I'm prob'ly the last person you want t'hear this from, but it's the truth. We are family now. That means... your problems are mine, too. Sean's too. Conor's too. Since we were all young that's how we've survived. Jus' know that no problem is too small an' none of us are ever too busy. That's something I tried t'teach 'em... Sean does a better job of it than me, though. You're part of that, too. If you ever need any of us, for whatever reason, never hesitate."
Matheus: A closed door was enough of an indication to listen. This being Aidan, he expected a speech on how he should treat Ronan preciously; that he wished it hadn't been him, but here they were bound together by circumstance. What was given contradicted quite a bit, but presented a new unexpected predicament.
"I will...consider what you're saying. Even when I was alive, my family wasn't close. Not by any means similar to an Archer. I would say it was a different time, but I'm not much older than you. Emily, Harriett, Edward, my mother, we were blood, but we were not bonded by it. Watching you all, I'm grateful Ronan had you, and has you still."
Aidan: "I think we're so close because we all went through the same trauma. In that sense, I am glad your family didn't experience that. It's a hefty price t'pay for closeness." Regardless...
"I am more grateful that Ronan has you now. I think you can understand him, I think you help him. When he... did that to himself... I could never wrap my head around it. I saw so many people die in my time as a human, but Ronan chose to leave, and that hurt more than cancer forcin' our ma', or my brother at gun point." He took a deep breath, remembering that Conor chose the same fate. "Thank you, Matheus. Thank you for bein' someone who can finally help him be happy."
Matheus: What a heavy conversation on his wedding day. It had been so long since having spoken to someone like this, someone outside of politics, someone not Ronan.
"May I ask...how it happened to you?"
Aidan: "Nothin' interestin'. I was trampled by a horse an' the carriage it was pullin'." he smiled sadly. "I wish I could have given that to someone else, I suffered less than them."
Matheus: The Malkavian blinked. "I imagine, from experience and - that a gunshot would be much quicker." A smile was attempted. "Bad luck, mate."
Aidan: "The death itself, but the fear of bein' kidnapped isn't somethin' I'd want for them. Or anyone." Ugh, yes. Heavy conversation! Shake it off. "Congratulations, Matheus. Welcome to the Irish Mob." Ah, a joke! He's grinning.
Matheus: "Oh, well, if we talk of kidnappings, that I have experienced. The only time I'd ever killed anyone with my bare hands." His polite smile followed. "I think my brother would have loved your sense of humor."
Aidan: Wait, what? Aidan blinked.
"Well I'm sorry I didn't get t'meet him." He'll just focus on that for now. "Is there anythin' I can help you with?" Aside from taking it upon himself to move closer and straighten Matheus' tie.
Matheus: Matheus stiffened with his nearness, caught off guard by any neutral or even friendly touch by this man. Aidan was right. This would take getting used to.
"Is everything ready?"
Aidan: Aidan nodded, noticing, but not commenting on, the reaction. It was okay. He patted Matheus' shoulder and gave him a little squeeze.
"Yeah. D'you need me t'check anythin' in particular? Conor an' Sean are outside now tendin' t'guests. Everyone is set up an' ready."
Matheus: "Are all guests in attendance?"
Aidan: He brought out his phone, "So far Salt an' Tristan... an' Billy Gale haven't arrived."
Matheus: "You have a plus one?"
Aidan: "Of course. June. She isn't here yet, either. I told her to come later so that she wasn't sat alone, but since Luke an' Fletcher are here now I should let her know."
Matheus: All of these people for other's benefit. He simply smiled, brief though it was. "How did you two come to meet?"
Aidan: "Q got her number for me an' then Sean forced me t'text her." he smiled at the memory. That felt like so long ago... "I went on down t'where she was workin'... an' that was it. Nothin' could've pulled me away from her."
Matheus: "Oh, yes. Mr. Traxler. I hear he's more than he appears to be. Your June, she is human?"
Aidan: "June is human." he nodded, "Q... it isn't my place to get involved with that. I can only hope things work out."
Matheus: "What do you mean by that?"
Aidan: "Bein' what he is... but Sash is human."
Matheus: "Half-brothers. Are they aware?"
Aidan: "I don't know. I don't have to know, it has nothing to do with me."
Matheus: "Given how adamant Sean is with....Sash. One day it might become your business."
Aidan: "Then it is not a problem for now. It's not a problem for your weddin' day."
Matheus: "No. This is just a conversation between the two of us."
Aidan: "I'm not fond of discussin' other people's problems."
Matheus: "I don't like when they become a glaring issue in which I have to become involved. Scars from being an inspector, I suppose."
Aidan: The reaper nodded.
"Let's cross that bridge when we come to it."
Matheus: 'Your brother could have been an inspector.'
"Indeed. I'm going to see Ronan now."
Aidan/Ronan: Ronan blinked, 'Why?' That was a weird fucking thing to suddenly think. 'He's a lawyer, isn't that the same thing?'
"Yeah? Go ahead. I'll go out an' check on the guests. Give me a ring if you need me." he nodded by way of departure and excused himself.
Matheus: Aidan was thanked and followed down the spiral staircase in pursuit of his fiance. He would rather answer his question in person.
Ronan: His soon-to-be-husband would be found secretly stuffing his face with cold leftover pizza from the night before which he had managed to sneak into his room without anyone noticing.
Matheus: "Enjoying that, are you?"
Ronan: Ronan groaned like he was having an orgasm. "I haven't eaten since this fuckin' mornin'."
Matheus: "Save room for your wedding cake and then describe it to me at length."
Ronan: He laughed, throwing the half-eaten slice back into the box and wiping his hands. Oh... He blinked at the sight of his vampire, swallowing the food in his mouth before smiling.
"Baby... c'mere..."
Matheus/Q: Ronan's line of sight was followed, self-consciously straightening his vest.
"Is it too much? Too little?" He stepped forward.
Q looked around admiring the other guests, looking for June and her bright little voice.
Tane's ribs were nudged. "If you had to have a wedding, how would you want it?"
June/Tane: Tane thought for a moment. "Nothing as formal as this. Probably something short and simple on the beach with a bonfire or something after. Good food, good music. More of a party than a wedding, I guess."
Aidan had told her he'd text her when to come to the wedding, but she was far too worried about not having enough time to get ready to wait so as soon as her hair and dress and makeup were perfect she left her house.
Or rather she had Tristan pick her up because she didn't want to drive in heels. She texted Aidan as they pulled in.
{Text to Aidan} I'm here!
Aidan/Ronan: {Text: June} I'm just outside, follow the flowers on the wall.
"It's perfect..." Hands smoothed over Matheus' chest, "you're perfect."
Matheus/Q: "You're a vision," Matheus smiled. "I need a photo of you like this...and one for every article of clothing removed."
Q shrugged. "I have two speeds if I had to. Either a rave or a jazz club. There is no in between."
June/Tristan/Tane: "Beach rave," Tane said with a grin.
{Text} Will do!
"Come on, Tristan," she said, looping her arm through his and leading him over.
"You're very demanding today," he chuckled.
"I'm just excited. I love weddings and Ronan and Matheus are so cute!"
Ronan: Ronan giggled, "We gotta take some together, too." tiptoeing was required to kiss Matheus' nose.
Matheus/Q: "We have all the time in the world after we say I do." Being on his toes wasn't necessary. Matheus would meet him halfway, holding him by his rear and - no. These were nice clothes. Ronan would catch the sight of self-restraint.
Q looked the bouncer over from the corner of his eyes. "Mmhmm." I hear what you're saying. "But, you know, it's not my thing. You though. You should get your beach wedding."
Tane: Tane shrugged. "I'd need a groom for that first. Not something I really think about anymore." The last time he'd actively imagined a wedding it had been a far-flung fantasy involving Logan's dad when they were in high school. Then Logan's dad had married someone else, spelling the end of that.
Aidan/Ronan: "Mmm. I do. I do. I do, I do, I do, I do. I do. I - uh .... oh yeah! I do."
As soon as June and Tristan came into sight Aidan smiled - but the second he took her in that was all gone. He covered his mouth in shock, and looked around.
"Ohh... what should I do? You've made me weak. Ah-" he put a hand on his own chest, "My heart! How can you do this to me? Tristan! Be on stand-by with an ambulance I think I'm gonna faint." he took June's hand and pulled her close.
Matheus/Q: The Malkavian almost laughed. His smile as loud as he would be, covering Ronan's mouth to shush. "Just a few moments."
June was there to save Q from wondering if he was the reason Tane abandoned his dream of marriage. Today was meant to be a pleasant day, not one to debate whether or not it was time to push his lover away.
"Look at Little Miss Junebug."
June/Tane: Q need only ask and Tane would dispel any worries. Even if he didn't ask, perhaps he'd tell him anyway if it came up one day.
"She looks like a princess," he said with a grin as June laughed and tugged her boyfriend down for a kiss.
"You're ridiculous," June laughed. "And even though I still think this dress was too much for a wedding I'll take all the compliments I get for it." Another kiss then, more softly, "Hey, Prince Charming."
Ronan: With a smile, hands settled on June's face, thumbs brushing over her cheeks lovingly. "Hello, gorgeous, I've missed you." he carefully allowed his forehead to rest on hers to whisper. "You're makin' all the flowers jealous of you, you're too beautiful."
The reaper giggled against that familiar hand. He gave that palm a kiss.
Matheus: Matheus' smile lingered. "I have a prediction. Your brother Aidan and Ms. Lujano will not be far behind. That's going to be quite the wedding."
Ronan's hair was kissed. "It's time. Are you ready?"
June: "You're gonna make me blush, Aidan Archer. Who gave you permission to say such swoon-worthy things?"
Aidan/Ronan: "I think it comes with the title." He kissed her forehead and straightened. "Tristan, Ro's still inside but Sean an' everyone else is around. You don't happen t'know where Salt is, do you?"
"Really?... But she's human, baby."
Matheus/Salt: "She is," Matheus said evenly. "As is the boy Sean is infatuated with. Both are going to have hardship."
Salt had learned the phrase "fashionably late" just today. His suit was suffocating, though he was ensured by Circe that his outfit was acceptable. Handsome, even. The blue complemented his eyes, and the texture and fit accentuated his figure. Despite being invited with a plus one, the Ananasi arrived alone.
{Text via Salt} Where are you? {Text} I apologize for my tardiness.
June/Tristan: June's smile got even wider. "Aww, I love that you take your nickname seriously." He was doing an effortless job with it.
Tristan shook his head. "I don't, sorry. Didn't see him when we were driving up here." He decided to take his leave, letting the two lovebirds make kissy faces at each other while he said hello to Sean.
Ronan/Aidan: "Yeah. We're lucky, ain't we, baby?" he smiled, nuzzling into Matheus' neck, "We're real lucky." Oh. He was distracted by his phone, bringing it out when we could pull himself away from his husband to be. "Oh, it's Salt."
{Text: Sugar} In the house, every1 is round back
And then Ronan sent his friend a picture of himself and Matheus he forced the vampire to take.
"Come," Aidan took June's hand, "I need to greet Luke an' Fletcher an' ask Fletcher where his ma' is. She's invited for... some reason."
Matheus/Salt/Fletcher: "I would say we are." Though they would last significantly longer, one day they too would know hardship. Not for some three hundred years at least, he hoped.
Salt stared at the photo before saving it. {Text: Ronan} May I come in?
Fletcher was in the middle of texting his mother, doing his level best to encourage her to take the final steps into the park towards the vampire and assorted others.
June: "Aww, that's sweet that he invited her," said June, twining their fingers together. "Fletcher's mom mostly keeps to herself it seems like. I hope she decides to come." The moment she spotted Luke she waved. "Hi, Luke!"
Ronan/Aidan/Luke: {Text: Sugar} Come In!!!!!!!!
"Yeah me too, seems like Ro has his heart set on her comin'." He smiled when Luke and Fletcher come into sight. Luke stood to greet them.
"Hello, welcome. You look incredible, June."
"Mm hm, don't she? Hey, Fletcher."
Salt/Fletcher: Salt opened the door expecting to be burned by some sort of Malkavian spell. Shoulders lost much of their tension at the sight and lack of ignition.
"I've never seen you so handsome." His phone was put away. "There is a woman in the vehicle lot dressed for the occasion. Long in years, sharp nose, light hair?"
Fletcher glanced up from his phone and -
"Oh damn, Junebug. Look at cha!"
June: "That's even sweeter. I wonder where she is?"
Before June had a chance to look around for the as yet absent Billy Gale her eyes landed on Luke and Fletcher and her face nearly split in two with a smile.
"Look at me, look at ya'll! You look so pretty!" Each of them was given a hearty squeeze in turn. "Where's your mama?"
Ronan/Luke: "That's a fuckin' insult an' a lie an' you know it." Because Ronan ALWAYS looks this handsome. "Oh! That's ma'! Is she alone?"
Luke looked to Fletcher, "Is she... okay with coming?"
Salt/Fletcher: "She was by herself, yes." She had appeared anxious, but he didn't see what relevance that had for Ronan.
Fletcher squeezed June as always, kissing her cheek just shy of her eye.
"It's fine. Y'all excuse me."
He headed for the little house, freezing at the blue door. He wanted to grab Ronan for them both to get his mother, but that subtle scent...
{Text: Archer One} Help me get Mama.
June: Fletcher was squeezed back with the usual loving enthusiasm. "Go ahead, doll. I hope she's all right."
As Fletcher moved away, June smiled at Luke. "Hey, sugar. How you been?"
Ronan/Luke/Aidan: "Let me know if you need anything." Fletcher's hand would be briefly caught and squeezed as he departed, though he was back to his smiling self as soon as June spoke. "I've been well! Please have a seat. Your dress - I just - did you get that for her?"
"Yes, I did." Aidan smiled, "Best trillion dollars ever spent."
Ronan glanced at his phone when it buzzed. "Oh, thanks Salt." he leaned over and kissed his cheek. "Make yourself at home, I'm gonna go see if she's okay." he then kissed Matheus' cheek, "Fletcher asked for help bringin' her in. I'll be right back."
{Text: Centipede} Where r u?
Fletcher/Billy Gale: The Samsa had moved away from the cottage, towards the scent of his mother. He could feel the stress radiating from her and he couldn't blame her. This was exceeding her limit.
{Text} Heading where everyone parked.
Billy Gale stood in between Tane Lukela and the sheriff's SUVs, teetering in beige ankle boots, hands wrung in thought. Fletcher smiled softly when she came into view.
"That new?"
She glanced to her pink pencil dress with elbow length sleeves. It suited her age, she thought.
"No. It's old. Was longer. I touched it up."
"C'mere, Mama."
The old Fera leaned into her son's chest and sighed. "What are we doing?" humor managed to seep through her anxiety.
June: "Isn't it beautiful?! He's such a sweet--" June poked Aidan in the ribs. "Very funny, Aidan Archer."
Honestly, she wouldn't have put it past him to spend a ridiculous amount of money on a dress. She knew very well this dress was a ridiculous amount. Maybe not a trillion, but certainly more than all her other dresses combined.
"He spoils me and I completely don't deserve it."
Ronan/Aidan/Luke: Oh. Great. Where everyone parked. How exactly was Ronan meant to go there? He took a deep breath and headed straight for it. He'll... keep a distance. Somehow.
"You do deserve it, you're my princess." he smiled and put an arm around her, resting a hand on her shoulder and rubbing her skin with his thumb.
"I agree with him. You definitely deserve nice things. In exchange for bringing so much joy to everyone around you."
Billy Gale: Billy Gale looked up when another body followed. Being with her son, her eyes had been closed. All eyes. For once she was surprised.
"Ro, honey. Ya look so handsome."
June: June leaned into Aidan and gave him a side hug. "The two of you are giving me way too much credit," she chuckled. "Gonna make me start blushing over here and I'm not even the bride." Speaking of (in a way), "Where's Ronan? He's probably bouncing off the walls with excitement."
Ronan/Aidan: "I jus' left him inside with Matheus. I think if we don't get started they're gonna go ahead without us. I could hear Ro say 'I do, I do, I do, I do!'"
Ronan smiled, raising a hand to wave. "Hey, ma'. You say that like it's a surprise."
Billy Gale/Fletcher: Her hand outstretched. "Come here and give me sugar! You're more handsome than ever!" Let's linger where it's safe, away from everyone else.
Fletcher gave her a squeeze. "Look at her all dressed up."
June: "Awww! That's so sweet!" She took both his and Luke's arms and led them over to the seating area.
"Let's go find our seats so you can get back to him. I'm so glad all my makeup is waterproof, I'm gonna cry my eyes out."
Ronan/Aidan/Luke: Ronan hesitated. A hand went out along with a weak smile. "The cars..." he looked to Fletcher. He'll help, right?
Luke laughed, "I think I'm going to cry, too."
But Aidan just scoffed. "Imagine how I feel..."
Billy Gale/Fletcher: The Goodman's smiled in return, something softly sympathetic.
"Ya got it in ya t'do it, son," she said, meeting him at the head of Tane Lukela's SUV. She would not press him with therapy on his wedding day.
June: June held up her clutch. “Don’t worry I brought two mini packs of tissues just to be safe. We’re covered.” She kissed Aidan’s cheek. “It’s gonna be so sweet to see you walk him down the aisle.”
Ronan/Aidan: Son?
Ronan smiled. That makes us brothers, Fletcher.
"It's my weddin' day, YOU come HERE." He stretched out his arms.
Aidan chuckled. "Please don't. If you get emotional I will too."
Billy Gale/Fletcher: Just a foot closer. The gap was closed and Ronan was squeezed in a suffocating motherly embrace, hands rubbing up and down his ribs. He might also feel Fletcher's hand on his shoulder, giving an equally firm squeeze.
June: "I would love to promise you that I won't but I know myself very well. I'm a crier, I needed to come prepared." She gestured at her face. "Waterproof makeup was made for people like me."
She tugged him down to kiss his cheek. "You were going to be emotional whether I end up crying or not. It's an emotional moment. Your baby brother is getting married."
Ronan/Aidan: Aidan shook his head, "Don't remind me." He may already be getting a little choked up...
Ronan hugged her tightly, nuzzling her neck. At the feeling of a hand on his shoulder he released her enough to squeeze Fletcher's wrist.
Billy Gale/Fletcher: "I can't think of advice to give you," she sniffed. There was something. "Be with someone that understands your worries. Someone that keeps their vows. Someone you can trust. If that man doesn't," she glanced to her son, "you tell us."
June: June gave Aidan another kiss. "It'll be fine. Even if we do end up blubbering, it'll be the good kind. And hey." She smiled up at him. "Enjoy it, okay? Embrace the moment."
Ronan/Aidan/Luke: Ronan laughed. "Then be happy for me, ma'. Matheus is all of that plus more." He kissed her cheek and pulled away, "There's nobody more perfect for me out there. I'm in good hands."
June's smile made Aidan and Luke do the same. "Embrace the moment..." The reaper exhaled. "Not long ago I didn't even know Ronan was alive and now I'm... walkin' him down the aisle. It's... it's crazy."
"Like June said, Aidan. It's all the good kind."
Billy Gale/Fletcher: "Like Mama said, he does somethin' outta line, ya come t'us. We'll just kill him," he smirked.
"Don't say it like that." She popped her sons chest with her fingertips. "We'll make him see reason first."
"With what, our jaws?"
June: June nodded in enthusiastic agreement. "Exactly. It seems to me like all of you were given a gift when you reunited. You're allowed to enjoy it. It might be crazy, sure, but that just makes it more special."
Ronan/Aidan/Luke: "Thank you, June. I'll be okay knowin' you're here." Aidan kissed her cheek. God. He loved her more and more each day. Love? Ah. Luke could see it all over Aidan's face, the angel wondered of she could, too.
Ronan playfully shoved Fletcher with a grin. "Oi. You know as much as I do that he's perfect, you jus' don't wanna admit it."
Billy Gale/Fletcher: "He's the only vampire I'll put any stock in. For your sake, love. I want you to be happy n'also safe. Remember we're always here. You're family."
Ronan was given a quick pat on his back.
"Gotta go be with everyone else now, mama."
Her smile faded. So many people. Too many.
"Hold my hands, boys."
June: She liked to think she could. Historically she hadn't always been the best judge of those kinds of things, but with Aidan she wanted to believe her gut was right.
"I am. Gonna be right there." She pointed to her seat. I'll send you good vibes."
Ronan/Aidan: Ronan easily took her hand. "I can't go to the seats yet, I gotta go back in soon. I'll take you some of the way, okay?"
"An' I'll accept them wholeheartedly. Sit down now, your feet must hurt."
Billy Gale/Fletcher: "It's safe to go in? Really?" she whispered.
"I'll be with ya, mama. Ronan won't let somethin' happen."
This was so out of the ordinary. The thought of even recollecting her day with fellow survivors hadn't crossed her mind. The very real possibility of being ostracized...
She began towards the vampire's cottage, and to the clearing where many eyes awaited, uttering another reminder that they were loved.
June: "Good." She kissed him again. "I wore flats but I'll sit anyway. You go be with Ronan."
Ronan/Aidan/Luke: "Mm hm. I'm your bodyguard, ma', which makes everyone here your bodyguard, too. They stand with me, an' I stand with you."
Aidan smiled, "Okay," he kissed her forehead and held out his phone for her to take, "here, so you can take pictures. You remember the password?"
That made Luke blink. He never expected Aidan to... trust someone at that level.
June: June took the camera and nodded. “Yep, I remember. I hope your phone is prepared, I plan to take a lot.” She’d even brought her little digital camera as backup.
Billy Gale/Fletcher: Fletcher watched his mother, knowing her mind was a whirl of clock pieces duct taped together, spinning wheels trying to understand the Irishman holding to her hand. She was baffled that he could utter such confidence after his own hardships and the yawning gap with his family with decades apart. She and her son could not trust their own species, not like that.
"Have you made your own vows?" she asked.
Ronan/Aidan/Luke: "Yeah. I know I'm gonna fuck mine up, though. I ain't got a way with words like Matheus does, the prick."
"Alright, we'll speak later, Luke." the blond nodded and smiled as Aidan escorted June to a seat.
Billy Gale: "You'll look into his eyes and all the romance will just spill out and you won't even notice us. Maybe. Hopefully," she smirked.
Ronan: "Or I jus' make some kinda dirty joke an' my brother hits me on the head." that sounded more likely. "You okay from here? I gotta head back in."
Billy Gale/Fletcher: Fletcher scoffed. "No one can say anything 'cause s'your weddin', dude."
"Everything will be fine. I'll - Yes, I'll be okay. We'll be here," nodded his pseudo mother.
Ronan: "A'ight, text me if you need anythin'." he kissed her cheek and unthinkingly did the same to Fletcher before scurrying off back inside.
Matheus: Matheus was alone, it seemed, staring at his pocket watch as though seeing through it.
"Everything alright?" he asked before the door could close. His mind was never too far from his already-but-not husband.
Ronan: Ronan ran up to the other, instantly wrapping arms around his waist. "Mmm hm." he smiled, "I'm excited."
Matheus: Arms settled on his shoulders. "I see it in your colors. You're very vibrant today. Do you want to see through my eyes?"
Ronan: He giggled. "Yeah, baby. Show me."
Matheus: Lips pressed to forehead. "Close your eyes."
Ronan: Leaning closer to his partner eyes shut calmly, smile remaining on his face.
Matheus: Violet, maroon, their familiar blue, and a green he'd come to associate with Ronan. Obsession was often found in vampires, journalists, ghouls especially. It was a color which faded with time in almost every being, with the exception of blood bound servants. Ronan's green felt and glistened differently. It was richer, fully, as almost every color. He felt strongly. More than others, Matheus wagered.
"You're beautiful. Don't you see? It's within you."
Ronan: Ronan couldn't help but roll his eyes. The action had been playful, but it still held meaning. He had become accustomed to Matheus' compliments, to his affection, to his admiration. He was all too familiar with Matheus' gorgeous way with words, a trait he could never match no matter how long he was given. While Ronan was used to the act, he was not used to the way it made him felt.
Such compliments were different coming from the vampire. Others spoke of beauty and saw Ronan's eyes, his mouth, his body. Matheus saw so much more than anyone else could ever even imagine, he saw his aura, every last detail of his mental state. Matheus saw him entirely, inside and out. There were no secrets between them. When Matheus called him beautiful, he meant it.
The more he thought about it, the closer his happiness took him to tears.
"Let's hurry up an' get married before you can change your mind." he sniffled.
Matheus: "You're crying and yet there is no silver today." Years ago, he had explained the thick flecks of silver to be melancholy. Once in a great while he would mention the aura's presence as a means to determine Ronan's thoughts, an invitation for Ronan to confide. Today, it was a mark of cautious pride.
"Is everyone ready? I shall take my place, then."
Ronan/Aidan: "No, baby. I'm happy. I'm really happy." as terrifying as he thought that would be, or should be, he wasn't. He trusted this happiness. He trusted Matheus.
"Yeah, baby. Go. Go."
Aidan had stopped short in the doorway, he had seen them cradling each other and had backed away to offer them privacy. He was on the other side of the wall, leaning against it when Matheus left.
Matheus: The vampire paused, having closed the door with Aidan in his line of sight. His smile, though subtle, was honest. He bowed his head in regard, saying not a word as he headed to his place by the arbor.
Aidan: Aidan did the same. He took a deep breath and rubbed his face before entering the last room his brother would be in as an unmarried man.
Matheus/Sash/Fletcher: Matheus quietly made his way to his marker, hands behind his back, spine straight, chin raised. His eyes did not wander far from his cottage, to the door he knew Ronan would come from.
Sash glanced up, eyes falling to his feet the instant he saw the groom. A chill shocked his skin, raising the hairs on his forearms.
"What d'ya gotta do now?" Fletcher looked to Luke, Billy Gale's gaze not far behind.
Luke/Sean: Sean noticed the sudden shift. He offered his companion his hand as Luke smiled at Billy Gale.
"I go up there." he stood, leaving his belongings carefully on his seat. "The musician will start playing and soon Ronan and Aidan will come out, afterwards I believe we will be reentering the house while the staff arrange the furniture for the party." He lowered his head respectfully at her and kissed Fletcher's cheek, "Enjoy it. Excuse me." while he went up to join Matheus.
Matheus/Billy Gale/Fletcher: This was their moment. The music would play, just as Luke had said, and Ronan would appear, and the vampire would finally smile. That was his companion, his best friend, his lover.
Fletcher and Billy Gale glanced to one another, having their own silent conversation, apprehensive of the Malkavian and his treatment of Ronan Archer. One day he would hurt the reaper, and they or their offspring would have to kill that man. Perhaps they wouldn't need to concern themselves. Perhaps Luke would beat them to the task.
"Here we go," she whispered, taking a deep breath.
Ronan/Aidan: The plan had been to walk slowly, calmly. The plan was to walk in a manner that allowed the music to play and the guests to stare. It was meant to be romantic.
Of course, that plan went to all hell when Ronan set eyes on everyone and saw his vampire and Luke standing there... He couldn't do it.
He had to go quicker.
With a large smile Ronan essentially started to tug Aidan along. So eager was he to take his place by Matheus' side.
The moment they came to a stop Aidan smiled at his ridiculous brother. A hand went into Ronan's hair and his forehead was kissed. In return, Aidan was given a tight hug around his waist before the younger reaper's attention was on Matheus again.
Matheus: The vampire felt a tug in his chest at the sight of his eager groom. For the next ten minutes he would be labeled as such, before returning to his new favorite pet name. His husband, his prince. He shouldn't get ahead of himself. There were vows to be said.
"Thank you," he mouthed to Aidan, standing just a bit straighter as he offered his hand to his companion.
Aidan/Luke: Aidan's smile remained, offering a little nod, as if confirming that everything he had said previously had been genuine.
Luke was also smiling, while Sean was laughing at his younger brother who was now squeezing his vampire's hand.
Aidan took his seat, hand slipping into June's.
June: June immediately entwined their fingers and squeezed softly. She was already fulfilling her promise to take a bunch of pictures, and although she was smiling, her eyes were already looking the tiniest bit wet.
Matheus/Fletcher: While Matheus was looking to Luke for direction, Fletcher was busy glancing everywhere. From his fiancé at the arbor, to June and her tearful face, to his mother and the surrounding people. Never in a million years, he thought.
Luke: Luke took a deep breath. He agreed. Never in a million years could he have expected to be ordaining his best friend and a vampire.
"Welcome, everyone. For those of you who do not know me I am Luke Husher. I am a childhood friend of Ronan's, and an admirer of Matheus and his work." His smile was sweet and genuine, "I know Ronan well enough to see how happy he is, and it is with that thought in mind that I feel honoured to join you two together. I was told you would be writing your own vows, is that the case for you too, Matheus?"
Matheus: The vampire looked up, still holding both of Ronan's hands in his own, thumbs rubbing back and forth as a constant reminder of his presence, despite their surroundings. "Yes, I have as well."
Ronan/Luke: "Ronan, are you also prepared?"
Ronan nodded, a quick, eager movement which came with a big smile.
"Would you like to go first?"
"Uh -" he squeezed Matheus' hands. It would be obvious how nervous he suddenly felt.
Matheus: A steady gaze was returned to him, followed by the softest of smiles. "It's just us," he whispered.
Ronan/Luke: He looked at Luke to whisper, "Calm me?"
The angel glanced at the vampire.
Matheus: Most likely easier for Luke, given the many watchful eyes, but why he was needed at all concerned him more. Was the angel asking his permission by this glance?
Ronan/Luke: He was, Matheus had made it clear how he felt about meddling with Ronan's emotions.
"It's okay, listen to Matheus. It's just you two. Just look at him."
One hand was taken back so that Ronan could scratch his jaw before he was gripping onto the other's fingers again.
"I... I guess it feels weird knowin' my brothers are watchin'." He smiled sheepishly at the audience of Archers. They were all looking at him patiently. Sean gave him a thumbs up and an encouraging smile. "I... wrote a whole bunch of versions but I know anythin' I say will sound like shit compared t'you. Fuck -  am I allowed t'swear?"
Luke couldn't stop his little laugh.
Matheus: Vows or no vows, ceremony or not, Ronan's hands were brought to Matheus' lips in the hopes of calming him. He could feel a warmth from his body, and his aura was brilliant.
"It'll be poetry. Forget what you've written. Tell me why we are here."
Ronan: "I... love you. So much. You have no idea how much you saved me. You're everythin' I could want or need in someone. You're patient an' kind an' smart an' I never thought I'd be as comfortable with anyone as I am with you. We're like... one person. We have no secrets yet I have no worries about you hurtin' me 'cause you make me feel so safe. I have no doubt in my mind that I wanna spend every second I can with you. When we're not together I miss you an' when we are together it feels so perfect an' the idea of bein' away from you breaks my heart." He sniffled, tears making themselves known, "I jus' wish I met you sooner. I feel sorry for the me that didn't know you. You've made me so happy an' I didn't think I'd ever get t'feel that. I owe all my strength t'you an' the ways you've improved my life. Thank you, Matheus. Thank you. I... I dunno. Jus' thank you. I ain't good with words like you. Tá mo chroí istigh ionat."
Matheus: Matheus listened intently to his husband without any regard towards the many gazes to his left. The breeze cut through the radiating heat between them, leaving him bereft, yearning to pull Ronan closer, to bury his face in his hair and whisper his vow in his ear.
"I made a point not to write my vows. I wanted this moment, to feed off of your energy, as I have since the first day you deliberately fell into my lap. You say I am good with words, but I am not. I stumble over myself constantly...in my mind. I am quiet, and yet you hear me clearly. You, the bold man that you are, think you owe your strength to me. I am afraid you are mistaken. I have been a witness to your blossom. An honor and a privilege it has been, and in turn, you have made me feel safer than I ever have in my life. I feel more than a cog in a great machine. You give me purpose beyond the mundane of life. You give me reason to smile when I had forgotten how. I will love you for the rest of this life, and the next to come, and the next to come. Thank you for finding me. Thank you for allowing me to love you. Thank you for marrying me."
Ronan/Aidan/Luke/Conor: Ronan found himself laughing in an attempt to control the sob which threatened. In the crowd, Aidan brought June closer, kissed her cheek. Sean squeezed Sash's hand and pressed his lips to it. Fletcher was smiled at by his teary angel. There was little to no visible reaction in Conor... he had always expected to return home after this ceremony... but now he was holding two hands. It felt like he had a decision to make.
Luke reached into his pocket and brought out the rings they had already been wearing for months. Ronan took Matheus', smiling up at him.
June/Brett: Aidan would find June's cheek wet and only getting wetter by the second no matter how often or how much she dabbed at her face. She was going through tissues like nobody's business but dammit, she was going to take as many beautiful pictures of this ceremony as she could.
And it was a beautiful ceremony. Despite his personal feelings, Brett had to admit that. Ronan and Matheus' love seemed genuine, and though there were no outward signs, he knew Conor had to be emotional about watching his baby brother get married.
He squeezed Conor's hand and whispered, "I love you."
Matheus/Sash/Q/Bo: There was nothing more Matheus wanted in that moment than to pull Ronan to his chest and kiss away threatening tears, despite the reasoning behind them. His own were private, and for Ronan to witness in the privacy of their home.
The crowd, small though it were, radiated with bursts of color. He allowed Ronan a peek in his mind, to sample the various waves of blue  and vermilion; the gold halo from their officiate; the static of his pseudo mother; the pale ocean calm of the Ananasi, swirled with yellow like watercolor, bright and vibrant as all Fera. These were the people bearing witness to their declaration of love.
Sash squeezed Sean's hand and smiled politely. A muted version of his natural grin. He could be happy to see Sean happy. He glanced to his brother for support, a man as ignorant as he had once been. His brother was whispering something to Tane Lukela. He was placing a whispered bet. He bet they would last. They looked too happy not to. Sash could hardly read his lips from his hair.
"I didn't know Ronan could smile that wide," Bo whispered. "It's a very Archer smile." Conor's other hand was squeezed.
Matheus took Ronan's ring as well. "Shall we at once?" he whispered, as though for Ronan's ears only.
Ronan/Conor: Ronan eagerly nodded as he positioned the ring, sniffling and laughing, crying and smiling all at once. The sight of his guests had been beautiful. This was all so... overwhelming. It was his time to be happy, his chance. It was finally his turn.
Conor smiled at his partners, squeezing their hands in turn. He was too busy holding onto them for dear life to reply.
The ring was lowered over Matheus' finger... his middle finger. "Fuck, wrong one-" Ronan bit his lip as he pulled it off and went for - uh- the correct one this time.
Tane/Brett: Tane smiled. Last? They were probably going to have the Methuselah of marriages. He told Q as much and added, "I'll take the bet. I'll bet you a kiss."
"It is," Brett whispered back. "He's happy and in love. I'm amazed his face is still in once piece."
Matheus/Q/Bo: Matheus warmly chuckled, waiting for Ronan to reposition before mirroring the ceremonial fitting of the ring.
"There we are," he smiled. "I am yours, and you are mine."
Q scoffed. "We both think they'll last. Who wins that bet?"
Bo said nothing more, his focus having shifted to the two men of his life. What did they want to come from their relationship, he wondered.
Ronan/Luke: "Ronan and Matheus... I pronounce you the Clay-Archers." Luke has to force himself not to glow. Fletcher could most likely notice the signs of impending light. "You may now kiss your husband."
Ronan grinned, he jumped up onto his husband with legs around his waist and arms around his neck. He kissed the other firmly on the lips. Enough to satisfy, but not enough to make his brothers (aside from Conor) cringe.
Matheus/Q: Matheus was laughing with surprise. Firm hands planted on his thighs to hold. He hadn' t expected the leap, nor the surname of Clay-Archer. By this point he had all but forgotten the sea of faces.
That is, until he heard the sound of hooting from someone. Q Traxler giving a standing ovation.
"Hello, husband," Matheus smiled.
June/Tane: "We both win, that's the fun part. Actually, so do they so even better."
June was full on crying by the time Luke pronounced the happy couple husband and husband, but even that didn't stop her from getting those pictures or loudly cheering right along with Q Traxler.
Ronan: How could Matheus not predict this? How could he not expect Ronan to fling himself, offer himself completely? That's what he has been doing, and what he will continue to do for as long as the universe allowed.
The reaper clung to his vampire, hugging into his neck and squeezing. "Hi, husband."
Music started to play from the mini band Sean had hired, a cue for everyone to excuse themselves for food and drink.
Matheus/Sash/Q: "Shall I carry you around for a bit?" His smile was beginning to ache. A new sensation for him, one only Ronan could gift. "There is no promise greater than the one we've just given," whispered against his lips.
'Is my brother still shouting?' Sash laughed. Q had come up behind him to hug, ruffling his hair into a near tangled mess.
"You talking shit, young man?"
"My hair!"
Ronan/Sean: Giggling even more the reaper nuzzled into the other, as if trying to merge their bodies together. "Yeah, you should."
Sean laughed, watching the interaction. "Want t'get food now?" He asked both of them.
Matheus/Sash/Q: "If that's what my husband wants. I cannot deny." He would be carried towards the nearest bottle of chilled champagne.
Q unhanded him and signed, 'Food?'
Sash grinned. "Hell yeah. What's to eat?"
"No idea," half caught by his brother as he had turned looking for Tane.
June/Tane: Tane hadn’t strayed far; he was currently speaking to June, asking about the birdhouse he’d long ago helped her put up and if it had managed to attract any birds to her yard.
Sean/Aidan: What did Q think Ronan had on offer at his wedding? "Pizza," Sean informed, "Ro wanted his favourite food an' Matheus wasn't bothered." It had been exciting in thought, but in practice food was the last thing on his mind as he clung to his husband. His actual husband. Squeeeeeze.
Aidan had given June a kiss on the cheek and left her to talk to Tane, he'll get them both drinks and food.... and some more tissues, just in case.
Matheus/Q: Matheus managed to pour his husband a flute of champagne. Pizza was of no consequence; he couldn't eat it and never had before the reaper fell into his lap. Champagne was non-negotiable. He had to toast to their vows.
"I'm both offended in the name of weddings and not surprised at all," Q laughed. "I'll be back. Gonna fetch a man." That man with June, and Fletcher Goodman coming up behind her to kiss her cheek.
Sash shrugged and smiled to Sean. "Food?" he began to back towards the long table.
June/Tane: The tissues were a good call, even more so than the food. Although her conversation with Tane was a light and happy one, she couldn't help but tear up every time she looked over at Ronan and Matheus and she had long since exhausted the pack she'd brought with her.
Fletcher's sudden appearance and affection provided distraction, however, and brought a smile to her face identical to the one Q's approach caused for Tane.
"Hey you," he said.
Sean: "Food." Sean confirmed, standing and offering his hand to the other. "An' then a dance?"
Fletcher/Sash: "Where's the old stoic Archer gone off to?" asked Fletcher while squeezing her waist. "Thought he'd be attached at your hip."
Tane Lukela didn't smell like Fera, but goddamn he was big enough.
"Sup, man? Ain't you been in my shop 'fore?"
Sash smiled at Sean. Would this make up for the evaded birthday? "Dance to what?"
June/Tane: "He went to get food and drinks. Attachment was temporarily paused for sustenance."
Tane gave Fletcher a friendly smile and nodded. "I have, got a birthday present for my brother in law. How you doing?"
Sean/Aidan: "Hmm... want me t'sing for you?" then they could dance to whatever they wanted. Perfect, right?
Said stoic Archer would soon be returning with a plate of... basically everything. He had also raided his brother's fridge for something more than just pizza.
Q/Sash: Fletcher smiled, though his hands remained to himself. "It's a day for celebratin', ya know?" A vague answer for a stranger. His mother was off on her own. He could feel her anxiety rising and said his goodbyes.
Sash's smile softened. 'What kind of music is playing right now?'
Tane: "That it is," said Tane, smiling in greeting as Aidan approached. "And speaking of sustenance." He took Q's hand. "Let's go get ourselves some."
1 note · View note
wildroseofarran · 6 years
New Year’s Eve and We’re Clubbing || Sean, Conor, Q, Sash, Tane, & Bretan
Sash: His smile was on the brink of hurting. The pulsating music made verbal talk all but impossible. He resorted to his hands, glowing stamp on his hand somewhat psychedelic as he signed.
'Didn't think you'd show!'
Sean/Conor: 'I wouldn't miss this for the world.' He grins. 'I dragged my brother along too, I hope you don't mind. He's...' where the fuck did he go? Spotting him by the bar Sean points out the man with pastel purple hair ordering a drink.
Sash: 'The more the merrier.' He gave a double take to the one pointed to.
'What is he, a rock star? A model?'
Sean: What? Sean laughs, 'Tattoo artist. That's Conor, the Mute Archer.'
Sash/Q: "Oh." Well, that made sense, then. Of course he was. Look at that hair.
'A deejay, a tattoo artist...' he glanced to Q, lost in his own world with Tane Lukela, '...an entrepreneur.' That's how Q described Ronan Archer.
Sean/Conor: Entrepreneur. Right. Sean grins.
'We have a lawyer in the family too.' He looks over at Conor who had a drink in either hand and was searching for them. Lifting a hand to get his attention, the hybrid starts to walk over to them. He hands Sean his drink and sips his own, looking Sash up and down.
Sash: Conor was given the same treatment as his brother, with a brilliant and honest smile. 'Hey, nice to meet you. I'm Sash.'
Sean/Conor: Conor looks away to Sean, who glares at him. He had told him to be nice on their way there.
'Conor.' He takes another sip and offers his hand for a shake. For the visions, obviously.
Sash: In his past life, Sash had been a poor frozen soul, life drained somewhere in the Atlantic ocean, long after the Titanic had sunk to its watery grave. His new life in its current timeline, cancer would be his robber.
A quick shake, and his attention was back to Sean.
'Dance with me.'
Sean/Conor: Oh. Boring. He wondered what Bo was doing. When Sash turns to Sean and his brother's attention is stolen he makes his way back over to the bar. Might as well sit this one out.
Sean smiles and nods. 'Sign dancing?'
Sash: 'I...I've never done that in front of so many hearing people.'
Sean: 'What people?' Sean moves closer. What do you mean? It's only us.
Sash: Idle hips swayed to a beat of his own based on the vibrations. A hesitant hand was placed on Sean's chest, bunched his shirt...pulled him to the dance floor.
Sean/Conor: Yes. Yes. He licks his lips and gives a glance in Conor's general direction to make sure he's okay. He's a big boy, who looks like he's texting someone.
Sean moves more than willingly in the direction he is pulled, placing a hand on Sash's hip once they come to a stop. He starts to move to the music with a playful smile.
Sash: Sash's hands remained at his side for a beat or two, purposely keeping his hands to himself, biding his time for the perfect moment and touch.
After a moment of absorbing their surroundings, his hips began to roll, arms raised to the air.
Sean: Sean smiles as he sings along to the song, dancing with him and rolling his body. His gaze trails down Sash, but soon returns to his face.
Sash: Sash tried his best to read his lips despite movement and limited light. So enamored with Sean, he didn't notice other men and women watching them.
Soon he was turning around, leaning just enough weight against Sean's just for him to feel it.
Sean: Perfect. Sean can't stop smiling as he sings along and lets every word and beat move through his body. He allows Sasha to guide their movements, but soon leans the upper half of his body to one side of Sash, then the other, and back. He laughs.
Sash/Q: Sash attempted to meet Sean's gaze, but the second time he disappeared to his other shoulder he turned, wrapped his arms around his neck. No trickery this way.
Q leaned his weight against Tane and sighed. Cargos and a sleeveless shirt, his staple, made him better dressed for summer in Florida than dead of winter in Raleigh.
"I'm feeling something light. How about a mimosa with me?"
Tane: Tane's attire was the complete opposite; he was wearing dark jeans and perhaps one of the only sweaters he'd purchased in his entire life. He hadn't even taken off his scarf.
He smiled into Q's hair. "Absolutely. I'll go get us a couple."
Sean/Conor: Sean is still laughing as he straightens, wrapping arms around Sash's waist to bring him close. He's lost his beer somewhere but he doesn't care in the slightest. His body continues to sway, working every inch he can to the music.
Conor is still sat at the bar texting.
Sash/Q/Bo: Sash felt a juxtaposition of awkwardness and jubilance vying for dominance. This was a first. His first dance with a young man that had seen him dance with sign; a man that understood his sexuality; a man that had openly pursued him.
"Are you going to try and kiss me at midnight?" He spoke only because he didn't want to detach.
Q felt naked without Tane's warm body. Since he had a moment to spare for himself, he reached for one of the three necklaces he wore, unscrewing the top of the dark wooden cross for a quick inhale of coke.
{Text from Botan} Are you sitting there scowling? Don't go into another year looking like a menace.
Sean/Conor: Sean licks his lips. "... Yes." He's sure to enunciate, hoping he was lit enough to be seen and have his lips read. "If you will let me. We don't have to. You don't owe me anything."
{Text} I am hardly a menace.
{Text} I am bored.
Tane: Maybe it was because he spent the majority of his time in a crowded bar, but Tane managed to navigate through the mass of people and find his way back to Q in record time.
"Your mimosa," he said, offering a glass to Q.
Sash/Q/Bo: Just something fleeting. A kiss, a dance, whatever else might come; he'll be back in New York before he can regret much.
"I know." He bit his lip. "I will let you," he grinned.
Q smiled. His return was just in time, clutching to his cross as though it meant more than it was.
"Why thank you, sexy."
{Text} So do something.
A photo was sent to Conor, the house decorated in white lights, black and gold balloons strewn about. He smiled subtly into the camera.
Sean/Conor: That fact broke his heart. But he knew he had no right to have a say, or an opinion. So he'll enjoy what he can. He smiles, takes Sash's hands and wiggles him around playfully.
Conor was half way through replying when he receives the picture, he stares at it for a moment before lifting his phone to send one back.
His lips are parted, eyes are hooded, head slightly tilted so his purple hair fell over an eyebrow. With his drink and the bar in the background, he hoped he was proving why he had a right to be bored.
{Text} Everyone here is dancing or making out with someone. Two things I don't do.
Tane: Tane smiled back and pulled Q closed again, burying his face in those curls and kissing them. "You're welcome, gorgeous. Having a good time?"
Sash/Q/Bo: His dance partner laughed, pulled him closer by his hands and sighed contently.
"What's this song?" Something so new he couldn't recognize.
The photo was saved.
{Text} What do you do when you're not brooding, swimming, riding busses, or breaking bones?
"I am, I am. Indeed. What about you?" His arm rested around his date's waist, fingers playfully scratching at his hip.
Sean/Conor: "Ed Sheerhan." He lifts an arm to get Sash to spin for him.
{Text} That's a very big question.
{Text} You tell me. What do you do?
{Text} Also, I don't brood.
Tane: "I'm with you." Tane smiled. "I have a mimosa. You really like how I look in this sweater. And I'm going to kiss the hell out of you at midnight. How could I not be having a good time?"
Sash/Q/Bo: Sash laughed, surprised from being spun, coming back around to press against Sean's chest.
{Text} I work for the police, I read, collect books, converse with demon-reaper hybrids, break the law.
{Text} You very much brood.
{Text} Happy new year
Q smiled against Tane's chest and swayed.
"I agree with all of that. You look sexy as hell if not a little bit on the Dad side, this mimosa is delicious, and I can't wait to taste your tongue."
Sean/Conor: Well, with him like this he can't resist. A hand goes to Sash's waist, the other remaining entwined with the human's. They're going to waltz.
{Text} That's nice for you.
Conor did plenty of things, but he didn't feel like getting into that with Bo.
{Text} Sure. Happy new year.
Tane: Tane laughed. "I can take looking a little on the dad side as long as I'm warm."
He ducked his head, kissing Q's jaw before whispering, "You can taste it right now. There's a heater out on the terrace upstairs."
Sash/Q/Bo: Sash leaned away to look them over, laughing at their stance.
"Waltz is not sexy."
Bo rolled his eyes and set his phone down. There were better things to do than subject himself to that on the last night of the year.
"Mm," Q smiled, leaning into Tane's neck and shoulder. "We should make out on the terrace until midnight, and then keep going."
Sean/Conor: "Oh, you want sexy?" his grin is playful as he starts to move his body slowly, rolling his hips and chest, giving attention to the movement of his ass as he dances in a circle. He drops to his knees at Sash's feet and works the floor, returning to his feet with a hand travelling up Sash's thigh, all up his side. Better?
Any emotion Conor had or wanted to have couldn't be portrayed through text. Bo had the ability to make him smile and laugh, but he didn't know how to have a virtual conversation that carries that message. Emojis are stupid and childish, 'lol' and 'lmao' are idiotic, 'haha' is fake. No matter what he wanted to gain from messaging Bo, he would be unable to articulate it in such a way. He isn't too surprised when he gets no response. He just focuses on his drink and ensuring not to make eye contact with anyone around. Why did Sean bring him here? He knew he hated being around drunk horny people. He wanted to leave.
Tane: "That sounds like an excellent idea. Let's go."
Tane took Q's hand and led him upstairs.
Sash/Q: Sash ended up standing still to watch with absolute humor in his eyes, obvious smile beginning to ache.
'Getting some touches in too, I see.'
He wasn't paying any attention to the drunk a few meters away mimicking his sign.
A glance was given through the crowd to his brother. From the other side of the room, Q didn't notice the asshole, either.
"I want a ride, Big T."
Sean: That smile made Sean feel warm, and he returned it with ease. The hand slips around to Sash's back to draw him in closer with a nod. He didn't notice anyone around them, he didn't care about them. Only they mattered.
Tane: Tane smiled. "Then a ride you shall have. Bridal style or piggy back ride?"
Sash/Q: Hands returned to where they'd wanted to be for some time, in Sean's short hair, idly stroking the back of his head. He loved moments like this. The exploration into the unknown and the discoveries which made meeting new people worth his while. They were by no means a perfect match, but on the dance floor that didn't matter. Here they seemed made for each other, and every sway of his hip felt in sync with his partner.
Q wrapped his arms around Tane's neck from behind and laughed. "You know what I like, babe. Why bother asking?"
Sean: Sean licks his lips, unused to feeling hands on his head like that. He didn't mind it.
He moves to the music though it seems like background noise at this point.
Tane: "It's tradition! Can't knock tradition." Tane finished off his mimosa and bent down so Q could climb on. "Hang on tight, gorgeous."
Sash/Q: Sean would quickly learn Sash's love for touching the back of his head, for feeling his hair and the back of his neck as an affectionate gesture. He was beginning to enjoy the simultaneous sensation of skin and vibrations. He didn't care what song was playing.
Q set aside his empty glass on a passing waitress' tray. He climbed aboard with practiced ease, kissing Tane's ear and promising wild fantasies on their return home.
Sean/Conor: Sean glances away, just to see if he could spot Conor but he was unable. He's sure he's fine.
He starts to mimic the action, running fingers through his hair, adoring the strands with a permanent smile.
Tane: Tane started up the stairs, grinning like a loon while Q whispered those delightfully wicked things into his ear. It was a good thing they were heading somewhere with more privacy; he was starting to have a bit of a.....reaction.
"Behave yourself," he chuckled. "Gonna make me drop you."
Sash/Q: Sash took a moment for himself to absorb the moment, to breathe in what he could of Sean and their nearness. Intentional restraint like this a new concept. That calm before a storm. That tingle between his legs which encouraged him was momentarily humored by a quick and seemingly innocent kiss to Sean's cheek.
"I'm thirsty. Want to get something?"
Q was also grinning, letting his ride feel it against his skin. "I fucking love when you say that. Makes me want to do the opposite. Makes me want to..." he pressed himself in, squeezed his thighs so Tane could feel his arousal, "...do so much to you."
Sean: The brief kiss made Sean laugh. He nods, though doesn't personally want anything. Sash will have to pull away and get them moving, because Sean wasn't going to.
Tane: Feeling Q's grin made Tane's even bigger. He loved that. He loved being able to feel Q's reactions as well as see them. "I know you do, beautiful. Why do you think I say it so often?"
Tane inhaled sharply as Q pressed into him. "Does it now?" Once on the roof, he sought out the most private corner, lowered Q onto the nearest bench, and immediately attacked him with kisses.
Sash/Q: "Think you can sneak me a shot of tequila?" A joke, or was it? His smile was certainly mischievous, but he wasn't pulling Sean with urgency.
Q was laughing into their kisses, pulling Big T on top of him as he fell back, knowing full well eyes would find them, aroused or disgusted or indifferent to the way Q invited Tane closer with demanding hands.
Sean/Conor: "Your brother would kill me." he moves to the bar with a smile, where Conor was doing nothing but trying to avoid being too disgusted by the people around him.
He didn't want to be there anymore, surrounded by drunk people, a sea of sexual tension. He gets up and makes his way out, eyes to the sky. He felt a strange sort of emptiness.
Tane: Any eyes they might attract and the opinions that might come with them were of absolutely no consequence to Tane at the moment. Not when Q's beautiful laugh was echoing in his head and those perfect, soft lips were melding so beautifully with his.
"Behave yourself," he whispered between kisses, shifting so he was leaning back on the bench with Q in his lap. "Don't want to give these fine people too much of a show."
Sash/Q: Sash took a seat at the bar, hands between his legs gripping to the stool. The leather was worn with age and use. He fiddled with a hole his fingers discovered, distracted by his thoughts to realize he was making it worse.
He wondered how his friends were doing, if they too were having fun heading into the new year.
He wanted to get laid, but as much as he enjoyed Sean's company, he didn't see that happening tonight; didn't seem a possibility after their first semi-serious conversation.
Oh well, he smiled when catching Sean's gaze.
Those words were beginning to stir Q's body. Whispered like that? Forget about it; his dick couldn't be more turgid. Later on he would have to reflect, disappointed in his self-control, but for now his face ached with jubilance.
"Who says?" The law. "We should be porn stars so everyone can witness."
Sean/Conor: As far as Sean was concerned, that first meeting had been a missed opportunity, a mistake. That night, all cards were on the table. He wouldn't be regretting anything else. As he took a seat he glanced around the area, looking for Conor but was unable to see him.
'Can you see my brother anywhere?'
The hybrid was already making his way to the docks, where he wanted to sit and look out at the water.
Tane: "The law," Tane chuckled, unknowingly echoing Q's thoughts. That lovely jaw of his was looking very un-kissed. Best fix that while he found a way to rub Q through his cargo pants without their audience noticing.
Maybe they'd eventually be uncomfortable enough to leave them the terrace to themselves. Something to hope for.
"Their imagination's giving them plenty."
Sash/Q: Sash looked around the club and the pulsating sea of faces. No wild hair sans the typical club accoutrements.
'I don't see him. Maybe went outside for air.'
"Yeah?" Q didn't think his smile could be any wider. "For them, maybe. For us? I'm gonna use my high-end camera and make some memories with you as soon as we're alone." By this point, hints of his Chicago upbringing began to surface.
"What's that hand doing?" he whispered.
Sean/Conor: Sean looks around with him, only to nod at Sash's explanation. Yeah. Maybe. Conor can handle himself, he knew. He shouldn't worry. Instead, he ordered them drinks (a weak shot of vodka for Sash) and smiled.
At the docks, Conor was sat looking out at the water and the sky. He takes a picture of the new scenery and debates... before sending it to Bo.
Tane: Tane nipped Q's jaw. "Are you now? And what are you going to do with allllll those memories we're gonna make together?" His affection moved down to Q's neck. "Going to pull them out when you miss me?"
Out of the corner of his eye he saw people starting to make their way inside, probably for more drinks or more dancing or probably just to get away from him and Q. Whatever their reason, Tane was happy.
"What hand?" he whispered back, gently cupping Q's erection.
Sash/Q/Bo: Sash swigged his tiny shot of alcohol as soon as the bartender had his back to them. He wanted more, but beggars couldn't be choosers. Wait, yes they could...
'Q got us a hotel room. Booked it long ago apparently. We got top floor. What are you guys doing?' Something nearby, he hoped.
Bo smiled down at his phone, pursed his lips because it confused him why it would make him happy, and saved the photo.
{Text} It's you
{Text} https://youtu.be/0_gljD6_nTU
Maybe Conor would find it funny. Probably not.
{Text} Don't jump in. I'm not there to save your hair.
A particularly ticklish spot near his collarbone caused Q to laugh. "Yeah. I'll watch us and think of you and cum in your honor." Words. Just words spewing from his lips because he couldn't concentrate past that very masculine hand.
"You're making me want to leave a party early. That's not fair."
He just prayed that Sash didn't come up here looking for them, find them in such a compromising position and that faraway look of drunken romance in his eyes. Tane found subtle ways of swallowing his lust whole.
"We need to leave or we need to find a quieter spot."
Sean/Conor: 'A hotel too.' He licks his lips and sips his drink. 'Are you sharing a room with him?'
Mostly, the video confused him. He's never seen anything like that before in his life.
{Text} Why?
{Text} If I jump maybe you'll definitely have to come to rescue me
Tane: "Am I? I can't imagine why," Tane purred, hand kneading softly into flesh. He placed one more kiss on the ticklish spot and lifted his head to take a look around.
Q was right; they'd need a quieter, more private spot for what he had in mind. And as much as he hated to be a cliché, sometimes you had to do what you had to do.
"We're in luck, gorgeous." Two more kisses and Tane was getting to his feet with Q in his arms. "There's a bathroom right over there."
Sash/Q/Bo: 'We are but not really. He bought a room with two beds before he decided to bring along his not-boyfriend boyfriend. The not-boyfriend has a room but I'm taking it. I'm not stupid.'
Bo had little idea to explain without killing the joke, so he ignored it for now.
{Text} You'll have soggy fingers by the time I get there.
Q got to his feet and led Tane to the rooftop bathroom without any hesitation. This wouldn't be his first time experiencing bathroom sex and dammit it probably wouldn't be his last, but right now he was too overwhelmed by lust to give a shit about propriety and cleanliness.
Tane was pushed forward and the door closed and locked.
Sean/Conor: 'So... he wouldn't notice if you... weren't alone tonight?' ... Eyebrows raise.
{Text} Does that mean you wouldn't be willing to hold my hand?
... That even felt weird to Conor, but it was too late. The message had been sent. He felt like throwing his phone into the water.
Tane: Tane couldn't help but grin. Oh, the lovely things he had in mind for this man. The cleanliness of the bathroom was the absolute last thing on his mind.
He chuckled as Q pushed him inside, taking him into his arms and kissing him with renewed vigor the moment the lock clicked.
Sash/Q/Bo: 'You want that?' He just needed to confirm, given their last face-to-face conversation. Of course he'd love for Sean to join him tonight, to wake up in the morning to a cup of coffee and a gorgeous man looking out from the balcony. It was a fantasy right out of a novel, and fleeting. Unfortunately, he was still laboring under the assumption that this was only temporary.
{Text} If I have to save a reaper I have the right to wear it as a badge of honor.
Bo once more sat his phone down to give Brett Parker his attention.
Demanding and borderline suffocating arms wound around Tane's neck, using his barely-inebriated strength to lift himself onto his toes, pulling him down to level their height difference.
Sean/Conor: Sean nods, 'I want you- I mean... That.' a playful smile accompanied a wink. He did want that, and he did want Sash. Whatever happens will happen, at least they won't spend months wondering what could have been.
Conor scoffs.
{Text} I'll make you one personally.
Back to staring out at the horizon, then.
Tane: "Such impatience," he murmured against Q's lips, obligingly ducking down.
...and down...
...and just a little bit further down....
....until his mouth was level with Q's groin.
Sash/Q/Bo: "I know you want me," he grinned. 'Came to my brother's house because of a photo. I'll never let you forget that.'
Sean's stool was pulled a few inches closer, his hand remained on the edge of his seat. If Sean wanted he could take it.
Bo kissed Brett Parker's cheek, his hand, and glanced down at the ring on his finger again.
{Text} You shouldn't be alone right now.
He'd wanted kisses, but watching Tane dip down his body...he'd forgotten where he initially wanted those lips. The bouncer had better ideas. By all means. Kiss him everywhere. He would help; he would unfasten his jeans and caress and tug Tane's hair.
"Don't stop."
Sean/Conor: Sean's smile is wide. 'It was a good decision.' he adjusts his legs so that one would be outside of Sash's and the other would be between them. The hand is taken. He just wanted the night to go well.
Conor tilted his head at that.
{Text} Why not?
Tane/Brett: Brett smiled softly at the kisses, following the direction of Bo's gaze. "It looks just as perfect on you as I hoped."
Tane gave a chuckle that tapered to a purr as he eased Q's pants down just enough to expose him. "Eager and impatient." A beautiful combination in this man.
Stop? He had no intention of doing such a thing. No, he was going to take this beautiful man into his mouth and caress every last inch of him.
Sash/Q/Bo: As his hand was occupied, there was only one choice for communication. He leaned closer so that Sean could utilize his hearing.
"Do I get a kiss before midnight, or are you going to make me wait?"
Bo leaned his weight against the sheriff's chest and continued his conversation with Conor. If Brett wanted to know, he would tell him. Otherwise he wouldn't mention this mysterious stranger he was texting at eleven at night.
{Text} I just imagine you drowning in a sea of faces, alone yet suffocated.
Quintin was lost in his own little Heaven, gasping Tane's name, giving his lover an awkward private dance for his mouth to feel.
Sean/Conor: Sean bites his lip at the proximity, the question had been one he was wondering himself. He didn't think he could wait until midnight, that felt years away. He didn't want to rush, but, fuck.
Turning his head, he kisses Sash's jaw. "There." He teases with a fairly smug smile.
The hybrid stared at his phone. That assumption... wasn't far off, really...
{Text} Some of us were born to be alone.
He was fine with that. He didn't feel lonely. He didn't feel anything.
At least, that had been true for the past hundred years. What about now? He looked to the sky for the answer.
Tane/Brett: Brett nuzzled his face into Bo's hair, breathing in his shampoo and immediately feeling comforted.
"Are you mocking Peabody for celebrating New Year's at the station with his girlfriend?"
Spurred by Q gasping his name with such abandon, Tane hummed around his shaft, bobbing his head while his hands massaged Q's hips and ass.
He wanted to take his time, to explore and drive Q crazy with need, but there would be plenty of time for that later tonight. Right now his only focus was making Q completely fall apart at his hands.
To that end, he took Q completely to the root without warning.
Sash/Q/Bo: Bo frowned at his phone, but smiled once again at the mention of Peabody.
“No, but I should. I shall after this.” Still no indication of the person on the other end of his texts. A large portion of his being hoped Brett didn’t ask questions. He would be honest, and he didn’t want to frighten the sheriff after what he’d been through. He still couldn’t remember having met Conor Archer, still didn’t know just how dangerous he could be and he didn’t want to underestimate him. Still, he continued.
{Text} That’s such a mawkish answer, but I understand where you’re coming from.
Sash’s mind had fallen somewhere short of paradise by nothing more than a prudish kiss. His smile was a Traxler classic, wide enough to cause deep creases in his cheeks; the same kind of smile Sean would have seen from his bartender for many nights prior.
‘More’ and ‘kiss’ were similar signs, but he was sure Sean would get the gist despite their limited light.
Upstairs, Q felt as though he’d lost his mind. Once more he felt his strict control fly out the window, moaning his lover’s name while desperately fucking his mouth, squeezing his hair with both hands, doing a piss-poor job of keeping quiet.
Sean/Conor: {Text} No, it's true. Some of us are destined for bigger things than falling in love with someone.
That's so trivial. He could do so much more with his life.
That smile made Sean's heart skip a beat, and he could do nothing but obey. Lips press to the same spot they had before, only to trail along his jaw and lower down his neck.
Tane/Brett: Brett laughed softly. Satisfied by Bo's answer, he saw no need to press further. "As much as the two of you snark at each other, I just know you're secretly really good friends."
That's it, thought Tane, redoubling his efforts only to pull away, kissing and nuzzling Q's thighs and scrotum, taking him again.
He'd repeat this random pattern until Q simply couldn't hold off any longer.
Sash/Q/Bo: {Text} What do you think you're destined for that's left you so alone?
"I don't hate Peabody." He couldn't say he cared enough for such a caustic emotion. Few people he loathed, and the deputy was nowhere near that list. No, the man, though a little foolish in his relationship, was harmless.
Such a simplistic kiss, as the one before it, stirred Sash to the point of visible shivers and leaning away. Oh, he was floating away yet anchored by his libido.
"That's good," he grinned.
Tane was bordering on torture, and Q was barely holding himself together. Each time he was denied his orgasm he whimpered, fucked the air and hoped the bouncer would take him back. The fourth time was one too many, and Tane was held in place by his hair.
"Don't move, please, fuck...fuck..."
Sean/Conor: Conor had to wonder why Bo was even still replying to him.
{Text} I play a very big role in this life and the next. The type of role that requires thought, not feeling.
Sean blinked when Sash moved away, his concern was fleeting and easily replaced with a grin.
"Isn't it my turn?" He taps his own cheek.
Tane/Brett: For some reason that made Brett smile. From anyone else, that statement would sound petulant. From Bo, however, it was almost an expression of fondness.
"I'm sure he feels the same. He wears the gloves you gave him every day."
Tane would've smiled if he'd been able. How could anyone resist those sweet, needy little whimpers?
Resolving to get more of them out of Q before the night was out, Tane gave his hips a squeeze, encouraging Q to use him to completion.
Sash/Q/Bo: The answer was simple, and one he would keep to himself. He didn't want Conor to be alone tonight.
"Everyday? Whatever for?"
{Text} I believe that might be the case, though without emotion, I must wonder what is left to live for. Even in the name of intellectual fulfillment one must have passion.
"I've wanted to kiss your forehead since we met," Sash laughed. "And your nose." He wanted both of those. He would start by holding Sean's face steady, pressing his warm lips against his smooth brow.
To completion he would. Q had made a point of saving himself sexually for tonight. His app had been placed on hiatus for the past three days with Tane in mind. It all led to this moment, filling his lover's mouth with his white seed, moaning his name in those needy little whimpers the bouncer loved so much.
Sean/Conor: Conor tilted his head as he read, going back over it two or three times before responding.
{Text} Nobody said anything about having something to live for.
"What?" Sean chuckles. Really? That's interesting. He remains still, trying to keep his grin under control and failing. It was sweet and loving and made his heart skip a beat.
Tane/Brett: "He despises the cold and apparently those gloves are surprisingly warm." At least that was what Peabody claimed. Brett had a sneaking suspicion the reason was far more sentimental.
"Plus he's been out in the woods a lot."
Tane felt himself begin to throb as he swallowed Q down and gently worked him through his orgasm, all those gorgeous little noises going straight to his cock. He'd have to do something about that eventually but for now his only focus was the beautiful man above him.
He would only pull off when he was sure Q was spent, licking him clean and whispering praise as he pressed tiny kisses to Q's thighs and abdomen.
Sash/Q/Bo: {Text} To have role is to have something to live for, or you're just existing because you're used to it.
"Well, that wasn't what I had intended them for. They're utility gloves."
Bo looked up from his phone, forced it aside.
"Does he hunt?" He couldn't think of why else Peabody would be walking around in all of that filth.
The purposeful kiss to Sean's nose was sneaky, closer to his cheek than the supposed intended area. He nuzzled and kissed again, just shy of his mouth. "Are these good?"
Q felt for Tane's hair, squeezed and tugged. He was much too far away, though he did so love the care and affection. It's what set Tane apart from everyone else, save for a certain lawyer.
"I need to kiss you right now," he panted. "And we need a condom or I need to be the one on my knees."
Sean/Conor: {Text} I am an in fieri God. The latter.
Oh, his weak and fragile heart. So susceptible Sean is to such kisses from beautiful, playful boys. Especially ones named Sash.
He clutches his chest. "Go easy on me."
Tane/Brett: "A little," said Brett, nodding. "He's mostly been clearing some of the smaller bridges at the creek and the river and some of the hiking trails. All the snow broke off a lot of dead branches."
Q would be able to feel Tane's smile against his skin as he kissed his way up Q's body until he landed at his lips.
"You're in luck, my beautiful," he said in a low, rumbling whisper in between kisses. "I've got one in my pocket."
And as soon as he got Q's pants all the way down, Tane was going to pick him up and set him on the counter against the wall.
Sash/Q/Bo: Bo frowned, but there was nothing to warrant the expression.
"Is he going to invite us to go hiking? Tell him I'm still sick." His injuries were nearly a year old and well healed, so it was very much a lie. Only a single cramp in his thigh remained, but it wasn't something he'd willingly reveal.
His phone was momentarily forgotten. He couldn't imagine Conor being very interested to begin with.
"Is it midnight yet?" Oh. Oh! Speaking of. Sash suddenly straightened, looked around the club.
'Do you see Q?'
Still tucked away on the roof, Q laid back for his lover's viewing pleasure and access. This wasn't exactly how he'd planned for tonight to go. Neither Tane nor Sean had been part of his original scenario. Overwhelmed by his vociferous libido, he was trapped with tunnel vision.
Sean/Conor: Sean started to shake his head, only to be distracted by the question. He starts to look around in search for Sash's brother. "No, we can go look for him if you want." as much as he enjoyed being semi-alone (they definitely weren't physically alone, but Sean felt mentally alone) with Sash, he understood he'd want to spend this time with his brother. It was why he had come to Edenton after all.
Conor figured he'd stop replying sooner or later anyway, he had better things to do than engage in nihilistic conversations with a demon hybrid. That's fine. He'd go back to staring at the sky.
Tane/Brett: Brett laughed softly and kissed Bo's hair. "He hasn't, but if he ever does I'll be sure to tell him no. Why?" He kissed Bo's hair again, nuzzling against it. "Don't fancy walking through the woods while Peabody complains about Bridget?"
Tane was humming in approval as he took in and lavished every inch of Q in affection. He wanted to get his gorgeous bartender completely naked and devour him whole, but that would mean letting Q's clothing touch the floor.
Much better to simply move all that cumbersome fabric out of his way.
"What do you say, gorgeous?" he asked Q, freeing himself from his jeans with a relieved groan before slipping the condom on. "Are you going to let me take you?"
Sash/Q/Bo: "I don't want to hear him complain like an old bitter husk in a failed marriage. If I have to sweat out in nature being eaten alive by bugs, I'd rather with you." He smiled, clearly about to be rude. "You don't talk nearly as much."
Sash tried not to let his relief shine too brightly. He wanted to see Q, but if it wasn't midnight yet, then that meant he had more time with Sean.
'I'll look when there's ten minutes left. Want to get back to dancing?' he smiled.
Q couldn't contain his smile. Despite coming down from his high, this body was eager. Hunger for another felt cliché, but the reality was just that. Still, he couldn't help himself.
"Two hundred dollars, and you have to sleep in my bed tonight."
Sean: Sean didn't have to be asked twice. He stood, offering a hand. He was excited to have Sash's body move against his again. It made him feel free and happy, and there's nothing more perfect than that.
Tane/Brett: Oh, Brett recognized that smile. It always preceded something that almost always made him want to laugh, especially in an inappropriate setting.
Luckily for him, there was no one around to judge him for laughing.
"Why talk when I could kiss your beautiful face?" he said, eyes full of mirth. "Don't ever let Peabody hear you call him a husk though. He might invite Bridget to the station more often and we'll have to hear her complaints about the décor."
"Just try to keep me out of it," Tane said with a grin, getting rid of his shirt before pulling Q into another kiss. He knew very well how much Q loved touching him, and Tane would be remiss to deny him. "Just wait until we get home. We're going to do a lot of things in your bed, but sleeping isn't one of them."
He pulled out another packet, this one containing lube. Just because they were about to fuck in a bathroom in a club didn't mean he would allow Q to be uncomfortable for even one second. Q would be prepped with loving, relentless fingers, and only taken when he was completely ready.
Sash/Q/Bo: His companion made a face. “Don’t talk like that. You’re the sheriff. Be more masculine,” he laughed. That was too much romance on a night such as this.
“She told me plants have brains and feel pain, so that’s why I should eat a cow. Please don’t let her into the station. Every brain cell is sacred and she’s a murderer of mine when she talks to me.”
Sean’s hand was taken; he was led back to the dance floor with purpose in Sash’s step. As soon as he recognized the vibrations of the new trendy song, he turned his back to press against Sean’s chest. If not for the crowd, he would be concerned (somewhat) for breaking some rule on physical boundaries. For as long as no one tapped their shoulders and told them to stop, he would enjoy Sean’s nearness in a way one might assume was to sexually arouse. It might have been, but who was to say?
“Home?” Q tried to breathe. “First, we’re going to destroy our hotel room, then we can destroy my bed.”
Of course he loved touching the bouncer. One might consider those two hands on his throat to be violent, but they were anything but. He wanted to feel Tane’s jaw move with his kiss. He wanted to possess this man in a way he hadn’t felt in a long time with anyone. For tonight, this was his. He earned him.
“You brought a little packet of lube,” he laughed. “You had this all planned out, didn’t you, baby?” Nevermind being on the bathroom counter. He turned, offered his ass out, chest pressed against where he’d sat.
“Fuck me like you mean it.” He was more than ready.
Sean: Sean hadn't been expecting that, and he has to just take a second for himself to enjoy the view. He leans back an inch, looking down at their bodies together.
With a smile on his face he takes hold of Sash's hips and starts to move along with him. Everyone was practically doing the same thing, and were mostly too drunk to notice or care about them, so he felt confident. His only wish was to be able to see this in third person, it must be incredible.
Tane/Brett: Apparently tonight was going to be one of those nights where the mighty sheriff of Edenton was going to be giggly and carefree and not at all masculine.
"I can't help it." He gave one of those kisses to Botan's cheek. "I need a concrete reason to kick her out, but I promise the next time she comes in I'll protect you. Can't very well have her killing everyone's brain cells."
There was that grin again, saying far more than words ever could. "Neither of them stand a chance."
Tane let Q feel him as much as he wanted, nuzzling and kissing those hands when he could bear to move away from Q's lips. "Not planned," he chuckled. "Just prepared for any eventuality."
What he wasn't prepared for, however, was having all of Q presented to him on a silver platter.
For a moment all he could do was stare, taking in that perfect body and that perfect ass, growling softly as he bent to kiss Q's lower back before easing inside him. Tane would be gentle at first, allowing Q to adjust to him, allowing Q to feel him.
Then that beautiful body was going to be yanked back against Tane's chest as Tane gave Q exactly what he wanted.
Sash/Q: Sash wanted to feel Sean breathe against him, every rise and cave of his chest as his own. There was something sexually appealing in watching someone like Sean Archer pant for breath. He wanted an excuse to see him shirtless, sweating, and out of breath. A gym was an innocent fantasy, the other…made him wonder what Sean’s hotel room looked like.
For now, they were dancing, and so long as they were, he would forget about time, about the crowd of people, and for the time being, about where his brother had gone.
Fingers found their way to Sean’s hands, felt for his wrists and squeezed. He rolled his hips and closed his eyes. He dared to find his dance partner’s fingers and sink his between them.
Something about the combination of growl and affection sent a shiver up Q’s spine, one Tane would have the pleasure to witness. He didn’t care if he knew what he did, how he made the bartender feel. Moments like these, he wanted Tane Lukela to know everything, especially when he entered his body, causing him to scratch at the counter, moan his name in full. Not Big T, not tonight. Tonight, he was Tane, and his name would be uttered many times before he came.
“Ah, fuck me,” he breathed. “Fuck me, yeah.” Oh, the bathroom mirror. His naked form stretched, spine curved to accommodate their position complemented the towering figure behind him.
“L-Look at us.”
Sean: "Careful." Said into Sash's ear, and both their hands lifted to sign it. Sash's fingers held between Sean's while he made the action. He didn't want to let go. He didn't want Sash to think he wanted to let go.
Careful, because you're going to turn me on.
He would feel Sean's breath, hot against his neck. He was tempted to let his mouth explore, but didn't want to push his luck with any of this.
Tane: Pleasure didn't quite do justice to how it felt to see the effect he was having on Q. It was a powerful feeling, knowing you could elicit such a visceral reaction from someone you were attracted to. Someone you were enamored with.
However strange their relationship might seem, in this moment, sheathed inside Q while he moaned Tane's name, there was no mistaking how they felt about each other.
Every sound Q made spurred Tane on, making his hips move harder and deeper and more purposefully. Not faster though. He wasn't going to go faster just yet. He wanted Q to feel each and every thrust, to remember it every time he moved for the next week.
"Look at us?" he murmured, meeting Q's eyes in the mirror. "Look at you." Tane kissed Q's neck and shoulder, never breaking their gaze. "Do you see how beautiful you are?" That shoulder was nipped. "How absolutely fucking perfect?"
Sash/Q: The intimate signing made Sash giddy. His smile was ridiculous, it had to be, but from their position Sean would barely see it. Be brought his hand to his mouth and gave his knuckles a quick and seemingly innocent kiss. That was careful, wasn’t it? What about his wrist, or his forearm? It was as far as he could go with that limb, so he turned to kiss his opposite shoulder. Look how careful he was being!
“I am fucking perfect,” Q laughed. “You’re fucking perfect; you know you are.” He couldn’t decide which to do. He wanted to hold and caress the back of Tane’s head, squeeze and comb his hair, but he also wanted to touch himself, to make himself cum all over the dirty bathroom. He could have both.
“Touch me…stroke me.”
Sean: That was definitely not careful. The electricity he felt coming from Sash's lips shot all the way through his body. It didn't matter where he kissed. It all felt the same - intoxicating and addictive. He suddenly wanted to ask Sash to stay. Don't go. You don't even like your school.
But that was not his place.
He kissed below Sash's ear, just a little bit more than a peck. Then, further down his neck.
Tane: Tane wasn't so sure about that, but he took and enjoyed the compliment all the same. Something about Q made everything he said and did in regards Tane left him feeling satisfied in some way.
"Touch you?" Still keeping eye contact, Tane's right hand snaked down Q's front, wrapping around him and stroking lazily while his lips occupied themselves with Q's shoulder and his other hand with Q's nipple.
"Like this?" he whispered against Q's skin.
Sash/Q: Sash closed his eyes in an attempt to tune out their surroundings. He wanted to feel only sensation itself via vibration and luscious lips. He wanted to remember if they were warm or soft or felt correct to his skin. There was no need for apprehension whether or not their lack of propriety was glaring, but no place so condensed with life was free of antagonists. They still had their unadoring audience.
Sash visibly shivered, laughed at Sean's affections. The sound was bubbly; no need to fear malicious intent.
"Not how I thought I'd spend tonight." He turned himself around, wrapped his arms around Sean's neck, weaved his fingers together.
"When is the wedding? I can go as your date?" If Sean could even hear him over the music.
Q smiled at the mirror. Somehow it was possible for more blood to rush to his cock. Tane would feel an approving throb accompany his soft uneven moan.
"Just like that. Fuck... I'll cum." And he would by the end of Sean and Sash's song. Not long at all, but this was Tane. He couldn't help it. He would spill out all over the floor and his hand, grunting his lover's name and laughing at his peak.
"I need your cum," he purred.
Sean: The laugh filled Sean with warmth. He straightened as Sash turned, moving his hands to Sash's hips. Audience? What audience? This world was theirs, and they would rule as kings; they would rule this world together not with fear, but with... desire.
Of course he could hear Sash. If not, he'd read lips. If he couldn't do that, he'd tap into the vibrations of the universe and locate Sash's unique vibe.
"Every day. You'll jus' have to be my date every single day. They're jus' gettin' married over an' over again for about... fifty years."
Tane: The approving throb and moan were met with a soft growl and more affection, this time to the back of Q's neck. Tane wanted access to those beautiful collar bones more than anything, but for now he contented himself with this. There would be time later tonight.
He rewarded Q's declaration by finally speeding his thrusts, wanting to bring his beautiful bartender to another orgasm that much sooner, to feel his seed coating his hand while Q said his name over and over and over again. And god, that laugh. He was fucking enamored.
Another growl, more kisses. "Where?" he murmured.
Sash/Q: Despite what he normally would have felt over such a committing declaration, Sash laughed and kissed his dance partner’s chin. It had taken him a moment to understand what Sean was saying in their limited light, but putting it together, he had to admit, Sean had a way with words which made him feel warm and desired. He didn’t have to take his flirtations so seriously. It was all just a joke. Wasn’t it?
“They’ll get tired before we will,” he grinned, played along. “I have great stamina.” Maybe he’ll find out later, if Sean wanted such intimacy. For now, he would have to be content with many, many kisses scattered randomly on his face.
Those growls would make him live forever, Q believed. He gasped and tried to collect his thoughts before they flew away.
“Inside me.” He could demand that with confidence while wearing a condom. He wanted Tane to enjoy as much as possible. He wanted to feel those arms around him, their raw strength when he came. He wanted to hold onto his lover the best he could and memorize how they looked in the mirror.
Sean: Of course, Sean was just being playful. It was quite obvious it was a joke, despite the sentiment behind it being... probably accurate. He laughs under all that affection, unconsciously bringing Sash as close as possible.
"I have endless stamina," said with lips pressed against Sash's ear, he may not even be able to hear what he's saying but he'll sure as hell feel Sean's mouth against him. Fuck. Yes. He wanted to see proof of Sash's stamina. He wanted to see his beautiful little body, he wanted - ah, snap out of it, Sean!
He exhaled and pulled back to sign, 'I told you to be careful.' He was about one kiss away from getting hard. This wasn't fair.
Tane: Tane couldn't remember ever being more grateful for a condom in his life. He would've finished anywhere Q had asked him to, but he couldn't deny how glad and relieved he was not to have to leave Q's warmth. He wanted them to be connected like this always, to feel Q clenched around him every moment of every day so he could pleasure and adore him the way his bartender deserved.
Just like he deserved every kiss Tane was placing on his neck and shoulders as he finally focused on his release, every brush against his skin, every light, loving pinch to his nipples. The image Q would see in the mirror was nothing less than Tane trying to devour him whole. And after a few more hard, well-angled thrusts, Tane was squeezing Q tight and dissolving into a mess of moans and groaned curses.
Sash/Q: ‘I am being careful,’ he signed, still pressed against Sean as best he could without crowding his hands. ‘I’m being a very good boy.’ See? Feel these soft kisses against your neck, your jaw? Aren’t these so nice? He wanted to give him more than that, but he reminded himself of their first night. He wanted to respect Sean’s restraint. However, that perfect mouth against his own neck had told a different tale. Maybe something might happen tonight. He would absolutely love that. He wouldn’t demand it, but he would sure appreciate keeping this man close and bask in his warmth. This was going to be a good memory, regardless of sex.
Q made sure those arms were wrapped around him like a belt. Tane’s strength was something to admire. This man could crush him; he was letting go yet withholding. It was as beautiful as he knew it would be despite their surroundings.
The thunder in his veins had abated, as too did his heavy breathing, lulled into a gentle hum of bliss. He wanted to remain in their position for as long as possible. He was filled and he was loved and it was dangerous and it was freedom.
“You feel so good,” he purred. “Perfect man.” My perfect man. Mine tonight.
Sean: Sean wouldn't call this careful, he'd call it the opposite. It was dangerous and naughty and... fucking beautiful.
Sash's face is stilled, cupped gently in Sean's hand. He looks the other over, wanting to understand his thoughts, his hopes. He wished he could know exactly what Sash wanted or needed from him. A thumb moved over his lips gently, signalling, he hoped, that he wanted him but would be gentle and patient if it was required.
Tane: Q needn't have worried; Tane and his arms weren't going anywhere. He was going to keep right on holding Q to his chest as he caught his breath, kissing and nuzzling everywhere he could reach.
He barely even noticed that they were still in the bathroom, and even if he had it would've made little difference. His only focus was the man tucked safely in his arms.
"Mmmm, so do you, my beautiful," he whispered. I'm all yours. Tonight and always. "You're the perfect one. So good and so perfect for me."
Sash/Q: Sash answered his touch with a kiss to Sean's thumb, eyes locked to his. He wanted excitement, treasured memories; he wanted Sean in whatever way he was allowed tonight.
Did his kiss answer his pondering?
"Do we gotta wait for midnight?"
The mirror could only satisfy so much. Q had to turn himself just so to capture that handsome mouth. He wanted to thank someone, something for creating this impressive specimen of man.
Oh, shit.
"We left my brother downstairs with Sean," he laughed, pressed his forehead against his lover. "Fuck, we're terrible."
Sean: Sean doesn't really have to think. In fact, come morning he'd believe he hadn't been thinking at all. There was a buzz in the air, in his hands, in his heart and lips.
He shakes his head, and continues to do so until his mouth presses to Sash's.
He was effortlessly passionate and attentive. So easily did his lips care for the other's. A tongue moves along his bottom lip, only to then gently and faintly taste the inside of his mouth. He wouldn't shove too hard or be too gentle, it was need and want mixed with affection and sweetness.
It was Sash's first time with a man, and this might cause uncertainty or anxiety. He may even just be a curious experiment for the other to explore and deduce his sexuality from. He didn't think that was the case, but he'd let Sash's reaction tell him.
Tane: Tane was only too happy to oblige, loosening his hold just enough to let Q adjust before holding him close again and pouring himself into the kiss. He couldn't wait until they were back at the hotel so he could kiss Q all over.
"We did," he chuckled, nuzzling Q. "He's hanging out with Sean though, he's covered." More kisses. "We'll be down by midnight."
Sash/Q: Sash placed his hands on Sean’s head, ran his fingers over what little hair there was and enjoyed his nearness. Sean was so warm. Despite their crowded sweaty surroundings, it made Sash feel safeguarded. Protected enough to hug his neck, enough to sigh into their kiss and offer his tongue. This felt natural, as though they’d known one another far longer than they had. Right now, that wasn’t an important sensation. Not nearly as significant as pressing himself against him, allowing Sean to feel what he had caused. Firmness which he would know he was responsible for.
Maybe it was the vibrations, the bits of alcohol he’s stolen, the lights, the heat, the intimacy. He was free, but this was a high. He would have to come down eventually.
Q was coming down from his own high, nuzzling the bouncer in return. “They look good together, huh? Hope they can enjoy themselves and keep it realistic.” Realistic, like this? Like pretending for thirty minutes that Tane was his and his alone, that he could belong to this man exclusively? He could not speak of realism.
“We need to clean up.”
Sean: Oh - oh his goodness. He hadn't been expecting that at all. He does consider the atmosphere and the alcohol, almost enough to make him want to push Sash away. No, Sash. Your head is cloudy. You only want this because of where we are, not because of who we are. Could I be anyone else? Am I just the lucky one against your lips tonight?
He didn't want to make the decision for him, he didn't want to demand that Sash isn't thinking right if he is. So he'd let Sash's body do the talking. Pun intended.
Hands focus on the other's hips, bringing him closer and rolling their bodies in time with the music. He pressed more into Sash's crotch, wanting to provide him with teasing friction while they kissed.
Tane: Tane nodded, smiling. "They do. If I were a betting man, I'd say they'll be doing plenty of enjoying before the night ends." And if not by the end of the night, then definitely by the end of the week. You could only resist that kind of attraction so much, and he should know.
"Mmmm, let me help you with that." Q was given three more kisses before Tane (reluctantly) pulled himself away, bending to clean his bartender with lips and tongue before dampening a paper towel with warm water and finishing the job.
Sash/Q: Sean’s advances would be met with youthful firmness, obviously eager and delighted with their dance and with their kiss. He knew Sean would feel it. If he didn’t want to, he would lean away, and Sash wouldn’t make a single complaint. He would have no right to. He watched Sean carefully, leaned away to force eye contact and bit his lip. How would that make him feel?
“I don’t know about that. I’m not interested in anything but knowing that a condom was involved.” Whether Sean arrived with protection was irrelevant. Sash had been provided plenty from his brother.
“Mm, you’re just too perfect.” And the proof was on his skin. Q leaned his weight against the counter and sighed blissfully, watched as Tane cleaned his body of sweat and semen.
“Still like how I taste?”
Sean: When Sash pulls away Sean takes to catching his breath, eyes only on the other. His gaze lowers to Sash's lips, causing him to lick his own, and then travel further south. He wondered if he could see Sash's bulge. He wondered where Sash's brother was, and when he'd come back to find them like this. He wondered where his own brother was, and if he should message him to come back. He wondered how Sash's cum tasted.
He felt himself hardening, and it made him laugh. Such a freeing feeling this was.
He kisses the other's chin, and jaw, and neck. How could he resist? He had felt intrigued by Sash the moment he saw a picture of him, he had found him beautiful and hadn't changed his mind.
Tane: He chuckled softly. "I'm sure it will be." Especially if either Sean or Sash were anything like Tane. One always had to hope (and prepare) for the best.
"Mmmm, of course I do, my beautiful," Tane murmured, kissing just below Q's navel, then straightening to kiss his lips. "I love how you taste. All of you. You're going to go really well with caramel sauce later."
Sash/Q: Seeing Sean laugh, feeling the rhythm with his hands on his chest, made him in love with that moment. In his young opinion, moments were what made life bearable. Moments just like this. Someone somewhere in the world, many people he hoped, were filled with the same sensation of euphoria. Without joy and all its accompanying emotions, life was not worth the arduous repetition.
Sash tilted this way and that to enjoy those giving lips. They were on a dance floor, so, he had to sway his hips, make every movement seem purposeful.
His hand pressed deep over Sean’s heart, pumped as an indication of his own heartbeat. See what you’ve made him do? His pulse was racing.
Q was grinning from ear to ear. Hearing that pet name never got old. Tane made him feel sexy in a way so few clients could. More than an object of relief, but a person of worship. Someone to be admired for just a little more than his ass and cock. Perhaps more than a little.
“If we’re licking each other clean, maybe I need to get on my knees. Hmm?” No, they needed to go. He knew that Tane knew. He knew what Tane would say and he looked forward to it.
“I brought a special cherry oil with you in mind,” he hummed, tapping his fingers over those perfectly full, perfectly aged lips.
Sean: Sean smiled. Fucking hell. How is this really happening? It's too... perfect. Something is going to ruin this, right? It has to. Nothing could possibly go this well.
The hand is taken and brought to his mouth to be innocently and sweetly kissed... and then playfully bitten between the index and the thumb.
Tane: "What happened to needing to get back downstairs, hm?" Tane asked with a grin of his own, kissing Q once, twice. "Not that I don't want to. I wanna spend hours licking each other clean. Adoring every single inch of you."
Cherry oil? He was intrigued. "And just what are you planning to do with that?" he asked, kissing Q's finger.
Sash/Q: "Rude," Sash laughed. He hoped tonight would end on a smooth note, but he wasn't going to hold his breath. The life he'd lived meant enjoying what was available until it was depleted. Sean was going to stay here and he had to go back to school. Enjoy this moment with Sean's sexy smile while it lasted.
"What do you think I'm going to do?" Demonstration, licking Tane's taut neck and down to his chest. He hummed, growled in frustration at his own procrastination.
"Alright, alright." He had to force himself to finish dressing and straightening his clothes.
"Do I look like I just got fucked by Hercules?" Oh well. One more kiss and it was time to head back downstairs.
Sean: Sean tutted and shook his head. "I would never be rude t'you." to prove it, he kisses where was bitten, and trails his lips all up Sash's arm, until finding his neck once again.
Tane: Tane gave a soft, pleased hum, letting his head tilt back as he savored these last moments of precious contact before he had to give Q up and share him with the rest of the world again. And as much as he hated having to do it, he was very much looking forward to having Q to himself for the rest of the weekend.
In all its cherry oil and caramel sauce glory.
He reluctantly followed suit, setting himself to rights and grinning at Q in the mirror. "Yes," he said with no small bit of satisfaction. "To a trained eye."
Sash/Q: Here Sash thought Sean was about to nibble and suck on his finger. He would have been pleased either way. Given the moans Sean had elicited, there would be no doubt how he felt. Unfortunately, big brother Q was coming downstairs to interrupt their escalating flirtations.
"Look at those two," the bartender chuckled. Of all of the men to pursue his baby brother, thank God it was someone like Sean Archer.
Sean: That is far too raunchy. He couldn't possibly do something like that in the middle of somewhere so public... but nibbling his neck a little wasn't out of the question.
Something behind Sash caught his attention and made him ease back. He laughed. "Your brother is back."
Tane: "Very close and cozy," Tane chuckled fondly. He knew exactly how they both felt and it was simultaneously the best and worst feeling in the world.
"Would a certain gorgeous bartender like another drink before the countdown starts?"
Sash/Q: There was no sense in hiding that pout; Sash loved the theater, but his own acting was mediocre at best. Moments like this were meant to feel like a lifetime, instead, it was over as soon as it began.
"Time?" he asked, taking a step back to compose himself.
Q brushed his fingers over Tane's ribs.
"Something with cinnamon? I need a boost and a distraction from you," he grinned.
Sean: Bringing out his phone Sean checked the time, then showed Sash. They had about ten minutes. His phone background was him sat on a stool, singing into a microphone with a guitar on his lap.
"We cheated a little bit," he joked.
Tane: "A distraction, you say? Sounds like a raw deal for me," he chuckled. "I should bring you something that reminds you of me instead."
He stole a quick kiss. "Ever had a cinnamon sparkle?"
Sash/Q: 'The rule wasn't in writing so it doesn't count.' The strobe lights had dimmed. Sash could barely see his own hands, but his attention returned to his brother. He blinked, watching his brother being kissed by the giant. He still couldn't say whether or not he approved of Big T.
"I can tell you I've rarely seen anyone order one." Rum and cognac? "Yes please, I'll have one."
Sean: "Mmm hmm." He happily hummed. His smile faltered when Sash looked away. He followed his gaze and wondered if that bothered him - seeing his brother like that. Was he okay with it? A hand lightly placed on his back, silently supportive.
Tane: "People don't know what they're missing." There wasn't anything not to love about rum, cognac, and peach goodness.
Another kiss. "Two cinnamon sparkles coming right up."
Sash/Q: Sash leaned his weight against his hand and turned, giving Sean a look to prove he was alright. He was just thinking.
Q danced his way through a small crowd of drunks and greeted his brother with an affectionate smack to his shoulder.
'Having a good time?'
'Sean is very good at entertaining,' Sash smiled.
Sean: Sash could say that again.
"Where have you two been?" signed and said.
Tane: The bartender was surprised at Tane's request, echoing what Q had said about it rarely being ordered. Way he saw it, those were often the best drinks; the hidden treasures.
He returned to Q in time to hear Sean's question, trying his best not to look too self-satisfied. "We went up to the roof for a while," he said as he handed Q his glass. "Beautiful view up there." Of Q getting, as he has put it, fucked by Hercules.
Sash/Q: "You guys should go see. Maybe we can see some fireworks from up there. They're going to pop streamers and glitter all of em us at midnight. You choose which you'd prefer."
His drink was sipped, a nod of appreciation given to Big T. "Good call."
Sean: "It must be really packed up there." How did they even manage to find any room to squeeze up on the roof? Surely everyone has the same idea.
Tane: "Kinda, but it's not too bad. The heaters they have up there don't seem to be enough to make many people brave the cold."
Tane smiled. "Told you people don't know what they're missing. Glad you like it."
Sash/Q: 'Do you want to go up there after we get covered in slutty glitter?' Sash was grinning from ear-to-ear. His brother was rolling his eyes.
'You're a bi Emmett Honeycutt. I should have never watched Queer as Folk when you were home.'
He looked to Sean. "He learned how to cuss from the TV shows I watched. Our mother still hasn't forgiven me."
Sash had caught most of that. Enough to retort. 'It's fine. She doesn't understand half of what I say now so I can cuss all I want.'
Sean: What started out as funny, ended up being saddening. His mother didn't even understand him. Just as his own father hadn't taken the time to learn sign language for Conor.
Where is his brother, anyway? He should come enjoy this with people who care about him.
"Don't worry. We'll go up. Let me jus' find my brother."
He brings out his phone and sends a text, asking where he is and if he's okay.
Tane: Tane smiled into his drink. "Reminds me of my and my step-brothers on my mom's side. They cursed in German around me and I ended up repeating everything they said to my mom and my step-dad. They're both still steamed." And it still came up every Christmas.
Sash/Q: 'She's trying. She's been trying for years. Give her better credit.'
Sash waved away Q's scolding. Both frowned.
"I keep forgetting you have brothers," Q said aloud. Sash's eyes darted between them trying to gather as much of the conversation as possible. When his brother realized what he was doing, he reminded himself to sign as he spoke, regardless of his focus.
Sash's fingers gently brushed over Sean's wrist.
'Everything okay?'
Sean: "Hilarious." said sarcastically, and hopefully his expression portrayed this for Sash. He hadn't stopped signing his speech. Aidan would've killed him for that.
Conor lazily checked his phone, and simply responded saying he's fine.
{Text: Con} Come back. It will be midnight soon.
Sean lifts his arm so that Sash's fingers can be brought to his lips. He nodded and smiled reassuringly.
Tane: "Yep," he said with a nod, reminding himself to speak clearly so Sash could read his lips. "Three of them. And three sisters. I'm lousy with siblings."
Sash/Q: Sean was a damn good distraction. He had to force his eyes away.
'Do you have to remember birthdays and wedding anniversaries and niece and nephew birthdays? That's too much. I'd go crazy.'
Q translated for his brother and chuckled. "Same. One of you is enough."
Big brother was weakly shoved.
Sean/Conor: "Hey, I grew up in a house with five siblings and I wouldn't trade it for anything. It was the best." but... he also grew up in a very /large/ house, where they each had their own bedroom and more than enough of their own personal space.
Conor mentally sighed.
{Text: Sean} I don't like it there. It's claustrophobic. Sorry. I'll be in my hotel room. You can video call me if you want to.
Sean bit his lip and read the reply a few times.
Tane: Tane chuckled and nodded. "Yes I do. My calender is a mess of important dates. Got my siblings' birthdays memorized, it's just just the rest of it I need help with."
He smiled at Sean. "Nothing like family chaos."
Sash/Q: Sash was watching Sean with concern. He seemed to be the only one paying any attention to his expression. It was subtle, but noticeable. Enough so to gently rub Sean's lower back and offer an oblivious but comforting smile. He didn't need to know what was being said to know it was putting a nail in his pillow.
Q glanced from Tane to Sash to Sean and back. He arched his brow at the bouncer and sipped his drink.
"Maybe I could have handled more Sashes if I'd lived in a house like Margot's, or anything bigger than a thousand square feet growing up."
Sean: Sean snapped up. Was he being rude? He quickly responded, saying okay, but to come back if he changes his mind. He'll have to stop by Conor's room when they go back.
Putting away his phone he smiled, "Nothin' else is like havin' a siblin'." He moved closer to Sash, appreciating the thoughtful touch.
Tane: He exchanged glances with Q, silently acknowledging the strange vibe but not calling attention to it. He didn't want to put Sean on the spot if he was dealing with something.
"My siblings were spread evenly over two houses so that made it a little easier most of the time. Still had to do the fighting over the bathroom thing.
"You guys do that?" he added to Sean.
Sash/Q: Q smiled to himself, remembering the time a very young Sash tried to use the bathroom stool he stood on to brush his teeth as a barricade to keep him out in the mornings, determined to do everything "all by himself like a big boy".
He began to explain the memory after Sean's response, signing to the best of his abilities as he recollected. It was imperfect, but Sash was grinning.
"I seriously don't remember," he laughed.
Sean: "Uh..." he thought, "nah, we all had our own bathroom." ... How did that make him sound?
He was glad when Q filled the air with his adorable story. Sean's expression matched Sash's.
"Cute." Signed and spoken, like everything else.
Tane: "I would've loved that," Tane said with feeling, recalling mornings spent arguing with his step-sisters before school and every time one of his siblings had barged in when he was showering.
The story made him smile as well. "Very cute. Did you manage to get into the bathroom eventually or did Sash stick to his guns and dominate the morning routine?"
Sash/Q: "It was like a two pound plastic stool. He'd make his bath water like lava! He'd forget the cold knob existed and then whine -"
"I don't like feeling cold," which was why he had no problem whatsoever with the crowded club, with the sweat on his brow, with his jacket forgotten back at the hotel.
Tane: "I feel you, brah." He gave Sash an understanding nod. "I don't like feeling cold either. I never thought it would snow so much when I came here. Q's been teasing me about my Dad sweater," he added with a smile at his bartender.
Sash/Q: "Nothing funnier than a giant of a man in a wool sweater," he smiled right back.
Sash leaned his weight against Sean and nudged his arm with two fingers.
'Aren't they just cute.'
Sean: Sean rolled his eyes with a smile. 'We're cuter.'
Tane: "I'm a Hawaiian giant!" Tane laughed. "I need wool to keep me from turning into an iceberg or a popsicle. I bought a wool scarf too."
Sash/Q: 'You're going to be more cute with glitter all over your body.' Shameless.
Seemed they were already beginning to drift into their own conversations again.
But Q gave the new and possibly temporary couple his attention once more. "You're here with your brother, right? Younger or older?"
Sean: Sean was literally on the verge of leaning down to kiss Sash - because, ah, how fucking delicious - when Q distracted him and made him straighten up.
"Younger. Aidan is the only one older than me. Conor's two years younger, and Ronan's four years younger."
Tane: Tane looked around, trying to spot Conor's hair in the sea of people. "Did he go outside? I don't see him anywhere."
Sash/Q: Sash was back to staring at the man Q had introduced as Big T. He could barely register a word said when the man smiled.
'Do you understand anything I say when I sign?'
Q casually smacked his brother's elbow.
"Guess Conor wants to celebrate differently. To each his own."
Sean: He chose to ignore their little moment. "This isn't really his scene, he came 'cause I made him." Sean shrugged. "I didn't want him t'be alone."
Tane: "Nothing wrong with that." With Conor leaving or with Sean not wanting him to be alone.
"If he comes back in for the countdown we'll get him a drink." He glanced at the brightly lit clock on the wall. "Which is in just a few minutes."
Sash/Q: "If you want, we can go be with him instead," suggested Q. Sash almost pouted, but turned to Sean and nodded in agreement.
Sean: Sean hesitated. He didn't want to ruin their evening, but he didn't want Conor to be alone, either.
"Maybe if we go up to the roof he'll be more comfortable there?"
Tane: Tane smiled and nodded. "I think he would be. It's quieter and less crowded up there. Plus, we'll get a great view of the fireworks."
Sash/Q: "Let's go get him, then."
'We can,' Sash tapped Sean's arm and grinned.
"Well, haven't you guys gotten so cozy."
Sean: It really warmed Sean to know that although they didn't really know Conor they were still willing to care for him and accommodate him. Whether that was for his own benefit or his brother's, he didn't know. It didn't matter. It was so sweet and generous - so rare, that it made him smile and touch his chest.
"Thank you. We could just tell him to meet us up there, if you want?"
He'll let Sash respond to Q's comment.
Tane: "Sure thing." Tane subtly nudged Q and nodded toward the stairs. "Let's go stake out a good spot on the roof." And leave the cozy love birds to have a moment to themselves before the festivities broke out.
Sash/Q: 'As cozy as you two,' Sash replied coolly. Q was ready to respond, but Tane was a well-needed distraction.
'Text him, yeah. Do that because it's cold out,' he laughed.
Sean/Conor: With a nod, out comes his phone.
{Text:} Con, come back! There's somewhere spacious on the roof. Tá grá agam duit xx
Conor smirked and rolled his eyes.
{Text:} Are you drunk?
{Text:} No! Come on.
{Text:} You'd like me to be the fifth wheel?
{Text:} Yeah! See you soon. Xx
"He's on his way."
Tane: Once they were out of sight of Sash and Sean, Tane stole a kiss from Q.
"Ready for the new year, gorgeous?"
Sash/Q: Q smiled, relieved for the kiss. His brother seemed to be in a mood and was getting on his nerves. Not the best way to start the new year.
"Ready as I'm going to be. How are you? Feeling good?"
Sash smiled and nuzzled himself against Sean's shoulder, motioned back to the bar.
“I want what I can't have. I want a Jack and Coke.”
Sean: "Like you said," Sean smiled crookedly, "you can't have it."
Tane: "That's the spirit." Tane kissed him again. "I'm feeling very good. I always do when I'm with you." Maybe just one more kiss. "We're about to celebrate a new year, we're going to have sex all night. Gonna be a good start to the year."
Sash/Q: "Oh yeah?" Q laughed into the extra kisses. "Still watching over Sash, and he might or might not be going with Sean. I can't tell what they want to be."
'Spill some of your Jack into my Coke?' Sash laughed. He wondered if Conor's disappearance had something to do with him, if Conor didn't like the idea of their nearness, if he knew about it at all.
Sean: Sean bit his bottom lip and shook his head. Ah. This much grinning will surely end up harming his face.
"I don't want to be a bad influence."
Tane: "They look like they want to be....." Tane affected his best philosopher face. "In the moment. They seem very in tune with each other."
Sash/Q: "Guess we'll see what happens." In truth, not much stock was going into the idea. Lovely whims, nothing more.
The temperature seemed to have dropped in the space of just minutes. He should have brought a jacket.
Sash was back to pouting, obviously a tease. It didn't matter that much. He could fix himself at the hotel with those adorable little bottles of booze. He'd order himself a soda and keep his plans to himself. For now.
Sean: "Aww. None of that." He kissed the corner of Sash's mouth. "Do you want to go up to the roof now?"
Tane: "Cold?" Tane asked, seeking out the nearest heater and leading them over to it.
And wrapping his arms around Q as soon as he could. Couldn't have him being cold.
Sash/Q: "It's nothing," but still he followed, and still he smiled at Tane's concern and affection. He wondered if this was how Luke Graham felt in his presence. He leaned his weight against him and began to plot their meeting.
"We waiting on your brother?" Sash wrinkled his brow. He was willing to wait if it was what Sean wanted.
Sean: Sean shook his head. "He can meet us up there. It would mean he has to spend less time down here, which I think he'd appreciate." A hand slips into the other's so that he may kiss the back of it.
Tane: Tane smiled to himself, resting his cheek against Q's hair. This right here was exactly how he wanted to start the new year; with the man he loved safe in his arms.
"We should go to Hawaii again this year."
Sash/Q: "We'll go once a year, maybe. Probably. Definitely." For now, he closed his eyes, enjoyed the sound of city life. He missed the clamour.
Sash looked around, seemingly stunned by Sean's little kiss.
'Sir, that is inappropriate behavior,' he laughed. Sean's cheek was given similar treatment, and soon he was being dragged upstairs.
Sean: That only made Sean laugh. Fuck, Sash is so adorable and funny and.... just straight up enticing. He wanted to always be around this vibrant energy. He squeezed Sash's hand as they made their way up the stairs, soon after he was receiving a text from his brother saying that he was about to make his way up to the roof.
Tane: He nodded and kissed the top of Q's head. "Definitely every year. Maybe we could even pop over to Maui or Lanai next time. You'd love both."
Sash/Q: "When Sash gets better settled in college, gets a job, I'll be moving out there. Someplace warm or someplace loud. Hawaii has both, so..." Q turned his head enough to smile. "So you should show me more."
Sash was immediately distracted by city life; seeing his brother's nearness to Tane had him turning his back to them completely.
'Do you have a PS4? Tell me yes. We're going to play together.'
Sean/Conor: Sean laughed, "Nah, Ro does though," he spoke and signed. "I could borrow his."
He then felt a hand on his back, making him turn and grin at his brother, exclaiming his name and giving him a hug.
Tane: "Yes it does. You'd do very well there." Tane firmly believed everyone on earth would do well in Hawaii, and not just because he was biased.
He stole a kiss from that smile. "I'll show you everything, beautiful."
Sash/Q: "Goddamn right you will. I'll do a sweep of every area so we don't get ambushed by a model again." He wondered what Alister was doing this very moment, wondered if she was happy.
'Borrow? I'll buy you one.' He would buy Sean a console with Q's money, so Q will buy him one.
Sash ducked his chin, mentally preparing himself for having to share.
'Hey,' he waved.
Sean/Conor: Sean instantly cringed. No, no. "No way. I can get myself one."
Conor returned the gesture lazily.
"Have a good time, Con?"
"Bet you wish Bo was here, huh?" Sean's grin was wide and cheeky. Here, have a middle finger.
'Has Sean been this irritating all night?'
Tane: He laughed softly. He could now, but in that moment with that distinctly irritating woman the encounter hadn't been nearly as amusing. "I doubt we will. Gonna take you to all the nice secluded parts of the islands."
Sash/Q: "So long as we get to skydive next time." Sean's voice had Q turning towards their group. Still couldn't get a read on the brother.
'He won't buy me a real drink. He's not a risk-taker,' he laughed. 'So, is Bo your boyfriend?' Seemed to be what the dots were connecting.
Sean/Conor: Conor shook his head. Not with disgust, no cringe or real rejection of the idea could be seen. He was just correcting an assumption.
'No, a friend, merely.'
"Best friend." A hand goes over Sean's laughing face. Stop that.
'He's being responsible because he cares.'
Tane: "We can go skydiving if you promise not to laugh at me when I scream the whole time."
Sash/Q: "Oh, I'll be recording your ass and I'll be putting it on YouTube. Dont worry, I'll give you all the profits."
Sash smiled at the banter, finding comfort in its similarity to his with the man behind them.
'Will you care less when we get to the hotel?' A not-so-sneaky way of asking their near-future plans.
Sean/Conor: Conor raised an eyebrow while Sean just smirked. "I'll be even more carin' then." His wink made Conor want to gag.
Tane: Tane laughed. "Like hell you are. You're gonna be too busy protecting me from the extreme height."
Sash/Q: Sash simply laughed at the remark. 'So disgusting. He needs to practice better lines.' He simply couldn't tame his smile.
Q's was similar in fashion. "Maybe we'll have to be attached for your first jump. No, actually, no maybe. We will be."
Sean/Conor: It was more the wink that Conor was grossed out by.
'I sometimes feel as though Sean has too much energy for his own good.'
Tane: He had a feeling that even the act of being attached to Q wouldn't curb his fear, but there was no way Tane was jumping without his bartender.
"Yes, we definitely will be. It'll be like when we went swimming together. Remember?"
Sash/Q: 'Too much?' He could think of ways to tire him out. Of course he wouldn't say that in front of Sean's brother. Even he knew that to be in poor taste.
'Has it ever gotten him into trouble?'
"Yes, it'll look hilarious. I'm prepared for comedy. Yeah. I'm gonna purchase a GoPro just for this."
Sean/Conor: 'All the time. Our father caught him-' Sean suddenly caught Conor's hands, stopping his form of communication. Which, obviously, pissed Conor off. His instant reaction was to grab his fingers in return and squeeze, but Sean quickly pulled from his grasp.
'Don't do that.'
"You're right. I'm sorry." Conor's hand was taken and kissed. "Let's jus' say it's gotten me into a lot of trouble. Like, bein' caught by my brother kissin' a guy before I was out kinda trouble. Breakin' bones kinda trouble."
Tane: Tane laughed and shook his head. "Gonna buy a GoPro just to capture my embarrassment and laugh. Shameful." Q was kissed anyway.
"Gonna show Logan?"
Sash/Q: Sash glanced away as Sean was corrected for silencing his brother. He wasn't going to get involved with that. He returned his eyes seconds later.
'How many bones have you broken?'
"Maybe we can invite her with us when the time comes. That would be the best distraction for her, if you two can get along at that point."
Sean: "My elbow." He'd point to the exact place, by his elbow. "My shoulder." He'd gesture. "My rib. My knee. My ankle." My skull, when a bullet tore through me.
Tane: Tane smiled at the thought. Logan hasn't been to Hawaii since she was still in her mother's belly.
"I hope we can. I want this year to be the one we finally reconnect properly. I want to be in her life."
Sash/Q: 'Were you in a car wreck?' he laughed. 'How the hell...?' Suddenly his broken leg didn't seem like such a war story. His ear, on the other hand...
"We're gonna see about that, okay?" Q whispered in Tane's ear, gave it a quick kiss. "You'll see. I have the magic touch. You two are going to be alright." He hoped.
Sean/Conor: "Not all at the same time!" Sean laughed.
'But almost all due to idiocy. Jumping from a tree, or swing, climbing something he shouldn't be. Taunting people he shouldn't be.'
"What's life without some bruises?" He winked at Sash.
Tane: "You do have the magic touch," he said softly, nuzzling Q. "I wouldn't feel nearly as hopeful about it if you weren't helping me." He'd already proven to himself that his own efforts weren't enough.
Sash/Q: Sash smiled in return, shook his head at Conor's list. "Better than staying indoors all the time where it's safe."
Tane was give a warm squeeze. They could talk more about Logan later, but his confidence in their situation was firm, so long as he remembered his place and patience. Q had to trust him in keeping an appropriate distance from her.
Hearing their conversation, he found a perfect opportunity to tease. Catching Sash's attention.
'You're indoors almost all the time now. What's your favorite video game?'
'It's Fuck You that's what,' they laughed.
"You used to love basketball."
"I still do."
Tane: Tane squeezed him back, sneaking in another kiss to the top of Q's head while he still could. The festivities would be starting any moment.
Though he couldn't understand it, he smiled at Q and Sash's brotherly banter. It made him miss his own brothers.
"When was the last time you played?" Tane asked, lifting his head and turning so Sash could see him properly.
Sash/Q: Sash blinked and processed the big man's sentence. "A month ago."
"See? Practically never," his brother shook his head.
Sean/Conor: "What d'you mean?! That basically makes him a pro!"
Conor slunk back a little, looking out at the sky. Shouldn't it be midnight soon? That was why they had called him back, isn't it? His movement distracted Sean.
Sean nudged him. "C'mon let's send a picture to Bo." He took Conor's phone before he could respond and lifted it, snapping a picture of himself grinning and Conor just staring. It was sent to Bo. "Picture time before midnight!" He waved over the rest of their group. "Tane, you've got the longest arms, right? Take it?"
Tane: Tane smiled to himself. It really was sweet watching Sean and Sash interact. There was definitely something there between them; he hoped they got a chance to explore it.
"That I do," he said, nodding at Sean's question and taking the phone. "Absolutely, I will." He positioned himself right beside Q. "All right, everybody get in here and smile pretty for the camera!"
Sash/Q/Bo: {Text} Was your phone stolen? You seem quite displeased.
The sender was smiling, subtle though it was. He headed for the door, took a photo of the fireworks over the water, and then one of himself, positioning himself to be at the center of the gold and blue explosions.
The positioning couldn't have been better. Conor, Sean, Sash made a point to wedge himself between Sean and his own brother, leaving Tane to take the other end. Tonight, the Traxler brothers were huggers. Sean and Tane were at the center of their affections. Sash pressed his lips to Sean's cheek, and Q smiled widely to the camera.
Sean/Conor: Sean laughed, while Conor resumed looking unamused. He didn't smile. Not the way Sean did, pressing closer to Sash and puckering his lips for the picture. Conor's eyes cut through the darkness, while Sean winked. Conor had noticed the notification of Bo's response and hoped nobody would open the conversation.
They probably seemed like a very mismatched group.
Tane: Mismatched perhaps, but very photogenic.
Tane's smile matched Q's for its brightness, both for the picture and in appreciation that he got to hold his bartender as close as he wanted without anyone batting an eyelash.
"All right, everyone ready?" He took one picture, then a couple more for safety. He'd barely put his arm down when the countdown began.
"It's almost time!"
Sash/Q/Bo: Silence from Conor meant he was either preoccupied or just not interested in replying. Either way, Bo added "happy new year, flame" and called it an evening. There was a sheriff in need of attention.
Q pulled out his phone to text his mother good wishes. He wanted the photo taken to send to her email as well. Sash tapped his shoulder and began to ask, having the exact same thought.
"I'm -" 'Mom.' The one word was enough, and his brother nodded.
Back to Sean. "I'm still kissing you at midnight."
"Get a room."
Sean/Conor: "Good." His own phone is brought out so that he could message his brothers and all of his friends. Meanwhile, Conor had taken his phone back and slipped away. So they're all going to be kissing and Conor will just be... over here.
He sends the picture to Bo and responds, 'Happy new year, Flower.'
Sean counts down with the rest of the crowd, excites and smiling brightly until the time came to offer his lips to Sash.
Tane: There would be no texting family for Tane; his family preferred phone calls. As soon as the countdown ended he'd be fielding calls from two moms, two dads, and many, many siblings. More than likely they'd all be on speaker and shouting at once.
The thought made him smile as he pulled Q back into his arms once he'd finished texting.
"Ready?" he murmured into his bartender's ear, letting the loud, cheerful voices counting down fade into the background and zeroing in on Q's face.
Sash/Q: Sash made himself comfortable against Sean's chest, wanting to feel those arms around his shoulders, trapping him in warmth and momentary security. He was accustomed to the other way around, but tonight was an exception. When the clock struck midnight, he turned just so to capture those lips. He couldn't have asked for a better night.
Q had been ready before the countdown had begun, all too eager to hold Tane's face in both hands and offer his tongue. He did feel a little sympathetic towards Sean's brother, but not enough to stop, or say anything to take away from his own selfish happiness.
Sean/Conor: Sean knew his brother well, he knew that he's happier not being squashed into a group of people, forced to act happy. He knew this, and Conor appreciated not being made to act friendly with people he barely knew.
'You feel like coming back to my room tonight?' he smirked cheekily.
Tane: Tane smiled as he closed the distance between them, holding Q snugly against his chest as he sunk into the taste and feel of him. The fireworks booming overhead were a distant echo, the raucous cheering a faint buzz.
In that perfect moment there was nothing but Q, and though he wouldn't say it aloud, poured every single ounce of love and devotion he felt for this perfect man into their kiss.
"Happy New Year, my beautiful," he murmured.
Sash/Q: Sash was grinning from ear-to-ear. "Is your brother going-" he glanced up at the fireworks. No way Sean could possibly hear him. 'Is your brother going to be upset if I do?'
Tane's nose was attacked with a nip and a kiss. "Another year in our little town at our little bar. Not so bad." Not as boring as it used to be. He could feel...something, but that couldn't possibly be love. It was just alcohol and ecstasy.
"What do you wanna do now?"
Sean: 'We booked separate rooms.' he winked playfully, taking one of those hands to kiss.
Tane: Tane's smile was pure joy. "Not bad at all." He kissed Q again. "Now I wanna whisk you away and make love to you alllll night long."
Sash/Q: 'You want to share a night with me?' His smile faded. 'We don't have to have sex.'
Q was ready to turn and ask his brother if he would be alright, but by the time he faced the budding couple, Sash was already signing.
'You be alright here? I'm going with Sean to his place to chill.'
"Just to chill, huh?" he said and signed.
'Yeah. We'll be fine. I won't be stupid, promise.'
Q looked over to Sean. Please be careful with him, his eyes said.
Sean/Conor: Sean briefly felt confused. He had just been about to tell Sash tbe same thing - no reason to have expectations or pressure.
Conor noticed the conversation from a distance and looked concerned. Sean's knowing nod, you have my word as a big brother, gets interrupted by Conor tugging him aside.
'Are you sure this is a good idea?' signed in BSL so that hopefully Sash doesn't understand. Sean verbally responded in Irish, it will be fine, brother. He won't do anything stupid, he promised.
Conor didn't seem convinced... 'You're hoping to have sex with him, aren't you?' Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew. Ew.
Sean shoved his shoulder gently. Stop. Before returning to Sash's side. Great. Now the hybrid has that image in his head. Kill him.
"You ready, Sash?"
Sash/Q: Sash watched the two of them, and for a moment felt insulted. The offense didn't feel the same as someone might feel being interrupted, or having their mouth covered or signing cut short, but similar. He couldn't complain. One of the reasons Sash had opened himself to signing was because of its uniqueness and privacy.
"Ah, young love," Q laughed, turning from the conversation. He was on Conor's side, he was sure, assuming this was brotherly concern.
'Ready when you are,' Sash smiled. 'He give his blessing?'
Sean/Conor: 'He doesn't have to, I'm older.' Conor gave him a dirty look while Sean just smiled and offered his arm. Take it and he'll guide you through the crowd to his hotel.
{Text: Flower} Maybe I should've brought someo
Ah, no... He deletes that and tucks his phone away, noticing a girl who was watching him. Ew.
Tane: "Goes hand in hand with brotherly concern," Tane said with a smile, wrapping his arm around Q's shoulders. "Come on, let's leave them to it." He kissed his bartender's hair. "I've got plans for you."
Sash/Q: 'Arm in arm?' he laughed. 'What about hand swinging?' He took Sean's hand and swung the same way a parent would a child, just once, before kissing his knuckles. Lead him anywhere. He didn't care.
"You've made plans? Oo, look at you." Q turned back to the fireworks and sighed, content. He wanted a few more minutes of that.
"How's the family?"
Sean/Conor: Well clearly Conor won't be staying here, either. Thanks for bringing me into this super uncomfortable situation, Sean. He made a disgusted face before walking away from them all. He'll just head back to his hotel room, too.
Sean laughed, smiling brightly at the other. Hand swinging is fine if it's with you. He was torn between taking is time and walking briskly. He wanted to kiss Sash without any eyes on them. He wondered if the other felt the same.
Tane: "Oh, yes. We can't let that caramel sauce and cherry oil go to waste. Have to ring the new year in the right way."
Tane pulled his phone out of his pocket, smiling at the veritable flood of texts and voicemails. "In very good spirits. Wanna stay and watch the fireworks for a bit while I reply to some of these texts?"
Sash/Q: Sash didn't mind the eyes, so long as they were without malice. The asshole from before seemed to have left, or was still upstairs. So far so good.
He glanced behind, noticed Sean's brother.
"Coming with us?"
Q looked over to his phone and laughed. "Yeah. You deal with that. I think I'll make a quick video, too. Shouldn't take but five minutes."
Sean/Conor: 'I'm not here.' Conor signed. Sean hadn't realised his brother had left too and looked back in confusion.
"Why'd you leave?"
'Q and Tane were acting like I wasn't even there, so there would've been no point staying. They were too preoccupied with each other's mouths.'
Sean laughed, but his brother was being deadly serious.
"It isn't like you were tryna get involved in any conversation."
Conor just waved at him to stop before turning off to go walk alone. Sean rolled his eyes.
Tane: "Go for it," said Tane, stealing another quick kiss before listening to his voicemails. His very loud, cheerful, and slightly tipsy-sounding voicemails. As he'd suspected, his family was all together and shouting into the phone at the same time.
Sash/Q: Sash watched the both of them, then as Conor walked away, he turned back to Sean, concern in his eyes.
'Is he bothered that I'm coming with you? I don't want some fight because of me.'
Q angled his phone at the most attractive angle, and said his hellos to his fans. He recapped his night, including as he called it, a "spontaneous sexual encounter with a beautiful Australian", and not to worry, he had been safe.
"I hope everyone's had a great fucking night. Life's too short. See you soon!"
The video was then reviewed and posted to his RentMe profile.
Sean/Conor: Sean shook his head, 'He's upset because he's surrounded by...' well, he couldn't exactly say couples... 'people who are pairing off. You and I, Q and Tane. He's alone.'
Alone his ass. Conor had... uh...
Tane: There was no way in hell he'd be able to call his family with all this noise and all the noise they were obviously making, so Tane simply returned as many texts as he could, wishing everyone a happy new year, telling them to be safe, and promising that he would all tomorrow.
As soon as he finished, he looked up to see if Q had as well, holding out a hand in invitation.
Sash/Q: 'Should we do something with him, something where we're not making him uncomfortable?' The one and only time he would ask this. One chance, and he would be back to walking shoulder to shoulder with his...date? Yes, his date.
Tane's hand was taken. An attempt to pull the giant closer miserably failed, and so he carried himself forward on still tipsy feet.
"Let's go home and fuck." Life is short.
Sean: Wait, what?
'I want to be alone with you. You're going home soon, and he'll be fine. Is that selfish of me? Does that make me seem like a bad person?'
Tane: "You read my mind," Tane said with a grin, kissing Q as soon as he was close enough. "Would my beautiful bartender like to be carried to the hotel or would he rather walk?"
Sash/Q: 'I don't know. I want to be selfish, too. Do I get points for trying to be nice?' he quietly laughed. 'I am leaving. I like you. I don't want you to have a fucked up conversation with him next time you two are alone.'
"Well, since you offered, I'd love a piggy back ride back to our room," Q grinned. "I'll never say no to being carried."
Sean: 'I'll give you ten points. Now you're at a thousand Sean Points.' he joked, before shrugging. 'We'll be okay.' we have eternity to patch things up if not. 'Can we just enjoy our time together?' he offered his hand.
Tane: He chuckled. "I know you don't. And I'll never not offer." Tane gave Q another quick kiss and turned. "Hop on, gorgeous." It didn't matter if anyone stared at them; everyone might as well be invisible tonight.
Sash/Q: "But I'm already enjoying it," he laughed again, taking Sean's hand and squeezing it. Despite the commotion he couldn't hear, the buzzing vibrations of emotion and music, the crowds, family, there was only Sean Archer. That was the way he'd wanted it all night. It seemed he and Tane Lukela were of the same mindset.
Q climbed aboard with natural ease, wrapped his arms around his shoulders and settled in, his cheek resting in Tane's hair.
"You smell like shampoo and cigarettes. I blame the bathroom we were in."
Sean: Sash was only released once they reached Sean's hotel room. He opened the door, holding it out for the other to go in ahead of it. A double bed, a bag in the corner, clothes over a chair.
"The light switch is on the right."
Tane: "I do?" He brought the sleeve of his sweater to his nose and inhaled. Yep, that was smoke. Smoke and alcohol and Q.
He grinned.
"In that case, I think we're going to have to add shower sex to our itinerary for the night."
Sash/Q: Sash blinked and squinted, eyes focused on Sean's mouth. Something on the right. He looked and - ah, probably the switch. Maybe when he turned back around Sean would be naked.
"Does your mini fridge have baby bottles of booze?"
"Shower sex, bed sex, against the wall sex, pressed up against the glass doors to the balcony sex, on the bathroom counter sex. Am I missing any?" he laughed.
Sean: Sean definitely won't be naked. At most, he'll shrug off his jacket.
'Not for you.' he smiled, slowly closing the gap between them. A hand gently places on Sash's face, feeling his skin with a thumb. Green eyes look into the other's.
Tane: Tane considered the list very carefully, nodding after each location listed. "Sounds about right," he said seriously, though Q would be able to hear the smile in his voice. "We should get started immediately, starting with shower sex."
Sash/Q: "What?" He frowned. "I get not having a drink at the club, but there's no cameras in here...unless you want there to be." Well, fuck, he leaned into his hand anyway.
"Shower sex sounds so fucking good right now." As soon as they arrived at the hotel Tane was going to lose his shirt, his pants, every-fucking-thing. If the bouncer wanted equal treatment, well, he'd have to wrestle for it.
Sean: An eyebrow raises. What? "A camera?" he smirked. "You're bold, aren't ya?" Sash is brought in for a slow kiss. "I don't want alcohol t'influence any of your actions."
Tane: "Yes, it does." Everything on that list sounded good and he fully intended to get through it all and reduce Q to a very satisfied puddle.
He laughed as Q divested him of every article of clothing, and of course he wanted Q to join him. He would chase, he would grab, and he would wrestle, not resting until his beautiful bartender was naked in his arms and Tane was carrying him to the shower.
Sash/Q: "I'm gonna want you now or if I have a shot of tequila, or ten shots of tequila. You're not taking advantage of me." He would however, take advantage of his nearness, of his inviting mouth, and offer his tongue.
It was a half-hearted wrestling match, one Tane had more muscle and patience to prevail. His prize was plenty content to settle in his arms and squeeze his bicep.
Sean: Sean would be taking no chances. The human is kissed generously. Lips brushed over lips, hands explored as feet took him forward, guiding Sash backwards to encourage him to sit on the bed. He wanted to climb into his lap. He wanted to taste his tongue and let it make his heart sing.
Oh, how freeing this all was.
Much more free than Conor felt, who was staring at his phone, at the pictures they had all taken together. The one Sean had sent to Bo. He was probably doing what everyone else was, kissing their partner and getting nasty in privacy. He exhaled, putting his phone away just as he was approached.
Tane: "Hold on tight, gorgeous," Tane told Q, kissing his hair. "We're gonna try to do this without my having to put you down."
By 'this' he meant freeing one arm turning on the shower, getting it to a comfortable temperature, and stepping inside, all without Q leaving his arms.
Sash/Q/Bo: Closer towards everything is how Sash felt. Sean was drawing nearer and the bed that much closer. He felt the mattress behind his knees and he buckled, taking his lover with him. He didn't want those lips to stray more than an inch. He wanted to see bare skin as though for the first time.
"I wanna see everything. I'll show you mine if you show me yours," he laughed.
Bo had taken a shower alone. There would be no intercourse tonight or any other night. However, there would be spooning. Something about tonight made him feel so miserably lonely, despite Brett hugging him from behind.
That was fine by Q. He was making himself comfortable with his monkey hold, clinging with his legs around Tane's thighs, his arms around his neck. He could maintain this stance for hours, or so he believed. Minutes at best.
"Good job," he praised. "Now tilt your head back." Not at all said to be helpful. He just wanted to kiss his throat.
Sean: Sean licked his lips and grinned. "Everythin', huh?" He chuckled. "Are undressin' ourselves or each other?" Fingers that teased Sash's hem, barely brushed against his skin, showed him which option he preferred.
Tane/Brett: The lack of intercourse mattered very little to Brett, as it always did. While Bo showered, he locked up the house and set their alarm, got a toy and a blanket for a certain sleepy puppy so the fireworks wouldn't scare him.
And once the house was safe he was more than happy to snuggle in beside his boyfriend, to hold him close and kiss his hair and thank God and all the saints in heaven that he'd gotten another year with the man he loved.
Miles away in a hotel bathroom, Tane was giving the same thanks as he did as the precious man in his arms commanded. He hummed softly, holding to Q with both arms again.
"How's the water?" he asked.
Sash/Q: I like the idea of undressing you. A thought which he wouldn't bother to say, as he lifted Sean's shirt in response. The fireworks continued though abating, unheard, but the colors dancing on Sean's skin was something to behold. Sash sat back on his elbows and grinned.
"You look like a painting," he laughed.
Q glanced up, momentarily confused as to what Tane was even talking about. Oh right. Duh.
"Not nearly as boring as taking a shower by myself." He softly nipped at soft, warm skin. Quietly, he marveled at how gracefully and yet how harshly this man had aged. Scars over supple skin, sun kissed yet conditioned. He hoped to age like this. Less battle wounds, but...
Sean: It was so easy to smile. The situation was just... beautiful. It felt almost like a dream. He leaned back and lifted his arms, encouraging the action. Yes. Let's be free together. Let's be generous with ourselves.
The compliment had him chuckling - for that, he'll pose as flamboyantly as possible, fluttering long eyelashes and pretending to flick back long, flowing hair. But now it's Sash's turn. Hands reach for material, to tug and guide it all away to get Sash's chest just as bare as his own.
Tane: "Well I should hope not," Tane chuckled, nuzzling as Q explored him. "Otherwise I'm not doing my job." He liked to think his scars had healed well, and for the most part he didn't mind them. His chest hair either covered them or they were so faded he barely noticed them. There were only a few that brought him shame, however, and they had nothing do with his age. "What's going on in that head of yours, beautiful?"
Sash/Q: Sash held up an invisible camera and snapped a photo, even going so far as to make a click sound. Gotta have that shutter. He then lifted his arms into the air, giving Sean all the aid needed to make them equal. An iridescent star sticker had been placed over his heart sometime in the night. The human glanced to his left arm, covered in 8-bit tattoos. His smile turned sheepish, but still, he twisted his arm this way and that for Sean to see. Pacman chasing Inky, Clyde, Blinky, and Pinky on his forearm; an 8-bit mushroom above his elbow; three little hearts on the other side of his forearm just below his elbow. He gave a thumbs up, revealing a tiny and simple smiley face on his thumb.
"Just that you're great to look at," Q laughed. "And I need to probably get down. My thighs are starting to feel like rubber."
Carefully he climbed down and stretched his arms, twisted his back, and yawned. "Fuck, how am I already tired? It's not even 1 am yet."
Sean: Well, that just made him laugh. "This is what happens when they let hooligans get tattoos." he joked. The only tattoo he had was on his right hand. Cursive writing that said 'Meara'. He showed it and flicked his wrist. "My ma's name."
But that didn't matter. He was going to busy himself with kissing those ridiculous tattoos, even that thumb - which he had noticed multiple times during their signed conversations.
Tane: "Right back at you, gorgeous." Tane kissed Q's temples, keeping Q close in order to steady him should his legs betray him.
"I wore you out." He reached for the shampoo. "I'm about to wear you out more." Very gently and lovingly.
Sash/Q: "Whooo-?" What was that? Whoo - no. Hoola - whatever. He was easily distracted by the name Meara.
'Cute.' How sweet to have a mother worth inking.
Back to marveling at how fucking gorgeous this man was kissing so many inches of his body as though he mattered. He felt handsome; he felt desired. That earned an open mouth kiss from the human, humming faintly.
"Is that a promise?" Q purred. Long fingers combed through Tane's hair, gently tugged just because he could. "Could start now. Get on your knees and put your face right where I need to fuck your mouth."
Sean: Of course Sash was handsome. Of course he was desired. He was that and more. Sean never wanted him to leave. Stay. Stay. Please, please stay. Wait - had he been saying that out loud? At most it had been whispered against Sash's lips, so hopefully it would go unnoticed.
He gently moved to get Sash onto his back, wanting to press his lips to the human's throat and then explore his ear with his tongue and teeth.
Tane: "It's a promise." He grinned as Q tugged on his hair, pouring shampoo into his palm and gently massaging it into his bartender's curls.
"Is that what my beautiful wants?" He stole a kiss. "Patience. We've got all the time in the world for me to drive you absolutely crazy." He was going to work his way down that body more than once tonight.
Sash/Q: There was something in between those kisses, but he couldn't make out what Sean was saying, not with his eyes closed. When he finally opened his eyes, there was a tongue by his ear. He lost his damn mind with laughter.
"Sorry," he giggled, "that fucking tickles."
Tane was much too sweet and generous. If those hands remained in his hair for much longer he was going to get sleepy.
"I gotta undo what you just did. Shitty hotel shampoo is gonna give me Bob Ross hair." Hell, by now the bouncer knew his routine. They'd spent enough nights together, but that meant more pampering.
"Lean down. It's your turn."
Sean: Sean quickly reacted by leaning away. He laughed too, "Yeah?" So what if he did it one more time, will Sash laugh again? Because that was really fucking cute and it caused the reaper to smile like crazy.
Tane: "It's just to get the club smell out. Got something extra powerful to counteract it." Tane nodded toward the counter, where a pretty bottle of fancy looking conditioner waited. Because yes, Tane Lukela had even prepared for that. He might as well be a boy scout tonight. "June got it from the flower shop owner's cousin and it's supposed to be the greatest conditioner known to man. And it smells like coconut."
He obediently leaned down and ducked his head, taking the opportunity to steal another kiss from Q.
Sash/Q: "No!" he nearly screamed. His attempt to push Sean away was limp at best, though his legs were alive with kicks of protest. "God, no! Stop! Haha!"
"You got me a special conditioner?" This man was just looking for brownie points, thought with utter amusement as he began to shampoo his hair.
"Didn't you make a new year’s resolution?"
Sean: Sean laughed against Sash's skin. Soon enough he felt terrible and instead resumed kissing his neck, pressing in between his thighs, holding just above his knee in place to prevent further kicking.
Tane: "Of course I did." As much as he'd love to see what Q looked like with Bob Ross hair. Perhaps another time.
"Yep. To make up with Logan and to spoil you as much as possible," he said with a grin.
Sash/Q: Laughter soon died as he was held in place. He tested Sean's strength, more curious of his commitment to restraining him.
"Think you're so tough," he sighed, quelled by those soft kisses.
"We have a date set for seeing her. Either you'll get some kind of closure or it's gonna go over really well. Just be patient, Tane." He was going to ignore the part about himself.
Sean: Sean's grip tightened, only a fraction to ensure he wasn't shoved away needlessly.
"Yeah. Tough enough to take you on." Purred before offering his tongue to Sash's mouth.
Tane: Tane nodded. "I know, and I will." He had to trust and believe that everything was going to go well. A negative attitude wasn't going to do anyone any favors.
"Still going to spoil you though."
Sash/Q: Despite his grip, Sash wasn't unnerved, not remotely worried about where this would lead. He welcomed Sean's tongue with a playful bite, sucked in apology. Kisses and bare chests was enough to firm between his legs.
"You spoil me enough," said Q in scolding tone, his chest lightly tapped. "Now rinse and give up the conditioner."
While lathered in, he thought. "So, what are you going to say to her?"
Sean: A quiet sound of pleasure accompanies Sean's roaming hand. It slips from thigh to ass. The human wasn't alone in this, his companion was also hardening.
"I love your body."
Tane: I don't spoil you nearly enough, Tane thought as he ducked underneath the spray and blindly reached for the bottle of conditioner sitting on the counter.
When the shampoo was all rinsed out he said, "I'm not sure. Thinking I'll just follow her lead, answer her questions. I don't want her to feel pressured."
Sash/Q: "What?" asked softly. He almost hadn't caught that. He really needed to train his eyes to remain open. People had a tendency to talk to him during these delicate moments. It should have been irritating, but he smiled. "Say it again." Sean would have to repeat while Sash pressed into him, curious to know how their cocks, constrained by clothing, would feel.
"If you look like tight ass that won't help, either. When the time comes, just relax, okay? I'll even give you a massage the night before," he smiled, wet strands of curl hiding his closed eyes. "Maybe! maybe even ride you. Eh? Would you like that?" he laughed.
Sean: It's also Sean's fault, he should know better, but he couldn't help himself. It also reminded him that Sash would be unable to hear any moans or sounds of pleasure if it came to that... which saddened him, quite a bit.
Inhaling sharply he bit his lip. The reaper leaned away to speak again, "I love your body." Which... having now repeated it he felt silly for saying. "Sorry." His smile was sheepish though charming.
Tane: "I'm nervous about looking the opposite. Too eager, too hopeful." Too desperate to connect with Logan.
He was in the middle of taking a deep breath when he chuckled. "Now who's spoiling who? Bring those curls over here." Tane took over lathering the conditioner into Q's hair, treating every strand like a precious object. "Of course I would, gorgeous." He kissed Q's shoulder. "I always do."
Sash/Q: "You love it?" He grinned. "Yours ain't so bad, either. Why don't you show me all of it." He pressed again. He wanted very much to see what he was feeling; he wanted to taste clean hot skin and kiss between his legs and possibly fuck until dawn. It could have been the festivities and the adrenaline, maybe the drink he'd had with a woman when no one was looking. Whatever it was, hadn't thought about it; it didn't matter.
"You always want me to ride you?" he hummed, entranced by Tane's skillful scalp massage. "Fine. No other position for you. Just me dancing on your cock day in and day out."
Nails lightly raked over his stomach, hip, thigh. "Hey..."
Sean: As in, he could really get used to it.
"It would only be fair if you did the same..." Fingers unfasten Sash's trousers, though he doesn't start to pull them down. He was still giving Sash every opportunity to change his mind.
Tane: Tane smiled. "I meant I always love it when you do. But if you want to ride me day in and day out, you will not hear me complaining."
He repaid the affection with another kiss to Q's shoulder, adding one to the corner of his mouth for good measure. "Yes?"
Sash/Q: Sash watched those hands intently. His mouth felt dry enough to moisten. This was going to go somewhere, and just knowing was enough to flutter his stomach with anticipation.
Finally, a breathy command was given. "Don't stop."
Q chewed the corner of his lip in though. After a moment he shook his head. "It's nothing. Lean down." Time to condition his hair as well.
Sean: Sean nodded. Hands got a grip and slowly started to tug them down. His gaze is purposefully only on Sash's face. He has all night to look at his body, but it was important than he ensured Sash was truly comfortable with this. He didn't want this to be a mistake, he didn't want this ruin anything, and he of all people was aware of how damaging sex can be.
If the other was perfectly happy with it Sean would lean away to pull him free of his trousers, any shoes and a single sock coming with it.
Tane: Tane gave Q a quizzical look but leaned down anyway. He didn't want to dampen the spirit of their night and if Q didn't want to talk about what was on his mind, Tane wouldn't push. They could always talk tomorrow.
"How are you liking this conditioner?" he asked instead. "Smells really good."
Sash/Q: Sean was watching Sash's expression, but the human underneath him was focused on his hands. He liked the contrast of their skin tones, of how masculine yet soft they seemed. He wondered if those were the hands a dancer was meant to have. Something to strive for. He didn't bother to ask if the Irishman liked what he saw.
Hands quietly reached out for Sean's jeans. Now it was his turn. This required all of his attention, going so far as to get on his knees.
A few blocks away, Q was smiling.
"Feels good. Not the biggest fan of coconut, but this isn't bad. Reminds me of sunblock, you know?" Reminds me of you.
"So, when are you gonna let me suck your cock, hmm? After I rinse your hair?"
Sean: Sean moved so that Sash could easily undress him. Sash could take whatever he wanted, he wouldn't mind... but as soon as he was free his mouth would go straight for Sash's neck, wanting to adore his throat with kisses and tasting before lowering down his body. He would continue down for as long as he'd be allowed, until coming to a stop at Sash's crotch. A wet tongue would meet the human's bulge over underwear as green eyes raise to focus on his face.
Tane: "I do. I think there's something else mixed in here though." Tane leaned in, inhaled. "Pineapple? Orange? Something sweet."
He grinned to himself. Q said that so matter-of-factly, like they were walking about the weather or going or a stroll. "That sounds just fine to me. Want to suck mine first or want me to suck yours?"
Sash/Q: Sash had no intention of leaving Sean's underwear. Everything must go. He didn't have the patience his host seemed to possess and why bother? At least while he was tasted he could press their bodies together, torment with his cotton barrier of boxer briefs.
Green eyes looked into green. He glanced to himself, to the wet spot which had formed the moment he'd seen Sean's flushed cock.
'Lay back.'
"It's pineapple," he nodded. "I'd rather fuck your mouth, but why not have both?" he grinned. "We've got all night. But," firmly placed hands squeezed on wide shoulders, massaged their way up to his scalp, "get on your knees, T."
Sean: Lay back? He obviously doesn't want a blowjob then. That's fine. He'll raise to lay back on the bed, getting comfortable against a set of pillows.
Tane: "Yes we do," Tane agreed with a smile, pulling Q into a languid kiss before letting his lips wander all the way down his bartender's neck and torso until he reached his groin. Q's cock was given the same loving treatment as the rest of him; it was kissed and nuzzled and tasted at a slow but determined pace, coaxed into full hardness before being taken into Tane's mouth.
Sash/Q: Oh, wow. He hadn't expected the scene to be so perfect. This was a warm body, but somehow Sean made lying back an art. Don't touch the art, dammit, his mother would say at each and every museum and gallery. The rule would be broken tonight.
Sash leaned up, cupped Sean's face with both hands and kissed. He wondered if offering his tongue again would trigger something from his crotch. He reached between his legs to see and feel for himself, breaking their kiss to observe as he squeezed.
Q remained perfectly still, watching with nearly neutral expression as Tane obediently kneeled and filled his mouth. Flickers of warmth in his eyes revealed the truth. He was saving his composure to be broken later in the night. For now, he would pace himself, finger combing the knots from the larger man's hair, and hum.
Sean: Those lips could remain against his for eternity and he'd never tire of the sensation they sent all throughout his body. Such kisses could only be labelled as magical, and so they would be.
The reaper was left breathes and staring. He calmly moved fingertips over Sash's cheek, as if attempting to soothe him and put him to sleep.
"I want you t'know there's no pressure." Said and signed when he felt like it would be noticed. "I won't be disappointed. You should be honest with me about how you feel."
Tane: Ordinarily such seeming neutrality would've made Tane want to work extra hard to crack his partner's composure and delight in it but it was as Q had said. They had all night long. The opportunity to send that neutral expression flying out the window would soon present itself.
Again, Tane thought to himself, resting his hands on Q's hips and relaxing his throat to take him all the way to the hilt, giving a hum of his own. He would follow Q's lead, indulging himself in exploring everywhere he could while his bartender's hands were busy detangling his hair.
Sash/Q: As opposed to a lie, he thought, smiling. Not disappointed, right, he nodded, playing along as though seriously considering those words, all the while stroking from base to tip.
"This feels pretty good," he laughed.
"Jesus," Q whispered, "your mouth feels so fucking good. Stay just like that." All untangled just to trap his fingers again and lightly pull him back. Back and forth. One of his favorite pastimes, and finally they were utterly alone. He could fuck that perfect mouth at his leisure.
Sean: Yes, exactly instead of a lie. Instead of enduring something you aren't enjoying. Sash's nod was enough for Sean to allow himself to enjoy this. He relaxed and exhaled, smiling lazily. A quiet moan was released.
Tane: Q's wish was Tane's command. He was content to let Q maneuver him as he wished, humming and swallowing around that beautiful cock to make sure each slow thrust was as pleasurable as possible while his hands continued to wander.
He massaged Q's hips and thighs and ass, fondled his scrotum, brushed his fingers lightly over his perineum. Q might've been the one fucking his mouth, but Tane Lukela was still making love to him.
Sash/Q: "What does your voice sound like?" asked mid stroke. He had no intention of stopping, ready to eat up Sean's reaction.
All the while, Q couldn't keep quiet if only to save his life. Tilting his head back against the cold tile, his mind was lost in a blissful flood of ecstasy.
"Goddammit, T. Fuck. Ahn, fuck."
Sean: "What?" He laughs, letting out a gentle sigh. He wrapped a hand around Sash's, encouraging a tighter hand. "You tell me." It sounds like a strained purr.
Tane: The only thing keeping Tane from smiling from ear to ear was the fact that his mouth was currently occupied. That was exactly what he'd wanted to hear, what he hoped to hear for the rest of the night.
He continued to massage Q's perineum and scrotum, touch still gentle but far more deliberate, giving his bartender a taste of what Tane's mouth and tongue were going to do later.
Sash/Q: "I've been guessing," he mused, seemingly to himself. His fingers became obediently rigid, teasing the tip of his cock with every stroke. "Warm, deep, breathy right now," he grinned.
Q placed his foot on the edge of the tub. Perhaps an offering, but he wouldn't say. He was obsessed with that mouth and fucking it with gusto. Happy fucking new year.
"I..." Not the L word. How fucking cliché. No. "...love that mouth."
Sean: Teeth dig into a pink lip. "Like that..." He whispered.
"You're definitely takin' my breath away." Fingers caress the human's jaw. He couldn't really answer the question, he didn't know what his voice sounded like well enough to describe it. People always had distorted views of how they sound.
Tane: Well now. What did we have here? It would be incredibly rude of Tane not to take advantage of such an invitation. Damn near criminal, in fact.
He hummed softly in response, never losing an ounce of concentration as he let the fingers of one hand brush over Q's entrance, teasing, exploring. Would it get more of those lovely sounds from Q? Tane just had to find out.
Sash/Q: … breath away. Oh. He'd taken his breath away. That's what he thought he read from those lips. He leaned forward with the intent to silence, offering his tongue for affection, which felt like some distorted promise. Down his body he kissed until he reached his hand. Each hesitant breath warmed the tip of his cock. His mouth was much warmer.
First a gasp, then a laugh. "Ah, what's that hand doing?" asked the bartender. "Deeper, baby. Ahn - Deeper and kiss me." Suddenly, all he wanted was Tane's mouth against his own. He could cover Tane's face in his climax in a minute.
Sean: Sean's breathing stuttered in his throat. Oh. Oh. Sean was still, patient. He was allowing Sash to explore, discover what he wanted and what he liked.
He refused to be a bad experience. He refused to be a bad memory. He'd never forgive himself for hurting the other, for potentially scaring him away with his masculinity. He didn't want Sash to ever feel badly for enjoying his sexuality. That would not be something the reaper would take from him.
Tane: Tane's grin was finally visible as he released Q's erection and kissed his way back up that beautiful body until reaching his lips. If Q wanted a kiss, then Tane was going to kiss the breath out of him.
But not without letting his bartender keep feeling him, not without a finger or two breaching him, searching for his sweet spot.
Sash/Q: Sash could swear he felt that shudder all the way through to his feet. He could see the results of his touch, his breath, and it drove him to suck as much of the older man's cock into his mouth and down his throat as his body would allow without gagging. The taste was unexpectedly simple; skin and a hint of something salty, nothing so disgusting as to spit him out.
Tane would feel every shuddered breath, gasp, and groan. Fuck. Fuck. Why did his body feel so tight suddenly? Why, he wondered, did his stomach feel as though it were lurching up into his throat? Butterflies. Of all the hours, the nights to feel so rejuvenated...it had to be the festivities, the hype of the new year and new resolutions to break. A new man to love and lose.
No, not that word again.
"Your hands are - ah - too slow."
Sean: A low rumble moved through Sean, he tilted his head back and breathed through parted lips. Eyes close and he sighs. "Focáil-" fuck. "go mothaíonn maith." That feels good. "Ná stad." Don't stop. "More."
Tane: "Too slow?" Tane asked, feigning innocence as he tilted his head and deepened their kiss, wanting to take in all those lovely sounds while he sped his pace.
Not too much too quickly of course; steadily, so he could see what each increase did to Q. Would he get more of those lovely whimpers the faster his hands got? As he added a third finger and lovingly and unrelentingly massaged Q's prostate?
Sash/Q: Sash blinked several times, again confused by his lip reading. He could assume it was his awkward angle, or Sean speaking Irish, but quietly it was quite irritating. Being deaf in general was an irritant for him, but he refused to allow his setback to spoil his evening. Sean was enjoying himself, and that in turn was so fucking arousing. So much so that he had to reach between his legs to squeeze himself.
Tane managed to successfully reduce his lover into a whimpering mess, moaning his name with every other breath, warning him of his appending orgasm. The bouncer had him down to a science. He couldn't recall when exactly Tane had mastered his body, but in that moment, chest heaving, cock swollen and tearful, he was a slave to his will.
"T-Tane...I - I'm gonna cum."
Sean: It wasn't being done on purpose. It was automatic. Instinct. He didn't have the headspace to translate. He didn't have the ability to focus enough on English to speak the language.
He reached down to feel Sash's hair, hopefully offering... anything.
Tane: That's it, Tane thought, his smile once again hidden by his busy mouth. That was exactly what he'd been after. He swallowed each and every one of those moans and sweet whimpers, glorying in them, letting them spur him on.
"I've got you, my beautiful," he murmured, placing one final kiss to Q's lips before moving back down his body and taking him into his mouth again, hand never stopping, encouraging his gorgeous bartender to let go.
Sash/Q: Sash tried to create a rhythm between his clumsy self-stroking and sucking up and down his gorgeous lover's cock. This was all still new for him. His jaw felt sore and eager to surrender. He couldn't for the life of him figure out how people could do this on a day-to-day basis.
He had to sit up, allow his mouth a moment to rest. He could use both hands. This ambidextrous feat he could do with ease.
Q had no qualms whatsoever with filling Tane Lukela's mouth with his orgasm. The bouncer wanted it, after all. It would be rude to deny his lover after such splendor.
Both hands squeezed and attempted to tangle his silly dark hair.
"You're so fucking good at that," he panted. "Fuck, baby."
Sean: Sean knew exactly how people could do this daily, and he'd gladly be on the giving and receiving end for as long as Sash was willing.
He exhaled when Sash left his erection wet with saliva and out to be hit by the cold air. Biting down his lip a gently hand encouraged the other to feel his balls, to explore.
"Get on your back." let me show you what I can do.
Tane: Tane hummed softly around Q's erection, mouth and hand both gentling little by little as he worked Q through his climax. Both were removed once his lover had completely spent himself, but Tane couldn't resist kissing all over Q's thighs and abdomen and letting himself enjoy the hands in his hair before returning home to those lips.
"And you did so good," he murmured. "Sounded so beautiful."
Sash/Q: Sash didn't have to be told twice. As he laid back, he took Sean's hand with him, placing it between his legs. If he was going to explore, he wanted his lover to follow his trail. Something about multiple hands admiring his body was so incredibly arousing.
Tane would find eager lips awaiting him; his tired tongue gently asked for entry. "Something about good, yeah," laughed the escort. "Mm, beautiful...that's you. Now you can carry me to bed and put your dick in my mouth. Where it belongs." Wanting an all-nighter wasn't just a sweet nothing promise.
Sean: Fingers feel and press into Sash confidently but carefully, he was confident the actions would feel nice but still wanted to keep on top of Sash's reactions.
His lips press to the human's jaw, coat his neck in kisses, and work their way up to his earlobe and behind it. His tongue very much enjoyed the journey.
Tane: Entry was granted in a far gentler and calmer way than it was a few moments ago. Tane just wanted to savor Q for a bit, to enjoy him in every way possible.
"Whatever my beautiful wants, my beautiful gets." Tane finished washing and rinsing them both off, stepping out of the shower first so he could wrap Q up in a towel and carry him to bed. The urge to hold him and nuzzle and kiss him was just as strong as the desire to make love to him over and over and over again.
He had every intention of doing both before the sun came up.
The moment Q was placed on the bed, Tane was kissing him again.
Sash/Q: Sash watched his hands, caressing his own over and under his fingers. He wished he could hear the noises Sean made before, but his lamenting was short-lived. He could appreciate what was in front of him, what he could experience without interruption.
"Kiss me." He would remember this for the rest of his life, or so he hoped.
Q laughed the moment he was lifted, tucking his knees closer to his chest. He felt so safe in those sizable arms. He knew Tane was aware of how he appreciated and admired his body. How could he not?
The moment his back touched the bed the towel was unraveled, arms wrapped around his neck, and he lost himself in their kiss.
Sean: Sean did as instructed, giving the human lips and tongue, practiced yet spontaneous in its passion. He pressed down closer needing him, wanting him. His hard cock throbbed at the anticipation until he couldn't wait any longer. A hand wasn't enough.
Soon his mouth was back to exploring, it travelled downwards and further down until finding his crotch. Green eyes look up to Sash, both to ensure any form of communication wasn't missed and to show Sash how very sure about this he was. A tongue pushed into the slit. He wanted the familiar taste of precum.
Tane: Oh, Tane was aware. Tane was more than aware. Q's love and admiration of his physique never failed to flatter or make him smile, especially on the days he didn't feel particularly attractive.
He all but draped himself over his bartender, lifting those beautiful legs of his and wrapping them around his waist. He would give Q what he wanted, but Tane just wanted to be completely enveloped by him for a moment, to feel every bit of skin pressed together as he slowly devoured his lover with kisses.
"So beautiful," he murmured. "My beautiful Q."
Sash/Q: Sash could say for a split second he had forgotten about the rest of his body, forgotten everything but the taste of Sean's tongue and how supple his lips felt. The moment was over as soon as it begun, and his lover was moving on. He watched on elbows, stomach softly rising and falling with even breaths.
"Sea - ahn." Whatever he had intended to say was lost.
Tane had succeeded in making his companion laugh, kissing his body as though it were a competition.
"Yours?" he teased. "I mean, I guess I'm yours." That throat needed a mark of claim. "I saw you give that redhead the eye for mentally undressing me."
Sean: The reaper's hand smoothed along the bed, feeling the material, searching for Sash's fingers. He wondered what kind of music would be playing if this was a movie. An instrumental. Piano. Nothing raunchy, nothing to cheapen the moment or make it too average - piano, a harp, the violin. Just beautiful sounds that Sash would hear, too. His mouth lowered, expertly closing around the human as his tongue explored his shaft.
Tane: Tane's grin was all affection and triumph, doubling down on the love to Q's body now that Q had decided to join him. "All mine, gorgeous. Beautifully, perfectly mine." A long, languid kiss was placed to Q's lips.
"Did you now? Well he deserved it. Some random redhead isn't worthy of mentally undressing you. That's my job."
Sash/Q: "Sean," he breathed. "Sean, fuck." Sash was aware of how vocal he could be. Concern just wasn't applicable. He wanted to comb his fingers through his lover's hair, but alas. That didn't stop him from trying and enjoying the prickly sensation. Every little movement was felt, and with such sensitivity, it would be just moments until the human unintentionally released. Sean would have to be very careful.
"Just your job? It's my job to make people want to mentally and physically undress me." His smile widened. "I'm off duty when I'm with you." Really, Tane had nothing to worry about.
He kissed him, softly as was given. "Spread out for me. It's my turn."
Sean: That's okay. That's okay. Sean understood, and he was nothing but a true sport about it. He swallowed with a soft cringe and wiped his mouth. Up onto his hands he went to hover over the lovely human. He had a very proud smile on his face.
Tane: "My job and my pleasure, gorgeous," he said, returning that beautiful smile and kissing it some more. "And you're very good at it." While he wasn't insecure in the least, Tane stood by his statement. That redhead simply wasn't worthy.
Tane obliged with another smile, shifting so he was laying on his back and stretching, knowing exactly how much Q loved it when all his muscles were on display.
Sash/Q: 'I'm sorry,' he signed, silently laughing at his own misgivings. Not nearly as embarrassed as he thought he should have been, he reached out for his partner to hold to his chest.
"You need to cum," he whispered.
Q leaned back to watch and remembered what he had brought for just this occasion. He felt for his backpack and the camera somewhere within.
"Stay like that."
Sean: Sean tutted and shook his head. No need. "It's a compliment." or did it just speak volumes about Sash's inexperience? Whatever the reason, Sean was glad to be the one to have witnessed that, at least he could trust himself to respond respectfully to it.
"You feel like helpin' me or are you about to fall asleep?" he asked before kissing across his jaw.
Tane: "You got it, gorgeous." Tane didn't have to be told twice. He was perfectly comfortable stretching for Q's enjoyment while Q was....
"What are you looking for in there?"
Sash/Q: 'First one then the other?' But before all of that he was going to steal himself a kiss or two.
"My camera. I swear I put it in here." He'd meant to bring it for Sash and capturing the fireworks with him. He had forgotten that Sean and his taciturn brother were going to tag along.
Sean: Oh, a kiss after swallowing his cum? How generous. He smiled softly against the other's lips.
"How are you goin' t'help me cum?"
Tane: Tane chuckled softly. "Ah yes, you want pretty pictures of me for when you miss me. Could always use your phone."
Sash/Q: 'What do you want me to do?' Walk me through your fantasy. I'll see if I can handle it.
"I could, but my camera has better - Here we fucking go."
First experimental picture, Tane as he was, no additional posing. He was going to keep these for a lifetime.
Sean: Wow. He hadn't been expecting that. What does he want Sash to do? Nothing penetrative, he wouldn't ask that of Sash, not yet. That's an entirely different ballgame and nobody had prepared for that.
"How do you feel about dancin' for me?"
Tane: As Tane was meant the photo would show him completely relaxed, stretched out with the languid grace of a cat as he smiled fondly at Q.
"How do I look?"
Sash/Q: 'Are you going to jerk off while I do it?' Obviously he didn't find the notion disgusting, given the wide grin on his face.
"You look like you've done this before." And he wanted to see those photos as well. "Turn around and show me that ass."
Sean: Sean bites his lips and nods. "If you're any good." He teases.
Tane: "Does posing nude for an art class count?" Because he'd definitely done that a few times when he'd needed some extra cash.
Tane turned over onto his stomach, wiggling to make Q laugh.
Sash/Q: Was that a challenge? Accepted. 'Never danced for someone with my clothes off before.' Just a warning in case it was god awful. He got to his feet and stretched with arms high above his head.
"I want the art from the class." He wondered if anyone still admired their work from time to time. How could they not?
The camera was set aside long enough to caress perfect ass in two greedy hands.
"Would you let me fuck you?"
Sean: Sean's smile was going nowhere. He moved towards the edge of the bed to sit up and spread his thighs. Eyes greedily take in every inch of the other... he was more than ready for this.
Tane: Tane smiled to himself. "You can have it all. The professor that taught the class made prints of the best pieces and gave them to me as a thank you. They're back in Hawaii." They could get them the next time they went.
He hummed, delighted at the warmth of Q's hands. "Of course I would. It's you. Been a long time since someone did though so I'm probably rusty." And tight.
Sash/Q: Sash wished he was wearing something for the sake of removing as part of his performance. Maybe next time, if there would be a next time. Watching Sean adjust to the edge of the bed...he hoped. He didn't want this to be labeled, but...that word kept reappearing in thought.
I sure hope to see you again tomorrow.
'No vibrations.' So he'd have to make something up. A slow roll of his hips, arms where they loved to be, over his head.
"Yeah? No one's allowed in your temple?" He would honor his body with a kiss...and a bite. "I'll go nice and slow for you."
Sean: That's fine. Even if they had put music on Sean would not be able to hear it. He watched the way Sash stretched and licked his lips. Yes. Yes. For a few moments he stared - unable to do anything else, dumbfounded by Sash's beauty. It would be clear on his face, how entranced he truly was. Hopefully that didn't make the human stop, if not his hand would eventually find his cock.
Tane: "Not for a long time." The last person didn't even bear thinking about. Q already knew about his asshole ex.
He gave a small grin. "I have no doubt you will. Before or after I make myself at home in your mouth?"
Sash/Q: It damn near did, but only because he'd never seen anyone stare at him the way Sean did. There were lecherous eyes once in a while, yes, but Sean's intensity was surpassed by no one. Those eyes almost seemed to look through him into some place much deeper. Maybe he could. A part of him believed he could.
Ah, but the moment his hand came into contact with his cock, the dancing came to a halt, dropping onto his knees between Sean's legs.
"I want you to cum first...and last," Q grinned. "A whole new session. Earlier today doesn't count. How about I help you cum by fucking you, and then I polish you off with my tongue?"
Sean: His back straightened when Sash lowered. A smile crept up on his lips. As he continued to pump his free hand reached for the human's face, feeling his jaw, his bone structure, all of him with a curious and gentle touch.
Tane: Tane grinned back, shifting so he could pull Q on top of him and into his arms, where he'd be kissed as sweetly as he deserved.
"Sounds like a perfect plan," he murmured.
Sash/Q: Sash leaned his face into Sean's hand. Only for a moment. He wanted the taste of Sean's mouth, graze his lips over his stomach, suck his cock with gusto. His skin flushed with exhilaration. Sean would bear witness to every gentle heave of his chest and every little hum of pleasure.
Tonight he would be submissive, because why not? Tomorrow he could be dominant. It didn't really matter with Sean. He would suck him off until his lover wanted something else. He would lie in bed with him, naked, and talk about anything and everything. If this man wanted to explore him he needn't ask.
The human would refuse to sleep. It was a necessity for the drive home, not for what he thought would be his only night to experience what it would be like to date Sean Archer.
 For Q, there was nothing but a sense of serenity. He was in his element. He had hours of Tane to himself, but he would have the same luxury at any time he chose. His pacing was due to the same mindset of his brother, a rationality to the very thing Sash didn't believe he had. Time.
Kisses, conversations. Fingers slowly circled and invaded. There would not be a moment allowed to register discomfort. Lubrication had been packed in his duffle bag for this very reason. Condoms, poppers, and a pair of handcuffs, if Tane was interested.
Tane: The only things Tane needed to spend the night in pleasure-drenched comfort were Q, plenty of lube, and a bit of patience. The handcuffs were a nice surprise though, and just what he needed to keep his beautiful bartender still while he made use of all that caramel sauce he'd bought for the occasion.
It was the best New Year's he ever could've hoped for. Good company, good music, and of course, a whole day and night of having Q to himself. It almost felt like they were in a bubble, where time stood still and the most pressing matter was where to kiss next, all with the cheerful pop of fireworks in the distance.
After tonight he'd never be able to eat caramel again without thinking of Q.
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wildroseofarran · 5 years
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    Was this good enough? It would have to be, because it was all Sash was going to give this man he hardly knew.
    ‘Merry Christmas,’ signed from the floor in Q’s bedroom, eyes back to his ongoing battle in Red Dead Redemption 2. He might have been dressed like an elf, but video games were more important than gift exchanges. 
Tane didn’t get a chance to say ‘‘Merry Christmas’ back to Sash before the video game took his attention again, but the sentiment was very much there. He’d just say it the next time he managed to wrest a few moments of eye contact.
For now, he was smiling as he put the key chain on his keys.
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