#santi waine
eddy25960 · 8 months
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Santi Waine by Wong Sim photography
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edgarmoser · 2 years
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santi waine
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oldcountrybear1955 · 3 years
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DaMan Magazine April May 2017 - Santi Waine photographed by Burtan Prawira
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minhamemoriasuja · 4 years
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Santi Waine by Nicky Gunawan
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jerryrheyms · 4 years
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menandunderwear · 6 years
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Featured in our Weekend Feast this week was Santi Waine photographed by Jeremy Holden in Zara Man underwear for Cool Singapore Magazine: http://www.menandunderwear.com/2018/10/weekend-feast-with-zach-pricer-santi-waine-underwear-sales-and-so-much-more.html
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aerynwrites · 4 years
You, Not Them
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Author’s note: We need more Frankie’s gifs y’all...I keep having to use the same ones lol. Anyways - here’s some more soft Frankie, I hope y’all enjoy! (also I apologize for any grammar errors but it is 1:30am and I am tired)
Request: Aeryn could you do “I fell in love with you, not them” for Frankie? 🥺 Something where Reader is afraid Frankie is spending more time with the boys than her? Or however it strikes you 😘 (Requested by: @hiscyarika)
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: None
You and Frankie had been together for just a little under a year now, and you had loved every moment of it - well...almost.
You had met Frankie while he was out with the guys at a local bar. Your friends had seen you eyeing the man all night and only managed to get you to talk to him by daring you to get his number. You weren’t one to chicken out from a dare so you stood up, ran your fingers through your hair, ordered a bottle of the same beer you had noticed Frankie was drinking, and sauntered over to where he and the group were watching a soccer match.
Will’s eyes were the first to meet yours and he seemed to notice exactly who you had your sights set on, because he elbowed Frankie - drawing his attention away from the game and onto you. You had to bite your lip to keep from smiling as you noticed Frankie’s eyes widen at your approach.
“Sorry to interrupt,” you say gently, setting the bottle down in front of Frankie, “I’ll be quick.”
“What? No refills for the rest of us sweetheart?” Benny’s voice had cut in, a smirk adorning his face.
You let out a small chuckle, eyes moving from Frankie, to Benny, then back again, before letting out a small hum.
“Sorry boys - I only buy drinks for the guys I’m hoping to add to my contacts list,” you say cheekily, pulling your phone from your back pocket and handing it to Frankie.
Frankie continued to stare wide-eyed at you, seemingly frozen in his seat, and you felt your confidence wain slightly when he didn’t take the phone from your hand. You shifted from one foot to the other.
“Or I could just give you my number?” you say slowly, hand reaching for a napkin on the table.
This seems to jolt the man from his stupor and he shakes his head, taking your phone from your hand, “No, no, I just uh -” he cuts himself off with a huff as he types his number into your phone, “I’m not used to pretty girls asking for my number is all,” he admits softly, face flushing slightly as he hands you your phone back.
You hum in satisfaction as you look at his contact information and tuck your phone back into your pocket, “Well I’m honestly surprised,” you say genuinely, “because I think you’re cute,” you say before turning on your heel and sending him a wink over your shoulder.
You smile as you walk back to your table, laughing quietly as you hear the hoots and hollers of the man’s friends behind you.
When you slide back into the booth, however, you can’t help the small smile that crosses your face when you see his name in your phone - Francisco.
It suits him.
You had learned later that he usually goes by Frankie, which is what you usually referred to him as - but you also called him catfish, or ‘fish’ for short just to annoy him since he hated when you called him that. But you hardly ever wanted to annoy him - things had been perfect for the first time in forever. Frankie was everything you could have asked for in another half, and even though you had yet to truly voice it to one another, you loved each other more than life itself.
However, not everything could be perfect, every relationship has its flaws. Yours just happened to manifest itself in the form of four old military buddies who Frankie never seemed to separate from. You loved the boys - Will, Santi, Benny, and even Tom. But it seemed like you and Frankie never had time for yourselves unless it was at your place. One or all of the boys seemed to always be at Frankie’s place, or anytime you had something planned the boys would end up coming along, or it was always a gathering with them all instead of just you and Frankie. It was just getting frustrating. You tried to understand - understand that to Frankie, these were his brothers. They have literally risked life and limb for one another, been through the worst of the worst and been there for each other afterwards. But you were trying to get Frankie to understand that you could do that too.
Which is why you were so excited for tonight.
Frankie had told you about reservations that he had made at one of the nicer restaurants in town for tonight and telling you to dress nicely and that he had a whole night planned. You had almost cried from happiness at the thought of getting an entire romantic evening with the man you loved, and you had immediately started looking for a cute outfit to wear. You had settled on a simple black cocktail dress paired with some short heels and the necklace Frankie had gotten you a few months ago. You had just slipped on your shoes and walked out of the bedroom to see Frankie leaned against the back of the couch, looking at his phone.
“I’m ready,” you say softly, running your hands down the front of your dress lightly.
Frankie’s head snapped up at your words, and his mouth parted slightly as his eyes roamed your figure. You bite your lip in an attempt to stop the small giggles from escaping your mouth as you walk over to him, placing your hands on his shoulders.
“Do I look okay?”
Frankie just lets out a small huff, eyes scanning over your form once more before his hands fall to your waist, “You look way better than okay,” he said finally, leaning in to place a small kiss to your lips, “you look fucking gorgeous.”
A large smile graced your lips at his compliment, and you opened your mouth to respond when Frankie continued, cutting you off.
“The guys aren’t going to be able to keep their eyes off you, I can already tell,” he teases.
But his words do anything but make you laugh. They instantly wipe the smile of your face and you take a step back from him, your hands falling from his shoulder and stilling at your side limply, your whole body seeming to deflate as Frankie looks at you confusedly.
“What do you mean the other guys?” you ask, disappointment clear in your words.
Frankie stood straighter, pushing off the couch and taking a tentative step towards you, “At dinner tonight? I made reservations for us and all the guys and their wives - for all of us to do something nice for once,” he tried to joke, making every attempt to lighten the mood.
But you just felt a small sense of bitterness fill your heart and tears burn at the back of your eyes as you shook your head.
“I thought it was just going to be us tonight,” you said, cringing as your voice cracked with emotion.
Frankie felt his heart clench at your sudden shift in demeanor. You looked so excited when you walked out of the room, and now you were just upset and distant. He stepped towards you again, close enough this time so he could take your hands in his and lean his forehead against yours.
“Sweetheart,” he mumbled, finally causing you to look at him, and he felt his heart break at the tears gathered in your eyes, “If I had known - “ he sighed, “I thought I told you that it was going to be all of us -”
At this you scoffed and pulled your hands from his roughly, turning away from him and towards the kitchen - all the while your fingers worked furiously at the earrings in your ears, pulling the back from them and tossing them on the counter.
“No Francisco,-” you snap, “I should have known better, right?” you finally turn to face him remaining unfazed by the dumbfounded look on his face, “I should have known we were going to be with the guys tonight because we always are!” you huff, and look down at the bracelets on your wrists, suddenly angry, before ripping them off and throwing them on the counter with your earrings, the metal making a biting noise as it hits the granite, “god, I’m so stupid.”
It finally clicks for Frankie, and suddenly irritation is welling up inside him as well as he furrows his brow and steps closer to you, “Is that what this is about? That it’s going to be all of us instead of just me and you?”
You roll your eyes, “What do you think?” Frankie runs a hand through his hair, before tossing his hands out to the side, “I don’t know what to think! I’m confused!” he half shouts, “You’ve never had a problem with them before, but now you do?”
You shake your head and let out a dry laugh, “How do you know I've never had a problem with it before?” you ask, “Because I have had a problem with it Frankie, for a while now - When was the last time we even went on an actual date? Just me and you?”
Frankie shakes his head grasping for an answer, but you beat him to it.
“Four months Frankie! Four fucking months since we’ve done anything with just me and you - No Benny, no Santiago, no Will, no Tom -” your lower lip starts wobbling now, tears threatening to spill over as Frankie cuts you off.
“I just don’t understand why this is such a big deal -”
“Because Frankie! I fell in love with you! Not them,” you finally shout, words hanging heavy in the air as silence befalls the small kitchen.
Your tears finally flow down your cheeks as your head falls forward slightly, “I just-” you choke on a small cry, “I just wanted one night Frankie, one night with you. Just you. No one else. Is that too much to ask?” you whimper.
His mind is running a mile a minute as a result of your outburst - two main things occupying his entire being. One being the fact that you had said you loved him, something neither of you had actually said yet. And two: that you were broken and upset because of him. Frankie’s heart feels like it’s breaking in his chest as he takes in your distraught form. The tears staining your cheeks, making your mascara run black down your skin. Your shoulders heaving as you try to hold back your sobs. And it was all his fault. He had no fucking clue that always hanging out with the guys was making you so upset. He knew that it wasn’t the guys that made you so frustrated, it was just the fact that he spent so much of his time with them instead of making time for you as well. You weren’t asking for much - it’s not like you were asking him to give up his friends. You just wanted to spend time with him - alone - something that he realized now...he wasn’t giving you enough of.
He immediately stepped forward, engulfing you in his arms as he tucked your head into his chest, his fingers rubbing soothingly up and down your sides.
“Babe I - shit - I am so sorry,” he mumbled, pressing a light kiss to the top of your head before pulling you away from him to look you in the eyes, “Why didn’t you say something sooner?”
You looked away from him then, cheeks flushed as you shrugged your shoulders, “I just...I didn’t want you to think that I was trying to keep you away from the boys,” you say quietly, “I love them like brothers and I’m not mad at them or that you are hanging out with them I just wish that maybe you would make time for me too? Fuck, I don’t know - now I just sound stupid,” your rambling causes another wave of tears to flow down your face and your shoulders shake more violently, causing Frankie to pull you to him again.
“No, sweetheart stop.” he says firmly, “You voicing your feelings about something isn’t stupid, I see now, since you told me, that I am spending way too much time with the boys I just - before you they were all I had, you know?” he says quietly, not noticing how he had moved to swaying you both back and forth slowly, “I’ll do better - make more time for just you and me, and dates, and movie nights, and cooking, and maybe even something a little less innocent…” he says coyly, a smile tugging at the corner of your lips as he leans down to trail light kiss from your jaw down your neck.
You let out a small chuckled before pulling away from him just enough to capture his lips with your own. You can’t help but melt into him as he wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you closer to him, deepening the kiss slightly before you pull away from him, giggling at his slightly pouty expression.
“As much as I would like to keep going,” you say slowly, “We have reservations to get to, don’t we? We’re already late.”
Frankie’s eyes light up at your words, “Are you sure you still wanna go?” he asks, voice unsure.
You nod, “Yes, I still want to go, just let me go wipe off the makeup that’s surely running down my face and then we can leave,” you assure, pressing a quick peck to his lips before turning to head back to the bedroom. You don’t get far before his hand is on your wrist and pulling you back towards him.
“Wait,” he says quickly, “I forgot to tell you something.”
You look at him questioningly for a moment before he pulls you into a searing and mind-blowing kiss. A kiss that seemed to last hours but was surely only seconds before he pulled away, eyes shining.
“I love you too.”
Permanent Taglist: @lord-wolfgen @petalduck​  @sebastianstanslefteyebrow​ @stillreadingfantasy​ @pedrosdoll​ @simonsbluee @justlovetoreadfics​ @discogrrl​ @maryan028​ @asaucecoveredsomething​ @hiscyarika​ @theforceofdisney​ @hail-doodles​ @murdermewithbooks​ @getinthepoolkeanu​ @ah-callie​ @adikaofmandalore​ @fleurdemiel145​ @fioccodineveautunnale​ @harrypotter-life2​ @mandalorian-theway​ @spxcedxdddy​ @dizzydazed​ @readsalot73​ @wickedfrsgrl​ @shayna-winchester​ @blushingwueen​ @oloreaa​ @keithseabrook27​
Pedro Tag: @lustriix​ @yeah-boiiiiiiiiiii​ @longitud-de-onda​ @jellyfishpoptart​ @mutantsandproud​ @pascalisthepunkest​ @24kgolden​ @kaelyn-lobrutto24​ @mrsparknuts​ @theocatkov​ @yabby-girl​ @mybarnesmyhero​ @sarcastic-space-gal​ @your-pixels-are-showing​
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jeremyholden · 3 years
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WFH outfit like. Santi Waine by Jeremy Holden ◾ @santiwaine ◽ @bloudermagazine ◾ @merrymodels Check out jeremyholdenphotography.com https://www.instagram.com/p/CVcFpfTJ3HY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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eddy25960 · 8 months
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Santi Waine by Wong Sim photography
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edgarmoser · 3 years
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santi waine
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oldcountrybear1955 · 3 years
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DaMan Magazine April May 2016 - Santi Waine photographed by Marco Ardi
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menandunderwear · 6 years
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Featured in our Weekend Feast today is Zach Pricer photographed by Ben Weller for Polo Ralph Lauren men's underwear FW2018 campaign and so much more: http://www.menandunderwear.com/2018/10/weekend-feast-with-zach-pricer-santi-waine-underwear-sales-and-so-much-more.html
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eddy25960 · 8 months
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Santi Waine by Wong Sim photography
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oldcountrybear1955 · 4 years
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DaMan Magazine June/July 2016 - Teamm8 Underwear - Santi Waine Photographed by Ronald Liem
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tintin-se-souvient · 4 years
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Santi Waine
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