#san roque
cvbarroso · 9 months
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Hodie XVI augusti… Sancti Rochi, confessoris, trium ordinum S.P.N. Francisci.
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travel-with-kat · 9 months
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Chirikyaku, Peru
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weirdlordbloodstuff · 2 years
Un par de fotos que tomé durante el encierro de "La fiesta grande de Tarija", sinceramente fue genial exceptuando que la gente empujaba :'p
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datoviajerocom · 10 days
"Descubre Córdoba, Argentina: Itinerario de 10 días para una experiencia inolvidable"
Córdoba, Argentina, es un destino imprescindible para cualquier viajero por su rica historia, vibrante cultura y espectacular naturaleza. En su centro histórico, descubre la majestuosa Catedral y la Manzana Jesuítica, Patrimonio de la Humanidad. Disfruta de su animada vida nocturna y gastronomía en lugares icónicos como el Paseo del Buen Pastor. Explora paisajes únicos en la Cumbrecita y el Cerro…
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bloggernotacom · 4 months
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ciudadorquideacom · 4 months
San Roque: Entre Sabores Tradicionales y Espiritualidad Vibrante
San Roque, una parroquia impregnada de encanto y tradición, se erige como un destino turístico cautivador que ofrece una experiencia única para quienes lo visitan. En este rincón pintoresco, la gastronomía local se convierte en un deleite para los sentidos, destacando platos emblemáticos como las deliciosas empanadas y la exquisita gallina criolla. Las empanadas de San Roque son una verdadera…
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pintoe1ichipuca · 7 months
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Los peregrinos se reúnen en el día de San Roque para la prosecion y marchan por las calles de la comunidad
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elchaqueno · 9 months
El viaje de San Roque y el legado de la cultura ecláctica
Los cambios en la dinámica de Tarija tienen lugar cada día, sin embargo aún hay algunos aspectos de su cultura que están imbuidos en su gente, como la historia y el legado de San Roque. La UNESCO ha considerado de suma importancia proteger esta tradición, por tanto destacan los nuevos avances para un mejor futuro al poner en práctica, elementos de su cultura ecláctica.
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noticlick · 9 months
La Fiesta Gran de Tarija: Alegría, Música y Devoción
Promesantes chunchos, tamboreros, quenilleros, alféreces, cañeros y fieles católicos acompañan con vibración una celebitraión emotiva en honor a San Roque en Tarija. La alegría, la música y el baile llenan las calles de la ciudad en una fiesta llena de costumbres, tradiciones y de una rica cultura. El gobernador destacó el nombre de la ciudad que hace honor a este evento centenario.
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cruger2984 · 9 months
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THE DESCRIPTION OF SAINT ROCH The Patron of the Falsely Accused and Dogs Feast Day: August 16
Saint Roch was the only son of a wealthy nobleman in France, who seems to have been governor of the town of Montpellier. In answer to the persevering prayers of the parents, this child was granted to them. His future career was indicated by a birthmark in the form of a red cross that was deeply marked on his breast.
The parents raised St Roch in a devout manner. Proof was given when, at the age of 20, he lost both parents. He did not use the immense fortune he inherited for his personal benefit, but he sold all the personal property and distributed the proceeds among the poor while he transferred the ownership of the real estate to his uncle. This done, he joined the Third Order of St Francis, put on a pilgrim's garb, and journeyed to Rome to visit the tombs of the Apostles.
When he arrived at Acquapendente in northern Italy about the year 1315, he found that an epidemic had broken out there and was making fearful ravages. Saint Roch did not hasten on, as many another person, fearful for his life, would have done, but according to the example of Christ and the admonition of the beloved disciple (1 John 3:16), he offered his life in the service of his brethren in Christ.
Saint Roch went to the hospital of St John, which was filled with the plague stricken, and offered his services to the brothers there. He also went to individual homes and sought out the sick, serving them without rest by day and by night. God rewarded his heroic charity by causing many to be cured at the mere Sign of the Cross which Saint Roch made over them. When the plague abated, Roch proceeded on his journey to Rome.
In Rome, too, an epidemic had broken out. Besides visiting the holy places, Saint Roch again devoted himself to the care of the sick, many of whom were miraculously cured by him. He performed the same services in many other towns of Italy until he arrived in Piacenza and was himself stricken with the dread disease. In the very hospital where he had cured so many sick, he was now looked upon as an intruder, who as an outsider had no right to claim a place there.
In order not to be a burden to others, he arose, left the house, and with the support of a staff dragged himself wearily to a neighboring woods. There he came upon a dilapidated hut with a bit of straw, where he lay down, thanking God for the quiet lodging.
God Himself provided for his nourishment. As He once took care of Elias, sending him bread by means of a raven, so He now sent bread to Roch by means of a dog from a neighboring country house.
The sick man gradually recovered. When he had regained sufficient strength, he was divinely inspired to return to his native town. There furious warfare was raging. The soldiers whom he encountered thought he was a spy. He was led before the governor of Montpellier, his own uncle, who, however, did not recognize his nephew in the emaciated prisoner, and had the supposed spy cast into prison.
Saint Roch did not say a word in his defense; he wished, like Christ, to accept in silence whatever heaven had ordained for him. Because of the disturbances of the war, he was almost completely forgotten, and languished in prison for 5 years. Then death put an end to his trials on August 16, 1378.
When he felt that his end was drawing near, Saint Roch asked that a priest might come and administer the last sacraments. The priest, on entering the prison, beheld it supernaturally lighted up and the poor captive surrounded with special radiance. As death claimed its victim, a tablet appeared on the wall on which an angelic hand wrote in golden letters the name of Roch, and the prediction that all who would invoke his intercession would be delivered from the plague.
Informed of all that took place, Saint Roch's uncle came to the prison and, shortly after, also the governor's mother, that is, Roch's grandmother. She identified the dead man as her grandson by the birthmark of the red cross on his breast. They gave him a magnificent funeral and had a church built in his honor, in which his body was entombed. His veneration was approved by several popes and soon spread throughout Europe. He was canonized by Pope Urban VIII. He is the patron against contagious diseases.
Source: The Franciscan Book of Saints
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tietarteve · 10 months
Fiestas de San Roque 2023 en Mombeltrán
Programa de las Fiestas de San Roque del 14 al 19 de agosto de 2023 en #Mombeltrán.
Programa de las Fiestas de San Roque del 14 al 19 de agosto de 2023 en Mombeltrán.
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viajandovamos · 1 year
Los encantos de Nerja: playas, gastronomía y turismo rural
Nerja: playas, gastronomía y turismo rural. Como viajero experimentado, puedo asegurarte que la ciudad de Nerja es uno de los destinos más bellos de España. Las playas, la gastronomía y el turismo rural son solo algunas de las cosas que hacen de Nerja un destino ideal para pasar unas vacaciones inolvidables. A continuación, te presento un listado optimizado para SEO de las 10 cosas…
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travel-with-kat · 9 months
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La Selva | backpacking in San Roque, Peru
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pedromoyaglez · 1 year
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My tribute to Carlos Pacheco, one of the greatest comic artists. Sadly, He passed away last month. His comic Arrowsmith had a huge influence in my adolescence and I wanted to honor that. Thank you for inspiring us! 
Rest in peace, Master. 🙏🏼✨
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slapiz · 2 years
Algo más sobre San Roque
Contiene Oración poderosa a San Roque a favor de los animales del mundo
Contiene la Oración poderosa a San Roque a favor de los animales del mundo. San Roque, obra de José de Ribera, Museo Nacional del Prado San Roque uno de los santos más venerados en la Europa de finales de la Edad Media y la consecutiva Edad Moderna nació el 16 de agosto en Montpellier (Francia) en 1295, en el seno de una familia noble. Quedó huérfano de padre y madre, y decidió profesar la…
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kyemephotos · 2 years
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Pedestrian highway // visited SSR for immersion, get a better sense of the impact of aggressive land conversion and urban displacement in Manila
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