#same wiv gem
sherwood-cabin · 1 year
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Some of my most recent sketchbook spreads I really like ::]
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risu5waffles · 11 months
EXCUSE ME? No one was gonna tell me it was TEN yesterday?
Honestly, y'all just left me hangin' out to dry there. i still love you, but i'm holding on to these cupcakes. [ed.'s note: risuko has no cupcakes]
It's like JplusK made this level expressly for me. Just look at that puppet! Look at it! Seriously, tho', the level is cute wivout being twee, and quirky wivout being overbearing. It's got that over-large, heavy angled build style i love so much. It's expansive, but moves along quickly enough it doesn't feel like it was overstaying its welcome. The power-up introduces a fun gameplay mechanic that can be a little challenging, but not so much you find yourself questioning why. i could have maybe done wivout the fart jokes, but that's just 'cause i'm such a classy gal. But that's really my only complaint, and it's not so frequent as to be too off putting. i tried another of JplusK's levels to see if this was a one-off, or their general idiom, and unfortunately that one, while it looked neat, was heavily focused on doing... clever things wiv jetpacks that may, in fact be clever if you're good at it, but mostly wound up being frustrating to me in the end. There might be a physics difference in there too, but i'm more than willing to say it just didn't click wiv my skill set.
We talked about this last week, and it continues to be what it is, tho' as of writing it continues to be what it is wiv the addition of a pink ribbon. It's nice to know i called it in my review.
This is just a giveaway level for some logic bits we got screwed out of in LBP3, because someone at Sumo forgot (i'm being charitable here) to enable the tutorials that would unlock them. It leaves me pretty salty, tho', seeing as they were part of the DC and Move Pack DLCs; like if you spent money on those, you should be able to get the lot of it, you know? Not that Sumo seems to really care.
We took a play through chairoCAT's CAT RESTAURANT way back in LittleBite-sizedArchive #137, but this one is a very different kettle of fish. Instead of a tightly contained series of minigames, we've got a quite expansive pseudo-underwater platformer that is a lot of fun (even if it gets a touch long in the tooth by the end). But the red thread between the two is the presentation. Highly detailed, wiv a lot of charm. All the little fish you interact wiv are just cute as buttons, and it really elevates the whole affair. Those porkypine fish, tho', gods but i could die. This one's really, really good.
i played this one for the old review show waaaaaay back in the day, and just fell in love wiv it. The gameplay really isn't much of much, but it's far more interested in showing off Kimuko's chops in environmental design and custom stickering. Seriously, the art here is just something else. i wish i could say the same about the music selection; i get what they're going for, and i don't not appreciate it, but gods i just hate every single one of the 50's pop tracks. Easily (personally speaking) the worst part of LBP3's story mode. Which is a total shame, because the Manglewood levels have some of the nicest level design in the game. Not directly related to anything, but i've played this level a bunch of times at some very different periods in my life, and not once have i been able to not make friends wiv the AI. It's just impossible. i challenge you to do it. Go ahead and break her poor heart. You monster.
This one'd actually been suggested by a viewer ages ago, and it just slipped my mind, and would have continued to slip my mind if they hadn't reminded me. i'm glad they did, 'cause i had a blast wiv it. Some really inventive mixing of gameplay and simple, physics/mechanics-based puzzles. This was definitely an unexpected gem for me.
Oh my gods, you can hear me coughing, because i didn't realize the PScamera had a mic on it. At least i wasn't swearing or anything. There were a couple of neat ideas in this one; the time slow-down was a cool effect, but ultimately it was just kinda ok? Like, not a bad level, i don't want to give that impression; but there's not much in the presentation to really sink your teeth into, and the gameplay is, for the most part, pretty standard for an LBP2 level. i certainly don't regret the time i spent wiv it, but i don't really think it's going to stick in my memory all that much.
i adored this level. There's just so much great detail work going on. The gameplay can be a bit fiddly sometimes, but it should be pretty clear at this point that a strong presentation will win me over almost every time. i hate that you can hear me coughing again here. i must have recorded this right after the last one. Also, holy crap, but am i loud on the controller. Like you can hear the button presses, and that can't be good for hardware longevity.
No matter how long it looked in the mirror, it remained Taser Temple.
It is super impressive that tyrew12 managed to pull off this animation in game, but it's such a shame that LBP's audio compression just takes a steaming turd all over the actual song. That's been a problem since 2, so i can't throw shade on Sumo for that for once. Still it's worth a watch because the level is quite a feat.
And that's our ten this go about. Some real good ones in the mix, that's for sure. i am so, so tired tho', and i need to sleep. Before i crash, some fun(?) useless trivia. i made some subplaylists for folx who're interested in stuff from just one game, and it turns out the 226 levels we've played so far 48 have been from LBP, 92 from LBP2, and 86 from LBP3. The LBP2 numbers don't surprise me much, but i honestly thought LBP and LBP3 would have been flipped. It just felt like i was spending a lot of time wiv the really old school stuff, but clearly that's not hardly the case. i'm going to have to do a binge it seems. Anyhoot, i really am beat, it's Sunday, and that's always my chores and errands day on top of a full day of work. Didn't even get my curry made, it's gonna have to be tomorrow morning, 'cause i just have nothing left in the tank, and i still got to get my head shaved up. Hope you're all taking care of yourselves out there and staying safe. Love ya!
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fearless2ndmate · 5 years
Courage welled into the boys heart and spirit, the holy marking etched into his skin glowing faintly under filthy bandages as the boy laid in wait for a plan that for most would be suicide...Hell, with his reckless approach it might as well be his own end too if he doesn’t do it right.
He at least need to get his hands on the Windwaker and everything else will go smoothly---
A soft call to a flock of familiar friends could serve as a good distraction, Link only hoped they don’t get hurt... A gull swooped down and perched upon his arm tilting its head in question. The bird seemed almost sad at the hero’s appearance but Link gave it a small smile.
“Hoy there, mate.” he greeted, scratching its head. “Y’fin ye’con get a great flock ov yer friends ‘ere? Make a ruckus or comefin; I just need ye t’ grab these pirates’ attention, okay?”
A soft coo was given in response before the gull flew overhead and let out a shrill cry; with that, the boy slipped back into the lower levels of the ship. It was a rather threatening sight as many seagulls flew down and practically covered the ship; they bit and tugged at rope and wood, they pulled and ripped at sails, and they cried louder and louder for more to come and do the same. It wasn’t long for the captain to come scrambling above deck to look at the ridiculous flock that gathered upon her ship (she could barely get the door leading to the goddamn deck open!).
“WHOT IN TH’???-”  she questioned, slapping  away and swinging fists at any of the birds that flew close to peck her.
“OICH! GIT YER ASSES UP! ALL MEN ON DECK; GET THESE GODDAMN SKY RATS OFF ME SHIP!” she roared, the rest of her crew immediately getting up from their own tasks to deal with the troubling flock.
As the men ran by, Link had slipped himself out of a barrel he had hid himself away in to sneak into the treasure horde. He felt his heart twist slightly as he was disheartened to see so much treasure below deck. It would...be long before he could find his windwaker in all of this... But he couldn’t lose hope now.
The hero dove into the trove, shoveling away coins, gems, rupees, gold, and any other valuable that was in his way. It only took him a minute of digging to pause. No...No, his stuff wouldn’t just be thrown down here...they’d be--
The boy felt himself go ridged, a torn ear, still sharp as ever, twitching before he felt the need to dodge left. The sound of cutting air zipped passed his ears with a loud TINK of metal against metal. 
An arrow narrowly missed him.
Emerald eyes scanned up to see his father standing at the entrance of the hoard, a teasing yet angered grin on his face.
“Git yer eye back n maybe y’woulda ‘it me.” Link hissed, Diren chuckling.
“Oh wow, look at yew! Th’sissy grew ‘imself a pair, eh? Tsktsk, that ain’t a way t’talk t’yer pops though, laddie.”  
It wasn’t long before Link found himself in handcuffs and thrown to the feet of his mother. He growled at both the pain and his own failure as he looked up at the smirking woman. 
“Con’t tell if that was brave ov’ye...Or just plain shtupid.” Vessie chuckled, her boot digging into the boy’s spine. Link grit his teeth in response, not giving her the satisfaction of a single pained grunt; this was no place for comebacks or any type of talk, least he wants it held against him. He kept quiet, allowing the captain to observe his expression in her own hidden confusion.
Courage could be dangerous, along with it came hope, something she tries to keep far away from the kid.
“No words, hm?” a sharp snap. “Throw ‘im in th’brig wiv th’rats.”
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