#same goes for ravio and marin
rainy-day-revelry · 26 days
My favorite headcannon for Ravioli getting together before LU starts:
Legend goes through Triforce Heroes and while he’s away in Hytopia Ravio gets portaled to Hyrule Warriors. Legend comes back before Ravio and drives himself crazy looking for him. One day Ravio stumbles back through the portal and is immediately accosted by Legend, hugging him desperately and demanding to know where he’s been. Ravio apologizes for worrying him but, being the self deprecating little shit he is, does the classic “I didn’t think you’d care” and Legend, in a fit of anger, yells that he loves him and then storms off. Then they both have mini crises as they process what the hell just happened and Ravio eventually corners Legend into having a discussion. Legend talks about Koholint and how his Ravio’s disappearance made him think he’d lost him permanently, just like Marin, and how badly that scared him. Ravio talks about growing up in Lorule and never really getting to have a connection with anyone other than Hilda as well as what happened in the War of Eras. Then, they finally admit their feelings for each other and start a relationship! (Romantic or QPR)
Unless a story specifies otherwise this is always how I imagine it happening because these two are so gosh dang cute I adore them!!!!!!! But at the same time they are both idiots who can’t communicate for the life of them. Incredible dynamic, truly. <3
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gay-jesus-probably · 3 months
it would be really funny in hywar for ruto and darunia to recognize the "hero of termina" but probably be confused because why is he tiny. wait there's more of them. okay i guess this isn't the guy we know (it is)
Oh yeah, I'm thinking Ruto and Darunia are 100% onto him, BUT they're the adult timeline versions, so they haven't seen the baby Hero of Time in years, so they're not 100% sure if that's actually him, or if the kid just happens to look like him. Besides, the kid says he's just the Hero of Termina, and the Hero of Time definitely didn't scowl that much when he was younger so... they're suspicious, but not confident enough to try and address it. And since all the sages except Sheik ascended into non-existence or something after sealing Ganon, Ruto and Darunia must have been pulled from somewhere in the middle of OOT, so they're used to the teenage Link, and unlike Sheik they have no reason to think he's going to return to being a kid. So as far as they know, it makes perfect sense for the Hero of Termina to just have a strong resemblance to how the Hero of Time looked when he was younger... but man are they ever identical.
Mask avoids them like the plague, because he knows they could bust him... and he also knows they're basically going to die shortly after they go home. He really doesn't have the emotional bandwidth to try and deal with that, so he just keeps his distance. But Ruto and Darunia are having many quiet debates in the background about "is that our Link or not". They are constantly pressing X to Doubt.
(Marin is also a solid member of the Press X To Doubt club, because she's like 90% certain that Ravio guy's voice is identical to her Link's, and even though she can't be sure with all the robes she thinks they might also have the same build, and the few glimpses she gets of the bottom of his face looks like Link... but also he doesn't seem to know her at all, and is just generally acting kind of off, so she's just... not sure what's going on there, but it bothers her. And she doesn't even have anyone to compare notes with.)
Also, please consider for a moment that Ganondorf knows basically nothing about the whole Majora's Mask debacle, so he only knows Mask as being the Hero of Time, and could out him literally by accident. I have this mental image of Ganon attempting to do a big dramatic showdown, only for the mood to thoroughly ruined by Mask frantically cutting him off mid-sentence, because if he gives any details right now, Mask is fucked. The exchange is something like "We meet again, it's been awhile, Hero of T-" "TERMINA, YES, that's me, how about we stop talking right now and try to kill each other instead". Ganon then delays the boss battle to try and work out what the fuck is going on, and also because Mask's obvious panic is hilarious to him.
(Meanwhile Captain Link knows that something is up, but he is literally always having a minimum of three simultaneous mental breakdowns at any given moment, so he's pretty happy just not acknowledging his suspicions that Mask's real hero title is very well known, he really doesn't need more stress in his life. He's trying so hard not to hear the extremely incriminating argument Mask and Ganon are having, and trying even harder not to connect the dots and realize what Mask's real title is. He's not succeeding. After that particular battle, he goes back to his tent and spends a solid ten minutes screaming into his pillow before he can successfully repress the knowledge that he's been fighting alongside the literal Hero of Time and affectionately referring to him as a demonic little gremlin. As long as Mask doesn't acknowledge it, he doesn't have to either, so it's fine. Everything is totally fine.)
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breannasfluff · 7 months
so like hi there i have a Ravioli hurt/comfort fic plot im not gonna write but i thought youd enjoy it so ima over explain it in your Ask box!
Okay okay okay so A link between worlds right so for this were gonna pretend it was before A links awakening for the ✨Story✨ 
So in A links awakening Links gf is fucking a seagull or a dream or smthn right kinda fucked up, well you see Ravio already kinda lives with Link at this point and there kinda dating but not so Link comes back home from his adventure and Ravio is  so fucking exited and like "Mr. Hero your home! oh in sk glad i was so lonely how did Hylia treat you are you okay do you need something want to lie down? are you injured" But then Links jusy standing in the fuckjng door way like, Shit Ravio did i forgot about him? i mean i fell in love with Marin that's basically replacing him, Marin... i mean fuck she was a dream does that count i still fell i  love with her though thats fuvked up i replaced ravio fuck fuck fuck. 
abd then he fucking passes out
but then after that Link still having a crisis avoids Ravio as much as he can, whichhhhhhhh is not mych considering theu live in the same house, sleep in the same room, and eat the breakfast ravio made together. but he tries. and when Ravio tries to confront Link he is overwhelmed and doesnt know what tk say so he just anounced an impromptu visit to his sister saying he wants to update her on his adventure.
so he leaves and Ravios confused and a little hurt while Link feels like shit and also confused.
He does get to Zelda and she rightfully slaps some sense into Link because wtf are you thinking, your upset yes but he can help you he doesnt have to know everything but atlest tell him hey i dont hate you
so Link dramatically goes running back to his kinda boyfriend who feels like shit and collapsaes at ravios feet gushing out how he loves him and he fell in love with someone else and he feels horible and shes kinda gone anyways she wasn't actually real and link is fucking truamatized from his gf jot actually being real and the  ravio goes and hugs him and they do a cute little communication thing and Ravios like hey fuck ur all good i live you to its fine you fell in love with Marin it fucking sucks shes dead can i help at all??     
and there all cute and cuddly and Link deals with some Truama in a healthy way fir once       
anyways that was much longer then anticipated i just have alot of thoughts about them
im noy gonna write it tho cas thats like  of work and im still only on work 3 for wumptober and my wip list is st like 10 and jts like sir wtf is going on
so yeah hope you like it! uhm have fun ig
Oh boy, yeah, that would be pretty angsty! And a good topic for therapy/couple’s counseling on falling in love and forgetting your boyfriend 😂
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lozriftsintime · 10 months
Tumblr media
Name: Link Ravenloft Hyrule
Alias(es): Mural
Nickname(s): Veteran, Vet, Collector
Birthday: (I am currently working on a calendar system for this AU, so this will come later.)
Age When Introduced: 24
Pronouns: He/they
Height: 5'3
Source/Game(s): A Link to the Past, Oracle of Seasons, Oracle of Ages, Link's Awakening, A Link Between Worlds, and Triforce Heroes
Sexuality: Polyamorous, Biromantic, and Gynosexual
Favorite Color(s): Mural loves the color green. Not grass green. Or Forest Green. Not even Rupee Green. Their favorite color is Emerald Green. They didn’t have any particular fondness for Green growing up, but these days they do. They couldn’t tell you when the change happened. (Their Zelda can. She can tell you the exact moment Green went from a color Mural didn’t think much about to one they couldn’t get enough of. It was the same time Ravio came back into their life).
Disliked Color(s): Mural doesn’t like the color red. Once, years ago, they gained some fondness for it, but now it’s painful to look at. Even ignoring the trauma of Marin red is the color of blood, infection, swelling, fire, burns, and so on. So many unpleasant and dangerous things are red.
Skills: Mural is very much a jack of all trades. They may not be the best swordfighter in the Chain, but they don't need to be. If they can't get through an enemy's defenses with their sword they have a number of other items they can pull out to use. And they're pretty decent, if not really good, at all of the items they have.
Thanks to their good chunk of experience, as well as their vast array of items, Mural is a quick thinker. And they're very good at thinking of creative ways to use their items to solve an issue or a puzzle. That is, if they haven't seen it before already and therefore already know the answer.
Outfit/Design Notes: Mural's outfit base is the red mail from A Link Between Worlds, but with the purple cap from A Link to the Past's red mail. They generally don't like to wear pants, so they don't. Their tunic goes down far enough and their pegasus boots come up far enough from the bottom. So they're plenty protected.
There are a couple specific items that Mural tends to have out on them at all times. The two main ones are their mirror shield and the Golden Master Sword. Outside of those two things they typically have the Cane of Byrna.
Outside of items that have a practical purpose Mural wears a number of things to remind them that the people they care about aren't ever completely separated from them. The belt, bracers, and collar decoration that they wear line look nearly identical to the ones that their sister, Zelda wears. The dagger on their waist was made for them by their husband, Ravio for their wedding. The pin on their chest looks like the harp of ages and the rod of seasons to remind them of their friends in Labrynna and Holodrum. The bag on their belt has a cucco and an apple for their grandparents and uncle. And the hibiscus necklace they wear is for the dream girl they lost, Marin.
Along with their colorful ensemble of clothes and items Mural's pink-tinted golden hair and honey-brown eyes make them quite hard to miss even in a crowd.
Other: Mural is agender, but does accept the use of he/him pronouns, mostly due to them not caring enough to correct people. They used to think that they were only attracted to women. But they realized that was wrong sometime after Ravio came back from Lorule when it suddenly hit them that they had somehow fallen in love with their best friend/roommate. They don't have any sexual attraction towards their now-husband, but they still love him very much.
Please excuse the fact that the straight flag is on the image for them. I fear that some part of my brain was still defaulting to the societal norms and went 'well they use he/him pronouns so straight works'. No. No it does not. They're gynosexual, not heterosexual. But I don't currently have a way to fix the image. I shall look into a way to do so.
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bokettochild · 3 years
Hi Ketto! Do you have any headcanons you don't get to talk about?
You don't know what your getting into!
Here's just a few of that came to mind, I have a few notes scattered around with some others as well.
Warriors has a great dislike of Great Fairies, for obvious reasons, but he adores smaller fairies and loves to play with and take care of them. He loves Hyrule's fairy form a lot, and likes trying to make little clothes for him. the same goes for the smithy. He can't see Minish anymore, but Warriors loves hanging out with Minish Four and watching tiny people do tiny things. Those in the group who can get small like spending time with him and get the honor of being carried in his scarf if they want. Except bunny Legend
Warriors can't stand rabbits, absolutally hates them. I hc that he's Spirit Tracks Link, so he has a great hatred of rabbits, bunnies and hares, and the only one he actually likes is Ravio.
On that note, Ravio and Warriors are great friends and essentially co-parented Wind and Time during the War of Ages.
Ravio is Hilda's twin brother, and the younger of the two of them. He acted as her royal advisor up until the events of ALBW after which he quit. Not because he's upset with his sister, quite the opposite, it's because he wants her to have advisors that have the guts to stand up to her and who can bring forwards the views of the people better than a prince can.
Ravio has the biggest sweet tooth, but unlike Legend, he can't stand crunchy things. Most of the food in his world were wilty plants and meat, so he's not used to crisp and cronchy things like apples.
Ravio and Hilda are both reflections of Legend and Fable, so while Fable has blue eyes, Hilda has red, and while Legend has purple, Ravio has green.
Legend dyed his hair during his Oracle adventures. It was black in order to better hide from the guards, and by the time he came to Kohlint it was mostly grown out, but Marin teased him about being a two-tone.
Where Ravio makes amazing cocoa an Legend makes cider, Marin makes amazing teas. They are the trio of amazing warm drinks. Zelda tries, but she only makes iced tea, which none of that trio can stand.
Legend is a country boy, he was raised by his Uncle's orchard, but after his first adventure he had to go live with his grandparents on Lon Lon Ranch.
Legend's ancestor Sir Raven is Time's grandson.
Legend has a slight country accent when he's tired, nervous or otherwise distracted. For the most part he kinda flip-flops between dialects and modes of speech from his various travels, but his country accent shows through when he's especially upset or distracted.
Something he's never told anyone is that Legend and Fable, being twins, actually share the triforces of courage and wisdom. That's why Fable is such a good fighter and why Legend is so good at learning new things like languages and such.
Hyrule has all of the triforce, but the only reason he can hold the whole thing long-term with no side affects is because he's both descended from Hylia (through Legend, who is a prince) but also because he's half fairy.
Hyrule is incredibly smart, but he is also humble so he never makes a point of showing how smart he is.
Wild is the same way. Boy could have a doctorate in math and science if he lived in our world. He may be up to insane tricks and use wack tactics, but he's done the calculations (in his head yet!) and he knows that what he's trying will work, at least with a 75% chance of success.
Wild, Sky and Legend are the only ones who can hear Fi's voice. Wild only gets it briefly, because Fi is weak in his time, and Sky can't hear it anymore because Sun closed his mind to others' influences, mostly because she doesn't want to accidentally force him to do something, or have any other deity try to use him. Legend can still hear her though.
Legend is actually very susceptible to mind communication (and maybe mind control?). He can talk with fable telepathically, with Fi, and with his dopples.
Like Four, Legend was split in his last adventure. Since they all lived the same adventure though, not different parts of it like Four, they meshed togetehr again alright, but sometimes something comes loose and they all become present in his mind, three minds trying to control one body.
Legend is a Four fanboy in the extreme. Kid grew up hearing stories about Four, since that was the last Hero to successfully defeat Ganon in the Downfall Timeline, so while Legend has some hatred for the Fallen Hero, he adores Four. That got changed a little when he had to fight Four's corrupted self, but he still admires Four a lot, and kinda looks up to him, even if he won't say anything.
However, Legend is really worried that Four will become corrupted on this journey, so he's made it his personal mission to make sure nothing happens that could make the smithy go dark.
Four himself is very sensitive to dark powers, mostly from having hung around Shadw so much. Vio is especially sensitive to them and might have developed some shadow abilities of his own under Shadow's tutelage.
Vio isn't scared of cats, or dragons, or much of anything. He hate's mirrors though. This is all something that can be blamed on Shadow.
Vio also has Sherlock level induction skills, and the best memory of the Four colors. You could say he has a mind palace, and the other three always just use him as their personal note keeper if there's something they all need to remember, Vio will file it away for later and remind them when they need it.
Blue is highly detail oriented, and while Vio is always looking for clues in the details, Blue sees them better because he sees them for themselves. Codes and patterns are Vio's specialty, but Blue does amazing with designs and intricate works of art, cooking, or metal work.
Red is the best at keeping track of people, what they like, their little quirks and so on. He's the people reader of their quartet.
Green is their best problem solver, he handles stress better than most of the others, but little things surprise him a lot more than one would expect.
Blue still hasn't quite forgiven Shadow for everything. Red adores Shadow and while he's still getting over what happened in the past he tries to keep an open mind and be understanding of Shadow. Green is in between the two, but he's polite with Shadow. Vio is the exact opposite, he's not much of a toucher, not as much as the others, but he and Shadow are basically connected to each other.
Four shows love through acts of service but prefers to receive love through physical affection.
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attllhak · 2 years
Sorry, but this thought wouldn't leave me alone. What if the same the characters from Hyrule Warriors definitive edition from Warriors game, came through the time portal to assist the team? Like what if wind was cornered and nobody couldn't reach him in time and fricking Tetra comes guns ablaze, and Darunia and Ruto covering for an exhausted Time. That would be bonkers. Again sorry for this little rant, I hope you have a great day
So, I've been thinking about this since I got it, since this is a cool thought, and then I was considering more scenarios and such.
Upon writing this out I actually went into more detail about each situation, so I'm adding a cut.
So, Tetra showing up to save Wind is great if just only for the mental image of her immediately turning to him and telling him to get up since he was capable of helping her save him. He has questions, but you know what Tetra has a point. They both end up shouting questions at each other later on, I imagine. Neither has proper answers for the other.
The note of an exhausted Time actually amused me because, we're not at that part yet. That part technically isn't even in the main fic (though it does show up in a different thing). But, that does kinda happen. Regardless, I feel like Time's response to Darunia and Ruto showing up would be some variation of 'This may as well happen. Adult life is already so goddessdamn weird, may as well,'. Ruto and Darunia of course are slightly more thrown by things, not that Time is particularly helpful at the moment. Or ever. He's not helpful when he rests up either, he just hopes someone else will handle this particular issue. Fortunately someone does.
Sky would probably hug Fi. Once they're out of combat, of course, he's not going to put both of them in more danger. But like, that's his friend and he missed her. Fi of course doesn't really react much beyond a 'Hello Master Link,' because emotions are still new to her in that era. She lets him hug her though, and I imagine she'd be awful fond. Emotions may be new, but she does have them.
And then I remembered that Midna was in Hyrule Warriors, and the mental image of the entire battle grinding to a halt around them as Twi absolutely lit into her about that stunt with the mirror took over my mind for a bit. I'm making the executive call that this is true form Midna and not imp Midna because the idea of 5'10 Twilight shouting at the top of his lungs at 7'9 Midna is more amusing to me. You have this very tall, very powerful Twili Queen being chewed out by someone two feet shorter than her for leaving without even committing to a proper goodbye. Like when you come home after you go on a trip for a day and your dog is furious at you when you get back. That wasn't supposed to be a wolf pun, but I mean...
Of course once I got past the Midna reunion, I remembered Agitha is also in this game. So please also imagine Twi running after her and worried about her safety and then having to deal with the fact that she can summon giant bugs and thus doesn't need to be protected as much as he thought she did. Midna, of course, is laughing at him.
Also Ravio is here now, and Legend has to deal with that. He is unable to protect everyone from Ravio's scams, and so he's putting his focus on people like Silent, and Purah, and Robbie, all of whom are too curious for their own good and so might fall for the scam exclusively to get their hands on Ravio's goods.
And then on the note of these extra characters, Marin is also in HW. So, there's also that Legend has to deal with. His dead girlfriend is not dead. This causes him equal amounts of joy and distress, and I'm not sure how well he'd handle that. Not well, I would guess.
And now I'm realizing 3/4 of the namesakes for the Divine Beasts would be here now since Medli is also in HW. So once the shock wears off I want Ruto hugging Mipha and Sidon. I don't know where conversation goes from there, but hugs. Also, Darunia and Daruk would get along great. They'd be fast friends. Also I picture Medli as being still pretty small, since she's on the younger side, so Revali just looking down at this little harp-playing rito girl. They are so different with such different values, that interaction would be interesting if nothing else. (Especially with very defensive Wind there too.)
Of course then there's the fact every single one of these characters know Warriors too, and he'd have to explain why that is. And then the rest of the Heroes reacting about how he never told them he knew their friends. Which could quite easily transition into Silent eagerly grilling all of them for details on their lives and eras because information. I think Midna would vocalize that she thinks Silent is cute.
I don't think I'd ever be able to manage writing this out, because that is way too many characters to keep track of, but the scene where Twi is yelling at Midna is so clear in my head I might have to write it just to get it out of my head. Don't hold your breath though.
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inked-spirit · 3 years
My DVD player gave up on me just before the scene were Anastasia and her grandmother reunite and talk. And won't play anything for now:')
So these are my notes so far, some things will change, others will be decided. And theres quite a few notes based around what @bokettochild wrote (Hope you don't mind me tagging you). This is basically a part 1, intill I can get my DVD player working (or access one of the consoles at the earliest point) for the rest.
Never thought this au would become that big of a thing but here we are with no regrets:D
(Pre warning there's kinda alot and my notes are pretty bad, also copied and pasted strait from my phone's notes sooo)
• The lulaby music box plays a once opon a december as a Zeldas lulaby adapt which was for the twins.
• It was the 10,000 year anniversary of the hero of time on the day ganon arose.
• When Ravio helped them escape, the music box was dropped by Fable and left behind with him. And the key was kept with Legend.
• The twins were split up in the whole mess, and Fable made it to the train, with Impa, Time and Twilight (the pair being close guards and friends of the royal family). Where as Legend was driven out and lost in the woods. Passing out to hyperthermia, burns, and head injury. Being taken in when found.
• When found is given the name Link:)
• 10 years after the attack, Fable puts out a reward for her brothers return. Around the same time he's sent off to become a knight (which he doesn't want and goes of to the right side path instead of left like told when leaving). And Ravio devises a plan with Marin to fake a prince to claim the reward.
• Runs into Wolfie when deciding weither or not to in the first place.
• When trying to get a ticket to Hytopia and gets denied is sent to Ravio the con for help.
• Mean while Ravio and Marin are taking tryouts for someone to play the part of the prince.
• They give up and go back to the old palace. Where Legend was told to meet them.
• Legend in the ball room sees the ghosts of people has the hallucinations of people dancing around.
• And so Ravio sees him walking around tries to chase him but when Legend turns around beside the old family portrait. Ravio makes the connection of pink hair and looks and goes 'oh you'd play the part perfectly:D'
• Ravio and Marin try to convince Legend that he's the missing prince and he half believes them. He tags along with them either way in order to go to Hytopia
• Ghirahim is in the old palace as a blade on display and overhears/sees the whole thing, and ganon is notified that Legend is not dead.
• On the train blue ink instead of red joke for the train tickets. Also "the mutt gets the window seat"
• Ganon attempts to kill Legend on the train by cutting the baggage cart off, speeding it up and breaking the bridge.
• Maybe Sophie is Warriors and Linkle and Marin are his sisters.
• While on the boat the music box comes out it is not played, but discovered.
• The dream is of a pink bunny leading him to the outside of the boat to try and kill him during a storm. Considering (just an idea not sure weither or not to do it or not yet) the idea of when Ganon fails to get him to jump when Ravio saves him. Ganons anger causes thunder to rain down. (To implement the idea of thunder scars:) and possibly the idea that Wolfie calls Apon Hyrule who's chillin in Hytopia with the rest of the chain via howling the song of healing, to heal him before leaving again)
• Fable and Warriors see the last person who claims to be Legend before deciding no more.
• They reach Warriors who asks the questions to claim Legend is the missing prince and when asked how he escaped, he remembers correctly and Ravio realizes that he is the real missing prince.
• Warriors takes em all shopping to the dismay of Legend. In order to dress them all properly for meeting Fable during the play.
• Ravio and Marin realize they've fallen in love with legend (and likewise:)) and that after they hand him over to Fable they won't ever see him again. Legend does not realize or know this.
• Fable is not happy when Ravio claims to have found her brother, and neither is Legend when he finds out they originally planed to fake him as the prince, after everything they went through and fell in love. He's heartbroken.
All the notes are based strait from the movie, and most will be changed, there just here more so for guidance
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thisloveforyourmom · 3 years
It has been weeks.
Ravio understands, better than most.
He tells her, when Link is away and they are left by themselves in the candlelight, of people who look the same — even work the same occupation — but have never seen him, do not recognize him. Of a princess so desperate that she would eradicate one realm so that she could find herself in another. And he tells her this and she thinks of Koholint, and of the wind fish, and of awakenings. And it is not enough. But it will have to do, because she is here.
Here, instead of the island with the egg on the mountain. Things seem more concrete here, and it overwhelms her. There are no telephones in the trees, no strange, barking balls on chains. Only sounds too crisp and loud to be real, vivid colors, heavy air. Ravio finds her sometimes in a dark room, waiting for sleep.
They cannot tell him.
They could, but. They will not tell him, will not bite the hand that has only reached out to them in peace. He saved me, Ravio says, he saved everyone back home, and Marin feels her heart squeeze. Home, she thinks, he still thinks of it as home, hopes to reach into a fissure and climb inside the same way she still, sometimes, hopes every passing dream will form solid like sand under her feet. Because it does not make it easier, knowing that Link had had to wake the Wind Fish. It does not make it easier, to know that it was a dream. Because the dream is over and she is still here, and it is his fault. And the fissures are sealed and Ravio is still here, and it is his fault.
They would never tell him. They love him too much for that; savior, lover, and betrayer twirl into one and form a twisted thread that stitches their jaws shut. Because the worst part is that they don't have to tell him. He knows, that Koholint is gone, that his own nightmares won't bring it back. That Lorule perhaps thrives, perhaps flounders, and he can only — and must — pray the vision the gods showed him was real. He knows so intensely it would kill him to find out, and so alone in the house they stay, silent but to each other.
And isn't it a travesty, she thinks, often, because he is gone adventuring again.
Adventuring. It had sounded so sweet in his mouth when he'd said it against the sunset of the south beach, like honeycomb from the forest. It had been impossible to imagine him like this, on Koholint, and as it often does it strikes her that he seemed something else entirely on that island. Something peaceful, something soft. Playing an instrument that sounded like the cries of the gulls above them.
He loves music. So does she. Ravio appreciates that they love it. And Link kept those instruments he found on Koholint, those tiny little treasures, and when Marin had been wondering — always on her own, always only wondering — if he felt any remorse at all, she had stumbled into the shed and found them, polished and shined, tuned and preserved, hung on the wall as a set. She had played them, badly, until her mouth hurt and she could no longer see through her tears.
It had been Ravio that found her then, because Link was still adventuring. She was glad for him, sweet Ravio, irreverent Ravio, Ravio who understood. And they cook together, something not quite Lorulean and something not quite of Koholint and something that has nothing to do with Hyrule at all, and it doesn't taste like either of them remember but it is close enough that they laugh about it over the table.
Ravio has never been to Koholint. She tells him of how gentle Link was there, how happy, how eager to help, no matter how small the issue. In return, he tells her of how generous Link was, how dashing, how quick to rush into danger to save — anyone. Anyone who needed saving. And she longs to see Lorule, just once. To see if she could understand him. And Ravio has never been to Koholint.
She goes back to the instruments the next day. She sees what she did not see before. A handbell. A harp that looks nothing like her own. His ocarina. The orchestra of Koholint sits with pride on the wall, but it does not sit alone. Ravio had told her Lorule was a musical place. She wonders if any of these are his. She wonders how the wall would look without them.
For the first time, she realizes, the idea of home is bittersweet. ***
Link looks more and more tired each time he comes home.
This is the last time, she has heard him say, more than once. This will be the last time. And it is not reassurance to them, because there is simply not room, yet, for the idea that they miss him as badly as he misses them, that they suffer, too. Marin used to begrudge him for that, when the longing for Koholint was so raw, so sharp, that it simmered through the balm that was the fact that she was with him. But now she only pities him, and desperately, desperately hopes that it will stop before it eats him alive.
I can't refuse, he says, once, late at night. Who else will go? If I do not wake the Wind Fish, who will save Lorule? If I do not find the danger, who will it find first? And talk of triforces has always confused Marin, whose world was already born on a whim of similar power, but Ravio only nods solemnly and huddles himself closer. There is guilt there. She can see it. She does not know quite what from, but it hangs around them both like a blanket.
Marin has nothing to be guilty for. She loves a young man she saved from the sea. She loves the young man he saved from a broken world. And so all that is left is pity, the selfless kind, the kind that says my god, I hope things are better for you soon. Tomorrow he will wake up and be able to love them again as he loved them this morning. He will have stuffed the guilt back into boxes and put it away and readied himself to be human again. But in this moment he seems something else, something ancient, something exhausted. As if his spirit was locked in a battle it had never lost, not once.
She takes Ravio's hand with one of her own, and cards her other through Link's hair. She is not sure to whom she prays that he won't leave tomorrow, but for good measure she adds several tomorrows on top of that, and wonders if Link hadn't found his home on Koholint, too.
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legendofzelda4life · 3 years
Sleepless nights
Helloooo and welcome back to cliche af titles day 16 lmao
Today I present some Legend and Wild fluff.
Yeah, you can already guess how this goes.
Legend was walking next to an orange-ish hair.
“So, Link, how’s your journey been?” She asked. For some reason - though Legend knew who she was - he couldn’t see her face.
“It’s been great! I’ve- Marin?” The girl was gone.
Legend spun around to be met with an island fading away.
Suddenly he was in Lorule.
Then Holodrum.
Then waking up in his house with his uncle.
He disappeared too.
Legend was alone in darkness.
He dropped to his knees and reached out.
“NO!” He yelled. “DON’T LEAVE!” He clutched either side of his head as he cried.
“I’M SORRY!” He yelled again before growing quieter. “I’m sorry! Is that what you wanted to hear?” He looked up to see everyone he’s ever left behind staring him down.
“I need you…”
“Please.” He whimpered before laying down in the darkness, still clutching his head as he cried, wishing the voices would stop.
“Legend?” That was Wild’s voice.
Why was he awake? Had he yelled out in his sleep and woken everyone? Or just Wild? Maybe Wild was already up.
Legend slowly opened his eyes and was met with Wild shaking his shoulders.
“Hey,” the cook smiled softly, “you okay? You were tossin’ ‘round.” Legend just nodded in response. Failing to find his voice, the boy resorted to signing.
“Did I yell out? Or wake you?” He signed. Wild shook his head. “No, 100 years was a good nap for me so I don’t sleep some nights.” The boy said, sitting next to Legend - who had sat up.
“Oh…” Legend trailed off.
“Wanna talk about it?” Wild asked, tilting his head to the side. Legend gave a dismissive wave. “Nah, just a stupid bad dream.” Legend said.
“Alright, but from now on: I’m your night-time buddy.” Legend tilted his head to the side as Wild stood up enthusiastically. “Can’t sleep? Come see me! Bad dream? Come see me! Wanna beat a bitch? Guess what?!? Come. See. Me.” Wild said the last few words sternly before laughing.
Legend chuckled too. “Thank Wild.” He nudged the boy’s shoulder as they both laughed.
They stared up at the sky in silence.
It was so peaceful that Wild hadn’t even noticed Legend passed out.
Once he did however, he let out a small chuckle before tucking the vet into bed. Wild looked outside before pulling out his slate.
“Three am.” He muttered before looking around the camp. “I could probably get a couple hours of sleep in before Twi wakes up.”
Yeah… he didn’t sleep.
The next night
The next night played out similarly, except Legend nor Wild could sleep.
So they opted to stay awake and walk around camp a little.
A week later
It had been a whole week since the last ‘sleeping-incident�� as Legend called it.
Tonight was another one.
“Wild.” Legend mumbled in his sleep. Said hero heard it and silently wondered what the other was dreaming about.
In Legend’s head, he was walking through a void.
Voices followed him.
The same from last time.
Except eight new voices had added themselves.
This was why Legend didn’t like getting attached.
He was always gonna leave everyone behind.
“Wild!” He called out to one of the voices.
“You left.” It whispered back. “So much for night-buddy, huh, Leg?” It whispered again.
Oh yeah!
How could he forget?
Legend shot up in bed and looked around.
Everyone was still here. Good.
He hadn’t abandoned them.
“Vet? You good?” Wild asked, causing Legend to basically jump out of his skin. 
“Y-yeah.” “Nightmare?” Legend shuddered. “Let’s just call them bad dreams.” He said flatly. Wild nodded and went over to Legend.
“You wanna talk about it yet?” Legend thought for a bit before answering with a soft nod. “Yeah.” He mumbled.
Wild grabbed his own blanket and wrapped it around the pair as Legend started to explain.
“So as everyone already knows, I have been on a… few adventures.” Legend said with a sigh. “Yeah, more than any of us.” Wild chuckled. Legend moved a little closer to the hero as he nodded. It was cold and the closer they were, the more blanket he could use.
“Basically, I left behind a lot of people.” He said, looking down. “I can only imagine how you feel.” Wild said, wrapping an arm around Legend. “I didn’t go on as many adventures as you so I doubt I left behind as many people that I cared about.” Legend could see the other hero’s eyes grow distant.
“Sorry, I shouldn’t be venting.” Legend said, making a move to get away. He felt…
He just vented to someone that felt like they let down a whole kingdom.
“No, it’s okay. I was trying to empathise with you and ended up getting lost in thought.” Wild chuckled as he ruffled Legend’s hair. “If you don’t want to talk though, I wont force you.” He said, moving to stand up but was stopped by Legend.
“I just felt guilty for making you think back.” He said, ducking his head.
Wild laughed quietly.
“Who gives a fuck about how it makes me feel? I sure don’t! This is Legend vent time! Not depressed Wild time!” The blue-clad hero laughed as he spoke. “If you want to vent,” he sat down again, “then by all means: vent!”
Legend nodded and wrapped the blanket around the pair, adding his too just in case one of them stole all the blanket from the other.
“Well, on my adventures, I saved the captured princess and travelled to a dark world, I ventured to the distant lands of Holodrum and Labryna to save the oracles, gaining the ability to control seasons and ages, I went into a dream world on the way back from one of them - I can’t quite remember which it was - and I fell in love with an amazing girl…” Legend looked down.
“What was she like?” Wild asked.
“She could sing like a goddess, looked as beautiful as one too, always managed to make me smile, she did.” Legend was beginning to sound like the Old man. He smiled fondly at the memory of Marin.
“Then I went to a whole other world. That’s when I met Ravio. Surprised he managed to leave after Hilda sent my Zelda and I back. The gateways were meant to close…” Legend trailed off once more.
“You feel like you left all those places behind, don’t you?” Wild asked. The red-clad boy nodded. “Mainly Koholint - the dream world.”
“Tell me about it.”
The boys conversed late into the night, even laughing about how places in Wild’s Hyrule were named after places and people Legend knew. Wild theorised that the wind fish told others about his dream and they decided to name places after it to commemorate a world a hero left behind.
It was gonna be another sleepless night.
Wow I had a lot of fun writing this.
It was a very interesting thing to write about lol.
I WILL WRITE ONLY ABOUT THE LINKS (including the ravio, shadow, the zeldas, and requested characters. Will not write about whole other fandoms though)
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piefanart · 7 years
My high school final report thus far
this is my report. you can probably tell the point at which i got bored.
also spoilers for pretty much every single zelda game below. not joking. read at your own risk. and if you do manage to read the whole thing, tell me what you think! my entire high school grade is depending on this.
The Legend of Zelda series has been around for thirty-one years since its debut in 1986.
The series has featured over twenty-one games and has had numerous official and non-official spinoffs, as well as years of merchandise.
Throughout all of these games, there is a definite and binding timeline that pulls all of the games together into one continuous story. This timeline was created by Nintendo. It is unknown when the company originally created this timeline, but it was commonly theorized among the fanbase and finally released to the public by Nintendo in 2011 with the release of the book Hyrule Historia. Since this book was published, there have been five new Legend of Zelda games released, the most recent being The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. While the other four games have already been placed in the timeline, Nintendo has not yet announced where Breath of the Wild places on the timeline. The only hints they have given is a statement by Aonuma telling us that the game takes place after Ocarina of Time. Later in this report we will see why this statement does not make placing the game any simpler. Currently, the most common speculated theory is that the game takes place in the Child timeline, after The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
Many of the games in the Legend of Zelda series reference each other or the timeline itself. The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap, originally released on November 4, 2004 for the Game Boy Advance, makes many references back to a previous Zelda title, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and Four Swords (December 2, 2002, Gameboy Advance). At the End of Minish Cap, the player (Link) reforges the sword you have used throughout the game, the Picori Blade, into the Four Sword, the blade for which the earlier game was named.
The Minish Cap was actually a prequel of sorts for Four Swords, as it explained what had happened before Four Swords.
Another commonly referenced game is Ocarina of Time, which has been one of the most beloved and ground-breaking titles in the Zelda universe. It was the first three-dimensional Zelda game, released on November 21, 1998 for the equally ground-breaking system the Nintendo 64.
Since Ocarina of Time's release, almost every new Zelda title has referenced it in some way or another. Majora's Mask (April 27, 2000, N64) used many of the same textures, sound files, and character models from Ocarina of Time for two reasons: First, the game was a direct sequel to Ocarina of Time, and second, the game developers were given only one year to complete the game from start to finish. Despite this, Majora's Mask is by far one of the greatest Zelda titles of all time.
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (December 13, 2002, Gamecube) references back to Ocarina of Time in that the beginning cutscene of the game, which explains the backstory for the game and immediately places it in the timeline, contains many notes and nods to Ocarina of Time, including references to “The Hero of Time,” the seven sages, and the defeat of Ganondorf. Later in the game, when the player finds the sunken remains of Hyrule Castle and raises it to sea level, the room containing the Master Sword also has many stained glass windows, which are all images of the sages, the Triforce, and Ganondorf.
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess (November 19, 2006, Gamecube/Wii) comes after Majora's Mask in the timeline. In this game, the player finds a character known as the Hero's Shade. In Hyrule Historia this character was revealed to be the dead spirit of the Link from Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. In order to locate the places this spirit appears in game, the player, in wolf form, must howl specific notes. A golden wolf will echo them back and the two begin howling a melody. These short melodies are actually all songs the player would have learned to play in game in Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask.
Although this is a non-canon appearance, a Tingle doll is located in Princess Zelda's bedroom in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (November 18, 2011, Wii). Tingle is a popular character who first appeared in Ocarina of Time, but has also shown up in Majora's Mask, The Wind Waker, The Minish Cap, and others.
Additionally, both The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (June 23, 2007, DS) and The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (December 7, 2009, DS) are sequels in the Adult Timeline arc, with both games coming directly after The Wind Waker. Unfortunately, despite their revolutionary use of only the touchscreen and the stylus for controls and the use of dual-screen technology, these games are both seen as failures by the fanbase because of their linear storyline, lack of side quests, and “ridiculous gameplay”. Most of Phantom Hourglass is spent either in a temple as the player tests their stealth against over powered enemies, or in a boat waiting to get to the next island; most of Spirit Tracks takes place in a train trying to avoid obstacles in the tracks and outrunning enemy trains. Neither of these games contained much free-roaming ability, which is something the Zelda franchise has always been known for.
The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Warriors (August 14, 2014, Wii U), which was a third-party game developed by Koei Tecmo, Omega Force, and Team Ninja, was a fast-paced action game based around the Dynasty Warriors franchise. In the storyline for this game, the main antagonist actually opens up time portals to three previous Zelda titles: Skyward Sword, Ocarina of Time, and Twilight Princess. This game was revolutionary in that the player could not only play as Link, but also as many other heroes and villains seen in the Zelda universe, such as Tingle, Ganondorf, Princess Zelda, Impa, Tetra, Medli, Midna, Zant, Ghirahim, Fi, Darunia, Ruto, Sheik, Agitha, Skull Kid, Ravio, King Daphnes, Marin, Yuga, and others. These characters came from titles such as Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, A Link Between Worlds, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, The Wind Waker, and Link's Awakening. The game also featured its own new characters that slowly appeared during the main storyline, such as Lana, Cia, Volga, Wizzro, and Linkle. A few of these characters, such as Linkle, first appeared in Hyrule Warriors: Legends, which was released on March 26, 2016. These characters were later released as  dlc for the Wii U version of the game.
The Zelda title with possibly the most references to previous games is The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (March 3, 2017, Wii U/Switch). This game features an expansive three-dimensional open world that the player can roam freely, which is new to the Zelda series. There are many references both canon and non-canon in this game.
The first reference to be listed here is the appearance of Wolf Link, who can be summoned by tapping the Wolf Link amiibo to the Wii U gamepad or Switch. Wolf Link acts as a helpful companion, locating and killing prey for the player, attacking enemies, and helping the player find objects that the Sheikah Slate has located. Although Wolf Link is from Twilight Princess, this reference has been stated to be non-canon by Nintendo.
Another reference in Breath of the Wild is the equipable gear the player can obtain from amiibo. There are outfits, weapons, and shields for Link from The Wind Waker, Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask, Twilight Princess, Skyward Sword, and the original Legend of Zelda. These items each have special descriptions linking them to their home games, but as these items are amiibo-only and not related to the main storyline of Breath of the Wild, they too are non-canon.
A few of the canon references in this game can be seen by exploring the open world. Players have found areas that look almost exactly like certain areas from other Zelda titles. Near the outskirts of Hyrule Castle, there are ruins of what looks like Lon Lon Ranch from Ocarina of Time. There are the horse-jumping fences laid out just as in the earlier game, and there are ruined buildings where the house and barn used to be. Additionally, if the player goes to this area at night, ghostly skeleton horses will appear. These are very rare in the game, mostly showing up only at night in the snowy region to the far top left of the map. These skeletal horses, also known as stalhorses, will only appear at night and will disintegrate as soon as the sun rises.
Near the beach at the bottom of the map, the player can find a broken stone monument that looks like the Mirror of Twilight from Twilight Princess.
All four of the Divine Beasts have names that sound similar to popular Zelda characters from previous titles. These Divine Beasts are: Vah Rudania, Vah Medoh, Vah Ruta, and Vah Naboris. The character names are Darunia, Medli, Ruto, and Nabooru. In the game, only Vah Naboris is confirmed to have been named for Nabooru, but it can easily be surmised that the other three were named for the characters listed as well.
The Legend of Zelda timeline is an offical timeline created by Nintendo. This means that it is canon to the series and not fan-made, though there are fan theories about it.
This timeline will be discussed below. Although not every game has been listed above, only the year of initial release will be listed. The reasoning for this is that the timeline is not linear to when the games first came out; the timeline has branched out since the first game was released in 1986. The following paragraphs will be written from the view that Hyrule is a real place, not a video game.
The Legend of Zelda timeline begins with Skyward Sword (2011), in which the world is created. This game sets the “rules” that occur in the Zelda universe. For example, this game explains why Zelda and Link are reborn century after century, and how Ganondorf is able to attempt to take over Hyrule time and time again. This game also explains the creation of the Triforce, which is split into three parts: Power, Wisdom, and Courage. Each part of the Triforce is protected by an individual with its traits. Throughout the history of Hyrule, Princess Zelda is Wisdom, Link is Courage, and Ganondorf is Power. If all three parts of the Triforce are together, then the bearer of all three becomes omnipotent. Ganondorf seeks to destroy Link and Zelda to gain their Triforces so he can take over the world.
At the end of Skyward Sword, Link reforges his goddess sword into the Master Sword, which has the power to seal Ganondorf away.
The next game in the series is The Minish Cap (2004). This game takes place hundreds of years after Skyward Sword. In the Minish Cap, there is a festival every 100 years to celebrate the small creatures known as Minish or Picori. Only children can see the Picori. During the festival, a dark sorcerer known as Vaati appears to try to steal the light force, a golden light wielded by a previous Hero and protected by the Royal Family. This light force is most likely the Triforce of Wisdom, as it is later found out that the light force is inside Princess Zelda. Vaati turns the Princess to stone and takes off. Link, a young boy, finds a talking bird-like hat named Ezlo, who has the power to shrink himself and Link down to the size of the Picori. Ezlo is actually Vaati's teacher, but when he wouldn't teach Vaati what he wanted, Vaati cursed him into bird form and stole his powers. Eventually, Link reforges the Picori Blade into the Four Sword and restores Ezlo's power by destroying Vaati's. Princess Zelda is freed from being a stone and peace returns to Hyrule.
However, in Four Swords (2002), Vaati is reborn again as the Wind Mage, a large bat-like creature who Link had sealed with the Four Sword. Vaati breaks this seal and wreaks havoc on the land, so Link goes to draw the Four Sword. As soon as he does this, Link is split into four Links, each with a portion of his personality. The four Links, nicknamed Red, Blue, Green, and Vio, must work together to destroy Vaati once again. Once this was accomplished, Vaati was sealed again and the Four Sword returned to its pedestal, and Link became one person again.
Although there is not yet a game about this part, years after Four Swords the Kingdom of Hyrule was plunged into a fierce war. During this war, an unnamed Hylian woman, wounded in battle, made her way into the Lost Woods to the Great Deku Tree, where she died, leaving her newborn baby alone. The Great Deku Tree saw the baby and took care of it, naming it Link. This is where Ocarina of Time (1998) begins.
The story of Ocarina of Time begins with Link, who is now ten years old and living in the Kokiri Forest with the Kokiri, a race of children with fairies who never age. Link, told by the Great Deku Tree that he is a Kokiri, is the black sheep of his friends, as he has no fairy. One day, Link receives a fairy, known as Navi, and The Deku Tree summons Link to him, where Link finds out that an evil parasite is eating the Deku Tree from the inside out. Armed with a small sword and a wooden shield, Link plunged into the Deku Tree to destroy the parasite. Link is successful, but he is too late. The Deku Tree dies and Link must venture out of the Kokiri Forest to Hyrule, where he finds the young Princess Zelda. A Gerudo man known as Ganondorf has infiltrated the castle and is now a trusted adviser to the king. Princess Zelda does not trust Ganondorf, and explains this to Link, who promises to protect the princess. Link, now armed with Princess Zelda's heirloom, the Ocarina of Time, searches all of Hyrule for the three Spiritual Stones. He had already received the Kokiri Emerald from the Great Deku Tree, leaving the Goron Ruby and the Zora Sapphire. After he finds these jewels, Link takes them to the Temple of Time in order to get the Master Sword to destroy Ganondorf. However, Link is not old enough to wield the Master Sword and is cast into a magical sleep for seven years. During this time Ganondorf kills the king of Hyrule and destroys the land. Princess Zelda takes on the form of a boy known as Sheik to protect herself, and falls in with Ganondorf's army as a spy for him, in order to secretly help Link.
This is where the timeline splits. There are three possible outcomes for Ocarina of Time:
*The Hero, Link, is successful and destroys Ganondorf. He continues his life as an adult.
* The Hero is successful and destroys Ganondorf, but Princess Zelda uses the power of the Ocarina of Time to send Link back to the past to live out his life as a child and get back the seven years he lost while he was asleep, without the threat of Ganondorf.
*The Hero is not successful. Link dies at the hand of Ganondorf's beast form, Ganon, and Hyrule is overtaken by evil.
These three outcomes each have their own “leg” in the timeline. These legs are known as the Adult Timeline, the Child Timeline, and the Fallen Timeline.
The Adult Timeline continues after Ocarina of Time, in which Link is successful and he and the Seven Sages seal Ganondorf away. Unfortunately, over time this seal breaks and Ganondorf is allowed to roam the world once again. Ganondorf attempts to seize power over Hyrule, but the Sages use the last of their power to flood Hyrule, hoping that they will drown Ganondorf with the land. The only remaining land is the tallest peaks of the mountains, which became small islands. Only a few people survived, but over many years they began to prosper once again. On a certain island, boys who turn thirteen wear the green clothes of the Hero of Time on their birthdays, to celebrate the defeat of Ganon. Here begins the story of the Wind Waker (2002). A thirteen year old boy known as Link is awoken from his nap by his younger sister Aryll, who tells him that their grandmother has finished his green outfit and there will be a party for him later that day. Link goes to visit his grandmother and puts on the clothes, even though they are much to warm to wear on the tropical summer day. He hears a scream from outside, and runs to see Tetra, a pirate girl, fall from the talons of a gigantic bird. She is caught in the trees of the forest on the island and Link runs to help her. Tetra, in her usual brashness, is unthankful and shrugs Link off. She prepares to leave the island, but the bird comes back and kidnaps Aryll, mistaking her for Tetra. Link leaves with Tetra on her ship to rescue his sister. Unfortunately for him, he is not successful at first, and blacks out. He wakes up on an unfamiliar island in a small boat. The boat, which can talk, explains to Link that he is the next hero and he must save Hyrule from Ganondorf, who is responsible for kidnapping his sister, as well as every other girl with blond hair and pointed ears. Link helps the boat, named the King of Red Lions, find the sunken shards of the broken Triforce and faces off against Ganondorf. It turns out that Tetra is actually Princess Zelda and the boat is the King of Hyrule, her father. Link temporarily returns to the past and defeats Ganondorf, with the help of Zelda. Hyrule remains flooded, so Link and Zelda search the seas for a new land to call home.
Eventually, the two find the seas governed by the Ocean King. There they find a ghost ship, which Tetra boards and is turned to stone. This is where Phantom Hourglass (2007) begins. Link finds an old pirate known as Linebeck, who begrudgingly helps Link save Tetra. Afterwards, they find a vast land and name it New Hyrule.
The next game in the Adult Timeline is Spirit Tracks (2009). This game takes place 100 years after Phantom Hourglass. New Hyrule has been thoroughly populated and Princess Zelda has once again been born, as has a boy named Link. Link studies to become a train engineer and meets Zelda at his graduation, where she was to present him with his engineering certificate. However, Chancellor Cole kills Zelda and takes her body to try to take over the train tracks that have been laid across New Hyrule. Princess Zelda comes back as a ghost and realizes she can posses empty suits of armor. She and Linebeck II help Link defeat Chancellor Cole and regain hold over the trains, at which point the history of the Adult Timeline ends.
The Child Timeline begins with the defeat of Ganondorf, at which point Princess Zelda uses her powers to send Link back into the past with his memories of his adventures to live out his childhood in peace. Unfortunately for Link, this is not the case, as he begins searching for the fairy Navi in the game Majora's Mask (2000) and is attacked by Skull Kid. Link chases after him and falls down a very deep hole, landing in the area known as Termina. Skull Kid, armed with the power of the evil spirit Majora, has caused the moon to fall very slowly into Termina. Because Link has the Ocarina of Time, he can stop the moon, but this causes a rift in time that makes the entire world of Termina repeat the same three days over and over until Link is able to defeat Majora. It is commonly theorized that Link is actually dead in Majora's Mask, for a variety of reasons such as how far he fell, the recurrence of events, and even the name Termina. This is a topic for a different report, however.
The next title in line in the Child Timeline is Twilight Princess (2006). This game takes place many years after Majora's Mask. In it, there are two realms; the light and the shadow. Neither is considered evil or good, but both contain both evil entities and good ones. In the Shadow realm, the leader of the Twili tribe dies and his daughter, Princess Midna, becomes Queen of the Twili. Her father's adviser, Zant, disagrees with this and usurps Midna's throne and casts her out into the Light realm in the form of an imp. Zant, underwhelmed with his new power, decides to try to take over the Light realm as well and casts parts of it into eternal Twilight. Link, a teenage farmhand, becomes a wolf when as soon as he goes into the Twilight, and is cast into Hyrule Castle's dungeons, where he meets Midna. She convinces Link to help her gain back her throne and return the light to Hyrule. Eventually, it is revealed that Ganondorf was behind Zant all along, and Link defeats both Ganondorf and Zant and returns Midna to her True Form and restores the peace to Hyrule yet again.
Hundreds of years later, Ganondorf is reborn again and finds the Four Sword. He then attempts to free Vaati, beginning the storyline for Four Swords Adventures (2004). Link again uses the Four Sword to split into four Links and seals Ganondorf and Vaati away.
The next leg of the timeline is the Fallen Hero Timeline. This begins with the defeat of the Hero and the rule of Ganondorf. The first game in this part of the timeline is A Link to the Past (1991) in which Agahnim (aka Ganondorf) tries to kill the reborn Princess Zelda. Link temporarily defeats Agahnim and continues his story in Oracle of Seasons where Link finds the land of Holodrum and saves it from the evil Onox, who wanted nothing but utter chaos. Then Link finds the land of Labrynna in Oracle of Ages (2001) and saves it from Veran, who wanted to be Queen. After these adventures, Link set sail back to Hyrule, where he had a dream. This dream is the events of the game Link's Awakening (1993). Once Link got back to Hyrule, he defeated Ganondorf again. There is not yet a game for this specific defeat, but soon an evil wizard known as Yuga tried to take over Hyrule. A young man named Link tries to stop him, but fails. Yuga steals Princess Zelda in the form of a painting and retreats to his homeworld of Lorule. This is where the events of A Link Between Worlds (2013) take place. Link defeats Yuga and leaves Lorule and Hyrule altogether, venturing to the land of Hytopia, which is a kingdom obsessed with fashion. Their Princess Styla has been cursed to only be able to wear an ugly brown jumpsuit, and Link, along with two other knights named Link, is recruited as a soldier to defeat the witch who did this. After doing this, Hytopia is restored to its former glory.
Meanwhile in Hyrule, Ganondorf has taken over. Again. And thus begins The Legend of Zelda (1986).
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