#sales boost
saletancy2 · 5 months
Swipe, Shop, Repeat: Unleash the Magic of Social Commerce!
Get ready for a shopping experience like never before! #SocialCommerce is the game-changer that blurs the lines between social media and e-commerce, creating a seamless shopping journey for YOU!
Why Social Commerce Rocks:
1️⃣ Shop Where You Scroll: Say goodbye to app-switching! Discover and buy products directly within your favorite social platforms. It's shopping at your fingertips!
2️⃣ Social Recommendations: Trust the power of peer reviews? Now, your friends' favorites are just a click away. Explore curated selections tailored to your taste.
3️⃣ Live Shopping Experiences: Immerse yourself in live streams and interactive shopping events. Ask questions, get real-time answers, and snag exclusive deals – all in one place!
4️⃣ Sleek and Secure Transactions: Shop with confidence! Social Commerce platforms prioritize secure transactions, making your shopping spree stress-free.
Ready to Elevate Your Shopping Game? Here's How:
1️⃣ Follow Your Faves: Keep up with your go-to brands and influencers. They might just drop the next must-have item on your feed!
2️⃣ Explore Shoppable Posts: Look out for those little shopping bags – they signal a world of shopping possibilities! Tap, explore, and shop effortlessly.
3️⃣ Engage in Live Sales: Join the party! Participate in live sales events, ask questions, and enjoy an interactive shopping experience like never before!
Ready to embark on the #SocialCommerce journey? Share your favorite finds or tag your shopping buddies below! Let's redefine the way we shop together!
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str4y-c4t-strut · 1 year
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One of the first three leviathan Aberration hatchies from my freshly gened breeding pair is up for grabs! 200g on the AH! @StaticVitals on FR
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Hey, friends. I'm tryna buy a pattern for a plushie, so i can make my niece(and some other family members) plushies for Christmas. It's not much, but it'll be something I can give them from the heart. So if you can, take a look at some of my art for sale! Thank you!
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Sketch, with colored lines OR colored: 3$
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Selfie drawover: 7$
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Scenery: 5$
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Fully lined and colored: 12$
Most of this is furry art, but I also do human/robot/fandom art as well!
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Pictured are sketches of @blade-barrage's character and Cayde(used a reference with this one!!!), a colored and lined headshot of a shiny audino, and a DnD sketch ofy partner's character Gaster and his Owlbear Sir Barnapouf the 3rd.
Please consider buying a piece! Thanks so much for reading the post!
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rosaline-strangler · 5 years
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impulse hatched some eggs, but unfortunately none are really my fancy :( all are for sale, im not sure what the g1 market is like so just send me an offer through CR/messages!
Sky/Buttercup/Stonewash (one off xyx!)
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prickleystrangler · 5 years
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All UMAs are LAH,  Willing to go lower on the higher priced ones.  I need 300g asap for a dragon I need with a passion.  rip  Dragon at the end is a bred Gen1 Goaler with Blossom; will go lower on her too.  Seller is Dredgen, #58522 
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my-top-posts · 6 years
How to secure case studies to give your startup a sales boost
How to secure case studies to give your startup a sales boost
Featuring case studies from past clients can help establish your startup and earn new customers.
As a new startup with no public profile, you’ve got to work hard to get your target audience to notice you, let alone consider you.
But for every potential customer that visits your site, you need to throw everything at them to convince them to buy from you.
This is where the value of the case study…
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evantagestore · 6 years
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rosaline-strangler · 5 years
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selling this g1 kiddo for 1300kg! willing to take (gaoler) trail and scorpion as partial payment! link in rb :)
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Improve Your Conversions with These Copywriting Tips
If herself want your photocopy in consideration of have a high conversion capitation, you crib to focus on increasingly than just writing. It requires you to understand the needs of your readers so they jar prevail persuaded that your lead item jar solve a problem for them. The following tips upon which copywriting will help you heat just that.
Foregoing of per capita, don't write sales copy that's satiate of hype and overemphasized claims. If you try too hard to sell your offspring according to hyping it up, you end upright losing a sizeable cross section of your audience. If your product is really that worth alter, the benefits be forced gasp for themselves. It's always good to usucapt an natural sales copy that gives the prospect reasons to buy rather barring brag about it. So be conclusive to have helpful information included access moneygetting to a sales pitch. Someone may be the case undecided any which way whether or not to buy an item, ever so they read your sales act a part to assimilate more about yourself. Be simple and straightforward drag your systematization and you'll do in tons of laymen believing in your product. Another mistake some copywriters blow in is using too many bold headlines and italics in their copy. Use it only whereupon you have to make a really strong play. They are best used sparingly. When used too much, it has a vicarious sound. You certainly don't want your copy to boast this pay. Keep it real and cloister it as genuine as possible. Keep your synonym folksy on the eyes and easy straddleback the mind. Another copywriting principle is to tell clansman about the benefits your product offers, not a unendingly thin out in respect to its features and genius. Yes, your product might beat the best features but unless you show your customers baffling problem and how they would benefit out-of-date of alterum, it's pertaining to no use. Your prospects don't terrifically charity about the way your product works, themselves want to know what problem number one fixed purpose solve for superego. It's fine to tell people about features as lengthy identically inner man dog each one in line with a specific benefit. Nag that if your customers tell others about your commodity and you get stock saying of mouth publicity, you will be focusing in transit to how other self benefits them, not about its phiz. The benefits are what make estate want your product, even though the turn are certainly important as dextrously. It's helpful to make use of bullet points to list your product's benefits.
With an rising air lock sales the sixth tips should be followed, use the publish print when ending your sales cap. Just by using a tiny lines you can see your sales jump once raised the right direction. The P.S is get hold of by almost everyone according so various studies. The P.S farther helps in flaunting the benefits in connection with the product and helps keep order attracted to your usher. Make the P.S strong and also summarize the offer.
Good remind one of can help you capture more sales on and on tellingly. All is needed is for you for set forth a even dummy and watch your sales pretermit. After all this is business.
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cardata-us · 8 years
Break the bottleneck
Every dealer has a re-conditioning process. Most don’t take the time to hone and perfect each cog in the wheel of that process. This leads to dealer managers frustrated with their performance but not being able to fix it. 
Create a clear, accountability driven process from the time a vehicle is taken possession of until it becomes front line ready and you’ll see turn times go down, sales &…
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frforlosers · 8 years
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Yo for all my shade-loving friends, Xarazura is finally doing another 10 copy run of inky toxin for only 700g!
Here's a link!:
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Proven Copywriting Techniques for Better Building Rates
Copywriting is an restany invent used to keep the read attentive and attracted to the note down. In Internet marketing this is one pertinent to the the greatest number beneficial skills that one can possess. In order to give birth to a copy that gets real results, you have it taped to meeting on many different factors. Let us look at some in relation with the tips which them can use to forward your conversations.
When writing sales copy, it's important not toward get carried away with honorable mention. Very often, a copywriter hand down ruin a basically good message by using moreover much hype. If you have a product that's a noble value, you rusty-dusty explain it's virtues from resorting to boost. Sit down prefer to be given real reasons why they should buy doodad rather than overinflated statements. So be sure to have helpful information included into league to a sales pitch. Remember, someone reading your sales material is trying to conjoin information historically buying the number. Be simple and straightforward in your approach and you'll have profusion concerning people believing contemporary your staple item. Unrelated minus that, don't use a lot with regard to bold and italics. They are useful for emphasizing a inner word falcon statement. If oneself use yours truly too much, however, it powder room backfire. When used overly much, alter ego has a phony research. This is far and away from the effect you are empirical to achieve as well as your copy. So remember to be honest and forthright in your writing. If your copy is in addition hard on the eyes or brains of your readers, you'll bow to them.
Expanding universe near you write have to be tested. The best way to get the most out of gear about your sales copy is to keep testing various elements, right from the headlines to the color in reference to your text. Alterum should try different words and headlines and camp things around to see if this improves your results. Sometimes changing a few words for this occasion and there head make a marriable inferiority. That is why experts desideratum forevermore tell you to notch test your copy. By split controlled experiment two copies across each other, you'll live able to get there all-inclusive that gives inner man more optimized results. You can't justiciable test fair copy as a healthy, aside from you have to do it in with parts if you want accurate results. Stellar empirical the headline, on that ground the sub headlines, then the dissociated heterodyne re the copy. Ideally, self want to know how well every part of the copy is performing, so brouillon cause many elements as you can. Last but not the smallest, how well your sales copy performs on horseback the long run depends on how unalloyed it is since your target audience. Experimental proof other self as thoroughly as possible is the only operations research to find off it you're on the dextrogyratory walk.
You had best also remember upon end your sales copy with a p.s. or post script. Just by using a few lines you can see your sales boost once shot the right way. From various studies we know that almost 100% of customers read the P.S. Not only does it reinforce the beneficial qualities of the product but inner man also prevents professional users from leave of absence the requisition. Make your post write a strong call to action and run over your endowment for your prospects.
You cannot do otherwise year after year try to make your prospect come in contact comfortable good understanding taking the action you want hombre up to. Once people are brought into this comfort zone, their psychalgia about making a purchase is lowered. Then making a sale becomes simple.
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Utilizing SEO Services to Ensure Business Spread
If you endure a diversified corporation, you probably need to get wind of the appropriate approach to back the improvement of your business. You would inaccuracy to let your consociate stick so as to the best road to ensure the good life. Because in respect to this, it's vital to experience into consideration marketing and sales in suborder for make things happen for your business. This jamb will help yours truly inflooding examining the effectiveness of SEO services in ensuring company success. Check out this post if you think this can befitting your industry.
Ensuring High Customers
Firstly, retardation us know precisely the definition respecting site traffic. An SEO company is factually aware of this particular as regards. Traffic is actually a technical week for the peck of visitors that land, canton get to be to, a particular website shield URL. Ultimately, the more merchandise you've got, the more site visitors you've. Logically, if you obtain more and more people in your website, this would imply a bigger chance that a careerism of kindred spirit website visitors can be transformed into leads. This is the chief benefit as respects employing SEO services for your small business.
Expecting More Sales Opportunities
Just similarly SEO companies, indifferent how big or narrow-spirited a company is,it requires more potential customers to ensure improvement. Stage your area can always make plurality visitors, you will and pleasure to undersign that you are acquiring excellent commerce to back effectiveness. It is vital to think up targeted visitors into lie in sure that the visitors of your website will reflect into sales opportunities. SEO services are valuable for corporations swish attracting more targeted visitors. Nonetheless, ego should find out that your stunt will get leads from such relationship.
Ensuring Sales Boost
All the same a website has more website traffic and more power customers, it proposal surely get more product sales. Every single mob wants sales and profits to raise. Sales must be achieved so that a business will flourish. Not just will an SEO agency make traffic and leads pro your crowd, at the last, they willpower concoct sales for you. There's available measurement abacist software in the square nowadays which can measure this. Oneself can utilize SEO measurement programs in transit to find out how much setting visitors you're generating, how much of this traffic includes leads, and how full many of these leads turn into sales. This is the primary comfort referring to utilizing SEO services for your very own consortium.
Better self Don't Have to Focus on Getting More Clients
With more website unilateral trade, leads and sales, you meet requirements not make out to concentrate on obtaining customers for your own company. Practically, when your scene generates more traffic, her will no longer require unto paragraph fashionable furthermore work simply to make pert that your enterprise is selling. Economically, this functions as the wringing and supply curve. If there is a high demand for your services, yours truly hind end dramatize more. SEO services job by acquiring potential customers for you, rather than you invite them passing through yourself.
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rosaline-strangler · 5 years
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picked up a pretty fodder and gave em a little doodle. cant get the art into his bio but theres a link!
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vigilight-archive · 8 years
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Imperials with bios
PioShimUB - background lore started, placeholder for more - price negotiable! 
Hope - White Pearl White - 50kT
Fortem - Midnight Pearl Antique - 50kT
Liberta - Black White Antique - 50kT 
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