#sakura is a femcel in canon
Hello yes look at my children with issues
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Some modern Spotties <3
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Bibically accurate Sakura (see now she’s cute and doesn’t look like a femcel lmao)
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Femboy Akira aayyyyy
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Kanabun even tho he’s not an OC
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Young Keiko in the canon!AU :(
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marchlione · 3 years
started rewatching naruto and ohhhhhhh boy.....
people who call naruto ‘sunshine boy’, like i get that different strokes for different folks but, naruto is straight up annoying. i can excuse 12 year old naruto for being annoying, he’s 12. i hate all the 12 year olds, even sasuke who is my favourite character. like wtf stop being a little shit for two seconds and cut back on your ego. sasuke has no business being that prideful, and he needs to be cut down a little. but he’s 12. again, sakura, i’m a girl too, i was not that insanely boy crazy at 12, stfu and sit down, you’re a child.  
but even at 16 when you’re supposed to be slightly less annoying, naruto managed to get worse. i just want to gag him. sakura gets slightly more bearable when sasuke isn’t around, but i still don’t care for her. and this curse of hatred is such bull shit. like imagine taking an entire ethnic group and telling them, yeah you’re all insane and messed up people. like that’s fucked. can we think of real world examples of this? :)
so anyway, i turn to fanfic because that should make it better. no. the only thing worse than naruto canon is its fandom. good god. if i see one more ‘good uchiha sasuke’ tag where sasuke ‘lets go of all those silly notions about honouring his family because they’re dead and don’t matter anymore’, i will lose it. like do you people not understand what honour and family honour is and what it means? and then we talk about how vengeance is bad but really. how do you expect sasuke to act. “i know that the brother i loved and idolized so much went and murdered everyone that i have known and massacred my entire ethnic group on orders of a military dictatorship that profits off of conflict after years of marginalization and hatred from the village our ancestors helped create because of blood, buuuuuut revenge is bad uwu”. is that what you want??? revenge isn’t good or pretty or right, but you have to admit, sasuke is at least a little bit justified. genocide is considered an awful thing in their world too.
this doesn’t even cover the whole ‘Team 7 family uwu’ thing. they were not a family. they were barely even friends. naruto and sakura eventually became friends, but they weren’t sauke’s. i get being a fan of found family, but this ain’t it. they were a couple of messed up kids who were thrown together for a couple of years at best. sasuke most likely stuck to the uchiha clan kids pre-massacre, and was alone post-massacre. sakura didn’t respect any of sasuke’s boundaries and naruto was obsessed with sasuke. if they really were his friends they would have recognized the horrors that their beloved village had enacted and even if they didn’t help sasuke get revenge, they would have slowly helped him try to heal, instead of trying to kill him when he didn’t fall into line and become another brainless soldier. and naruto most certainly wouldn’t have said that godawful line “i will break all your bones and drag you back to konoha kicking and screaming” if he was sasuke’s friend. that alone should show you how well konoha indoctrinates its soldiers. they took the kid that had largely been abused by the village throughout his childhood and turned him into the model soldier that sprouts the villages propaganda verbatim.
i also don’t understand why fanfic authors feel the need to give sakura a sob story. like the other members of this team are messed up, so we gotta fuck you up so we can have a matched set. i mean you can do that if you can justify it but for the most part, authors write it like they have to give her serious trauma for her to be a strong character or have her become a “BAMF”. you are allowed to have mentally healthy characters, team 7 has suffered enough, give them one sane characters. also you do not need to justify power with trauma, you don’t. trust me. also its ok to not be the most overpowered person in the room. you can be fucked up for no reason, you can be perfectly average and still be valuable. no offence but “uwu sakura queen” won’t make you a feminist, and disliking her doesn’t make me a misogynist. none of the character are written well and least of all the women. kurenai, tenten, sakura, hinata, and karin all had potential. too bad every character was just a representation for one ideology or another with the intention of showing that yes propaganda does work and is effective and repeating something enough times will make it true. after all, we need not look further then the fandom itself. after all, if everyone took the time to peel back the fluff and padding and look at the themes and ideas presented in the story, you’d see how problematic some of the ideas conveyed by canon are. in conclusion i hate everything about canon AND fanon
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fuckishimoto · 3 years
i would perhaps enjoy sns/narusaku shippers telling ss shippers that their ships suck too if they did it without trying to uplift their own shitty ships, which are equally as garbage in their own right. like i'm so fed up with this whole shipping discourse, when the manga was airing there were always ns tards fighting nh/ss tards clogging social media with their corny shipping crap. you would expect that after so long since the manga ended they would calm the fuck down, but guess not lol
i'm sorry, i can't stand any shippers, whether they ship sasunarusasu, sasusaku, narusaku, naruhina or whatnot. they're all equally as dumb and cringe. they all have shitty and ridiculous arguments, devoid of any common sense, of why apparently their ship is "superior", "should've been canon" bla bla. like hoes they all suck. this manga justifies genocide and they do be here arguing which ship is better. have you ever seen a dumber fanbase?
sns is full of fujoshis and people who worship naruto and act like sasuke has to spend his whole life making up to him, narsaku is full of incels who wank naruto and think he was entitled to saukra's pussy, or femcels who hate sasuke's guts and think naruto would've treated her like a "uwu qween", ss/nh are full of straight femcels placing hinata and sakura on pedestals just because they have a vagina. most of the naruto shipping fanbase is cringe as hell, filled with lunatics
also narsaku pisses me off the most cuz the fans always have to shit on sasuke to make their cringe ship look better, they blame him for their trash not being canon, even going as far to say sasuke stole sakura from naruto (😂😂😂😂 he didn't even want anything to do with her lol). they always misinterpret sasuke's character or even point blank making shit up about him to further their own pro ns agenda. they don't even get naruto and saukra's characters right
I wouldn’t want them to calm the fuck down tho, it’s very entertaining to see them fight each other. I also like naruto having a shitty fandom. Shippers are mostly on twitter and tumblr, if you go to youtube and watch clips of the fights, you still see a lot of power whores there who’re into jutsu. The thing that few people are least interested in is the plot and themes.
I agree everything you said about sns and narusaku shippers, I don’t think I could stand the smugness if they got canon or validated in the ending. The easiest way to start hating on a ship is to listen to the shippers lol
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stopthebig3 · 4 years
I just saw some fangirls slandering Sasuke under a Sakuino art, like, it's sickening, they act like Sasuke is the cause of their ship not being canon when he never cared about both
Sakura and Ino are horny straight girls who wanted his dick and Sasuke made it clear he wasn’t interested in either of them. Femcels really are wild. So bitter that Sasuke didn’t want to fuck them they need to pretend they’re too good for him.
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fuckishimoto · 3 years
I cringe so hard whenever I see someone declares Sakura as lesbian. It's such a huge insults to lesbians in general. Sakura is the straightest character in Naruto, as her characterization revolves around chasing a guy's dick that don't even care about her. Also I remember Sakura reacted with disgusted when Naruto used his jutsu to change into 2 women in intimate pose but totally fine if they're guys (Sasuke and Sai). She also doesn't have positive relationships with other women (except Tsunade)
That’s why they want her to be lesbian, because she’s too fucking straight and thirsty in the canon. That’s how these female character stans’ brain works, “sakura is too much a cunt in the canon, that’s too damn relatable and too fucking embarrassing at the same time. I’m just gonna pretend she’s a lesbian so that I don’t have to deal with all the hate for dick thirsty fangirls. It feels too personal, attack on sakura is attack on every femcel who ever lusted for a chad and got rejected”
Of course they don’t actually think she’s a lesbian, if she were, they wouldn’t have cared about her in the first place. Her entire popularity is based on her utility as a self insert for straight girls who’re horny.
I just feel bad for Ino, being shipped with sakura is an insult.
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