#saffron and mello will be around in a hilarious way in one of the pre-wtdmtn fics
lea-andres · 7 months
Let's see if this causes chaos, because I knew one person that would've hated this one for... absurd reasons. I'm having a bad night, let's have some fun.
I ship Charmy and Marine.
Not like, super hardcore while they're 6, because they'd team up to fight the cooties and shenanigans would definitely ensue and I acknowledge little kid relationships are just playing house and playing wedding (did anyone actually do that with their peers, or was that a fiction lie? I never fucking did that lmao) and meaningless shit like that, but like, when they're older.
Because the little kids aren't staying little in my lore, I'd say sorry but that would be a lie because I'm not sorry lmao.
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