pueroimmersi · 7 years
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@miistergraves / @saddadsquad :          have we written together on this blog yet?  idc, it still applies and i am too lazy to log back into credence, my bad. theo you are just gr9 and i love writing with you and i love talking about colin farrell all the damn time with you. honestly i cannot decide who is the most awkward a potato out of the three of us and i’m okay with that. your cosplays are so fucking great and i love seeing all of them on instagram and just !!! all the stories you have and the teen wolf cast . never letting myself live down our trashy ship when we were both writing in the teen wolf fandom, woops. you are my fave ok 
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@miistergraves / @saddadsquad  Theo! Gosh, I can’t even remember fully how far we go back, but I think it’s all the way back to my first return to Remus, back when FB first came out. I feel like I was a little nervous to approach you at first? But then somehow we got interacting and we fell into the ship that was Remus and Percival and we haven’t looked back. You’re always indulging me and my crazy ideas, and you’re always great to scream about Colin Farrell with. Plus. PLUS. Your cosplays. OH MY LORT, fam, they are absolutely stunning. Honestly, you’re just extremely talented all around and it’s always a pleasure to have you on my dash, no matter what blog you or I are on. Thank you for being an amazing presence on my dash. Thank you for blessing the community with your amazing writing and interpretation of whatever character you do. Thank you for putting up with me and my ramblings all the time. Thank you for being you. ( voice recording goes here )
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dctectivewcst-blog · 7 years
@saddadsquad ♥’d for a starter 
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                          “Man, when did everything get so complicated?” He was not used to being around someone who could actually understand what experiencing all of that, watching what the area’s most well-known vigilantes went through every single day could do to a parent. Quentin had seen far more tragedy than Joe believed he would ever be able to survive, he knew that, but he was the closest anyone else would be to his current situation, except perhaps Harrison Wells the sequel, who was a little geographically unavailable seeing as he was off in another Earth. 
“Y’know, there was a day when two glasses of this would do the trick.” He held up the bottle of Blue Label he was bringing to the table and paused to pour a small amount in the two glasses he had brought in his other hand. “Things didn’t look as messy, made it easier to sleep on ‘em. Now—? Now I’m thinking it’ll take two bottles.”
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gabbydawscn-blog · 7 years
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❝ hey hermann ❞ gabby caught up to the older firefighter. the two paramedics returned from dropping off a child off at MED and Gabby had saw an idea while driving. A genius idea. if she knew Christopher enough she knew he would approve. At least she hoped that was the case. ❝ so I saw something during our run for Mollys. ❞ she pulled out her phone and showed it to the man.  ❝ I think Matt can help fix it up but we can get it CHEAP.  what do you think? ❞ @saddadsquad
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omneinfinitus-a · 7 years
@saddadsquad because Joe said so.
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It felt like he had been working nonstop for the last few weeks, rarely having time to do anything other than sleep and eat in between all the hours of overtime he was managing to earn. It was easy to say that he was exhausted and down right looking forward to the few days off he was finally being awarded now that he had managed to close the case. 
“Hey honey! You home? I brought food.” He called out, closing the front door behind him. 
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vencficas-blog · 7 years
saddadsquad replied to your post: ;; Does Chris Argent still celebrate Fathers Day...
the answer is he sits at home with some whiskey for all occasions he can no longer celebrate. like birthdays. anniversaries. father’s day.
definitely don’t think about him pulling out old photos and videos, remembering her elaborate decorations because she always went all out for her fam :’)))
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braverytaught · 7 years
saddadsquad replied to your post “wait are you recording answers to questions now cause if you are i...”
your wish is my command
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somaternal-a · 7 years
saddadsquad replied to your post: y’all know maria is a milf. no one lie.
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suitedblue-a · 7 years
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motherdcarest-blog · 7 years
❛ it’s a good joke, if you have the right humour for it. ❜ (sirius)
deathless prompts | A C C E P T I N G | @saddadsquad
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          “ it’s not. ”            of course he would add to the humiliation of having to sit in the headmaster’s office at hogwarts by talking back to her, as if they were at home and not in public. her lips are pinched into a thin line, her hands crossed over her laps as she tries and maintains some sort of composure for the sake of decorum. it’s not the first time she’s received a letter from the school to alert her of her son’s misbehaviour, but it certainly is the first time it went so far as to request her presence at the school itself. “ you’re a disgrace to this family. it’s a shame for me to be sitting here, listening to how my son nearly killed another student ! this behaviour will not be tolerated any longer, sirius ”
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meaningfound-blog · 7 years
x | @saddadsquad
     IT’S ALL HE can do to keep the shock from registering on his features. Ego won’t give Yondu the satisfaction of seeing him genuinely stunned, but it’s more of a struggle than he cares to admit to keep his facial expression arranged in the same look of composure and neutrality. He’s always regarded the mortal lifespan as a WEAK, flimsy thing, comparatively little more than the blink of an eye compared to his own, which would ( with any luck ) continue stretching on into a vast eternity. Yet, the man before him now appears to have CONQUERED that -- exactly how, Ego can’t say.
      HERE HE THOUGHT all along that he’d been the only one to survive those tumultuous last moments on his home planet. What he remembers is vague -- a blur of explosions and flames, and his beautiful fantasy world crumbling down around them -- but he’s sure that it ought to have been IMPOSSIBLE for Yondu to have made it out alive. Ego, himself, had barely made it out of there, and if it’s that difficult for a Celestial to escape certain defeat, then how did this Ravager manage to pull off such a feat?
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      ❝ MIND TELLING ME exactly what it is you’re doing here, Yondu? ❞ As he speaks, Ego makes every effort to maintain a casual, mildly curious tone, but even he’s not such a skilled liar as to completely erase the surprise in his voice. ❝ I’ll be honest with you -- the last thing I ever expected was for you to be showing your sorry face around here anytime soon. So how’d you do it? ❞
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vencficas-blog · 7 years
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WHHAAATTT THHEEE FUCCKKKK Y’ALL?!?! I cannot believe I’m here again; celebrating another milestone on this blog. I’ve now reached a number of followers that I don’t think I’ve ever had on another rp blog and I am so, so, so blown away by the fact that there are people out there who give my garbage ass the time of day. I’ve said it before, but I’m gonna say it again. I made a multi muse blog not really expecting a whole lot? The rp community can have a pretty negative connotation about multis, so never in my life did I expect this kind of response. Because of this blog, I have been able to interact with some of the greatest people. They are chock full of talent, creativity, and they’ve all served as inspiration for me, to better myself as a writer.  Not only are they incredibly talented, they’re all rays of gd sunshine too. It hardly seems fair that there’s so many people who are so amazing at so many different things and in so many different ways, but since I’m lucky enough to experience their presence, I’ll allow it. Some of these people I talk with every day. Some of these people I have skype or discord dates and we watch tv or movies together. Some of these people let me spam them with memes or scream about muses and headcanons together. Some of these people I don’t talk with near as much as I’d like, but their sheer talent in the way they portray their muse(s) brings a tear to my eye. All of these people have made my experience on here worth while, and if you’re following me, I can guarantee you’ll live will improve at least 91% if you follow them, too. So, without much further ado, he is my list of blogs you should be following if you know what’s good for you.  
@aardently @aimovoriia @apcgee @atomicked @baddecisionsandbourbon @battleincarnate @braverytaught @chantillystained @compulsoryblood @cptins @cravesfreedom @defiantcharms @didnotstrut @epicallies @fatherscode @favourfire @feelsepic @goldensaviour @gotmyskeletonkey @hclywcrs @heroheart @hisbattles @hopeburdened @ineveryvein @ingloriious @inventingtruth @killedbyvoldemort @kolhearted @magicaladept @manichaeisms @mercycries @misersevere @nctafreak @noiretranger @notatlas @nothatevolved @nothingsurvived @odairing @ofanimagi @pcnurnbra @rebelvoices @saddadsquad @stagpottah @starhaze @starsdrawn @starsforged @suitedblue @technimorph @thescorcher @turnedsoftness @vaarulv @valoroused @wrcngbitch
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notatlasa2 · 7 years
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tb....w to the time we got to hang with our favorite people. @saddadsquad @kanimascales
re: we’re getting the band back together
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dctectivewcst-blog · 7 years
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                         I HAVE ONLY BEEN HERE A LITTLE OVER TWO WEEKS, YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING. thank you for being so eager to interact with my joe, we both feel the love and appreciate it so much. and thanks to everyone that’s already written with him in such a short time, here’s a shoutout to all of you. you’re amazing !!
@detectiveprettybxy || @detectivempmorgan || @oppositeofspeed || @likeaguardianangel || @movefcrward || @gliderofgold || @ofcoldguns || @im-a-hawker / @believeinxtheimpossible || @i-mattered || @specialiitas || @oppositeofhero || @nevaramon || @saddadsquad || @ofscarllet || @metahuman-mutanthuman || @dawnofspeed
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stagpottah · 7 years
I CAN’T BELIEVE MY OWN EYES THAT I HAVEN’T MENTIONED   @saddadsquad   YET : Sirius Black in   ESSENCE.   Like The Sirius-iest of Blacks. Our wedding crashers thread is something I genuinely get excited about whenever I think about it. Like your sirius ??? understands ??? my James ??? on a level I can’t even begin to describe. Also your Remus, Chris, Percival, & all the sad dads are fucking   PERFECT. 
@beensobrave : WE NEED MORE THINGS. Lily is   ( of course )   the love of James’ life which means u in turn are the love of mine ?? SUCH a sweet mun & blog I would recommend twenty times over if I could. 
@true-augurey   I mentioned this in the other post but honestly, wtf. Like your Peter & Albus are so   GOOD   I cry ??? Like both of these are characters that are so easily misinterpreted & you just ??? characterize them perfectly ??? Like I know we are rp’ing in a magical world but what   SORCERY   is this 
@baddeciisiions I know we havent written together yet but this is just a friendly PSA that I genuinely stalk your lily. Not only is the FC bomb af but the   DIALOGUE   behind lily is so on point james is literally vomiting heart eyes. 
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disavowcd-archived · 7 years
click HERE to listen to me ramble !!
sorry for going off on so many tangents :’)
Record yourself answering the following questions and post it, then tag some other cuties to hear their voices!
Mun and Muse’s names?
Music that you write to?
How long you have been playing this character?
How many languages do the mun and muse speak? Favorite word in a language other than English?
A quote that describes the muse?
How would you describe the muse’s voice (Impressions Please!!!)
A favorite line from your muse?
What you love most about your muse?
What you hate most about your muse?
Where your accent is from
Tagged by: @caediteos
Tagging: @ourpyrrhicvictory ,  @mysilvcrlining , @saddadsquad , @prcphvcies , & anyone else who’d like to do it!! tag me in it if you do!!
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