#sabi wants uppies
egginfroggin · 11 months
Loving the mental image of Sabi literally falling onto Gaeric's back out of nowhere when she wants to play. He's, like, bent over and pulling sand radishes out of the ground, or something, and she just *FWUMP* falls onto him.
He tries to pull her off and she twists around like the slippery kid she is to avoid being pulled away. It's like trying to wrangle a snake.
Gaeric finally manages to pull her off and holds her out, dangling by her hood, asking what in Sinnoh's Space she wants now.
To be thrown into the air. Uppies, she wants uppies, basically.
"Pleeeeeeeeeease, Gaeric?" she asks, giving him the biggest, shiniest, cutest eyes that are more irresistible than the pleading eyes Lord Avalugg's baby Bergmite give him when they want cuddles.
Fine, he'll toss her around -- gently -- but only if she helps him pick up the radishes he dropped when she fell on him.
She proceeds to gather them up and then take off, effectively roping him into a game of chase.
Absolute shenanigans.
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