#s26 my beloved
nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
spoilers from 1989 btw
Am I overthinking things (again) or is the stuff in Curse of Fenric where we're introduced to Millington with his Hitler-room where he's got a copy of a room in Berlin so that he can learn to think like the Nazis, and then by the end he's planning to blow up Moscow with the Weird Green Stuff, ie he has indeed learned to think like the Nazis? Which'd tie in with that vicar's loss of faith because of what The Good Guys have done in the war, wouldn't it? So is it a thing?
Last time I overthought Curse of Fenric I ended up wondering about the significance of Millington's "had to lock some men with a fire to save the ship" story coming about two scene's before Ace's gran gets the telegram saying that her husband's died in a fire on a ship and I was like "...is this implying that's what happened to him too?" because it does sound exactly like the telegram those men's wives would have got doesn't it? The navy wouldn't say "oh yeah we had to lock them in" they'd just there was a fire. And I never decided if that was what was being implied or if it's a "and now here's how that incident looked from another perspective" or if it's just two unrelated stories about men dying on boats. But it'd be odd if it was just that? So I dunno!
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