#rwby: defininig rose fox
littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
Say, how would Rose Fox react to RWBY+JNR+ Oscar's mission to protect Remnant from an immortal witch with a reincarnating wizard inside Oscar's head, as well as the whole debacle everyone went through in Volume 6? Legitimately curious to see how she would take such info.
Hey Miki-chan. That’s a pretty good question. She wouldn’t be quick to get upset like most folks. For the most part, she’d take a similar approach to how Maria reacted to the news as the outsider looking in amongst the JNR_QROWMBY.
Rose wouldn’t exactly understand most of the info. But one thing’s for certain is that Rose trusts Oscar. One key factor of what made their friendship so strong growing up and even rekindling it in Atlas for her story is how they are always honest with each other about everything.
To my Rose, Oscar is the most sincere person she knows. She knows he’d never lie to her. He may keep secrets from her just as much as the next human being (even though my headcanon is that Oscar is the type to be a very terrible liar especially in the presence of someone who knows him all too well---like a close relative or in Rose’s case, an old childhood friend) but Rose knows that Oscar would never lie to her.
So in her eyes, if he got up one day and told her that Gods exist and there’s an immortal being hell-bent on gathering magical thingamajiggies known as Relics to bring forth the end of the world. Coupled that together with the fact that Oscar is also sharing a body with the spirit of an ancient wizard---Rose would be more than skeptical. She wouldn’t spas out or anything.
She’d just be in tremendous disbelief at first, waving it off as some kind of farfetched joke or story that Oscar told to entertain or pull her leg. But if Oscar looks at her firmly with a face he only gave whenever he meant he was serious, Rose would then take him seriously.
She wouldn’t grasp all of it at first but Rose would always be in Oscar’s court. No matter what. If Rose was a canon character in RWBY and was present during the times when the group turned their back on Ozpin and Jaune confronted Oscar, Rose would quicker draw Artemis Rose and aim it directly at Qrow and Jaune before either could lay a finger on Oscar.
In Rose’s eyes, Oscar’s feelings matter most. So even if she might not understand everything, she’d trust in his word because he’s her dearest friend and the boy she cares deeply about. If it helps, I can picture a small exchange depicting this moment between Rose and Oscar going somewhat like this:
Oscar: Are you…upset? It’s okay if you are.
Rose: I wouldn’t exactly say I’m upset. Honestly I’m having a very hard time wrapping my mind around any of it. Gods. Relics. Immortal beings. Magic. You having another soul in your body. I’m not sure if I entirely believe any of it. It all sounds so very, very…
Oscar: Crazy?
Rose: I was gonna say like a giant bucket of hoo-hah but…yeah crazy fits the bill. What’s even crazier is how you got yourself mixed up in all of this stuff? How does a farm boy from Mistral end up possessed by the spirit of some immortal warrior or whatever whose been fighting some old witch trying to save Remnant since…well…when Remnant was made the first time?
Oscar: Believe me, I’ve been asking myself the same question since day one. Why me? Of all people. I can’t really give you that answer. What I can say is that I didn’t exactly have a choice in the matter and it’s something that’s taken me a very long while to accept in more ways than one. But…now that I do, I’m determined to do what I can to help save the world. That’s the promise I made and I plan on keeping it.
Rose: So…you’re really going through with all this? Fighting this…Salem woman? Are you sure that’s what you want to do?
Oscar: Yes. I’m sure.
Rose: …Well…alright then. *claps hands* I guess I’m in too.
Oscar: What?
Rose: You heard me. Saving the world. Protecting humanity. Sign me up.
Oscar: Rose…I’m not asking you to fight for me.
Rose: *stubbornly* Well you certainly can’t be telling me I can’t because we both know how that will go. *tone softens* Listen Oscar, I may not understand any of this stuff. But what I do know is that you’re in this. You may have made your promise to the world but I also made a promise to you. You’re my best friend and I said I would protect you no matter what through thick and thin. I don’t care if there have been a million of this Ozma fella through time. By my count, there is only one Oscar Pine and he’s the most special to me in all the world. So if he’s going to fight, you can bet your butt that I’m going to be fighting right beside him.
That’s how I see it.This makes me curious to know how Ianthe would react to news like this as well as the other Roses.  Overall, I hope this answer satisfies your curiosity Miki.
~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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