#ruh roh marr and jadus knew each other outside of their sith masks and attires--er i mean [covers mouth and runs]
serenscarlett-moved · 2 years
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no tags, only half-finished wip sitting in docs that probably won’t get finished nor expanded.
Jadus had taken notice from the way Aris absently distracted mid-way into the conversation.
Narrowing their eyes as curiosity had piqued their interest, following the sith hybrid’s gaze across the building to spot two adult individuals--one being a silver-haired echani and the other was a hooded figure presuming to be a chiss-zabrak hybrid--until their eyes dawned onto the young girl amongst them, who is no older than three, bearing the striking distinguish features of red hair and faint violet eyes with some resemblance.
The Force drawing them close towards her but was reflected back by a certain individual. Jadus’ eyes widened in surprise at the realisation how the young girl looked distantly familiar to Aris... and themselves before putting two-and-two together over the revelation.
Jadus turned their attention back to Aris, “She’s mines, isn’t she?” “No.” Aris quickly said, albeit alarmed that Jadus had saw her child, “She’s not.”
Jadus scoffed, “Lying doesn’t suit your style, I know you too well, darling.” “As far as I’m concerned, Lord Jadus, she is Marr’s daughter.” Aris countered back, “ I’m sure Lord Marr would be happy to confirm their parentage.”
“Strange.” Jadus leaned forward a little too close to Aris’ face, with a hushed voice, “It’s been what... three years since you took an unexplained absent of leave after Eradication Day? I knew something was... off with you... the power I sensed in you. You couldn’t had been with Lord Marr at the time.” Jadus pulled away, as they continued, ”Her existence was no coincidence since our.... night together before I left for the Dominator.”
Aris had wanted to forget every moments she had slept with Jadus out of self-perseverance. She remembered how it felt so wrong, but that had never stopped Jadus from showering her with praise and affection.
“Even so, I wouldn’t tell you anything.” Aris told them, witnessing the chiss-zabrak hybrid ordered Lana to take the little girl and leave at the corner of her eyes, ”You took a big risk to seek me out like this. You’re trying to provoke the Emperor’s deal and fuel my father’s wrath?”
“Oh, that’s rich,” Jadus chuckled, “Considering that my dear old father wasn’t around to keep me or my sisters in check for two years.”
Aris was confused by what was the Sith was implying. Did something happened to the Emperor over the last two or three years? Aris was about to speak--but she were cut off by the chiss hybrid’s arrival, feeling relieved by their timing.
“Lord Jadus.” Jadus smirked and turned around to face them. “My, what a pleasant surprise to see you, Lord Marr.”
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