#ruby tagtbd.
shotgunscn · 4 years
      @fidelissimi​  ↹  ❝ ☆ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  ❞                     SEND ☆  FOR MY MUSES REACTION TO YOURS                          SLIPPING THEM TONGUE DURING A KISS
      SHE’S NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THIS. Eyes fall closed on instinct, breath rushing through flared nostrils as her lips bare down on his own. She’s sweet ; warm —and for a moment Sam’s lost in it, desperate for a connection —for something familiar. Dean was gone, sent to hell on a ticket that had been originally meant for him. John was dead ; Madison murdered ( by himself no less ) and Jessica ; all Sam Winchester knew was loss, loss and pain— was it so wrong that for a moment he’d want to feel some small respite of pleasure ; even if it had come from a demon? A DEMON.
“No!” He manages, pulling himself free from her essence, finding her current so strong he has to move away entirely. Lanky legs carry him across the room, hand covering mouth as if he’s been burned, tongue and lips tingle— the flame there not entirely built from disgust; a fact he won’t admit, not now; not to her. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Chest heaves with the question, brows furrowed as emerald hues flicker CONFUSION AND DISGUST.
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shotgunscn · 4 years
  @fidelissimi​  ↹  ❝ you weren’t taking control. you were losing it. ❞
      “I WAS FINE.” Sam breathes, head still bowed as crimson liquid slithers down chiseled chin. Eyes flicker irritation ; annoyance and without a word he flicks his fingers, sending Ruby across the room and plastered to a wall. The demon beneath him lies dead, Ruby’s knife standing erect through chest plate —useless. He’d been feeding of course, this the seventh in his row of victims. Call it a power up, but Lillith was on deck now ; of course she had to be —if he was going to stop their pathetic plan of having him break the final seal. “Y’know Ruby —I’m disappointed.” He breathes, calm as a tranquil ocean, plucking the blade from the corpse beneath him. Perhaps she hadn’t expected him to become so powerful so soon ; underestimated would be the world —something Sam had been all his life ; no one had ever quite known what he’d been capable of. Until now. “Did you think I wouldn’t find out? Did you think they wouldn’t tell me? I mean— look at me.” He radiates smugness ; soft crooked smile taking hold over normally gentle features. “Everyone is afraid of me ; and with good reason ; they know what I can do.” With the word he begins to twist her demonic soul, gently closing his hand as if he were wringing a cloth of it’s dampness.
            “I know about your little plan. You, Azazel ; Lilith.” He snickers, stepping forward as grip against her soul loosens, blade twirling and twisting in his grasp. His power holds her stead fast to the wall —eye level with himself and as Sam’s gait carries him to stop in front of her he draws the blade up and traces it over a jugular vein ; the sound of her vessels heart calling out to him — nearly begging him to make a slice. “I won’t be letting Lucifer free. I don’t much feel like playing second fiddle to some washed up idol —sorry to burst your bubble.” Breath brushes hot against her flesh as he draws nearer, lips just barely caressing her ear lobe. “In fact ; I plan on keeping Lilith alive for a good long time. Who’s gonna’ stop me? You?” He questions with a chuckle. “I DON’T THINK SO.”
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shotgunscn · 4 years
          @fidelissimi  ↹  ❝ send 👕  for sam to find your muse wearing his shirt ❞
      HANDS JUGGLE TRAY of double drinks, paired with swinging brown paper baggie of nutrition ; fries for her and a sandwich for himself. Keys jingle in the door and in the same motion Sam’s stepping through the entrance, eyes locked on the objects in his grasp to ensure their balance before he sets them on the counter just a foot away. “Hey— soups on.” He says loud enough for her to hear wherever she might be. Emerald hues finally trickle forward and catch over sized flannel draping over slender curves. “Uhh— something wrong with your own clothes?” He questions, brows knitting together as he gives his jacket a shrug, laying the material haphazardly over a chair. Keys clatter against the old wood as hands find denim clad hips ; he can’t say he hates the look but RUBY HASN’T DONE ANYTHING LIKE THIS BEFORE.
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shotgunscn · 4 years
@fidelissimi  ↹  ❝ [text:] am i dramatic yes is it justified also yes ❞
【 ruby ⇢ sms 】whatever you say Meryl Streep 【 ruby ⇢ sms 】maybe tone it down around dean 【 ruby ⇢ sms 】he’s not a huge fan of your work lol
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shotgunscn · 4 years
continued from HERE @fidelissimi​
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                  HE’S ALL RAW EMOTION ; how could he not be? Dean’s just confimed his worst fears, his own brother thinks of him as nothing but a monster, something that should be hunted and put down— why the hell wouldn’t he side with Ruby? At least she believed in him. Maybe that was it. His feelings for her, the inexplicable draw Sam felt whenever she was around ; and the ache that followed suit when she was absent. He can feel it even now, the pull toward her as she stands but mere feet away. It might not be the same fluffy feeling he’d had for Jess ; but the affection is there— he knows it is.
              Half hearted smile flashes over features as emerald hues seem to roll, find floor and then return to chocolate orbs. “I mean it. And I don’t know exactly when it happened but somewhere down the line . . .” He shrugs, lips drawing together as chin juts out as if to communicate ‘I don’t know’ . Head shakes as grandiose shoulders seem to slump. They’re going on a suicide run soon— taking on Lilith by themselves and there’s a very high risk they could both bite it, why not give her the end of the world speech? Sam’s tired of holding everything in ; better to admit it now than regret it later. “You don’t— don’t have to feel the same way I just . . . thought you should know.” Right corner of lips curve upward as puppy dog hues fill with admiration and acceptance. Was it even possible FOR DEMONS TO LOVE?
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shotgunscn · 4 years
          @fidelissimi​  ↹  ❝ you can’t wait to sacrifice yourself, but y’know what, i’m gonna be the one to bury you! ❞
         BROW FLICKERS SLIGHTLY, softening after a moment as realization hits him. Ruby, despite her demonic nature, sarcastic shell and all around princess of darkness vibe— cares about him. She’s afraid to lose him ; worried about what might happen should Sam jump the gun and take on Lilith himself. “Alright— fine.” He caves, shoulders dropping a might, muscles relaxing from their tensed state. “I’m not strong enough on my own— I get that. . . I— I just don’t. . . “ He isn’t sure ; this crosses a line ; what she’s suggesting is bounds worse than just using his psychic whatever —it’s drinking demon blood ; how could that ever be okay? “How long—” He questions, allowing himself to slump onto the edge of the motel bed, elbows falling on thigh tops as emerald hues gaze up toward Ruby. “Will I have to . . . do it?” Brow furrow once more, LUMP IN SAM’S THROAT GOING DOWN LIKE SHATTERED GLASS.
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shotgunscn · 4 years
          @fidelissimi  ↹  ❝ 😏 // give my muse a hickey . ❞
         BURLY HANDS HOLD PETITE FRAME IN PLACE ABOVE HIM, legs straddling either side of Winchester’s waist. Teeth nip playfully at carotid artery, knuckles burying themselves deep within soft tendrils of dark hair. He pulls aggressively, enough to tilt her head a little more to the side, give him a little more access to the fountain that flows just beneath that soft pale flesh— but teeth don’t puncture, he’s not barbaric— if Sam wanted to feed from Ruby he’d take a little more care— not like he hadn’t done it before. No instead lips part and tongue travels hungrily over flesh, suction intensifying as free hand draws her body nearer to his torso, grin forming somewhere beneath the action. Who would have thought ; innocent little Sammy Winchester ; caught up in the throws of passion with a demon— enjoying every minute of it; proudly donning his proper crown; as KING OF HELL.
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shotgunscn · 4 years
     @fidelissimi  ↹  ❝ [text:] i have to kill him. idk how to hit on him so he has to die. ❞ 【 ruby ⇢ sms 】I mean you could just SAY something 【 ruby ⇢ sms 】kinda hard to move any kind of relationship along when he’s dead y’know? 
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shotgunscn · 4 years
 @fidelissimi​ liked for a starter and got BOYKING!SAM
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      A POPPING LIKE BONES sounds off from neck as Sam tilts head from side to side. There’s something in the air, an electrostatic film he can practically taste. Hardened green hues search the perimeter, hunting for whatever the culprit might be ; and come up empty. He sighs, annoyed that whatever is causing this charge has some how evaded him ; like a predator having just missed it’s prey— the sound passing over vocal cords very nearly a growl. “Something’s coming.” He states, gaze finally finding present company a beat after he’s spoken. He knows she can feel it too ; like a thunderstorm about to break —she’d be stupid not to ; and Ruby is anything but stupid. “Angels?” The waters tested with a word ; reaching out for the demons mind —her input. “Or something more annoying— IF THAT’S EVEN POSSIBLE.”
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shotgunscn · 4 years
          @ashesrise  ↹  ❝ Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text. ( for rubyyyyyyy ) ❞ 【 ruby ⇢ sms 】if you freeze my laptop on busty asian beauties again I swear to friggen god I’ll take a butterfly knife to the inside of the impala man 【 ruby ⇢ sms 】oh crap 【 ruby ⇢ sms 】 sorry that was for dean
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