#rtte: reimagined
hiccupbutpurple · 5 months
One thing I love is listening to httyd eps while imaging different AUs and cause I’m bored, can’t go to my room rn (and found half of this sitting in my drafts from last month lol), I’ve decided to pass the time sharing one.
It’s from the latter part of Midnight Scrum (going from when Hiccup gets taken) and it’s a royalty AU (which I’ve seen a lot of floating around here recently too)
It’s the standard ‘Kidnapped Bride’ plot line, with King Viggo wanting Prince Hiccup. He puts the bounty on Hiccup to bring him in.
- Amos and Berthel are still bounty hunters but they are a bit more threatening and less silly, most of their sillier lines I ignore and imagine them said in a more threatening way. They still retain their gay energy though.
- Savage was originally one of Viggo’s servants and when Hiccup was first held captive, he was there to guard Hiccup’s cell. He was slightly kinder to Hiccup in that situation but then when Hiccup escapes, he gets blamed and exiled. That makes his whole motivation to get Hiccup to Viggo being to get back into Viggo’s good graces. Hiccup doesn’t trust him either way cause even if he was kinder then other guards, he still wasn’t kind. He does hold hope that he can reason with him originally though (because Hiccup knows he knows what Viggo is like) but Savage is very blinded by his goals.
- Throk is a well known assassin but gets hired by Mala a lot (and their relationship, I picture it platonically but romantically also works, grows over time until he becomes her personal assassin. At this time though he could be hired by anyone). The Defenders of the Wing are also another kingdom but there isn’t a war against Dragons and they hold no real allegiance to Berk and aren’t actual enemies to Viggo either. They are a neutral party but Mala does prefer Hiccup (but she’s not forthcoming about it) and thinks Viggo is cruel, so decided to help him by hiring her favourite assassin.
- Krogan is also an assassin/bounty Hunter (He and Throk have competed a lot in the past). He has no ties to Drago and was more Viggo’s personal assassin (and lover) before they had a fight. He decided to get Hiccup to see Viggo again and remind him of his skills in a threatening way. It’s a mixed message of ‘remember how much you need me’, a ‘here’s you new lover, I’m stronger then him (thus being more on you’re level, and I could kill him easily if I wanted)’ and a ‘dont forget how dangerous I can be to you and your goals’ type thing.
Some lines I’ve decided to alter slightly:
Berthel: What's that? Dragons? -> Berthel: What's that? / Amos: His friends. (Since they already knew of the dragons)
Hiccup: Viggo will never respect you. He's playing you for a fool. -> Hiccup: You know Viggo will never respect you. Please. He's always played you for a fool.
Savage: I don't know what they're gonna do to Hiccup. It's his own fault he got grabbed, not mine. -> Savage: I don't know where they’re gonna take Hiccup. It's his own fault Viggo sees him as a whore, not mine.
Hiccup has a rough material built into his chest plate capable of creating sparks when striked against and uses that and a stone to light a stick on fire rather then the dragon blade. (Kinda a little hint of magic because I said so)
Ryker: Oh, I'd love to drop you, but Viggo wants to kill you himself. -> Oh, I'd love to drop you, but Viggo wants you for himself.
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