#roughly 7000 arrived in genua
werspinna · 10 months
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On a not so random sidenote- That Wolf is anti-monarchy and anti-leadership is not only caused by her growing up around communitys of “normal people” making a living and earning richness by working together, supporting eachother and using their wit, but also because she herself had already followed a charistmatic leader who had promised her a miracle and a just goal that ended with literally thausand of people dying in the most gruesome way.
Nikolaus of Cologne was a young boy who had a vision of an angel who told him that when he would call people to follow him, this group will be able to reclaim the Church of the Holy Sepulchre peacefully. At Genua the sea would part for them so they would be able to cross the sea with dry feet. This is the legend of the Childrens Crusade. the reality says: The Miracle never happned. Thausand of those who took part in the peregrinatio puerorum died when crossing the alps, even more were kidnapped and sold into slavery and none of those who took part in Nikolaus’ crusade ever crossed the mediterran sea. Wolf did not joined the peregrinatio puerorum because of the religious message, but because she was promsied that she would earn richness in the east as so many crusaders before her and she was hungry for more than what her life in Cologne could offer her. 
Of course Wolf could never trust a leader again, when the last time that happned she had trusted Nikolaus. Of course she could never trust in a organised troup working for a greater goal, when the last time this happned she watched people she loved starve right beside her. If a group makes a decision Wolf will only accept and bow to it when the group decides this democrately together. She will not trust anyone making decisions for a group, at best she will play along with asmile to have her own gain from it (or use the chance to reach and help more people through the organisations reach) like when she bows to the Mother Superior in the convent or when she joins the Spider Society,or she will just flat out ignore any decisions made unless she makes the decision for herself on her own. Wolf is so very mistrusting of authorities and leaders,which is also the reason why she leave the spider society after she witnisses what is done to Miles.
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