#rotating the codependent grandparents again. you know how it is
never not thinking about canis & relda's fight in the 5th & 6th books btw
I've said it in another post, but their fight about charming is less about charming himself and more a clear difference in values. canis wants to protect his family above all else and relda wants to help people above all else. there's no way for both of them to get what they want.
the tension between them in the 6th book is just a continuation of this tension, but slightly worse because now neither of them trusts the other's judgement. canis decides 'fine, if relda won't protect our family, I will' and does his best to make sure he - the person he currently views as the biggest threat to the grimms - ends up dead. meanwhile relda decides 'fine, if Mr. Canis won't try to help people in spite of the danger involved, I will' and does her best to get him out of jail without considering the consequences
at the end of both of these books, there's a part where they stop fighting and get back in-sync with each other because there's a bigger threat to face. and this, I think, is why they don't argue at all in the 7th book. there's a war going and they know they can't afford to be arguing with each other
but here's the thing - that underlying tension of 'I can't trust your judgement anymore' is still there. in the 7th book, canis brings up the idea of bringing out the wolf again and relda immediately shuts him down, but then in 9th book he decides he doesn't care what relda thinks is best and tries to unleash the wolf anyway. and you honestly can't tell me canis had no reaction to the fact that relda has repeatedly told him off for trying to give his own autonomy up to protect his family - only to turn around and do the exact same thing herself.
there's so much tension there and I think it'd be interesting to explore in a post-war environment. the question of 'should we help people or focus on our family' still very much hangs in the air and the two of them would have very different answers.
and of course, the tension is made worse by the fact that both of them have put the other on a pedestal for the majority of their relationship.
the books repeatedly state how important relda is to canis - which i wont deny. she's the first person to trust him and give him a second chance, to believe he can be more than a monster. however, i think the fact that canis is equally important to relda is glossed over
like after basil's death, she lost everything. her husband was dead, both her sons were gone, and nobody in town knew what she was going through due to her own actions. plus i imagine knowing that people you consider friends would turn on you in a second doesn't help matters. but canis was there for her when she had no one else. of course she would have rose-tinted glasses when it comes to him.
so the two of them having to actual deal with those differing values and tension instead of ignoring the other's flaws would add an interesting edge to their relationship
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