russian-aesthetic · 1 year
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bauerntanz · 1 year
Weiter so?
Weiter so? #Putin-s Rosatom und #Framatome wollen (auch) in der ANF-#Brennelementefabrik #Lingen Brennstäbe für Osteuropa herstellen. Das Uran kommt aus #Russland - trotz EU-Sanktionen und des russischen Kriegs gegen die #Ukraine. Also tatsächlich: #WeiterSo?
Diese taz-Meldung vom 31. März muss ich noch nachtragen, fünf Tage bevor das Atomkraftwerk KKE in Lingen endgültig vom Netz geht: Nach längerem Verwirrspiel steht nunmehr fest, dass der französische Atomkonzern Framatome, der die Brennelementefabrik Advanced Nuclear Fuels (ANF) im niedersächsischen Lingen betreibt, mit dem russischen Staatsunternehmen Rosatom ein Joint Venture eingeht. So kann…
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green-ann · 2 years
Nuclear power engineering aesthetic
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Pictures by Rosatom
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olivia2010kroth · 5 months
RT Français: Russie - Burkina Faso / RT French: Russia - Burkina Faso
RT Français: Russie – Burkina Faso / RT French: Russia – Burkina Faso En Octobre 2023, le Burkina Faso a signé un accord avec Moscou pour la construction d’une centrale nucléaire dans ce pays sahélien où moins d’un quart de la population a accès à l’électricité. In October 2023, Burkina Faso signed an agreement with Moscow to build a nuclear power plant in this Sahelian country, where less than…
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phonemantra-blog · 6 months
The agreement was signed in September Aeroflot Airlines and Rosatom State Corporation agreed on cooperation at the Eastern Economic Forum back in September. Together they will produce Russian analogues of consumables and components (from filters to sensors and lighting equipment) for foreign aircraft used by Aeroflot. “We will be engaged in the development, certification, and production of aviation components for all types of [foreign] aircraft - for cabins, cabins, aircraft trunks, structural repairs, and so on. The following areas are planned: air and water filter elements; plastic, metal, composite, honeycomb, rubber products; composite products; electronic equipment of the passenger cabin (inverters, power supplies, sensors, heating and lighting components, lighting and display equipment),” said Deputy General Director and Technical Director of Aeroflot Alexey Mikhalik. [caption id="attachment_72177" align="aligncenter" width="780"] Aeroflot and Rosatom[/caption] Aeroflot and Rosatom will make components for foreign aircraft Scientific research, testing, and production of products are already underway, but full production with component validity certificates will begin in the first half of 2024. In the summer, the production of Russian analogs of air filters for air supply and recirculation systems in aircraft cabins began, which were certified. “Currently, together with the Federal Air Transport Agency, the procedure for completing the required documentation for their use on aircraft is being clarified,” he added. Previously, the S7 aviation group began collaborating with Rosatom to produce consumables and parts for Western aircraft. Together they develop water and air filters and brake discs.
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jdunlevy · 11 months
The U.S. Is Paying Billions to Russia’s Nuclear Agency. Here’s Why.
Nuclear power companies rely on cheap enriched uranium made in Russia. That geopolitical dilemma is intensifying as climate change underscores the need for emissions-free energy.
By Max Bearak, nytimes.com
The United States’ reliance on nuclear power is primed to grow as the country aims to decrease reliance on fossil fuels. But no American-owned company enriches uranium. The United States once dominated the market, until a swirl of historical factors, including an enriched-uranium-buying deal between Russia and the United States designed to promote Russia’s peaceful nuclear program after the Soviet Union’s collapse, enabled Russia to corner half the global market. The United States ceased enriching uranium entirely.
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yesilhaber · 11 months
Rosatom 160 MW’lik Kuzminskaya RES'i devreye aldı
Rusya Devlet Nükleer Enerji Kurumu Rosatom’un Stavropol Bölgesi’nde inşa ettiği Kuzminskaya Rüzgar Santrali, ulusal elektrik şebekesine elektrik vermeye başladı. Kurulu gücü 160 MW olan rüzgar santrali 64 rüzgar türbininden oluşuyor. Rusya Sanayi ve Ticaret Bakanlığı’nın da onayıyla, rüzgar santralinin ekipmanlarının yüzde 68’i ülke içinden tedarik ediliyor. Rusya Devlet Atom Enerjisi Kurumu…
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soyarmenio · 11 months
Rusia está lista para discutir con sus socios en la Unión Económica Euroasiática (UEE), incluida Armenia, los problemas financieros para que puedan construcción una planta de energía nuclear en su territorio
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buzznolimit · 1 year
Centrale nucléaire : de nouvelles infos sur la Turquie à voir
Chaque jour, Buzz No Limit aborde des sujets variés sous la rubrique « Actu du moment ». Par exemple, actuellement, vous trouverez un reportage sur la toute première centrale nucléaire située dans le sud de la Turquie. Vous apprendrez que ce projet a été financé et réalisé par une filiale de la compagnie publique russe Rosatom. Vous verrez également que Vladimir Poutine a souhaité exprimer son…
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adshofar · 1 year
러시아 ROSATOM 발전소 미얀마 수력발전소 부지 시찰
러시아 ROSATOM 발전소 미얀마 수력발전소 부지 시찰
[애드쇼파르] 2022년 12월 09일 오전 미얀마-러시아 협력 프로젝트의 일환으로 국가발전의 우선순위 사업으로 전력 생산, 공급 개선과 국내외 투자 사업 촉진을 위해 러시아 국영회사 ROSATOM 대표단은 앞으로 사업을 진행한 수력 발전소 부지에 대한 지질 검사를 진행하였다. 현장 지질 검사에는 러시아 대표단과 함께 미얀마 수력발전부 설계팀, 지질 조사팀 관계자들이 동반하였다. 네피도 Zeyathiri 타운십 Zeeyine마을과 Ngatesu마을 인근에 있는 Paunglaung 댐에서 공급되는 물을 활용하여 소규모 수력 발전소 사업 가능성과 교통 및 자연 환경 영��� 평가, 지역 주민 생활에 미치는 영향, 지진과 관련한 지질 단층 등에 대한 조사를 진행하였다. 오후에는 검사를 마치고 공무원들과 회의를…
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cgvijesti · 2 years
Počela izgradnja prve nuklearne centrale u Egiptu
Počela izgradnja prve nuklearne centrale u Egiptu
Foto: Unsplash Ruski nuklearni gigant Rosatom objavio je početak izgradnje prve nuklearne centrale u Egiptu, nazivajući to najvećim projektom rusko-egipatske saradnje od Asuanske brane. Lokalni mediji procjenjuju vrijednost projekta na 25 milijardi eura. Egipatski ministar za elektriku Mohamed Šaker i šef Rosatoma Aleksej Likačev juče su izlili betonsku ploču koja će služiti za osnovu centrale…
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astratv · 2 years
Αίγυπτος: Αποκτά τον πρώτο της πυρηνικό σταθμό από τη ρωσική Rosatom
Αίγυπτος: Αποκτά τον πρώτο της πυρηνικό σταθμό από τη ρωσική Rosatom
Η κατασκευή του πρώτου πυρηνικού σταθμού από τη ρωσική ενεργειακή εταιρεία Rosatom, άρχισε στα βόρεια παράλια της Αιγύπτου σύμφωνα με κοινή την ανακοίνωση της εταιρείας και των αιγυπτιακών αρχών. Ο πυρηνικός σταθμός στην Ελ-Ντάμπαα, είναι ο πρώτος που κατασκευάζεται στην Αίγυπτο και σχεδιάζεται να αποτελείται από τέσσερις μονάδες, η κάθε μια από τις οποίες θα είναι δυναμικότητας 1.200 MW σύμφωνα…
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bauerntanz · 2 months
Mehr als 10.800 Einwendungen
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szepkerekkocka · 2 years
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olivia2010kroth · 7 months
Berliner Zeitung / TASS: Russia - China - Bolivia / Russland - China - Bolivien
Berliner Zeitung / TASS: Russia – China – Bolivia / Russland – China – Bolivien Berliner Zeitung:Lithium – Russland und China investieren in Bolivien / Lithium – Russia and China invest in Bolivia Keine E-Mobilit��t ohne Batterien, keine Batterien ohne Lithium: Mit der globalen Wende hin zu Elektroautos nimmt das Wettrennen um Lithium Fahrt auf. No e-mobility without batteries, no batteries…
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v4hive · 2 years
Rosatom allowed the start of construction of a nuclear power plant in Egypt in mid-July
Rosatom allowed the start of construction of a nuclear power plant in Egypt in mid-July
Construction of the first power unit of El-Dabaa NPP being built by Rosatom in Egypt may start in the first half of July, First Deputy General Director of Rosatom and President of Atomstroyexport Alexander Lokshin said. “The formal date is 11 July. Maybe a day earlier, a day later,” he told reporters. Rosatom CEO Alexei Likhachev said in January that construction of the first unit of the El…
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