#rokkenjima 2056. elderly ange revering/hating beatrice for everything she gave her and everything she took from her at the same time
pochapal · 3 months
Hi! Umineko Question!
What do you think Epsiode 2 of Umineko will be about?
i think since it's looking like episode 1 is due to end on the witch's revival that episode 2 will not be a direct continuation of the mysteries we've been dealing with thus far. my thoughts on this depend on whether or not we're going to keep directly following battler/the ushiromiyas after this episode. given the amount of unresolved threads and the amount of knowledge held in the people still alive, i'm inclined to think that we're not going to be done with rokkenjima that easily - as of right now there are basically no leads on how to solve the epitaph and since that thing seems pretty idiosyncratic to kinzo/his family i don't necessarily know we'll be able to make headway with that through different people and a different place. like we still need seven more episodes of murder mysteries to go through and even if they take place on rokkenjima again i don't see how it could compellingly tie to the history of the island and the ushiromiyas built up through episode 1.
also like. we do need to see beatrice in action and episode 1 has spent a great deal of time showing us how her existence is fundamentally connected to numerous members of the cast so again it wouldn't be very fun to have a revived golden witch outside of the ushiromiya context. i think the two options are either a kind of 999-style "many routes" structure where we see different choices/outcomes for the weekend of the conference and we learn new things down each "branch", or a wider generational cycle structure where we see future/past generations of ushiromiyas also gouging and killing each other in the name of the historical constant of beatrice. something like a retelling of the collapse of the main ushiromiya branch that led to kinzo's inheritance through a witch narrative lens or something like a story set in the future with family head ange's offspring repeating the cycle. i think the former makes a little more sense given that it would allow us to examine/understand crucial characters who died early on (and is also kind of just a common way visual novels like to do things, especially ones with metafictional leanings) but i need it on the record that i think a multi-generational witch narrative loop would be cool as hell to see pulled off.
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