#robocar poli gijinka au
rhunsui · 28 days
Woah..... colored Cleany....
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He was surprisingly easy to come up with a color pallet... Oh, and when i post digital arts, ill put filters above it (this has no filter)
With filter:
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rhunsui · 26 days
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guess i rlly like drawing cleany
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rhunsui · 14 days
Yea..... like i saif yesterday...
Bruner in Rabbit Hole (the song animation, if you know you know)
CW: Suggestive
(Aka nsfw-ish cuz Rabbit Hole itself is suggestive)
i hate this so much
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Yk i actually wanted to do Cleany at first, but obviously i didnt cuz its Cleany...
And then i decided Posty, but then i imagined Bruner singing the Will Stetson cover of it and boom it became Bruner.... Er.... Yeah....
So after a bit of tracing and art mimicking we have this now
(Theres actually two of this, this one is from the more cleaner ver, im not posting the other one unless ppl ask me to)
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rhunsui · 21 days
SchoolB pissin me off so he gettin the crop top curse
Now i just have to figure out how to make it look appropriate enough for the kids 💀
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rhunsui · 9 days
I may... Or may not forgot to post this...
its been with me for a week...
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rhunsui · 20 days
Hope the anon who wanted camp is happy
I made the first one weeks ago, recently came up with clothes 2 days ago
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The second one yesterday
This one's ass
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rhunsui · 19 days
Woah, Cap beside Posty
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Thanks to everyone who likes my art
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rhunsui · 20 days
TW: I talk abt d3ath and mUUuuurRrDAAAA
Ive been thinkng abt making some murder au with gijinka au,
I mean, i used to play Criminal Case, Ace Attorney and checked out Danganronpa, so whats stopping me?
Thats it, thats the post
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rhunsui · 14 days
im.so bored that im drawing Bruner in Rabbit Hole screenshots
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rhunsui · 15 days
(from yesterdays post)
These three mean nothing to me but i put so much care and detail to them for no reason
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like... so much care and thought was put into these three that theres half a page dedicated to notes of their details (and incase i forget how their clothing is like)
(pssssttt.... K is yellow, F is orange and T is blue)
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You can see there are a few minor details, but theres actually more that i dont have to note down (or haven't yet)
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rhunsui · 29 days
That side character i said yesterday was.....
The one,
The only
Not Spooky...
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Yep, hes the 'certain side char' that literally no one was waiting for!
Now you definitely are not thinking, Why Bruner? Well, im gonna tell ya whether you like to or not! Cuz you can skip anyway! Theres a TL;DR by the way...
(TL;DR is 'too long; didnt read')
Anyways, the reason that the certain dude is Bruner is cuz he's actually part of the lore! Not a big role, but he kind of plays a part in Helly's past.
Wondering why? You probably arent, but, yk how in the pilot episode of RoboPoli, Bruner was supposed to be part of the rescue team?
Im not trying to say that he was an ex-rescuer, im trying to say that when Helly was still RPTA (Rescuer Preparation and Training Academy, ill talk about it in a diff post), One of Helly's coach's mentioned something about Bruner being a past-student there but dropped out.
Now, in the RPTA, its normal for students to drop out due to the inability to keep up, not everyone's a rescuer!
But Bruner was different, Bruner was doing just fine in the RPTA, he was good at the training, he could keep up. But one day, he just.... left.
Bruner's only explanation about his dropout was, 'Rescuing isnt for me.' After that, his whereabouts were unknown, they thought he went back to his hometown, unfortunately the academy had no info on Bruner's family to know if that were true. So of course he would be remembered by the trainers and coaches of the RPTA.
The way Helly knew about Bruner was like what I said, a coach mentioned Bruner at some point and Helly just so happened to remember it. Bruner was also a common example that the trainers used for the students. What i mean by that is the trainers record their students, Bruner's recordings were usually used and sometimes they would tell the students a bit about Bruner. There is also a file of Bruner somewhere in the faculty room...
Enough about the RPTA, I'll be telling you about Bruner himself!
Bruner was actually very popular during his RPTA times, which kind of the reason he's a lil selfish and loves praise. Honestly, he was probably popular cuz he liked to sneak away to private places to play ball...
Now as to why he dropped out, its because he never wanted to be a rescuer to begin with!
Yeah, he didnt wanna! So why is he even IN the RPTA to begin with?
Well, thats because of his family tree!
His fathers side of the family is a whole line of rescuers, so Bruner was forced to become a rescuer to keep the family tradition going.
Bruner always wanted to be an architect/builder, so when he was forced into training his entire childhood to get accepted, he obviously hated it! Sure, everyone in the academy was nice, but being a rescuer was not what he wanted to be! He may like the attention rescuers get, but he doesn't want THAT much attention, it would be too much for him!
So by the time he was 18, he dropped out of the RPTA to run away and pursue his dream.
The place he ran to, the one and only Broomstown of course! However, his family does not know anything about Bruner's whereabouts... The only ones who know are his cousin's (Aka, Bruny's) family which is on his mother's side. Bruner also got most of his genetics from her side. Bruner trusted them because it was his auntie and cousins that played builder with him, and they didnt care about what Bruner would be, they also promised not to tell!
So thats it, Bruner's story! I guess he's kind of the only one with a proper backstory... But hey, at least he has one, ya know?
Heres the TL;DR -
Bruner used to train to be rescuer, didnt wanna, ran away to Broomstown and his family dunno except cousin's fam (Bruny). Helly heard of Bruner cuz trainers talk abt him sometimes back when he (Helly) was in training.
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rhunsui · 22 days
i am begging you to post posty's design
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rhunsui · 24 days
ggggrhrhhrhs, digitalizing this dude is taking DAYS so i gotta send the sketch instead, i had this in my sketchbook but js never bothered to post it,
(Like how i already have Lifty, Posty and 2/3 of the lil trio)
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Now we have Hokey Pokey
I wanna do Titan n Terry next but errr... I feel like trying to do SchoolB (im failing miserably) and also color Poke & Bruner
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rhunsui · 2 days
im so damn bored, so uhhh.... yea, ask some stuff abt the crane triplets in my au ig
Since i actually gave them diff personalities (i hope, im a terrible writer)
Im growing more dead
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rhunsui · 10 days
These three are officially my new favourites
but ofc my fav of the three would be Lety
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sorry Cleany, theyre my #1 now
(holy shit the bodysuit thing looks like im showing their underwear 💀)
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rhunsui · 16 days
guess who
hint: if we knew them irl we'd cry trying to know which is which (its only one of them)
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