#robin is a gay mentor but a reluctant one and she doesnt want to do the work so she just sneaks things into steves life
munsonfamilyband · 1 year
My current obsession for Steve having his sexuality crisis in canon doesn’t involve the Robin speech. I love Robin, I am Robin, but she deserves rest, god dammit. And I have come up with a great way for her to get her rest and to be a supportive friend.
Steve and her are having movie night (is this post Eddie, is this pre Eddie, doesn’t really matter but because I love steddie I am doing post Eddie) and Steve got to pick so they’re watching Grease.
Robin hates Grease, even if the music is fun, she just finds it tacky and cliche. She won’t deny the appeal of Sandy’s leather outift at the end though.
Steve loves Grease. The music is fun and since he met Robin she’s been slowly, and very subtly, pushing him to allow himself to enjoy things that his father forced him to hate. (Am I including my Steve likes make up headcanon in this? Absolutely.) She’s gone shopping with him and encouraged him to try on the sweaters in softer colors he always stares at but never touches. He starts growing out his hair. Robin has been a breath of fresh air since they met and she has always pushed him without making it obvious so he doesn’t panic.
The next opportunity for her brand of eye opening comes when they get to Greased Lightning. They’re both pretty tipsy and Steve randomly blurts out. “Wow he’s hot.” Robin actual chokes on her mouth full of popcorn and has to chug her beer to wash it down.
“I’m sorry, what?” Steve looks at Robin with a frown, raising an eyebrow.
“What? I said he was hot, because he is.”
“Steve that’s- since when do you notice attractive men?” He’s still frowning at her, as if she’s asking completely ridiculous questions
“I mean, always? It’s just something guys do, they can recognize when a guy is hot and whatever.” Robin just blinks, then blinks again before nodding to herself. She knows what she has to do, so she says okay and they go back to watching the movie.
The next time she’s at Steve’s she brings the magazine she had bought in Chicago a couple years ago. She had found this tiny store that sold a ton of gay media and it was like being in heaven. This particular magazine had a lot of quotes from people about their experiences growing up queer and she knows for a fact that there is one story in there that should shake something loose in Steve. So she leaves the magazine on his bed when she goes to steal a sweater from him. Robin hears nothing for two days after that when at 11:30 at night she hears the pinging of rocks at her window. Rolling her eyes, she gets up and opens the window, and then sure enough in pops Steve a moment later, clambering his way inside her bedroom.
“I think I might like guys. I um… actually, I think I might like Eddie? Which might be why I thought John Travolta was so hot suddenly, because sure I’ve thought he was good looking but not like crazy insane hot before. Then suddenly we’re watching Grease and Danny Zuko is all kinds of hot, and then I found this magazine, I think you left it at mine accidentally. But it had all these stories and there was this one guy who said he had always noticed attractive men growing up but he thought that was just what all guys thought, he liked girls so he wasn’t gay, but then he met a particular guy and they ended up kissing and he realized that he maybe liked boys more than he should and when he asked someone else about guys noticing attractive men they said that is not what straight guys do and he realized that he wasn’t straight at all. And then I started thinking because that’s how I’ve always felt, right? But I didn’t think I was gay, but apparently you can actually like both so I don’t have to be gay to like guys, and then I started thinking about Grease which made me think about Eddie and, oh god, Robin, I think I might be in love with him?”
She knew the magazine would help, but not this much. She also had never heard Steve speak so much at once, they had clearly been spending too much time together if he was rambling like that.
“Okay, Steve, take a deep breath. Are you coming out to me right now?” He stops his frantic pacing that he had started as soon as her window was shut, staring at her for a second before collapsing on the bed next to her.
“I think so? The magazine said bi-bicy-bisen-“
“Bisexual?” Steve snaps and points at her with a grin.
“Yeah, that! I didn’t know that was even a thing! It just… it feels like everything makes a little more sense to me, y’know?” She smiled, ruffling his hair.
“And the Eddie thing?” Robin cackles when Steve flushes bright red.
“Shut up! I actually think I might be in love with him and I don’t know what to do. Like, I know he’s gay but I don’t know if he likes me.”
“Steve, he has been flirting with you since you two met in March.”
“What?!??” She dissolves into giggles and they spend the night together, talking about every interaction he’s ever had with Eddie.
A week has barely gone by when Steve comes into work, his hair a mess, with a giant smile and his neck covered in bruises.
“I think I have a boyfriend.” Robin just collapses into a fit of laughter. She’s so glad the magazine trick worked because she’s never seen Steve this happy.
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