larryfanfiction · 6 years
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Roadtrip AU
🚗 These Roads We Stumble by Downonewasturning (18k)
He’s completely drenched, not one millimetre of him not covered in rain, and the old sheepskin cover over the seat is probably going to stink afterwards from the damp. But even with what seems to be a constant tremor shaking his body, brown hair plastered to his forehead, and a blue tinge to his skin, he’s still probably the most gorgeous person that Harry has ever seen.
Or, Harry picks up a hitchhiker in Oxford, and it's a long ride to Glasgow.
🚗 On The Open Road by rosegoldhl (24k)
Harry and Louis grew up together, they shared childhood and teenage memories, but they never really got along.What happens when they reunite after four years of not seeing each other, and they find out that the person they hated so much is not the same person anymore?Or a short roadtrip!au in which Harry and Louis have to travel together across the US, deal with the past and of course, share a bed.
🚗 Walk That Mile by purpledaisy (149k) Harry stares at him, the line of his jaw standing out scarily. “I wanted to get the most out of this trip so I planned it carefully.” His voice is low and steady and somehow that’s worse than when he was yelling. “So far, you’ve put your sticky fingers on everything I’ve tried to do.”“Sticky fingers?” Louis repeats, offended. “Are you saying it’s my fault you got stung by a bee? Had you been alone you would have gotten halfway to the Dotty Diner and ran the car off the road because of an allergic reaction, so don’t go blaming me.”“Polk-A-Dot Drive In,” Harry spits before getting out of the car. He slams the door shut with a deafening reverb and Louis rolls his eyes. - A Route 66 AU where falling in love was never part of the plan. 🚗 somewhere only we know by bethaboo (44k)
Personal assistant Louis knows something is up with his best friend and employer Harry. And it's not just his big tour coming up or the ever-increasing womanizing rumors about the popstar. To get to the bottom of Harry's moodiness, Louis decides he has to kidnap him and take him on a roadtrip up the California coast to Portland.
The roadtrippiest road trip fic ever written. Basically an excuse for gratuitous fluff and smut with a pinch of angst tossed in for good measure.
🚗 a runaway american dream by dangerbears (15k)
AU. they take route 66 with only each other and their secrets.
🚗 bluebird by isntrio (39k)
The 2,789 miles between New York and Los Angeles is a long way to go alone.
🚗 The Sound of Your Voice From Far Away by pukeandcry
It'd be perfect, he convinces himself. Things with Lou are – well. They're the way they are, and there's no point dwelling on why it's got that way. But he thinks this would help -- not fix them, because they're not broken. They don't need to be put back together, they're just. Out of sync, maybe. It would help. He thinks it would, anyway, if they could just be the two of them again, to be alone together with no outside influences pressing claustrophobically in on them, just for a bit. And driving down an empty highway with nothing else but Louis beside him is the best way to do that that he can imagine.
Or, after the U.S. leg of the Take Me Home tour, Harry and Louis drive from L.A. to NYC. They figure some things out, like how to deal with the distance that's been growing between them.
🚗 Through the Darkest of Your Days by robpatFF
"Harry thinks he might not really know what okay is, but Louis is warm next to him, solid and constant and questioning. He’s all wide eyes and nerves and vulnerability. And this feels alright, this might be some sort of okay, Harry thinks." Future!fic, roadtrip!fic, OT5 friendship!fic.
🚗 Undone, Undress by angelichl (134k)
Louis' new roommate is shy, skittish, and flinches at the slightest sounds. He's an art major who gets drunk on cherry wine, wears lacy lingerie, and shows up late at night covered in bruises that blossom across his skin like flowers.
Obviously something is wrong. Louis just doesn't know what it is.
🚗 Stay Close, Hold Steady by jaerie (26k)
Found on the banks of the Mississippi as an toddler, Harry goes on a quest to find his biological family. Louis tries to be supportive, but maybe he just doesn't want to be left behind.
🚗 Don't Let the Tide Come and Take Me by kiwikero (28k)
The aquarium in the lobby has been there as long as Louis can remember, and so has the merman inside. That is, until the day Louis loses his job and decides to set the creature free.
They set off on a road trip to the sea, learning to communicate more and more each day. Their destination is LA, but the closer they get and the more Louis gets to know the merman, the more he dreads having to say goodbye.
Or, the one where Louis decides to set a merman free and ends up finding his own freedom along the way.
🚗 Alien Roadtrip! by HelloAmHere (16k)
For the first time in his life, Louis doesn’t know where he’s going. Harry doesn’t mind.
OR: roadtrip with desert feelings, too much snack food, and empty motels. Harry is definitely absolutely not an alien. That would be ridiculous.
🚗 Enjoy The Ride by 2tiedships2 (11k)
“Stop sulking and get up. I have a proposition to make.”
“Niall?” Louis questioned. “Do you think I should put glow in the dark stars on my ceiling?”
He looked over and found Niall giving him an unimpressed look.
“So, no?” Louis asked. “No stars?”
“We’re going on a road trip,” Niall stated.
Louis looked back at his starless ceiling and waved farewell to Niall. “Cool. Have fun!”
“No, you idiot.” Niall let out a frustrated sigh. “You, me, Liam, and Harry.”
Louis glanced over to Niall and back to the ceiling. “Who’s Harry?”
Or the one where Louis, an omega more than tired of being treated as lesser than alphas, is forced on a road trip by his beta besties only to meet Harry who might just be the alpha he never knew he wanted.
🚗 Atlas At Last by louisandthealien (83k)
He doesn’t know what he had been expecting out of the road trip itself besides burping contests and too much shitty gas station food with Oli and Stan, but in the brief moment before Harry ambles up his driveway, Louis idly wonders if this is about to become some sort of Gay Coming of Age story.
Maine to California in ten days. In which Zayn’s an open-shirt hippie they meet somewhere in Ohio, Liam’s the pastor’s son running away from home, and Niall’s the number they call on the bathroom wall.
It’s 1978. Harry and Louis are just trying to get to San Fran in time for the Queen concert.
🚗 All Eyes On Your by ainbow_kings (49k)
Harry and Louis have been married for ten years and they have three children. When their relationship is threatened with a divorce, they pack their belongings and go on a road trip in means to save their relationship. They promise to stay on the road and only returning once they've sorted through their problems.
🚗 and mercury on your heels by flimsy (8k)
“Lou.” Louis turns his head and looks up at Harry, brow tilted. Harry slumps down on the bed, his cheek squished a little as he props himself up on his elbow, lying on his side; he reaches one arm out to make a grabby hand at him. “C’mere,” he says. Louis bats at his hand, but somehow his fingers tangle with Harry’s, pinkies hooking, and Harry rubs his thumb over Louis’ wrist as if he’s looking for his heartbeat beneath his skin.
🚗 take the back roads by hilourry (31k)
The one where Harry and Louis are roommates who are pining over each other and all they need is a road trip down the West Coast to bring them together.
🚗 What A Happy Accident by ItsLivvvy (2k)
Based on this prompt:
"We're on a road trip and you got silent all of the sudden and that's cool you needed to shut up but then you start panting and oh god you look like you're gonna throw up but we're literally moving across state and the house is already sold and the only motels around are booked for a con and that's really really really bad because you're in heat and don't look at me like that- nO stoPthere's cars and trucks all over the place for this con I cannot have you fucking H-hEY DONT START CLIMBING IN MY LAP-" AU
🚗 you're the summer in my mind by orphan_account
Harry supposes it had started with Louis, really. Because even if nobody wants to say it out loud, everything starts with Louis.
(or, alternatively: harry and louis take a road trip after the take me home tour ends.)
🚗  nothing worsens, nothing grows by soldouthaz  (102k)
and he sits there quietly with harry’s headphones in his ears while his eyes begin to close, totally unaware that he’s listening to the soundtrack of harry falling in love with him.
or, another roadtrip au featuring harry as the misunderstood hipster, louis as the bitter psych major, liam as the one with the secret boyfriend, and niall as the one who just wants everyone to be happy.
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