#riongail is endgame
whenwewereyoung97 · 2 days
Me: It’s been months since IF came out. I’ve read it so many times that I’m totally desensitized to the feels.
(I) step out of formation and walk past Andarna and Feirge, over the trampled grass, straight to Xaden. The scruff on his jaw is thick with days of growth, and there are circles under his eyes as he reaches forward, surprising me by tugging me against his chest in front of all of Fourth Wing. The cold beard tickles as he buries his icy face in my neck and breathes deeply. “I’ve missed you.” “Same.” I wind my arms around his torso, sliding my hands in the space between the swords he wears crossed at his back and his flight jacket, then hold tight to help warm him.
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whenwewereyoung97 · 4 months
It’s taken me way too long to appreciate the symbolism behind Xaden’s scars.
The scars for the Marked Ones are on his back, because he carries the weight of their lives, choices and loyalty on his shoulders.
And the scar for Violet is over his heart, because he’s vouching for the woman who holds it.
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whenwewereyoung97 · 5 months
In one of the next Empyrean books, I’d love to see an alternate reality (in the form of a dream/illusion/hallucination/whatever) in which Violet joined the Scribe Quadrant on Conscription Day.
I don’t even care what events transpire, as long as somehow Violet and Xaden still find each other, to highlight the inevitability of Riongail being endgame.
If it’s Xaden having the dream, I can almost see him going about his daily life with the nagging feeling that there’s something wrong. Something missing. But he continues as normal. Until he sees Violet. Then he can’t get her out of his head. And it would be adorable because Xaden is a freaking marshmallow in all possible realities when it comes to Violet.
Anyway, Riongail has my entire heart.
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whenwewereyoung97 · 7 months
Xaden being shocked at Violet kissing him here cracks me up.
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My dude, what did you think was going to happen? YOU EVEN BROUGHT HER HANDS TO YOUR CHEST!
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