sutjigunter · 3 years
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Welcome to Kauai my friend. Dinner of Nasi Kuning, Fried Chicken, Telur Dadar, Salad, Kerupuk Udang, Black Rice Pudding, Lilikoi Chiffon Cake, Koloa Rum Pineapple Passion and Rum Punch cocktails plus extra Rums 😄 #rijstaffel #nasikuning #dinnerchezmoi #welcometokauai (at Poipu, Kaua'i) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVFPz_TLuxqPIu1P567M1tVn-WbGs-wuWK48B40/?utm_medium=tumblr
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yasmijn · 5 years
Ik begrijp een beetje Nederland
Ik bekhreip ein beice nederlant / I understand a little Dutch
Penyebutan huruf di bahasa Belanda itu nggak persis sama kayak cara mereka ditulis (tapi kalo nyebutin alfabet mirip-mirip sih - B ya be, P ya pe, H dibaca ha, tapi J dibacanya yey). Berikut adalah beberapa pronunciation padanan huruf yang mungkin bisa jadi info tambahan biar nanti kalau lagi jalan-jalan di Belanda bisa menyebutkan huruf-huruf tersebut dengan baik dan benar biar agak-agak warlok. 
J dibaca Y (Jumbo = Yumbo, bukan Jambo atau Jumbo)
G bisa dibaca seperti khh atau sye (Groningen = Khroningen vs Nieuwe Plantage = Nyu Plantasye)
Ch dibaca kh (Schiphol = Skhiphol)
Oe dibaca u (Doei = Dui)
Ij dibaca ei atau ai (mijn = mein, rijst = rais, rijstaffel = reistafel)
Ui dibaca au (Zuid = Zaud, Kruidvat = Kraudvat, Spui = Spau)
Ee (double e) dibaca ei atau i (lees = leis, meer = mir)
Ou dibaca au (gebouw = khebauw)
Oo (double o) dibaca ou atau o atau u (oost = oust, voor = vor, slaagroom = slakhrum)
Ei dibaca ai (Leiden = Laiden), atau tetep ei (trein = trein)
Tj dibaca c (Beetje = beice)
Berikut adalah beberapa kata dan cara pengucapannya (random aja, seingetnya, ehe).
Schiedam = Skhidam
Rijswijk = Raiswaik (tapi ibu-ibu di interkom tram 1 ngomongnya kayak Reeisweik)
Gemeente = Khemeinte (Municipality)
Nijmegen = Neimekhen
Eindhoven = Aindhoven
Den Haag = Den Haakh or the Hague
Albert Heijn = Albert Hain or A-Ha (supermarket mahal)
Scheveningen = Skheiveningen (pantai di Den Haag)
Daagkart = Daakhkart (Day-ticket, bisa beli di AH, Primera, Kruidvat dan lainnya)
Bibliotheek = Bibliotheik (perpustakaan)
Enschede = Enskhede (e yang tengah terdengar seperti /œ/ atau “i” di “bird” if you get what I mean)
Dannnn fun fact, penyebutan Delft oleh warlok terdengar lebih seperti sedang diucapkan oleh orang Sunda. Delef. 
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jasonpacheco · 6 years
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And sometimes you take your friend who got you into your freelance gig to some Indonesian dinner in what’s turning out to be a once a week trip to Elmhurst Queens. Some rice table or rijstafel on the table and a side of good chat about work, art, travels, cultures, family, food and life. Moon cake at a Chinese bakery nearby for dessert. And some kroepoek and amping to take back and share in the burg with the Indonesian friends at the fave nabe spot only to be treated to rounds of plum wine. Cheers, terimakasi and til the next food adventure shared with friends | Elmhurst, Queens #food #foodphotography #ricetable #rijstaffel #indonesianfood #foodtrip #elmhurst #queens #skycafe #nyc #365days2018jp [268/365] (at Sky Cafe) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoNFSBdFCdm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lhus8162k7ag
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vickerz92 · 7 years
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My mini #rijstaffel of #ayamgoreng balado. Delish! . . . . . #indonesia #indonesianfood #spicy #friedchicken #foodphotography #foodphoto (at Indo Cafe)
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toflabeuze · 4 years
Géocaches à Amsterdam
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Après deux passages à Amsterdam récemment, je peux enfin vous proposer quelques caches et endroits qui valent le détour 🙂 Beaucoup de multi-caches qui font parcourir de façon ludique les différents quartiers et ambiances de la ville. Vous pourrez également faire de bonnes pauses dans les restos traditionnels pour manger leurs “hutspots” ou bien vous laisser tenter par les “rijstaffels”…
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malangtoday-blog · 5 years
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ICDS ke-47, Hotel Tugu Angkat Tema Ngocak Madura
  KOTA MALANG – Madura merupakan sebuah pulau di timur laut Jawa Timur yang kaya akan keindahan alam, ragam seni, kuliner dan kebudayaan yang eksotik. Nah, berbagai hal tentang Madura itu dihadirkan dalam ICDS (Indonesian Cultural Dining Series) ke-47 di Tirta Gangga Room Hotel Tugu Malang, Jumat malam (15/11).
ICDS kali ini mengangkat tema ‘Ngocak Madura’ yang artinya berbicara dalam bahasa Madura.
“Memang event ICDS ini kan selalu ambil tema berbeda-beda setiap bulannya, nah kali ini kami temanya Ngocak Madura. Suasana malam ini kita bikin ya seperti di Madura. Ada pertunjukan musiknya, menu-menu makanan khas dari Pulau Madura,” kata Richard Wardana, Public Relations Hotel Tugu Malang.
Personel dari Museum Musik Indonesia menjadi penyuguh pertunjukan musik dan tarian pada malam kemarin. Mereka memperdengarkan lagu-lagu tradisional berbahasa Madura, yakni Kembang Malate Pote, Salam Kerrong, Kerraban Sape, dan Tanduk Majeng. Tak hanya itu, tamu juga disuguhi dan dapat membeli kain batik tulis Madura yang memiliki corak serta pilihan warna khas.
Richard menyebutkan jika Hotel Tugu Malang yang menghadirkan event ICDS ini telah menjadi pionir bagi jaringan hotel Tugu lainnya, dengan mulai membuat acara serupa.
“Orang-orang jaman sekarang kan sudah mulai nggak mengenal kebudayaannya sendiri ya. Makanya kami selalu berkomitmen untuk menyuguhkan sesuatu yang bisa memperkenalkan kebudayaan kita, kebudayaan Indonesia. Kita juga sekarang jadi pionir buat yang lainnya untuk turut membuat acara kayak gini,” tutur Richard yang kerap disapa Ochi.
Rupanya ICDS ini membuat Hasnul, salah seorang pengunjung asal Kota Batu, tertarik. Pria separuh baya ini rupanya selalu berupaya menghadiri setiap event dengan tema berbeda ini.
“Setiap ada event ini saya selalu minta dikabari. Karena ini jamuan makannya unik banget ya, ada pertunjukan kesenian khas daerah yang berbeda-beda. Menurut saya Hotel Tugu Malang ini paling top dari sekian hotel-hotel di Malang,” ujarnya saat ditemui radarmalang.id (16/11).
Terpisah, Anggar, salah seorang personel Museum Musik Indonesia yang menjadi penampil di ICDS ke-47, mengungkapkan dirinya sangat menyukai kesenian khas Madura.
“Makanya saya tadi antusias banget pas tampil. Seneng waktu diundang Hotel Tugu buat nunjukin kesenian khas Madura. Latihan cuman tiga hari tapi terbayar rasanya,” tutur Anggar, yang turut berbusana tradisional Madura berwarna hijau.
Dalam pengalaman bersantap ini, tamu dapat menikmati berbagai pilihan makanan nusantara dari restoran Melati, di antaranya Nasi Buk, Rawon, Rendang Padang, Tugu Rijstaffel dan masih banyak lagi. Richard pun menambahkan, jika makanan dan minuman di Hotel Tugu kini sudah berjumlah lebih dari 170 menu.
nasi buk khas Madura
Pada ICDS ke-47, tamu yang dijamu pun merasa puas. Tak hanya tamu domestik, tamu asal mancanegara pun menurut pantauan radarmalang.id juga nampak senang dengan adanya jamuan istimewa ini, apalagi acara yang diadakan di Tirta Gangga Room ini memiliki nuansa elegan dan eksotis.
“Ruang perjamuan ini terinspirasi sama sejarah dari India, Arab, Cina dan Mongolia Silk and Spice Roads,” tandas Richard.
Pewarta: Elsa Yuni Kartika Foto: Elsa Yuni Kartika
Editor: Indra M
Source : https://malangtoday.net/flash/nasional/icds-ke-47-hotel-tugu-angkat-tema-ngocak-madura/
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bloominglotusyoga · 6 years
You-staffel Rijstaffel https://t.co/Rnh6ocUSAV
You-staffel Rijstaffel https://t.co/Rnh6ocUSAV
— Blooming Lotus Yoga (@ThailandYoga) September 18, 2018
from Twitter https://twitter.com/ThailandYoga September 19, 2018 at 01:32AM via IFTTT
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wormwoodqueen · 6 years
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I set this up as a background for our #rijstaffel at our wedding celebration. It's our 11th anniversary! #shadowpuppet #wayangkulit #indonesia
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the-dragonwriter · 6 years
I Meet Three Old Friends For The First Time
This one will take some backstory. In the summer of 2008, I was experiencing some…let’s call it domestic anti-bliss. In fact, I had just been dumped by someone I loved very much—by email, no less, which demonstrated rather perfectly just how important I really wasn’t. So I was hurting and angry and sad and upset and all the things that go along with being dumped for someone else. Naturally, my misery craved company, so I ultimately found myself on a website called Failblog, which is dedicated to the varied, innovative, idiotic and hilarious ways in which people fail in life. It was perfect for my state of mind. At first I only looked at the pictures and read the comments, but it didn’t take me long to realize that amongst the FIRSTers and the trolls there existed a core group of extraordinary people—smart, funny, punny, relevant, interesting. Kindred spirits. I very much wanted to be one of them, so I tentatively made a few test posts and soon found myself immersed in an online community that I had never seen before, nor have I seen its like since.
(Some college students even once did a sociological study of us. There’s a PowerPoint presentation and everything.)
Anyhoo, while I don’t frequent the site anymore, I did make some absolutely fabulous friends all over the world—including The Netherlands. So while I was here, my dear friends Michiel, Maaike, and Julya took two days and spent them with me and my mum—two wonderful, amazing, gorgeous, fun-filled days. I’d never met these peeps before, but I’ve known them for years, and seeing them in person felt as natural as homemade granola.
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Michiel, Maaike, Mum and Julya
It was better than I’d even hoped…my Failpeeps were even better in person than as mere text on my screen.
It would take pages and pages and pages to describe everything we did, so here’s a quick synopsis. We went to the van Gogh museum, the Rijksmuseum, the Diamond Museum (yes…I dragged my friends and family into a museum dedicated to sparkly things), Rembrandt’s house, and Anne Frank’s House. The van Gogh museum was sensory overload—so incredible. You could actually see in his paintings when he had his shit together and when it was all falling apart. In Rembrandt’s house we were treated to a really amazing demonstration of how oil paints are made using different pigments—Mum was actually able to use a piece of marble and a big rock to mix some vermillion paint (of the non-toxic variety, fortunately), and the woman complimented her on her technique. I dissolved into a quivering, teary mess in the Anne Frank house, despite my determination to be all stoic. Yeah, it turns out that dragons become teary messes when confronted with the absolute extremes of humankind’s inhumanity. And I managed to get out of the Diamond Museum without either stealing anything or maxing out my credit cards on overpriced diamonds in their gift shop. It was still really fun to see it all, though. The art I was most excited about, though, was probably the original Vermeer and of course The Night Watch in the Rijksmuseum.
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We also had some picnics in the park, an amazing rijstaffel at an Indonesian restaurant named Blauw Amsterdam (sense a “blue” theme yet in our dining choices?). We stuffed ourselves on spiced beef, grilled goat (DELICIOUS!!!) chicken satay, curried vegetables, rice, pickles, and about a dozen other delicious things. That was one of the best meals I’ve ever had, I think.
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Roberta, her friend Vincent, mum and me at the rijstaffel.
It was very difficult to say goodbye to the Failpeeps. They had done so much to make sure I had a wonderful time in Amsterdam, and they succeeded beyond all belief. I don’t know If I need to come back to Amsterdam for the touristy stuff again—but I’ll definitely want to come back for the people. Roberta, Michiel, Julya and Maaike made my stay there special and memorable, and for that they have my heartfelt and completely genuine love and gratitude. If we are in any way judged by the friends that we keep, then I must be deemed very, very rich indeed.
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Monggo Restaurant
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We are pleased to offer you many well loved dishes from Indonesia as well as some recipes that are Chef David Wijaya’s special creations, based on a fusion of cuisines from the Indonesian regions.
Indonesian cuisine is as varied as its many islands and has had an influence over the past century on the cuisines of Japan, Portugal, the Netherlands, China and the Mediterranean countries.
Rediscover some of your favourite road side dishes in the comfort of our restaurant; experience contemporary Indonesian cuisine in an ambience which takes the Perth diner into the myriad of islands that make up the Indonesian archipelago.
Our passion for introducing fine food to our customers and friends includes such dishes as Grilled Jimbaran Fish, Ayam Penyet, Gulai Bebek , Famous Nasi Goreng, and the famous and ever popular road stall favourite dish “Bakmi Ayam”. More over we have Rijstaffel (seasonal changed menu) ~the only restaurant in Perth.
We proudly offer Vegetarian (V) and Gluten-free (GF) dishes and we will adjust the chilli factor to meet your palate.
We have the passion for good food and great service at MONGGO.
MONGGO means “greetings” in the Javanese dialect and we look forward to saying this to you.
Selamat Makan !!!
SOURCE: http://www.monggorestaurant.com/restaurant
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j4hotelslegian-blog · 7 years
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Balinese #rijsttafel is ready. Come join us 😊 . . . #J4hotelslegian #J4hotels #LifestyleHotel #Lifestyle #HotelBali #Holiday #InstaTravel #Vacation #LegianBali #Wanderlust #Destination #LegianStreet #RoofTopPool #RoofTopSwimmingPool #Bali #Indonesia #HappyHour #Traveler #Backpacker #HappyLife #Weekend #BBQ #Party #Dinner #PoolView #Barbecue #Family #Couple #Friends #Rijstaffel
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lesoleilparisien · 7 years
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#day86 Fiesta with yellow rice. In Indonesian tradition, we eat this kind of rijstaffel, to celebrate something. I don't know what to celebrate, but maybe to celebrate friendship and good weather and the fact that I'm alive and survive at this not so good time.. Sounds fair enough, right !!!
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jasonpacheco · 6 years
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Monday dinner trek to Elmhurst for the weekly southeast Asian fare. Nasi bungkus with ayam goreng. Some kulit sapi to go. The most filling banana leaf pocket treat. A trip to Indonesia without flying over and the warmest reception from the cafe staff as always. Back next week for another food trip | Elmhurst, Queens #food #foodphotography #ricetable #rijstaffel #dinner #lekker #🍚 #indonesianfood #foodtrip #elmhurst #queens #skycafe #nyc #365days2018jp [281/365] (at Sky Cafe) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bou37lvFzld/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16r7yaevv5znv
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