#ribbon but without aqua's evil tones
nervetower · 9 months
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i made an observation
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upkarma3 · 1 year
Best Handmade Gifting Options For Your Loved Ones
Usually we end up buying just the flower sticks or chocolates when it comes to gifting which makes it more of a formality sake then making the other person feel that what we picked was thoughtful enough !
If you are looking for meaningful, thoughtful gifts for your special one’s, you are in the right place. Upkarma, has launched its most amazing gifting collections  which goes by the name of “Heirloom” &  “Box of Love”. You must be wondering what’s so special about these gift collections. Well, all the products are handmade by local female (majorly) artisans and workman and comes with a complete personalized touch. Each purchase from Upkarma store helps support the efforts of those local artisans who have shaped the product.
Heirloom Collections
You place them in any corner - luxury is simplicity, these bunch of handmade crochet flowers fit the best in adding the new vibe to your space. Flowers that last for lifetime come with beautiful colors ranging from Red, Orange, Coral, Pink, White, Yellow, Green Lavender and Aqua. They truly do justice to each flower that you choose for your personalized bouquet. Sold as a single stick. We have a whole variety of handmade crochet flowers for you as below:
Roses Two Tone – Yellow / Pink/ Purple
Coming to the most loved flowers in the world. Go with any color that you want and it stands as a fit to your emotion.
Roses – Red
No collection is complete without the red roses.
Lilly of the Valley- The delicate flower with tiny bell shaped blooms makes a sweet and simple arrangement. Add on the charm of a filler with these beauties.
Daisies – Orange, Red, Lilac, Purple
They symbolize innocence, purity and simplicity. A gift to cherish forever with freshness of daisies knitted by the local artisans.
Tulips – Blue, Pink, Yellow
Create your own bunch of for your loved ones and make them feel special.
Box of Love Collection
Though you may mix and match and create your box, here are some of the best selling combinations we would like to share with you.
Royal Jacobean Tea set - A set of Hand Made Tea Pot, Bowls and Mugs
The Illuminated Sattvic Box - A Velvet Box set of 2 Votive Holders and 1 Sattvic Roasted Namkeen Jars
The Virtue Box – A set of one hand painted Ceramic aroma Oil Diffuser along with two Sattvic roasted Jars.
Sattvic snack sets - A Set of two Hand Painted Mugs and one Sattvic Roasted namkeen Jar.
The classic tea cups sets- Grab six Hand Painted cups of any variant - Ribbon Blue or  Red color way and the Evil Eye.
Feed the kids set - Its too amazing for the kids. Choose any two from Make a Wish/ Giraffe/Rainbow/ Spaceship Dream Big.
Serve in the luxury gift collection- You have here four Expresso Mugs and two Organic Solid Bowls- natural/rustic.
The Blooming Gift Collection- Grab any of your two most favourite Hand Painted Planters from Upkarma Store.
Love Wrapped Basket- A basket of one Himalayan Salt Night Light and one Expresso Mug, best for corporate giftings
The Furrow Basket- Pick the best basket with a variant of Furrow Wax Candle and Expresso Mug, best for corporate giftings
These compact yet meaning gifting options stands as your favourite choice  for your loved ones. Through the meaningful gifts in this Upkarma, best and thoughtful gifting collections, they are trying to bridge the gap between the privileged and the less fortunate by connecting people through art. You can also buy individual products that are handmade and 100% natural and with Upkarma, they give you the best choice to create your own masterpiece with your choice of products as well.
To know more: https://upkarma.co.in/collections/gifting
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Ch. 12* ☆*~~~*☆
Location: Kingdom Hearts
The woman landed along with the others. Being here she found Kingdom Hearts’s magic much heavier and while she felt it the same as back in the Graveyard it didn’t feel as if it was suffocating her, yet she knew if she wasn’t on guard it could easily overwhelm her again and due to the strain of being subjected to the power before, she knew she couldn’t win against it should she be drowned in its power again.
She wasn’t surprised to find that Kairi was missing. She knew that the Kairi earlier was not the real one, but just a memory from the hearts of Sora, still she could only imagine at how much Sora’s heart must have yearned to suddenly have her back then to have her torn away again, she suffered through something like that too many times. Yet what was confusing was seeing Donald and Goofy standing beside Sora instead, she last recalled them with YenSid.
“Are you three all right?” Lio asked casting a spell to heal the three before her wounds, as the others landed behind her. The woman well aware of Xehonart on the other side of the battle field.
Sora gasped as he turned to the others, “Lio, but how did you…”
Riku stepped beside the Luminary, “Kingdom Hearts is closing on the other side, but we followed our hearts to you.”
Sora beamed brightly at this.
Lio gave a laugh, this little Starshine was a bright one that was for certain. The smile leaving her face as she turned, looking towards Terra, actually seeming to be looking through him. Watching him as he turned to Xehanort who until this moment allowed them a small reunion, either biding his time or realizing that he couldn’t take them all again.
“Master Xehanort.” Terra called, as he began walking toward the man, only to be stopped by Aqua’s hand on his wrist. The young man turned towards her with reassuring eyes as she released his wrist hesitatingly. 
Aqua turned as she felt a hand grasp her own, she hadn’t heard Lio approach her, much less prepared for the other to take her hand. Looking towards the Luminary, the Master found Lio’s gaze focused on Terra and Xehanort, yet she gave the other woman’s hand a reassuring squeeze. For just a moment Aqua saw a glimpse of what she could only describe as a ribbon, the strange thing was Terra had two of them and an old more golden one was leading towards Xehanort. Knowing immediately that this was the Luminary giving her the view of the tethers the other saw, for just a moment.
“There’s more to light than meets the eye.” Terra stated, “As I told you.”
This seemed to catch Xehanort off guard, “You sly fox.”
Everyone watched as Terra glew a gold color,a gasp escaping Aqua and Ventus as Master Eraqus appeared before Terra on the once battlefield.
“Now hand over the X-Blade, Xehanort.”
“It is too late!” Xehanort hissed back.
“For us perhaps.” Eraqus replied as he turned toward the others, “Wouldn't you agree?”
“Yes, I do.” 
Lio froze, that voice that had been calling out to her, her body reacted automatically on its own as she stood back straight as she released Aqua’s hand, gaze forward, head level, even as everyone turned towards the person who was standing her, she wasn’t certain of how long or when they appeared. Only daring to move her eyes as the person moved around to standing within her field of vision, finding Eris. Her mask gone, bronze eyes focused on the two men before her.
The voice that had been guiding her was her old teacher, now standing beside her in the same state as Eraqus. Lio should have known that voice, but Eris was gone, she saw to that, she had been the one that did it...Yet then again the way both Olix and Xehonart refered to the other Luminary. It also made sense as Kingdom Hearts was no longer overwhelming her  now that she realized two Luminary were there.
“No, I can do this.” Xehanort growled, raising the X-Blade.
Eris moved between Xehanort and the Guardian’s of Light, almost in a protective manner, wanting this conversation to be between the three of them. A conversation that more than likely should have taken decades ago.
“All these years, Eraqus has never given up on you. While I abandoned you when you needed me most.” She responded her bare gaze turning to Lio, seeming to be having two conversations at once before turning back to the two men. speaking in a hush tone Lio hadn’t heard in years. “Please end this Xehanort.” 
Lio watched in confusion as Eris moved over to her, giving a nod to Aqua and Ventus, before moving behind Lio, placing a hand to her back. A motion that the woman had done to Lio her entire life, yet this wasn’t a push of guidance, but more of a move forward, as if Eris was pushing Lio forward into her role as a Luminary. 
“I leave this to you, a true Luminary.” 
Lio spared a glance to Eris as the woman left her beside Terra, to stand beside Eraqus. It had been years since she had last seen her Master’s face, and to see it now so bare was slightly unnerving. But she had seen something in those eyes, a belief in the younger woman.
“Xehanort.” The younger Luminary had so much that she wished to scream at him about, that she wanted him to pay for, to suffer for everything he had done to not only her Keyblade Wielders but to her friends and loved one. Her hands clenched tightly to her sides before she realized the tether that she had never been able to see until now, covered in darkness, small hints of color starting to shine through, even just the tiniest hint.
A deep breath as she managed to soften the anger just a little, “Xehanort, no one person should travel alone,so blinded by darkness you couldn’t see the ones that love and care for you. You have affect the lives of so many people, destroyed bonds, and, and...” Lio choked up, not of rage but of pity for this man , this man, this sad man before her. “You are not one of My Wielders, but you have taken one of them from not only me but from everyone else they have loved and I can not forgive you for that, nor can or will I ever forgive you for what you have put My Wielders, and all the others hearts you have tainted on this foolish quest,  through time and again. I will never forgive all the evil you have caused.”
The Luminary’s anger left the field speechless, as she continued to glare at the man. To those that had known her closest found that the normal peaceful person before them would do whatever it took to protect what was right. Even if it meant that she herself would be the one to become violent. 
Luminary’s were created to protect their Keyblade Wielders, the one before them made it clear that she would do that, even if it meant destroying another Wielder.
“But…” Lio called, before any one could respond, “It is not my place to forgive you. Your Luminary it Master Eris, she is the one that will suffer your burden. Only out of respect for Master Eraqus and Master Eros, I will offer this once:” Lio growled, everyone watching as magic begun to swirl around the woman, a flick of a glowing white light flashing through her eyes, giving Xehonart his option.
“ Allow new stars to brighten the night skies, Xehonart.”
Lio only managed to unclench her fist and only noticed that she was shaking when she felt Terra take her hand in his own. The motion calming her heart immediately from the mix of emotions within her at the moment between the three Masters before her. The magic dying down almost immediately. 
The rest of the once battle field watching and waiting for Xehanort’s reply.
Eraqus moved forward,taking the hilt of the X-Blade, placing a hand to Xehanort’s shoulder, “Enough.Checkmate.”
Everyone watched with bated breath as Xehanort approached Sora, muscles tense ready to spring into action at a moments notice, only to relax as Xehanort presented the youth with the X-Blade and a “Very well done.”
Eraqus turned towards the four students this all started with as Eris left his side allowing him a final moment, that none of them ever got to have.
“Forgive your fool teacher.” Eraqus called, “Terra, Aqua, Ven, Lio.”
Without a second thought, the four ran to him, Aqua resting to his left, while Ventus clung to the man's waist tightly to the right, Lio standing above the blonde, her head resting on his shoulder. Only to hear Terra let out a soft sorrow filled “Master” as he embraced his Master.
“Ven, I put you through such a harrowing experience.” Eraqus addressed the youngest, only to feel the youth tighten his hold with a whimper, as he turned to Aqua to his left, “And Aqua I left you with such a heavy burden.” He called to the young Master, as she gave a soft cry.
 Looking to the Luminary over Ventus, “Lio, I watched you suffer alone,for so long.” He whispered to the woman as she let out a sob into his shoulder. The man turning to the youth before him, “Terra, look after them for me.” He requested,as Terra stepped back, “Please.”
Terra gave a nod as Eraqus released them, watching as the old Master turned his head. Following his gaze to Eris who was staring at Lio’s back. seeming to be thinking something over again and again.
The young Luminary dried her still leaking eyes, turning at her name being called, “Yes, Master Eris?”
 Eris shook her head, a soft smile on her face, “I was so worried that you would make the same mistakes I had made, I never showed you the love that you truly needed, I was so blinded to see that you had grown to be more of a Luminary than I could have ever wished to be. I wanted to protect you from so much, but instead only forced you away. You have every right to be angry with me, but I can only ask that you can find it in your heart to forgive this old woman for all I have done to you…” Before Eris could finish she found Lio had rushed across the space,hugging her tightly with a sob.
“Master Eris.” Lio cried softly, only to let out another sob as she felt Eris’s arms squeeze her tightly, before pulling her away.
“I’m so proud of you.” Eris replied, drying Lio’s tears, “You will be the brightest Luminary that has ever come to be.” She smiled turning toward Eraqus and the others. “Do look after one another.”
Lio nodded as Eris released her to walk over to them. The woman letting out a hiccup as she felt almost simultaneously, Terra wrapped an arm around her shoulders, as Aqua and Ventus took her hands. Only to watch as Xehanort stumbled slightly, she was finally able to see the man’s tether while it wasn’t completely clear of darkness; she noticed that it appeared almost silver like, a pretty nice match to Eraqus’s golden one, and her own Master’s bronze one. Yet just like the other Masters, Xehanort’s tether was becoming more transparent. 
Lio knew immediately that Xehonart wasn’t long for this world.
Everyone watched as Eraqus rushed over to Xehanort at the stumble, as he wrapped one of Xehanort’s arms over his shoulder. They both turned to find Eris, on the other side of Xehanort, mimicking Eraqus’s motion.
“Shall we?” Eris smiled as they all flashed in a bright light, appearing as they would have within their youth.
“Ready, my friend.” Eraqus called.
Xehanort chuckled, as he allowed them both to stead him, “Yes…”
With that the trio disappeared into the sky.
Lio glanced up before turning back to Mickey, Kingdom Hearts needed to be closed, without Eris’s spirit there to absorb some of the light it was finally noticeable how difficult it was to stand under the pure weight. The magic was still loose, and moving about, it would only take a little more time before she was overpowered again and this time she knew she was too exhausted to keep it in check.
Mickey stepped forward, “Sora we should close it.”
Sora gave a nod, as he lifted the X-Blade, “Everybody help me out.”
Everyone nodded as they surrounded him, as he rose the keyblade. Locking Kingdom Hearts for good, as they appeared back in the Graveyard. Everyone turned as they heard a gasp finding Lio collapse into Terra’s arms.
“Sorry, all of Kingdom Hearts leaving suddenly was a bit much.” She laughed, wanting to assure them was all right, just drained. 
“Looks like our ride home is out.” Axel cracked as Terra picked up a protesting Luminary.
Riku turned as he stepped towards Sora, “We’ll find Kairi. Let’s head back to Master Yen Sid, we can figure it out.”
Sora looked up to the sky where Kingdom Hearts once sat, “No, I know what to do. My whole journey began the day I lost her.” He replied, turning to the others.
Everyone expected the worst ,wanting to argue, only to instead gasp as a large female form colored just before the sun settle into night sky appeared behind Sora. Before anyone could react or draw their Keyblades, the creature moved forward picking them and disappearing.
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misssophiachase · 5 years
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I'm so excited about the Jodice cons coming up this year, I felt the need to write a little FF based on them (kill me if it's more than 10 parts) leading up to June. 
Synopsis: Actors Candice Accola and Joseph Morgan don't like each other at first but being forced to act together means they can't avoid the simmering attraction developing behind the scenes. Fast forward 8 years and they're due to appear in two fan conventions but given all the baggage and unresolved issues things aren't going to run as smoothly as organisers would hope.
Give Me Love
Part 1: Hello
“They say that time's supposed to heal you...But I ain't done much healing.”
June - 2019 - Los Angeles CA
What exactly do you say to the person who can see straight through you?
That was Candice's biggest challenge ahead of Bloody Night Con in seven days, not that she was counting. She hadn't seen Joseph in eighteen months and although he continued to plague her thoughts, at least she didn't have to actually converse with him. Talk about awkward if she did.
Hello and how are you didn't seem to cut it after all they'd been through together and apart the past eight years.
It was a cool, grey afternoon in Los Angeles, Candice was stretched out in the love seat by her window nursing a cup of herbal tea. In fact, it was French Earl Grey, something Joseph had introduced into her diet all those years ago. Something she couldn't quite let go of yet. If any ex-boyfriend had given or introduced her to anything it would find itself in the closest garbage bin straight after the break-up.
With him it was different.
The Chelsea FC jersey he gifted her still hung in the wardrobe (even though she supported Arsenal just to annoy him), his first edition copy of Great Expectations and the sketches he did while they holidayed in Saint Barts were housed in the den and the remnants of Acqua Di Gio hidden away in the bathroom cabinet. 
Most people would put that down to forgetfulness. After all, you can't be expected to remember everything left over during a break-up. But Candice knew every single item and where they were, she just didn't want to part with them. Hence why Joseph Morgan was scattered all throughout her apartment to this day, not that she advertised the fact for obvious reasons.
She fingered the silver, antique locket around her neck. It was the last remaining piece of him and she liked to wear it close to her heart when she was alone. Not all the time but in moments of reflection. They were picnicking in Tuscany, their May birthdays only a few weeks apart, soaking up the wine, pasta and sunshine during a break in filming. He'd plucked the gift from what seemed like thin air, housed in a white box with a royal, blue ribbon. Her favourite colour.
The locket's exterior was flawless but the best was yet to come. She could still remember how he laid her against his chest as the sun set over the hills and told her the story of his grandparents who were split apart during the war and how they came back to each other again stronger and even more in love. The fact he'd placed their faded, black and white picture next to theirs in the locket was enough to cause a few tears and a thank you that lasted quite a few subsequent days in their hotel room.
He never asked for it back and Candice was glad he didn't. Maybe it was selfish but it just meant too much to return.
She picked up her phone, scrolling through her social media feed as she did so often. Candice knew that looking at her twitter feed was never a good idea. If she wanted a reminder of her relationship with Joseph it was plastered across her timeline on a daily basis. Granted the photos were either scenes they shared from the shows or creative fan edits but they all stirred the same feelings inside.
Candice didn't want to but she missed him. Still. She was happy his latest directorial foray into film had been such a success. If there was something Candice knew it was how good he was at directing people, she'd been one of his star performers in the bedroom after all.
Looking back, Candice would never forget the first time they met at the Craft Services table on set. It was season two of The Vampire Diaries and his character was cast as the big bad and from what Candice knew they wouldn't really have any scenes together but it didn't stop her from thinking he was all sorts of cute with that accent and those dimples.
February - 2011 - Atlanta, GA
"Did the new guy smirk at you?" Candice asked Kat earnestly.
They were in wardrobe after lunch break and she couldn't stop thinking about the way Joseph had been looking at her while they spoke. They'd just met so she thought it was strange, not to mention a little rude. Just because he had a gorgeous accent and lips the colour of deep crimson didn't give him the right to think he was God's greatest gift. Although Ian was an exact and nauseating replica of that, so why should she be surprised?
"I think he has a name, Candice." Kat mumbled from the corner where she was changing her top behind the makeshift screen.
"That's not the point."
"What do you mean smirk? He's always been perfectly polite and professional with me. What did he say anyway?"
"Wished me good afternoon and then I asked him how he's finding everything on set given he's just come onboard." They'd been shooting for the better part of the morning and the hungry hordes had made their way to the craft services table absolutely famished. Her eyes were firmly focused on the sushi, Candice was pretty certain she could have finished the entire plate on her own.
"Sounds pretty inoffensive, maybe that's just the way he smiles at people, did you ever think that?" Kat asked, finally emerging from changing her clothes for the next scene and looking at her curiously.
"You didn't see it, Kat," she sighed. "It was almost like..."
"He was trying not to laugh?"
"Excuse me?" Kat let out a giggle, moving closer and wiping her face with a tissue she'd swiped from the nearby table. "What are you doing?"
"You, uh, have some rice on your cheek," she smiled, knowingly.
"What?" She asked rubbing her face, slightly mortified.
"Seems like someone was trying to hide that fact and obviously it took the form of a smirk." Candice went from completely embarrassed to annoyed in seconds. How dare he do that?
"The least he could have done was say something rather than embarrass me like that in front of the cast and crew," she muttered.
"You just met the guy, he probably thought it wasn't polite to call you out about food on your face. It doesn't make for the easiest first conversation."
"Yet instead he was secretly laughing at me," she growled. "You know, I'm just happy that we don't have any scenes together because I'm not sure I could stand that smirk and those dimples from such a close proximity."
"Sounds like someone was paying an awful lot of attention to someone's dimples," she grinned. Candice didn't respond just busied herself for the next scene.
From then Candice made it her mission to steer clear of the new guy, until it became almost impossible to avoid him. That's what you got for being on a hit TV show and having to do publicity together. And there was no bigger publicity opportunity than the annual Comic Con in San Diego.
July - 2011 - San Diego, CA
This wasn't her first Comic Con, so it was going to be easy right? But apparently the powers above in the network decided to invite him along for the first time. Candice was generally very welcoming but she still wasn't quite sure what to think of their newest cast member.
Given he was pretty much the most evil character to hit the Vampire Diaries in its entire run so far, no one was expecting such a frenzied reception. Turns out a lot of the girls there seemed to have a thing for the bad guy. Candice really should have known.
She found herself looking across at Joseph at the signing table, his dark, blonde hair curled over his ears and that grey, fitted t-shirt highlighting his toned chest. He didn't scrub up too badly and it seemed like the screaming legions of female fans wholeheartedly agreed. Ever since their first meeting all those months ago they'd barely had any interaction, mainly because they didn't share any scenes.
After the craziness of 5000 screaming fans at the panel earlier in the day and a never ending number of interviews it was time for the after party, an opportunity to let loose and really enjoy themselves. Given they were all staying in the same hotel it seemed normal that they made their way together however for some reason it was just him and her crossing the street while surrounded by screaming photographers.
Candice was trying not to stare at just how adorable he looked in that suit while making sure her strapless, aqua dress was still in place as they walked brusquely to avoid the cameras. If there was one thing she knew about Joseph from their day at Comic Con it was just how overwhelmed he seemed to be around the press. For Candice it was actually refreshing given how arrogant some actors could be. Maybe she'd misjudged him?
One of the photographers got too close, knocking her slightly and Joseph reached forward without thinking. His hand grazed her lower back and Candice felt herself shiver slightly. "Are you okay, love?"
"Um, yeah, thanks," she mumbled, her gaze cast downwards. "It's uh just a little cold." She cursed inwardly thinking what a lame excuse it was. The one thing Candice knew without a doubt was that 90 degrees on a Summer night in San Diego wasn't in the least bit cold and she was sure he was aware of that fact.
"If I had a jacket I'd give it to you," he promised choosing to ignore her lie, steering her towards their destination. Maybe it wasn't the best look given the press would misconstrue anything but right now she didn't give a damn, it felt far too good having his hand on her back.
"Nice to see chivalry isn't completely dead," she smirked, and by his expression he couldn't miss the sarcastic tone in her voice.
"Is there something I'm missing?" Joseph murmured, trying to avoid the inquisitive stares of the reporters loitering close by. "You realise I'm a gentleman, right?"
"A gentleman who doesn't tell a girl she has rice stuck to her cheek?"
"I didn't want to be rude," he insisted, his cheeks colouring slightly with embarrassment. She'd never admit it aloud but it was pretty cute.
"Trust me, Morgan, a girl needs to know these things even if she barely knows you."
"Noted, Accola," he grinned.
"Um, we're here," she said, gesturing towards the hotel where the party was being held. "You can let go of me now." As soon as Candice said it she regretted it as he lifted his hand from her lower back. She gave him a thankful smile and breezed into the party like the professional actress she was. But she'd be lying if she couldn't still feel the residual heat on her back.
October - 2011 - Atlanta, GA
"Social media is going to go nuts," Candice murmured, laying herself out on the bed. "You know if it's anything like the response from you putting your hand on my back at Comic Con in July."
"I was only trying to protect you," he replied, flashing her one of his winning smiles.
They were currently at the Forbes house ready to film their second ever scene together. Candice would be lying if it wasn't a big moment for her. She'd always been able to hide her attraction for him because they didn't share any scenes, well until now that was. Now she had to be in close proximity and in a bed of all things. She wasn't quite sure what the writers were getting at given she'd been so hot and heavy with Michael's character Tyler lately.
"Funnily enough I didn't need protection and we both know that," she smirked. "I really should have known Klaus would order Tyler to bite me only to ride in on his horse and save the day."
"I think you've misjudged Klaus, he really can be a nice guy," he offered, winking in her direction. "Speaking of which, I better go wrangle my horse in anticipation."
Candice would be lying if she didn't think he was cute. She'd been so quick to write him off as one of your typical, egotistical actors she came across daily (not naming any names of course) but he had this adorable wit that she couldn't quite resist. Ever since he'd placed his hand on her back in July she'd been a little distracted by those lips and those damn dimples too.
Candice was an actor first and foremost and the scene played out exactly as planned but she couldn't deny just how good it felt to have his body pressed up against hers in bed as she pretended to drink from his wrist. His chest seemed so much more toned than she'd imagined and the smell of his spicy aftershave was definitely causing a few foreign feelings to take over. It was all done in one take, unheard of but Candice knew their underlying chemistry had definitely played its part in creating such a perfect scene.
"Don't worry I'm not counting," he smiled rising from the bed, as the crew moved away in preparedness for the next scene.
"I'm sorry?"
"You know the number of times I've saved you."
"Oh p-uh-lease," she groaned, rolling her eyes as she did. Candice was finding it more and more difficult not to act on her burgeoning feelings for him and she secretly hoped they got more time to spend with each other on set as an excuse.
Fun Real Life Fact: Joseph first saw Candice at the craft services table with rice on her face
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